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Many liberals are amazed that people believe the obvious lies that the Modi government puts out about China. There's a clear inconsistency between Modi saying that China didn't take any territory and army commanders regularly meeting their Chinese counterparts to negotiate.

They're practically begging the Chinese to leave, and the Chinese are refusing. If that were not the case, there would be no need to talk.

Also, the #Indian #Military position MUST BE WEAK, otherwise we would have kicked out the #Chinese. We simply cannot.

So why isn't the Indian public angry with #Modi?

For the same reason they were not angry with #Nehru in 1962.


Indians have a tendency to place their heroes on a pedestal and worship them. As long as they are on that pedestal, they can do no wrong.

Read 21 tweets
Für China waren die Regierungskonsultationen ein 100%-iger Erfolg, weil das Bild von Harmonie erzeugt wurde. Themen wie #Taiwan & die Notwendigkeit der Risikominimierung sprach der Kanzler nicht an. #China verbucht das alles als Zeichen der Schwäche.…
Deutschland wurde auf die Position des Bittstellers verwiesen. Die Realität ist: #China wird seine Emissionen senken, wenn das Xi Jinping machtpolitisch vorteilhaft erscheint. Statt freundlich zu bitten, sollten wir also versuchen, die chinesische Interessenlage zu beeinflussen.
Nicht erst seit #Scholz gilt: Wir haben die 🇩🇪 Chinapolitik an das veränderte Selbstverständnis und den veränderten globalen Machtanspruch Chinas nicht angepasst. Insofern gibt es eine ungute Kontinuität von deutscher Seite, wie diese Regierungskonsultationen geführt werden.
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Exclusive: I went undercover at barbaric #Yulin2023 #dog meat festival beloved by warped ‘danger tourists’ – trader’s cruel offer left me stunned
@notodogmeat's activist & @JuliadeCadenet reveal all...…
@misshoknews #dogs #cats #abuse #animalabuse #China
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#Ukraine June 20, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dnipro-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS2 for today 👇
@escortert 0/n
First, read June 20 part1 (PdS1)
- that's the real June 20 part 1, typing error in the date -
#WarInUkraine D+482 (20/06) PdS2 - Sectors #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Backstage
1-review of military problems 🇺🇦 🇷🇺
2-review of fronts outside 🇺🇦 offensive
3-brief geopolitical review

The "Katyusha" have it in for us 👇
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Are you ready for a Chinese car?

China has not only become the world’s #1 in auto exports, but it now has trade surplus in that sector.

China will export more cars and parts to the EU than the other way around — for the first time this year.

This extraordinary change is due…… ImageImageImage
Top 10 pure electric cars (BEV) by sales in 2022:

The models are from Tesla, Wuling, BYD, GAC and VW.

7 out of 10 are Chinese. Image
BYD sells more electric cars than Tesla, if plug-in hybrids are included.

The secret to BYD’s success is the ownership of almost the entire supply chain!

BYD has 30+ subsidiaries that manufacture almost everything that goes into the vehicles!

#NEV #EV #China Image
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Video Dedicated to #CCP's 100th Anniversary by #Gotion High-Tech, Which Will Build Factories in the #US.
In other words, the US is giving $715 M taxpayers' money to such a company.
#USChinaRelations #CCPChina #China #ChinaNews
This video was downloaded from Gotion High-Tech's Chinese website at
But the same video is not on its English website.
My full exclusive report about this issue: #Gotion Exposed: How Did a #CCP Controlled #Military Linked Dishonest Company Get #US Approval
Part 1:
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This is why I do not think much of #SubhasChandraBose

Read this thread about the brutal treatment of #Malaya #Tamils by the Japanese in building the #DeathRailway

Bose wanted to take help from the Japanese in "liberating" #India.

Why would the Japanese ever care about "liberating" India from #British rule?

The #Japanese were imperialists. They wanted to conquer all of Asia and the Pacific.

They had already annexed #Manchuria in 1931, and everyone knew about their brutal treatment of the #Chinese.

The Japanese followed this up with the #RapeOfNanjing in 1937. This was followed by the establishment of #Unit731 in the city of #Harbin in Northeast #China, scene of one of the most egregious #CrimesAgainstHumanity in history, carried out by the #ImperialJapaneseArmy

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Welcome to another week of daily threads on Europe's war. Updated throughout the day (and night) every single day.

It's Day 481 of #Russia's illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

To review Sunday's thread, click here.
I tempted fate by saying I was hoping for sleep. Soon enough alarms were sounding in the south of #Ukraine.

Suspected cruise missiles launched from #Russia's Black Sea Fleet, and #Odesa has reported explosions. Hopefully it's just air defence.

Good news is just coming in from #Odesa (RU: #Odessa) where it seems to be quiet now.

There were reported to be three targets - all three may have been shot down. I'm not hearing of damage yet.
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Interesting observation from the war in #Ukraine️:

#Russia may be experiencing substantial supply issues of Kontakt-1 basic explosive reactive armour (ERA).

ERA is a vital component of Russian armour protection and was generally believed to be readily available. Image
Several telegram channels are looking for Russians who can produce the metal containers for Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armour (ERA) or spare some materials for them.

They post the machine drawings and of these containers, and recruiting machine shops who could produce them. ImageImage
Some quotes from Russian channels:
"the tankers are unable to get any [Kontakt-1]".

Apparently from the Donetsk area: "[we] need 3000 pieces of remote sensing elements [ERA] plus monthly expense in battles is 1000-1200 pieces"
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#Myk #Hyn
#Mann & #Frau sind x & y wie die Mehrheit, Pa & Ma,
zweimal xx ist #lesbisch
zweimal yy ist #homosexuell
das #britische #Empire & versteckte #französische #Königreich #CLP will eine #Myk #Hyn Paarung erzwingen. Deshalb werde ich erpresst ein #Transgender zu werden 1) Image
2) bzw. für eine #Transe zu sterben als #Identität, damit sie als #heilige #Blutlinie auftreten kann. #RFKjunior ist ein echter #Kennedy & #JFKjunior ist gut versteckt, weit weg, tief unter der #Erde
Eure #Jagd nach ihm hier ist völlig zwecklos. #Militars sind nicht dumm 3) Image
3) Ich bin die letzte meiner #Blutlinie, aber mein #Blut geht anscheinend zurück bis zu #amerikanischen #Indianern. Auf jeden Fall nicht nach #Frankreich, #England oder #China . Kann sein, dass meine Vorfahren vor 17. /18. Jahrhundert aus #Amerika nach #Europa eingewandert sind. Image
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What does this say?
Today, U.S. Secretary of State #Blinken @SecBlinken arrived in #Beijing, #China. Only the U.S. ambassador and Yang Tao, the director of the North America and Oceania Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs( a much lower level #CCP official) were……
Not only was there no red carpet, but a red line was also drawn for him on the ground…
Why did I mention waist drum performance? To give you a reference, this was the welcome that the leaders of Central Asian countries received:
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China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment has approved the commissioning of an experimental molten salt thorium nuclear reactor in Wuwei City.

#China #Thorium Image
1. Thorium is more abundant in nature than uranium. It is fertile rather than fissile and can only be used as a fuel in conjunction with a fissile material such as recycled plutonium.
Thorium fuels can breed fissile uranium-233 to be used in various kinds of nuclear reactors.……
2. It is possible but quite difficult to design thorium fuels that produce more U-233 in thermal reactors than the fissile material they consume (this is referred to as having a fissile conversion ratio of more than 1.0 and is also called breeding). Thermal breeding with thorium……
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As the #Taliban continue to claim moving #TTP fighters to western #Afghanistan, TTP fighters have been confirmed in northern AFG, today the head of district intelligence of the Taliban’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GID) can under attack in #Badakhshah province.
For those unfamiliar with #Badakhshah provincial borders… Image
Another important factor to keep in mind is the #geological value of #Badakhshah province.

This is of key importance to #China’s investment into minerals in #Afghanistan. Image
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The last time I visited #China, I knew it would be the last time. 5 minutes after sitting down with a #Uyghur friend, she was called by her cadre 'minder' questioning her why she was talking to a foreigner. Like so many, we've never heard from her again.
I made the choice not to return as a researcher because it endangers people. Or you can go back but you must construct your research in a way that the Chinese government approves and ignore people like my friend who has disappeared. And write about #China like it never happened.
That research access is based on approving or refusing to challenge the deadly lies which the government tells. When I worked in #China, it was clear many people maintain that access despite being racist towards Chinese people. This has nothing to do with respect for China.
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El día que Yolanda Díaz quiso acabar con Irene Montero alineándose a las tesis del Coronel de la Guardia Civil Diego Pérez de los Cobos mediante el relanzamiento de procesos de lawfare contra ella y Pablo Iglesias sin aforamiento. ImageImage
0. Esta es la primera y fundamental Parte 1 para entender todo este 👆 primer tuit más en adelante cuando llegue la parte 2. Siento sea pesado de leer y siento la cantidad de información que viene a continuación. Pero es fundamental
1 Lo primero, quiero recordar a todas las víctimas de la #Covid19 y sus familias. Lo segundo, homenajear a todos los que en marzo de 2020 aparcaron su vida para enfrentarse y minimizar en la medida de lo humanamente posible las consecuencias de esta enfermedad…
Read 50 tweets
#China questioned the United States’ motives for re-joining the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (#UNESCO) in a likely attempt to establish the conditions for discrediting US global leadership. 1/4

NEW:… Image
China’s Foreign Ministry responded by claiming that the United States’ exit from UNESCO “negatively impacted” the organization & accusing the US of re-entering UNESCO to achieve the self-centered geopolitical aim of countering #Chinese influence in international orgs. 2/4
This is similar to China’s reaction to the United States 2021 re-entry into the Paris Climate Agreement, where #Chinese state-controlled media accused the United States of “betray[ing]” the agreement. 3/4
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Instead of expanding & proudly claiming to be from China, #XiJinping regime has made #China, one of the most toxic brands in history. Even Chinese companies are severing all connections with #China.…
"As relations between the United States and China turn increasingly rocky, some of China’s most entrepreneurial brands have taken steps to distance themselves from their home country."
"Beijing has detained and harassed top tech executives, and foreign consulting firms.

And its draconian lockdowns during the pandemic made clear to businesses that they operate in China at the mercy of the government"
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The number of consumers in #China has reached its peak, & consumption capacity is declining. These two factors that affect market growth are forcing a slowdown in employment related to the internet economy.…
According to data from China's Ministry of Transport, as of April 30 2023, a total of 309 ride-hailing companies had obtained operating licenses, and a total of 5.41 million ride-hailing driver licenses had been issued across the country.
In contrast, those two figures stood at merely 207 and 2.55 million, respectively, on Oct. 31 2022. That counts as an increase of 49.2 percent and 112.4 percent, respectively, in less than three years.
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THREAD: 1) Xi throws #Okinawa into East Asia geopolitical cocktail

Xi speaks of Ryukyu's history, with emphasis on ties with #China

Xi's message is clear: That 600 years back, Okinawa was under the sway of the Chinese world order.…
2) Xi said that 36 Clans of the Min-People went over to the Ryukyus & settled, a reference to the movement of people during Ming Dynasty China in the 14th century. He emphasized the need to collect and sort such historic documents to inherit and develop Chinese civilization well. Image
3) In the past, the Global Times, a newspaper affiliated with the People's Daily, said in an editorial that China should support Okinawa's independence from Japan within the framework of international law. Image
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1/ SecState Blinken will soon embark on a trip to #Beijing, where he will meet w/ senior 🇨🇳officials, possibly even Xi Jinping. The visit is unlikely to lead to breakthroughs, but it can help open channels of communication important for reducing risk of miscalculation & building……
2/ This trip (June 16-19) will be #Blinken’s first high-level visit to China since the #Biden Administration entered office and he became SecState. Blinken’s original trip in February was postponed in response to the incursion of a Chinese spy balloon into US sovereign airspace.
3/ Blinken's upcoming visit follows recent instances of heightened US-China tension: May 26, a Chinese J-16 cut in front of a USAF RC-135 in international airspace; June 3, a Chinese Luyang III disrupted an exercise between US destroyer and Canadian frigate in the #TaiwanStrait.
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🧵The weeks leading up to the @NATO summit in Vilnius will arguably be among the most important since the end of the Cold War. Much of what happens will depend on how much territory #Ukraine will liberate before the summit, and if it will achieve a strategic breakthrough. 1/4
The results of the ongoing internal discussion in @NATO and in Washington about security guarantees for #Ukraine going forward, and most importantly, whether - and if so how and when - Ukraine will be brought into NATO will be the defining deliverables from Vilnius. 2/4
Another important signal will be from what country the new @NATO SecGen will be selected. I have argued he/she should come from one of the Eastern flank countries to bring the experience of facing the Russian threat directly across the border. We need this sense of purpose. 3/4
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1. A thread analysis of #Argentina-#China relations through our previous reports, reports from our on-ground reporters, and SM influencers.

Argentina already has a base operated by the #Chinese military in the province of #Neuquén. Image
2. Now plans to add a port for #Beijing in the #RíoGrande, on the continent's southern tip.

The location of Rio Grande is of extreme strategic importance and crucial for the world in general. Image
3. Since 2018, #Chinese fishing vessels have spent 1 million hours fishing between #Argentina’s maritime border and the high seas, yet spent 600,000 hours ‘in the #dark,’ suspected of illegal fishing within #Argentine waters in the South Atlantic.
Report:… Image
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L'affaire #Dorsey

There's been a minor kerfuffle in India for the last two days since the Twitter ex-CEO, Jack Dorsey, @jack, made some statements about freedom of speech in India under #Modi.

A 🧵

#Liberals are gleefully sharing these comments as evidence of #India not being a democratic country, and defenders of the government are going into attack dog mode, as usual.

But many people on both sides are missing some key things here:

1. Dorsey didn't talk only about India. In fact, he also talked about how the #USA government tried to suppress things. As also #Turkey, #Nigeria.

2. This points to a deeper issue underlying the whole controversy: Is #FreedomOfSpeech absolute?

Read 18 tweets

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