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Die Luft, die wir atmen, ist das Thema unserer Zeit: Was uns der Rauch von Waldbränden, Gasöfen und #COVID19 über unsere Luft verraten

„Wir haben gerade eine Pandemie erlebt, die durch ein winziges Virus in der Luft verursacht wurde.🧵

#Corona #SARSCoV2…
Jetzt erleben wir Waldbrände, die nicht nur Gemeinden und Landschaften verwüsten, sondern auch gigantische Rauchschwaden ausstoßen, die Millionen von Menschen im Windschatten beeinträchtigen können. Wenn die Pandemie uns schon über die Luftqualität geflüstert hat, dann schreien
uns die Waldbrände das geradezu entgegen. Wenn man dann noch die Bedenken über Gasöfen und längere Allergieperioden hinzufügt, wird klar, dass wir an der Schwelle zu einer neuen Bewegung für die öffentliche Gesundheit stehen, um die Luft zu verbessern, die wir atmen.
Read 23 tweets
Give everyone N95s to deal with poor air quality from wildfires, & reduce Covid infections. Reinstate mask mandates in healthcare settings. Quickly transition away from fossil fuels. Plant lots of trees & hemp. End poverty with a substantial UBI, & provide good healthcare to all.
Read 10 tweets
#Wildfire smoke is impacting large portions of the Eastern United States. Stay up-to-date with air quality in your area:

Here’s what you can do to protect yourself when smoke is in the air ⬇️  AirNow Fire and Smoke map....
✅ If it looks or smells smoky outside, take it easier to reduce how much smoke you inhale
✅ Choose a mask that will help protect you from smoke
✅ Limit time spent outdoors by only performing essential activities and take frequent breaks indoors
✅ Reschedule outdoor work tasks
❔Wondering which mask is best? N95 respirator masks provide the best protection from wildfire smoke. Cloth masks will not protect you from wildfire smoke.
Read 3 tweets
This #wildfire in Cannich is sending a large smoke plume over Loch Ness. This fire has the potential to be one of Scotland's largest (in the satellite era). It's already approaching 3,000 ha and does not appear to be under control with strong winds. @fire_scot ImageImage
This was the same area on 29 May & 26 May, respectively, showing hotspots here for a few days, suggesting today's acceleration is a flare-up/rekindling of a fire from last week/the weekend. ImageImage
There was a @sentinel_hub overpass today around midday, centred over this fire. I'll post an update with high-res imagery as soon as it appears online. This is usually around 8 pm. The next overpass isn't until Thursday. ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
All BC #workers have the right to
1. know what hazards exist in the workplace.
2. report injury or illness from hazards
3. refuse unsafe work
4. be free from reprisal for refusing unsafe work

#SARSCoV2 is a BSL3 pathogen & we have a right to know if it is in the air
...Govts are trying to spread a hazard so widely that workers cannot say that there is more hazard at work than elsewhere.

But if you slipped & fell at work, your slipping at the ice rink does not remove your employer's responsibility to remove a work hazard #SARSCoV2
...and if it is so easy for them to trample on a worker's right to *know* that a hazard is present,then watch out! They will make other looming hazards *endemic* too:

#wildfire smoke? You inhaled that at the gym!!
#heatstroke? Why it is hot everywhere!

Read 5 tweets

Recent research analyzed "future wildfires burned areas & C emissions under #SolarGeoengineering & Shared Socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) scenarios & assessed how the different geoengineering approaches impact #fires."

Results are discussed in a 🧵 below ⬇️:
1/13 Image
The major conclusions and implications drawn from this study are as follows:
1️⃣ "The global total #wildfire burned A is projected to rise under the unmitigated scenario (SSP5-8.5) & drop under the 2 #geoengineering scenarios (#SolarIrradianceReduction & #StratosphericSulfateAerosols) based on a comparison of the averages of 2091–2100 as to 2021–2030."
3/ Image
Read 13 tweets
Over 100 #Wildfires Burn Across #Trudeau-#UNfriendly Province, #Alberta | May 7
- A reminder that an #election approaches in this province, and that Danielle #Smith, the relatively new premier, has been a major #critic of the Trudeau government.… Image
cc: @ BushelsPerAcre
I know, it’s just pure coincidence the province with 1.7 trillion barrels of #oil, with a premier who said they would get rid of the #carbontax, who said no to the fed #gun grab and who said no to the Fed interfering with resource devt
cc: @ WhiteCrkLumber
The forest #fires in #Alberta are serious, all the jibber jabber from the left blaming #Smith or the Forestry is just that, J-j. In Modern history never have so many fires started at all once so close to so many communities.
Read 9 tweets
🔥#abpoli🔥#ableg🔥As wildfires continue to impact communities and property in #Alberta, it's essential that we invest in the resources and tools necessary to protect our province. The @GreenPartyAB #wildfire resilience plan includes: (Source: Jarvis Nanooch)
Reinstate the Alberta Rapattack program: The rappelling program has proven to be an effective way to quickly respond to wildfires. By deploying firefighters from helicopters to the ground, we can attack fires when they're still small and prevent them from endangering communities.
Reopen and expand lookout positions: Fire lookout towers are critical in detecting fires early and allowing firefighters to respond quickly. By reopening and expanding lookout positions, we can reduce the time it takes to detect fires and prevent them from becoming larger.
Read 9 tweets
Kelantan, Kedah dan lain² perlu manfaatkn musim kering utk tanam pokok (cepat tumbuh); bina & dalamkan kolam baru/sedia ada. Yg hampir sungai, alihkan sebahagian ke kolam berhampiran.
Jimatkan air. ♻️💧
#jika mampu, cat putih atap. #whiteroof Image
Jika banyak akan npk lagi meriah & lebih banyak kwsn redup.

Read 14 tweets
Excited to be sharing lessons learned from #American #wildfires and #disasters @imperialcollege.

Our friends in #Britain face some of the same #resilience challenges with #fire, #infrastructure, & #publichealth.

CAGB building, room 765
11.00 GMT

@NSF @WaterResearch @EPA
Thanks to Prof. @GuillermoRein @ImperialHazelab and everyone for organizing and participating in the seminar. I truly learned a lot. Some really brilliant and insightful researchers here in working on global building #fire and #wildfire challenges.
I even got to see aluminum composite burn, a material examined after the #GrenfellTowerFire.

I also learned about smoldering.

(@TheRock your name came up … in a good way)
Read 5 tweets
🧵Do-it-yourself (DIY) air cleaners: Evidence on effectiveness and considerations for safe operation

Angela Eykelbosh, Environmental Health and Knowledge Translation Scientist, @ncceh National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
Jan 18/23

LINK:… Key Messages - A review of ...
Do-it-yourself (DIY) air cleaners: Evidence on effectiveness and considerations for safe operation

Angela Eykelbosh, Environmental Health and Knowledge Translation Scientist, @ncceh National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
Jan 18/23

PDF:… Key Messages  - A review of...
Read 24 tweets
1/29. 📜NEW BRIEF: Today we launch “PASSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN: A Non-Economic #LossAndDamage (#NELD) Explainer” covering what #NELD is, why and how it happens, where it happens, who is most affected, and importantly, how we can respond.

🔗Get it here:…
2/29. The brief begins with a foreword by @UNFCCC NELs Expert Group Member @IrfanUllahCDO, who highlights that Non-Economic #LossAndDamage has been largely overlooked in climate negotiations and that urgent action is needed to address #NELD happening now e.g. The #PakistanFloods.
3/29. Then @DLodry of @LossDamageYouth shares the powerful story of his lived experience of Non-Economic #LossAndDamage in #Cameroon called "The Tears Of A Village River And Its Population" which tells how climate-intensified #Drought can lead to a loss of #Culture and #Identity.
Read 29 tweets
1/Thinking of #trees #peat #carbon and #nature and #fires. When are Victorians (without hysterics @theage ) to be made fully aware of the State #auslaws over fines in State Parks for picking up a rock, walking off track and so on. @DanielAndrewsMP/2
2/As it is now there are hundreds of shooting licensed people walking off track. Hundreds of thousands of feral deer, xrabbits,x pigs (latter two a food, anti #poverty source that cannot be culled by shooters) already damaging #native wildlife.Protecting #Indigenous locations/3
3/ @DanielAndrewsMP is key but to lock up (by fines) large areas is #segregation and discrimination. To lock up but then ok if you pay — is a cynical misuse of power. It would be good to hear from #Indigenous Victoria as we already know the value of the birthing trees was/4
Read 14 tweets
#ClimateChange Heads of Delegation are in Cairo to discuss #LossAndDamage.

I made an intervention for @CANIntl in the opening plenary urging them to put L&D Finance on the #COP27 agenda to establish L&D Finance Facility and deliver #ClimateJustice.

Excerpt as a THREAD – 1/11
#We are already in the era of #LossAndDamage!

In the last few months, we have seen unfathomable levels of suffering because of #climate impacts

We've seen #heatwaves #droughts #wildfire and #floodings sweep through the world and the horrific devastation by #PakistanFloods

Science tells us how much worse this situation is and why that is.

Because #polluters keep polluting and those who are most responsible refuse to do their fair share.…

#BigOil #CarbonBomb @dpcarrington @mrmatthewtaylor

Read 11 tweets
This is a next gen DIY air filter I built for #California #wildfire season, leveraging a design from @AbraarKaran & @sri_srikrishna. I used foam core instead of cardboard for the shroud, which makes it look pretty. Big size improvement on #CorsiRosenthalBox & air smells great! /1
Here's the side view. I sliced a 7" circle in the center of 30" foam core (@DollarTree via @Instacart) & duct taped a 16" pizza screen (@Walmart) inside to protect toddler fingers. I sliced a straight cut half way through the foam core at 4.5" from each side w/ an Xacto knife. /2
This made it easy to wrap foam core around the sides. Probably could have made this look prettier w/ Velcro (@sri_srikrishna @AbraarKaran used in their design) or 2 sided tape, but I used white duct tape b/c I had a ton left over from a past #CorsiRosenthalBox extravaganza. /3
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Disasters continue to sweep the world. Anthropogenic in nature, exacerbated by #climateCrisis #capitalism and #EcosystemDestruction. The age of disasters is upon us.
#Yellowstone hit by #floods; staff cut off and in short supply.…
Read 13 tweets
For 3 of the last 5 summers, BC has witnessed severe forest fires that charred millions of hectares of land and choked out communities.

Today I asked @mikefarnworthbc to identify the specific actions the @bcndp is taking to protect BCers from poor air quality.

1/ #bcpoli
Minister @mikefarnworthbc reiterated that his govt is doing minimal work to protect BCers for this year's inevitable #wildfire season.

Wildfire smoke contains hundreds of dangerous particles and gases that increase the risk of brain tumours and lung cancer.

2/ #bcpoli
Other jurisdictions like Oregon, are taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of their workers during climate related disasters.

BC teachers, farm workers, construction workers, and all those that work outside need similar protections.

3/ #bcpoli…
Read 4 tweets
Friday is going to be a major #FireWx day. If you live within any of the areas below, it's a "pack your go bag/back your car into your driveway" day. Pay attention! It could save your life. #wildfire #weather
#Extreme fire conditions in Colorado tomorrow, if you live along the Front Range. I am not an official source, but I would strongly advise--if you live anywhere against brush/grassland/prairie/forest--to be ready to leave in an instant. #Colorado #FireWx
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With lots of interest in the 'early' fires that have burnt across the UK over the last few weeks, I thought I'd add some facts to enable people to understand what is happening, why, and what we are doing. (mostly based on data and information from South Wales)
a thread🧵
2. Firstly, are these fires a new phenomenon?
No, there have been over 75,000 wildfires across South Wales since the year 2000, 55,000+ between 2000&2008, 21,000+ between 2009&2020 (the 2nd group of figures are for a smaller geographic area).
3. Are these Fires burning earlier in the year?
No, springtime fires burn the dead annual vegetation (fuel) and once dry weather arrives so do the fires. Our busiest month for wildfires is usually April, with March not far behind dependant on year - fire below 30/3/2020
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(n/n) Story time! | The making of “Feather River’s Revenge” October 2020, I was on assignment for the US Forest Service, it was the middle of the night... (continued below) #terraflamma #wildfire #nftphotography.
(1/n): I’d just spent a week at the Glass Fire in Napa on assignment for National Geographic, after weeks of back and forth covering the 2020 NorCal Fire Siege. I’d barely been home, my dog was at daycare more than with me, and I was exhausted, physically and mentally.
(2/n): My equipment was falling apart, rubber grips peeling, sensors filthy, lens zoom cams gritty with ash and dust. My nomex fire pants had holes in them, my leather boot laces tied at multiple points after breaking from hiking all over and the heat.
Read 23 tweets
Current #wildfires in #Boulder #Superior #Louisville #Colorado with multiple evacuation orders. Lost the thread, will continue below.
Fire jumping McCaslin, unit reports people trapped between Main Street and Rock Creek in Superior #wildfire
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Hearing 911 calls from people requesting evacuation in #Boulder #Colorado due to fast moving wildfire(s).
Smoke reported 5800 Oxford Road, 55 and Naiwa, S? road and J road, 119 and Arapahoe, ? and East County line (multiple callouts)
House fully engulfed, but evacuated (missed the address), things are intense in #Boulder #Colorado at the moment.
Read 29 tweets
Thread🧵 | #KansasFires
While working live on wildfires/storms, I frequently discover mapping crossovers to my quake work.
Today I'm tracking yesterday's fires + March 2017/2020 fires & mapping with current/past #Kansas #earthquake swarms + faults. ⬇️👀
#kswx #ksfire #wildfire
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