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Jan 28th 2023
Attenzione a quanto sta accadendo in #Libia in questi minuti. Nel giorno della visita di Giorgia #Meloni a #Tripoli, decine di manifestanti prendono d'assalto la sala di controllo della Mellitah Oil & Gas, società libica che collabora con #Eni chiedendo di tagliare le
forniture di gas all'#Italia attraverso il gasdotto #Greenstream.
Fonti del comparto petrolifero della Mellitah Oil and Gas Complex: la pressione del #gas verso l'#Italia dal gasdotto #Greenstream è stata diminuita del 50%.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
🔴⚠️ Thread [RT SVP]
Les liens entre mafias de passeurs et ONG existent depuis des années.

👉 Voici un exemple avec l'ONG @openarms_fund et Abd Al-Rahman Milad, alias Al Bija, chef autoproclamé des gardes-côtes de Zauia 🇱🇾… Image
Al Bija est l'homme à qui les 🇺🇸 ont confié les premiers pas vers la création d'une opération de garde-côtes en Libye.
💶 Il obtenu ressources et matériels adéquates en échange du contrôle de l'immigration illégale quittant le territoire libyen. Image
🇺🇳 Les bonnes intentions ont été de courte durée. Une enquête du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a révélé qu'Al Bija avait outrepassé ses fonctions.

🏴‍☠️ Il avait collaboré avec des trafiquants libyens et était un maillon de + dans la chaîne criminelle. Image
Read 14 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
1/10 A high-level Turkish delegation travelled to #Tripoli yesterday and signed a series of MoUs with the #GNU.
This latest development introduces a new episode to the Libyan crisis that will have repercussions on national, regional, and international levels. 🧵
2/10 The MoUs were kept secret, with only #Turkey & Dabaiba’s inner circle aware of the agreements. Many ministers within the GNU found out last minute without having access to the text itself.
Dabaiba’s foreign allies such as the UAE have also been kept in the dark.
3/10 Dabaiba, like his predecessor Sarraj, signed the agreements out of despair to ensure Turkey’s role as a strategic ally to stay in power.

For him, the deal is essential as he thinks only Turkish can help him contain and manage his alliance of armed groups in Tripoli.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
Turkish delegation to #Tripoli headed by the Foreign Minister & including the defense, energy, and trade ministers arrived in the capital today to sign a number of agreements with the GNU. The visit & deals to be signed come at a critical time & will be viewed as an escalation.
1- The Turkish delegation will sign MoUs with the GNU in the energy sector for exploration in the disputed maritime EEZ, as well as, MoUs in trade, media/communication & military training.
2- #Turkey is doing with the GNU exactly what it did with the GNA, exploiting their weakness and vulnerability to #Turkey's advantage by imposing deals/agreements that benefit #Turkey's geopolitical/economic interests.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
A #thread to answer the question in this tweet from September 29 regarding the visit of @hms_albion to #Tripoli & why the event angered Libyans across the country & drew criticism from figures across the political spectrum.
1- From what I saw & read online, the anger was not directed at the visit by @hms_albion to #Tripoli per se. Visits by other navy vessels to #Libya from others states have taken place over the years. But the timing/optics of this visit were off & could have been managed better.
2- #Italy, #Russia, #UK, #Turkey, and #France to name a few have all had their navy ships visit #Libya since 2011 for various reasons/missions.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
📍Update (1/3): Mayors of nine strategic municipalities, surrounding W & SW of Tripoli-borders, issued a joint statement supporting the Gov of National Unity "Al-Dabaiba", denouncing the use of violence by Bashagah & calling for hastening of the election process. #Tripoli #Libya
(2/3): The nine municipalities are considered to be under military control of Bashagha's allies and known to be the first line of defence for any military invasion of Tripoli.
(3/3): The municipalities are as follows: Al- ʽAziziya, Al Swani, Al Maya, Al Zahra, Al Mamora, Al Amria, Al Nasria, and Al Jaleda.

➡️ PS: These areas are mostly inhabited by the tribes of Wershefana.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
In vielen Teilen der Welt brodelt es derzeit, deshalb soll heute ein Überblick zu Konflikten abseits der Ukraine kommen, darunter:
- USA und China manövrieren rund um #Taiwan ;
- heftige Kämpfe brechen wieder in #Libya aus;
- Berlin streitet über Abzug aus #Mali.
(1/25) Image
Washington machte seine Ankündigung wahr und ließ zwei Kriegsschiffe demonstrativ die Taiwan-Straße passieren, ganz unweit der chinesischen Küste.
Diese Durchquerung wurde zuvor im Zuge der schwersten diplomatischen Krise seit Jahren zwischen USA und China angekündigt.
(2/25) ImageImageImage
#China betrachtete die US-Aktion als einen direkten Affront und hat laut Medienberichten zeitweise seine Armee in Gefechtsbereitschaft versetzt.
Chinesische Kriegsschiffe meiden es dennoch, in direkte Nähe der US-Navy zu kommen und eine "echte" Konfrontation zu riskieren.
(3/25) Image
Read 25 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
1/7 Who's fighting who in Tripoli!? Brief snapshot into the conflict.  As of today, this is what the armed conflict landscape looks like in and around #Tripoli, #Libya :

#Thread 👇
2/ Bash Agha Alliance: Spearheaded by 777th Brigade led by Haithem Al-Tajory (Tripoli), Osama Al-Juwaili's forces (Zentan), and Al-Nawasi Brigade (Tripoli) alongside the remaining Abu-Ras factions (Tripoli).
3/ Reserves/sidelines; Bash-Agha backed by a large portion of Al-Halbous Brigade (Misrata), Hittin Brigade (Misrata), Al-Marsa Brigade (Misrata), Bader Brigade (Misrata), 217th Brigade led by Salam Joha (Misrata), Muamar Al-Dawei's forces (Wershafana) & Abo-Zreba's Forces(Zawya).
Read 8 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Here are 4 tweets explaining how the latest battle in #Tripoli could turn into Libya’s next civil war

This moment captures the trauma of another horrible war as children flee gunfire.
1. A turf war broke out between armed groups affiliated to rival HoR appointed PM Bashagha (77) & UN backed PM Dbeibah (SSF) in downtown Tripoli Friday night, leading to an exchange of fire & loss of territory for Bashagha’s forces today transforming balance of power in #Tripoli
2. This was a pretext for Bashagha & Haftar to try a powergrab behind PM’s office.

The plan failed.

Plan B was to take a suburb of Tripoli & contest Dbeibah’s legitimacy.

Plan B is failing & mobilising armed groups towards capital & turning the battle into the next civil war
Read 5 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Almeno 4 morti e 5 feriti (anche civili): questo il bilancio provvisorio degli scontri in corso in questi minuti in #Libia, nella capitale #Tripoli.
Tutto ha avuto inizio nella notte, quando le milizie guidate da Haitham Tajouri, schierato con il
premier designato del governo di stabilità nazionale libico (Gsn) Fathi #Bashagha (l'uomo del generale #Haftar) hanno affrontato le Forze di sostegno alla stabilità, sotto il comando di Abdul Ghani al Kikli, affiliato al capo dell'esecutivo di unità nazionale (Gun), Dabaiba.
Pochi giorni fa proprio #Bashaga aveva minacciato di essere pronto ad entrare a Tripoli con la forza, dichiarando che "7 milioni di persone" vogliono il suo governo "mentre solo 200 o anche meno sono contro" di lui.
Nel timore che gli scontri iniziati ieri notte (pare
Read 14 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
📌 Open Arms y sus conexiones con las mafias libias.

Comencemos: os presento a Abd al-Rahman Milad, más comúnmente conocido como el comandante Al Bija.

🎖 Jefe de la autoproclamada guardia costera de Zauiya (Libia).…
🇱🇾 Al Bija fue el hombre al que EU le confió los primeros pasos para la creación de un operativo de guardacostas en Libia.

💶 Obtuvo recursos y una logística adecuada. Se le encomendó la misión de controlar la inmigración ilegal que partía de territorio libio.
⚓️ Los hombres de Al Bija (imagen anterior) llegaron incluso a visitar en su día a @openarms_fund. Querían saber que hacían frente a las costas de Libia.

📹 La periodista italiana @fratotolo2, compartió en su cuenta principal (ahora censurada) dicha visita. ¡Síganla, por cierto!
Read 20 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
On Wednesday, reporter Firas Hatoum revealed that the Rhosus, which carried the #AmmoniumNitrate from Georgia to the #BeirutPort, was only one of several similar ships.
After tracing the journey of all the ships that left Georgia between 2012 and 2014, four were found to have already docked in #Beirut, #Tripoli and #Tartus.

According to Hatoum's investigative report aired on Al-Jadeed, the four ships are part of the #Odessa Network,
a group of businessmen, companies and ships accused of transporting arms and war cargo from #Russia and Ukraine to the #AssadRegime in Syria since 2011.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
Osama si vantava di aver salvato una donna.
Lui, libico, vedovo.
L'aveva salvata davvero? No.

Un giorno era andato in uno di quelli che noi, in Italia, chiamiamo lager libici.
C'era una svendita, un black Friday, tutto il quartiere era in fila.
Cosa vendevano?
Vendevano persone.
"Vorrei una ragazza, ma giovane e in salute" precisò Osama ad Al Montasier, direttore del lager finanziato da progetti italiani. Gli serviva una domestica.
Scelse una delle nigeriane perché costavano meno, appena 600 dollari: la diciottenne Mary.
Osama portò via Mary. "Ti ho salvata" le ripeté in macchina.
La casa era grande. Osama illustrò a Mary il suo nuovo lavoro: pulire, lavare, cucinare, stirare.
Lo chiamò lavoro anche se non era previsto uno stipendio.
Omise un incarico: subire continui umilianti stupri.
Read 5 tweets
May 20th 2022
Heute soll es um eine Reihe von Konflikten gehen, die brisant sind, aber im Schatten der #Ukraine weitgehend unbemerkt bleiben, darunter:
- #Biden genehmigt die Entsendung von US-Truppen nach #Somalia ;
- Kämpfe in Libyen;
- #Israel fliegt Luftangriffe auf Syrien.
US-Präsident #Biden hat die (Wieder-)Entsendung von US-Spezialtruppen nach #Somalia genehmigt.
Es wird erwartet, dass rund 450 US-Soldaten in das Land geschickt werden...offiziell, um gegen die Shabab-Terrormiliz zu kämpfen, die zuletzt wieder erstarkt sein soll.
Die permanente US-Präsenz in #Somalia wurde eigentlich erst vor zwei Jahren von Ex-Präsident Trump beendet mit der Begründung, es sei an der Zeit, aus den "unendlichen Kriegen" auszusteigen.
#Biden will nun wieder eine kleine, aber "anhaltende Präsenz" in dem Land aufbauen
Read 21 tweets
May 19th 2022
Further clashes are bound to unfold soon in #Tripolitania.


• some #local rivalries have become too tense.

#macro fault lines have shifted too far away from #Libya’s Jun 2020 equilibrium, which so many policymakers & watchers take for granted;

[ see 🧵 thread👇🏻]
One must, right off the bat, acknowledge the outsized importance of #Zawiyah actors in today’s NW Libya configuration.

The most zealous pro-Dabaiba fighters on 5/17 in #Tripoli were led by #Bahrun.

& the #Buzeriba forces (who didn’t fight on 5/17) are ferociously anti-Dabaiba.
Other #local antagonisms that became evident on 5/17 in Tripoli include Mustafa Qaddur’s animosity vs. his #Mukhabarat superior & Dabaiba ally Hussein al-#Ayeb.

Nawassi — which holds a major grudge against Bahrun, too — coordinates w/ Buzeriba & Wershefana’s Muammar al-Dhawi. Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
⤵️1 A propos du bataillon #Azov et de la propagande #Russe qu'il engendre. Voyons aussi ce qu'il en est coté Russe avec le #WagnerGroup ("Groupe Wagner"). Rien n'est plus vrai en ce qui concerne Azov et son existence est une tâche sur la révolution Ukrainienne et son Gvt actuel
2 Sauf que la #Russie fait pareil avec le groupe Wagner. Ce groupe est dirigé par #DimitriOutkine lieutenant-colonel au sein des Spetsnaz 2013 et ancien membre du Corps slave. Il appartient à Yevgeny Prigozhin , un oligarque étroitement lié à #Poutine…
3 Le fondateur de la société serait Dmitriy Valeryevich Utkin, vétéran de la première et de la deuxième guerre tchétchène. Jusqu'en 2008, Utkin était lieutenant-colonel et commandant de brigade des forces spéciales de la direction principale de l'état-major général de l'unité
Read 18 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
As the HoR moves ahead with appointing a new interim authority likely to be led by @fathi_bashagha, the GNU is suffering from major internal divisions/turbulence. Yesterday @Dabaibahamid tried to put on a brave face & rally Libyans to support him by going out on the streets.
People will not come out on the streets to support Dbaiba because he failed on every key file that his Gov was supposed to handle. He thought he could buy his way with the entire population the same way he managed to buy his way through the @UNSMILibya facilitated LPDF. #Libya
Yesterday @Dabaibahamid promised that he won't drag #Libya into another war or preside over a return to division, but at the same time vowed not to hand over power except to an elected authority. The irony is that he & his team worked hard to prevent the 24 Dec elections.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 1st 2022

The possibility of a #parallel govt — capable of rallying several presidential candidates & other anti-Dabaiba forces — has been pre-announced by #Aqila for months.

Such an entity may indeed emerge now.

Beyond symbolism & posturing, will it affect the current reality?
Militarily, bcos Dabaiba has secured the mobilization of Mahjub, Halbus, & al-Jahawi, Bashagha won’t be in a position to contribute much in Misrata, Tajura, or Tripoli itself.

For the #parallel govt to create pain for Dabaiba, it’ll have to consider being in cahoots w/ the #SSA.
In the eventuality above, a new #parallel govt may pull off truly bothersome disruptions in the greater #Tripoli area, but Dabaiba will not be removed from power by force in the foreseeable future.

No can do.

The Turkish-backed setup now protecting the PM is just too formidable
Read 8 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
🧵 What does military build up in #Tripoli mean ahead of elections?

Tripoli military region’s commander Abdel Baset Marwan was removed by the GNU’s Presidential Council today sparking major military build up in the capital 8 days before scheduled elections.
Marwan was particularly close to leadership of 3 armed groups in Tripoli: TRB/Nawassi/Ghnewa

In October 2020 a rival Tripoli brigade the 444 brigade stormed Marwan’s house in an attempt to arrest him. This almost sparked a new round of conflict.
Today the Presidential Council replaced him with Brigadier Gen Abdel Qadar Saad Khalifa.

Khalifa participated in the GNA’s defence of Tripoli against Haftar’s LAAF in 2019. He developed strong ties to Radda/444 during this time.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
#Libya According to what @repubblica has reconstructed, the warship 'San Giorgio' arrived in #Tripoli for a very 'special mission'. The @ItalianNavy has delivered the container-based maritime rescue coordination centre #MRCC via @ItaMilRadar…
The container-based #MRCC has been equipped by the Italian company #ELMAN with radios & AIS + integrated with NAVTEX & Inmarsat systems that will 'empower' the Libyan coastguard to intercept migrant boats at sea & redirect them back.
#Libya The @EU_Commission is financing the 'upgrade'. It includes the provision of new patrol boats & the establishment of a radar-supported surveillance network for the Libyan coast.…
Read 3 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
قطع عدد من المحتجّين #الطرقات صباح اليوم الإثنين، في #بيروت و #صيدا و #طرابلس، بعد دعواتٍ انتشرت أمس الأحد على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تندّد بالوضع المعيشي الراهن، لا سيّما الشقّ الطبّي واستمرار تدهور #سعر_صرف الليرة.
#الطرقات_المقطوعة #لبنان
وقد رمى المتظاهرون الزيت في الطريق عند تقاطع المدينة الرياضية في #بيروت لمنع مرور السيارات.
Protesters blocked roads on Monday morning in #Beirut, #Saida and #Tripoli, after calls went out on social media Sunday, denouncing current living conditions, particularly the medical aspect and the continuous deterioration of the currency #exchangerate.
#Roadblock #Lebanon
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Jun 28th 2021
Le peuple Libanais ses soulève à nouveau aujourd'hui avec de multiples blocages dans tout le pays suite à la dégradation des conditions économiques et à la perte de valeur de la monnaie face au Dollar
"thawra"= révolution
Le peuple Libanais en a assez de l'incurie de ses gouvernants et occupe la voie publique / ici à Tripoli
Le siège de la banque Libanaise Swiss Bank à Beyrouth a été prise d'assaut et des documents sont jetés par la fenêtre
#LebanonProtests #Beirut
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Jun 22nd 2021
#Libia, dalla prigionia parlano le #migranti minorenni stuprate dalla polizia dopo la cattura in mare: due hanno tentato il suicidio. L'Onu conferma. Altre accuse a Itala e Ue.
Vincent @cochetel inviato @Refugees
“Nessun addebito per gli autori degli abusi contro le donne riportate in #Libya dalla guardia costiera (Lcg). La maggior parte delle donne evacuate, detenute per più di 9 mesi, aveva figli/era incinta a causa di stupri da parte delle guardie”
Thanks to @RenataBritoAP and @sammymagdy @AP for a great investigation…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
Having turned #Libya's capital into an Islamist gangsters' paradise with the support of the regimes in #Turkey and #Qatar, #Tripoli's militia cartel and warlords began fighting each other again in the early hours of this morning.

Death toll so far: 7. Latest⬇️
The #Turkey-#Qatar axis sent over15,000 mercs from the #Syria|n National Army and cargo after cargo of weapons to protect their proxy cartel when the Libyan army launched an unsuccesful offensive in April 2019 to free the capital from their militia tyranny…
May 27, 2021 AFP report: "Abdallah said burglaries, sex trafficking and kidnappings committed by Syrian mercenaries were reported in #Libya."
Sexual assault on Libyan women by #Qatar-#Turkey's mercs also reported by AFRICOM as early as September 2020.…
Read 3 tweets

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