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#Writing #Headlines For #Copywriting That Grab #Attention: Tips for #Crafting Headlines That Stand Out Image
1. Your headline is the first impression you make on your audience. To grab attention, make sure it's specific and relevant to your audience's needs or interests. #headline #writingtips
2. Keep your headline short and sweet. Aim for 6-8 words to ensure it's easy to read and digest. #headline #writingtips
Read 21 tweets
Personalization brings a suite of new functionality to Handles not only at launch but also into the future as we continue to iterate, however, in order to enable Personalization it will require an upgrade to CIP-68.

Here's all the info you'll need.../ 🧵
CIP-68 was introduced as an answer to the shortcomings of CIP-25 whereby extending the functionality of the CIP-25 NFT Metadata Standard to something more programmable, updatable, and more flexible.

"So why do Handles need it?"
Handles need CIP-68 so that they can be updated, on the fly, without needing to make changes to the actual Handle NFT.

"How does that work?"
Read 8 tweets
"Beta-2" has arrived.

This second testnet brings cross-chain bridging to Fuel, paving the way for the next generation of Ethereum scalability.…
Beta-2 marks an important milestone in our journey towards Fuel mainnet, a modular execution layer that will bring maximum security and highest flexible throughput.
Since the first public Fuel testnet "beta-1", we have seen over 130,000 transactions in the span of 2 months, and 10 applications have publicly launched on Fuel.

Beta-2 opens up new possibilities.
Read 9 tweets
@linda_a_burnett's workshop done, presentations attended, scholars met, and conversations had. What have I learned? Surprising things. Here's a partial reflection histories of scientific instructions, lists & colonial travel. @UU_University, @BookScribbler, @eayers0, @dominikhhh
First off, not all lists are alike. Much can be learned by the order of items, especially when it comes to ethnographic observation. The order of observation tells us about the intellectual context from which the instruction arises. #listing #History #Science #KNOWLEDGE
But study of intellectual context takes us into other domains - of national experiences, of inter-imperial exchanges, of cross-cultural encounters and yes, so often, of violence and indifference to sufferings. #History #Empire #colonized #Violence #KnowledgeManagement
Read 12 tweets
Hello hello London! 👋🏻 We’re at IET Savoy Place, London for DSS London 2022 by #YugaByteDB. It’s gonna be super interesting tech session starting at 2 pm today! Don’t miss my #Live #Tweets in this #thread! 🤩🧵
@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImageImage
Yes, the setup is going on for the grand presentation of the #Tech #Track. The master is teaching the student here! #JustKidding Say hi to Julie Wise and Dave Roberts from #YugaByteDB! 👋🏻

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImage
We’ve got our Social Media / Content Director @rachel_pescador from #YugaByteDB here, who’s busy at work and got some cool #swag! 🤩

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
@Tommyjewer @_MarkSutcliffe @adeolumide @CBCAlerts @CBCOttawa @ctvottawa @CityNewsOttawa @CFRAOttawa I notice how u used the term “popular” to describe these apparently fresh “ideas” & then referenced my level of comprehension as if I’m the problem -not the candidate’s lacklustre outreach.🤔Equally interesting is what you DIDN’T say: not a word about his #dirtycampaign 1/2 # #vlog #vlogger #canada #blog #blogger #foodie #cheapeats #ta
@Tommyjewer @_MarkSutcliffe @adeolumide @CBCAlerts @CBCOttawa @ctvottawa @CityNewsOttawa @CFRAOttawa @nationalpost @conradblack @ott_alt_budget @ottwatch @EFryOttawa @TVOdocs Don’t you think #ottcity deserves fair transparent leadership? Idc to read #’s from #manipulated #surveys with #Leading #Questions questions from pollsters who do little to hide their clear bias for Watson 2.0 #ottpo 2/2
Read 3 tweets
Lots packed into a training slide. Even more to unpack.

#questions #cdnimm #predictiveanalytics Image
I cannot wait to 'drop' in my next IC, my analysis that the client will likely be 'dropped out' due to their previous refusal history.
risk indicators (cc: @KoltunAndrew)
Read 3 tweets
💡Zététique ou Autodéfense intellectuelle ? (thread)

Lors de mon enseignement des bases de la #PenséeCritique, la « #zététique » et l'#AutodéfenseIntellectuelle m'ont été présentées de façon confondue : il m'a été longtemps difficile de faire la part des choses entre les deux.👇
De plus, sans même parler d'#AutodéfenseIntellectuelle, la définition du terme #Zététique elle-même semble être différente d'une personne à l'autre.
Je vais ici vous en exposer ma compréhension depuis les cours de @RichMonvoisin à son utilisation dans la communauté des #SceptiquesRationnel·les française et parler brièvement des idéologies associées comme l'#AutodéfenseIntellectuelle afin d'éviter les épouvantails.
Read 60 tweets
Si les humains sont #hackables comme disait Yuval Noah #Harari, quelles sont nos options pour les réveiller?
Certains vaccinés semblent refuser de réfléchir aux sujets #Covid, malgré des faits, études, vidéos. On est face à un mur. Comment on pourrait #hacker cela? (suite..⏬)
Je poste des études mais l'argument logique ne marche pas sur tout le monde. Car cela implique de faire une pause pour y penser.
Je vois d'ailleurs une indifférence à chaque nouvelle étude, décès ou effet secondaire suite aux💉. Peut-être que c'est une mauvaise stratégie? ⏬
Comment on pourrait hacker l'esprit des endormis? Au lieu d'affirmer dans nos tweets, il faudrait changer d'angle pour accéder à leur #cerveau.
Par exemple, plutôt par une #question? Une affirmation est rejetée d'emblée quand ça ne correspond pas à un système de croyance⏬suite
Read 6 tweets
1/ We are happy to introduce the Governance Steering Council (GSC) dashboard!

Read on to see what this means for the community governing Element DAO.…
2/ It allows members of the GSC to:

-Join and formally accept their role in the GSC
-Push proposals to an on-chain vote (bypassing the off-chain sentiment poll)
-Vote on proposals
-Leave the GSC voluntarily
-Kick other members that have fallen under the current threshold
3/ It allows members of the Element community to:

-View GSC eligibility
-View activity and hold GSC members accountable
-Track the GSC members voting power
-View a list of “Rising Delegates”
-Kick members that have fallen under the current threshold
Read 4 tweets
👇🏻 A great example of the manipulation of language to gain access to children. #dragqueen #storytelling #children #safeguarding #SafetyFirst
What is a "rich experience"? I do believe they are 'story telling'. What does "interactive" mean? An 'understanding of different communities' is used to manipulate, as is 'can reduce inequality'. A healthy positive start in life for children is one withOUT sexualization
Note how they use language & words to make the audience believe that teaching them about drag, etc. gives children a 'positive start' in life. This is manipulation. Exposing children to drag is going to 'reduce inequality' or normalise drag? #linguistics #questions #manipulation
Read 5 tweets
#VladimirPutin / #Putin

Vision, politics and strategy for a better world

Listen first, then judge ⬇️

#journalism =

long thread ⬇️⬆️
It's Only A '#ConspiracyTheory'
When It Accuses
The USA Government

#Russia vs #USA

The Other Side of the #News.
Actual Ukrainians. ⬇️
Read 92 tweets
Communities are the backbone of the internet.

It's how we make meaningful connections with other humans.

But I've studied 100s of communities in 2021 — most STILL struggle w/ engagement.

Here's 7 ways I've learned to boost engagement overnight 🧵
1/ Ask human questions that create conversation 🤔

Boring: "who are you" & "why'd you join" 😴

Instead, ask something that starts a convo by default. My favorites:
• What's the best meal you've ever eaten?
• Your coolest celebrity encounter?
• Fav pic on your phone?
2/ Obsess over the onboarding experience

Members are the most likely to drop off in their first 7 days of joining the community.

Use every tool at your disposal here:
• Email onboarding sequences
• Live onboarding events
• Handwritten notes

h/t @FutureFounders
Read 10 tweets
Today #bahujans
If you have a little reasoning #power,then some #Questions are given to those sly
#Ask #Brahmins Q1) If Chhatrapati #Shivaji Maharaj was the protector of #Hindu religion, then your
Why didn't the father-grandfather crown him? @Profdilipmandal @ProfVilas [Thread]
Q2] Chhatrapati #ShivajiMaharaj you #Brahmins
Should have #danced on his shoulder as he was #fighting against the #Mughals
Were! Why were your ancestors #angry with him? [Thread]
Q3] If indeed #Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Guru was Ramdas, then he
Why did #Guru #Ramdas Wrote a #foolish king [Shivaji Maharaj] in his Book Bodh Granth? @Profdilipmandal @ProfVilas @artinchow @BharadwajSpeaks [Thread]
Read 12 tweets
1/ The new DAI term is live 🔥🔥🔥

Currently netting 4.46% fixed APR! Start securing your fixed return in stables now ⬇️
2/ Click on the DAI Principal Token section:
3/ Make sure that:

1- The Jan 28, 2022 term is selected, and then input the amount of DAI that you want to deposit.

2-Approve Balancer, which Element uses for trading, to spend your DAI.

3- Click buy and approve the transaction.
Read 6 tweets
1/ The new USDC term is live 🔥🔥 Image
2/ The vault is currently netting ~3.90% APY and ~4.5% fixed APR. With a total duration of four months and a half, the new term will be live until the end of January.
3/ You can easily deposit by first going to, and then clicking on “Show” under the USDC v2 Jan 28, 2022 Term Vault. Image
Read 8 tweets
I am trained in #developmental #psychology and #neuroscince. I have been screaming the #teenagebrain is #underreconstruction from the rooftops! Am totally ashamed of my peers who wilfully ignore this. #neuroplasticity #frontallobes #psychologists #gender #rogd #trans #detrans
The teenage brain is under reconstruction. The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until minimum aged 25. A bit longer for males. The prefrontal cortex is largely responsible for: decision making, planning, organisation, focusing, impulsivity, aka executive functions
Managing emotions, predicting consequences of one’s choices and moderating social behaviour. This is #science #facts Anyone who says otherwise is brainwashed by #ideology Shame on any professional who ignores this #gender #trans #detrans #shame
Read 46 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/31/2021…
Declining biodiversity in wild Amazon fisheries threatens human diet…

#biodiversity #amazon #fisheries #diet #consequences
The Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory Is a Tale of Weaponized Uncertainty…

#COVID19 #origin #wuhan #LabLeak #weaponization #uncertainty
Read 10 tweets
Every friday we round up the best #sketchnotes that came up this week...

1/6) The amazing @lizandmollie make the list
2/6) Asking better #questions makes the world a better place!
@chrisspalton captures a session at the #Levelupweek2021 talks on #questions!

3/6) We work with stories and leadership. We found this #Sketchnote capturing why leaders need stories compelling
Read 6 tweets
You're job CAN be your life but it doesn't have to be.

I enjoy my job, I'm good at my job, but I do it so I can support my family.
Can Apple and Android get their emoji game in order? I'm getting sick of seeing crossed out boxes
It's odd how often accepting people comes with stipulations.
Read 1019 tweets
📢🗳️ #poll is over. Check-out the results about double-blind (DBP) vs. single-blind (SBP) policy preference for #CVPR2021. Thanks 4 participating ❤️

🧵 With the reason behind it, *my* #takeaways, and open #questions

c.c. @CVPR @eccvconf @ICCV_2021

TLDR; I feel that #reviewer judgement is RUINed by #oveR #enthUsiam, #PR & #clIeNtelism. RUIN got into our #peer_review system by using #arxiv. Our #players weren't ready for this. The community is more diverse, bigger and the scale of the conferences is unprecedented.
🙋🏽🙋🏿 if it's OK to run a startup in this way. We become viral & need to keep up the pace.
Actions. Increase the number of employees, (hopefully) hiring ppl with the bare minimum badges. Provide no training whatsoever, only updating the company guidelines.

Read 12 tweets
Folks! We return for #HOTrainees with the exciting #Day2 @myESMO #ESMO20 and some more #practice relevant studies in #breastcancer #ProstateCancer #lungcancer #GI, so sit back, relax and lets go through some data (#HO #trainee-style!) Shout out to @peters_solange @OncoAlert
1. #BreastCancer: We have #monarchE and #IMPassion031 hoping to hear from experts @ErikaHamilton9 @NicoleKuderer @DrSGraff @matteolambe @tmprowell @GeorgeSledge51 @VukovicPetra for more insights- please link to your discussions here for #trainees:
1. A) #monarchE: use of #abemiciclib in HR+, HER2-,high risk #EBC in addition to endocrine therapy.
Current #SOC: adjuvant ET (5-10 years)
#monarchE: #Abemaciclib + ET iDFS HR 0.747, here's a great summary by @ErikaHamilton9 for @OncoAlert :
Read 11 tweets

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