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"I think it's very worrying that we lock people up that are actually trying to make sure that we have some kind of future." - @GaryLineker

1/🧵 #ClimateCrisis #BiodiversityCrisis #EndFossilFuels
"I understand why people can get upset because it's disruptive demonstration.

But history kind of tells you the only demonstrations that really work are disruptive ones." - @GaryLineker

"So it's a tough one. It's not a case of blaming our government for not doing enough on climate change. It's the whole world.

Governments and the powerful people of the world are the only ones that can really halt this disaster coming." - @GaryLineker

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🌳👾 Sending these rhododendrons out of the ancient woodland and straight back to hell. #BiodiversityCrisis
It’s hard to show the size of that rhododendron. I’d say this monster was two single decker buses. This photo is after legend volunteers bashed about half of it. Image
People defend rhododendrons because they’re pretty, but look at the difference of the surrounding woodland and the area we are cutting. Biodiversity inside their perimeter is absolutely nothing. Not a sausage. Just rhododendron.
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Here is a list of 45 #birds, 22 #mammals, and 30 non-avian #reptiles that are CRITICALLY ENDANGERED due to feral or pet #cats
#invasivespecies #conservation #ornithology #BiodiversityCrisis… Image
first off, I'd like to highlight that "feral #cats on islands are responsible for at least 14% global #bird, #mammal, and reptile extinctions and are the principal threat to almost 8% of critically endangered birds, mammals, and reptiles"…
AND within our own lifetimes, North America has lost more than one in four of its birds. These are not all critically endangered now, but these trends are pointing to #extinction
#BringBirdsBack #ornithology… ImageImageImageImage
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"We found that in total 83% of total regional species loss (4747 species) is incurred due to land use devoted for domestic consumption whereas 17% due to export production (a total of 969 species)."… #FoodSystems #BiodiversityCrisis #WorldSystem
"Fig. 1c shows that imports into the USA&China embody highest species lost. It is interesting to see that even countries with smaller populations such as Japan, Germany, South Korea,...—all cause high biodiversity loss abroad owing to their high per capita consumption and import"
".... For example, total German food consumption was estimated to result in 46 species lost, of which 43 are from imported food items."
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"Excluding invasive species, we found that 30% of global species threats are due to international trade."(2012)…
#WorldSystem #systemism #BiodiversityCrisis #consumption
"Our results emphasize the importance of examining biodiversity loss as a global #systemic phenomenon, instead of looking at the degradingor polluting producers in isolation."
"German imports are linked to 395 species threats, and Malaysian exports to 276 species threats. Further details supporting Fig. 3 are given in Supplementary Information section 7."
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#Deforestation: "#Consumption patterns of G7 countries drive an average loss of 3.9 #trees per person per year. Some of the hotspots of deforestation embodied in international trade are also #biodiversity hotspots"… #BiodiversityCrisis #WorldSystem
"#USA, #Japan, #Germany, #France, the #UK, and Italy, and several developing countries, such as #China and #India, have obtained net domestic forest gains. The net forest gains made in these countries were partially offset by importing embodied deforestation from elsewhere"
"Our analysis addresses two main questions: (i) Which #deforestation hotspots are driven by which consumer countries? and (ii) Which forest ecosystems, tropical rain forests or other forest types are the top targets of global supply chains?"
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"The world may be facing a devastating 'hidden' #collapse in insect species due to the twin threats of #ClimateChange and habitat loss."… #ClimateCrisis #BiodiversityCrisis
"Our findings, published today in Nature, reveal that insect declines are greatest in farmland areas within tropical countries – where the combined effects of climate change and habitat loss are experienced most profoundly."
"Throughout the world, our analysis also shows that farmland in climate-stressed areas where most nearby natural habitat has been removed has lost 63% of its insects,on average,compared with as little as 7% for farmland where the nearby natural habitat has been largely preserved"
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I am the Minister for Land Use and Biodiversity, and I will call out bad & needless practice when I see it. Some might turn a blind eye - I won’t. Why would I? I regularly highlight positive actions, and I can assure you all that those are much more satisfying to report. 1/10
Of course certain actions are sometimes necessary, and indeed legal, but that does not mean it is always the RIGHT thing to do. This applies both to farmers and public bodies. Nature is under huge pressure. Ecology is breaking down. #BiodiversityCrisis 2/10 Image
Yes, burning bushes is legal, but doing it during a high fire risk warning & during the nesting season is not right. Birds such as Blackbird, Robin & Wren will often nest in bushes piled up in the spring. Hedgehogs too may seek hibernation in such habitats over the winter. 3/10 Image
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The new @IPCC_CH report brings together the #ClimateCrisis and #BiodiversityCrisis. One paragraph alone makes stark reading with high to very high confidence in the science (summary🧵 below). The time for immediate action is NOW. #ipccreport #IPCCIsAboutMe #ClimateReport IPCC Climate Change 2022 Report
1) "#ClimateChange has caused substantial damages, and increasingly irreversible losses in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal and open marine ecosystems (high confidence)"
2) "The extent and magnitude of #climatechange impacts are larger than estimated in previous assessments (high confidence)"
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Wir haben uns bislang fast ausschließlich zur #Klimakrise geäußert. Doch die aktuelle besorgniserregende Lage in der #Pandemie wollen wir nicht mehr unkommentiert lassen. Denn „#forFuture“ heißt für uns nicht nur #Klimaschutz! Ein Thread 👇
Aktuell sind wir wieder in einer Eskalation des Infektionsgeschehens und zwar so dramatisch wie noch nicht zuvor in dieser #Pandemie (steiler Anstieg der Kurve + neue Absolutrekorde + Verdoppelung #Infektionszahlen zZt alle 1-2 Wochen). Diese Entwicklung wurde prognostiziert.
Zum Zeitpunkt der Prognosen für die 4. Welle wurde seitens der politischen Entscheidungsträger*innen größtenteils abgewiegelt. Es gebe ja die Impfungen. Und man dürfe dies und das nicht nochmal wiederholen (#lockdown und so). "Im Herbst sehen wir weiter..." #Corona
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While there are lots of problems with FB, Insta & co, Meta's newest project, the metaverse, sound super exciting! Looks like Meta is putting lots of money towards Oculus' #quest to build long-distance-presence solutions.

#metaverse #meta #facebook

2 reasons why the Metaverse has potential:

1. Most importantly, remote work is here to stay. But for hybrid work settings (i.e. some in the office, some remote) there is no good solution yet. Metaverse intends to solve that.
2. Many of today's issues require coordination on a global scale. Think of the #ClimateCrisis, the #BiodiversityCrisis, overcoming #NeoColonialism and #inequality, et cetera. The Metaverse promises to make such coordination comfortable, natural and effective.
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We stand in #Solidarity with our Workers in the #Unions & this is the only way to have a say in our Working Environment by #WorkingTogether & doing a #Strike!
People like us, who've been arguing against the broken Gears & For-profit exploitation of #Capitalism, comes in to help.
We're in a #SocietalCollapse as the Full Stop & Endgame of #Capitalism's Growth has begun! We need Calls & Movements for a "Great Transition" from this broken #Dystopia where we have a #ClimateCrisis, #HousingCrisis, #Pandemic, #EvictionCrisis, #HealthcareCrisis,...
#BiodiversityCrisis, etc.
As the system focuses on #Economic Growth, #Corporate Interest & Businesses First while exploiting the #Labor who are treated like hell & not paid a #LivingWage nor anything while everything to basically live is practically an Expense under #Capitalism.
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For the return of the #UNMBioblog after our year hiatus, I chose to write about the negative consequences for cats, humans, and #wildlife when we allow #cats to roam freely. I couldn't help myself with the punny title.…
I was inspired to write this blog after I witnessed my neighbor's outdoor pet #cat killed a #bird under my feeder. A heated argument ensued. I know nothing has changed because I still scare him out of my backyard. I've counted 9 different cats in my backyard, here is one
I am a paradoxical #catlover, which stems from my #science & #ornithology career. I know how cute it is for my own #cat to frolic in flowers but I understand how dangerous it is for #cats, human #health, & #wildlife when cats roam #CatsOfTwitter #Caturday #catsofinstagram
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New #GlobalSharkStatus analysis published in @CurrentBiology finds that #overfishing is driving one-third of shark, ray, and chimaera species toward global extinction:… #HealthyOcean #IUCNcongress
New 8-year long #GlobalSharkSatus analysis warns of rising extinction risk for 391 sharks, rays and chimaeras… #GlobalSharkTrends #Overfishing #BiodiversityCrisis #IUCNcongress
New #GlobalSharkStatus analysis funded by @SharkRayFund benefited from a doubling of scientific output over the last ten years. #GlobalSharkTrends #GlobalSharkStatus #IUCNcongress…
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Thread 🧵 of recent #transformation relevant work. Today on problem framings and knowledge types for transformative change. #ClimateAction #BiodiversityCrisis 1/11 Image
Here is @SalilBenegal @prof_mirya 's paper on the link between sexism and climate denial and policy blocking.… 2/11
“The consistent findings point to the central role that system justifying beliefs about gender play in shaping attitudes about climate change in the USA” Addressing climate change means engaging beyond the ‘problem framing’ of climate change. 3/11
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#UrbanEcology also plays a key role in forming and maintaining meaningful connections with nature. Maintaining these through adolescence is crucial to #conservation and tackling our environmental issues and the #BiodiversityCrisis. @NSWEducation #ScienceWeek Image
Our recent research showed that primary kids in #Sydney were more connected to nature than kids in high school… Also, girls were more connected than boys, and were more likely to volunteer for #conservation.
Read more about this work, and what can be done to tackle the adolescent dip in connection with nature, here in @ConversationEDU:…
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Hi, it’s your friendly neighborhood climate scientist. Facing the #climatecrisis is tough! Here’s the essentials you need to know, tips for finding where you can contribute with purpose and meaning to the work needed, and evidence-based high-impact climate actions. A THREAD: 1/n
(A quick introduction if we haven’t met: I’m a climate and sustainability scientist @lunduniversity in Sweden. I research personal & policy climate solutions, sustainable food & land systems, & wine & climate change. My goal: a world where people and nature can thrive. 2/n)
@lunduniversity #ClimateChange science has been clear for a long time. I’ve taught this framework for over a decade:
It’s warming
It’s us
We’re sure
It’s bad
We can fix it.
Podcast w/ @ylld…
Curriculum…) 3/n
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1/13 #ClimateChange is a result of a mindset, that is based on monoculture, fossil fuels, chemicals, corporate control. @BillGates cannot alter a condition with the same mindset that created it in the first place @Trevornoah @drvandanashiva…
2/13 The mad rush for #FakeFood and #FakeMeat, ignorant of the #diversity of our food cultures & the role of biodiversity is a recipe for accelerating the #climatecrisis, the destruction of the planet & our health @drvandanashiva…
3/13 The perpetrators of the industrialized & now digitized predatory economic model that has led to worldwide ecological devastation are trying to sell us their solutions as the only path forward @drvandanashiva @NnimmoB #FalseSolutionsToClimateChange
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Why I am disgusted by the human species.

Speciesism Part 2: Marine Life

It is estimated that up to 3 trillion fish are caught from the wild & killed globally every year: This doesn’t include the billions of fish that are farmed. Fish account for 40% of animal products consumed
Fish farming is forecast to overtake wild-caught fish production in 2021: For context, farmed fish accounts for 70% of all farmed animals worldwide. This presents a host of problems. For example, shrimp farming has led to the destruction of three million acres of coastal wetlands
Like all captivity of sentient life fish farming is creating disease. This ends up in the wider ecosystem damaging and polluting wildlife.
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Today is #WorldZoonosesDay.

Zoonotic diseases result from pathogens jumping between animals and humans. Think rabies, lyme disease, West Nile virus, HIV, Ebola, #COVID19.

As #COVID19 ravages our communities, we all understand the impact they can have. #EndTheTrade (1/9) Image
Between 1940 and 2004, more than 335 emerging infectious disease outbreaks, involving 183 distinct pathogens, were reported worldwide. More than 50 per decade.

Today, the rate of disease emergence is increasing. #WorldZoonosesDay (2/9) Image
As we fight #COVID19, we can’t be shortsighted. We must act to reduce the long-term risk of future spillover events, which could lead to another pandemic. More: #WorldZoonosesDay (3/9) Image
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We have a new paper in @JournalSystBio delving further into my PhD @rbge_Science & @OxfordPlants w @pablomurod. Whoop! 👉…
Funded by a @NERCscience PhD studentship & grants from @LeverhulmeTrust, @BBSRC, @SystAssn & @LinneanSociety.
First, let’s have a shout-out to superteam David Harris & @adavey_RBGE who revised the African Ginger genus Aframomum @RBGE_Herbarium. No tropical botany is possible without experts🧐🌿💪#IBelieveInLigules
Second, let’s clear up that “finding” a species is different to “knowing” a species. “Finding” is that amazing Eureka moment when you realise that you have a new species. “Knowing” a species is a never-ending process of learning its distribution, phenology, ecology etc
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