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Jun 16th 2023
If you're interested in abortion numbers post-Dobbs, this thread is for you 🧵
(I'm going to reference some sources, which I'll hyperlink at the bottom of the thread, FYI)
In February I compiled a bunch of data from sources including Texas Health & Human Services, Texas Policy Evaluation Project, the Journal of the American Medical Association, & the US Census Bureau in order to figure out what abortions in Texas looked like post-Dobbs.
Since virtually all the abortion clinics in TX shut down, the obvious question for many would be, "What abortions? It's illegal now. Right?"


I was looking specifically for data on out-of-state abortions and mail-order abortions, and what the data suggested was tragic.
Read 23 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
Pour la journée mondiale de l'environnement, cet article reprend des recommandations aux 3/4 à côté de la plaque d'une "agence d'État" bien connue. Mais l'important est de croire qu'on fait du bien à planète et d'avoir des injonctions à pilonner, pas que ce soit vrai.
Les "comment réduire votre poids numérique en évitant les liseuses et les jeux vidéo dématérialisés" sont l'équivalent vert des "Thought And Prayers" : ne sert à rien, est fondé sur de la croyance, et permet de rassembler les fidèles autour de quelques dogmes communs. #Religion
Par exemple cette affirmation peu crédible sur les liseuses est probablement fondée sur un chiffre complètement hors sol de CO2/Go, en plus d'être périmé, qui circule depuis près de 15 ans et devait initialement être calculé sur écran (donc rien à voir). Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
100th Monkey Effect 🐒🐒🐒

Put 8 monkeys in a room and.... Image
In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.

Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable.

Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the
ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed on, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.

One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Pray for all the passengers and their families 🙏

The death toll in the #Odisha #trainaccident involving two express trains - #Bengaluru-#Howrah Express and #Shalimar-#Chennai #Coromandel Express -- and a goods train in #Balasore has risen to 238 and around 900 were injured.
#IndianAirForce (IAF) deployed Mi-17 helicopters for the evacuation of deceased and injured in the Odisha triple train accident, informed Eastern Command.

IAF is coordinating the rescue efforts with the civil administration and #IndianRailways.
While #Muslims are busy #mocking the death of #Hindus in the #TrainAccident. Here's #Odiya Hindus of #Odisha queuing at midnight to #donate #blood for the surviving #victims of the train accident. Irrespective of victim's #religion. That's the difference..
Read 16 tweets
May 28th 2023

@BCCI is the #WORLDS #RICHEST CRICKET board (Valuation: Rs16500cr, Income: Rs3900cr)


BUT that is NOT the Shocking Part, Read the #Thread

#CRICKET is a #RELIGION in India & #TRANSPARENCY should be Foremost Image
As per the FY17 Annual Report, @BCCI paid an INTEREST Cost of Rs115 Cr (400% YoY) while it’s INTEREST Income of Rs171 Cr (Fell 2% YoY).

BUT WHY were they paying 171Cr of Interest Costs when they had a CASH BALANCE of 3770 Cr (3560 Cr in FY16) ? ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
May 8th 2023
زرتشت___تاریخ سےچنداوراق
زرتشت__4000سال قبل قدیم ایرانی مذہب کاپیغمبر
زرتشت__جسےقدیم مقامی زبان میں "زتھورا" (Zarathustra) کہاجاتاتھا،
دنیاکےاولین توحیدی عقائد کےمذہب کابانی تھا۔
زرتشت__کےبارے میں تمام مواد"آوستا" سےمیسر آتاھےجوزرتشتی مذہبی صحیفوں ImageImage
کاایک مجموعہ ھے۔
زرتشت__کی تاریخ پیدائش اور وفات سےآج مورخین قطعا لاعلم ہیں اور کچھ بھی مصدقہ نہیں۔
زرتشت__کےبارے میں کچھ محققین کاخیال ھے کہ وہ سائرس اعظم کاہم عصرتھاجوچھٹی صدی قبل مسیح میں سلطنتِ فارس کاایک بادشاہ تھا۔
زرتشت__کی پیدائش اب شمال مشرقی ایران یاجنوب مغربی افغانستان ImageImage
میں ھوئی۔
زرتشت__ایک ایسے قبیلے میں رہتا تھا جو ایک قدیم مذہب کی پیروی کرتا تھا جس میں بہت سے دیوتاؤں (مشرک) تھے۔ یہ مذہب غالباً ہندو مت کی ابتدائی شکلوں سے ملتاجلتا تھا۔
زرتشت__نے 30سال کی عمر میں ایک پاکیزگی کی رسم میں حصہ لینےکے دوران ایک اعلیٰ ہستی کا الہی نظارہ کیااور آج یہ Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
Religious Feelings Can’t Be So Fragile To Be Hurt Or Provoked By An Individual’s Speech: Delhi High Court Quashes Summons Against Raj Thackeray @nupur_0111 #ChhathPuja #DelhiHC…
@nupur_0111 #India is a country which is unique due to various religions, faiths and languages which co exist with side by side. Its unity lies in this coexistence: Delhi High Court
@nupur_0111 Religious feelings and religious sentiments cannot be so fragile as to be hurt or provoked by a speech of an individual. Religion and faith are not as fragile as human beings: High Court
Read 8 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
@MarinSanna Voisiko 7666 '#InTheNameOfAllah', #Jauhojengi-totuutta paeta...
#MKUltra-#CIACoup In #Finland 2019 - #Finns have had to realize that their #enemy is not #Russia or President #Putin, but their own treacherous #Satan-worshiping #GreatReset #WEF govt.
@MarinSanna #MSM admitted the #hidden #NATO agenda: the merger of the #FinnishAirForce with the "Nordic Air Force", which has been prepared for 15 years | Mar 29 - When #Finland's NATO #membership is nearing, the result of decades of planning,.. was revealed.
@MarinSanna THREAD 30
FROM: #NATO poll. The #Finnish people (92%) #REJECTED joining NATO.
TO: #Eduskuntavaalit2019 [3:33:05] - 93.9% of votes have been counted (2893919 pcs). SDP won with 7,666 votes and appointed a girl as PM who pleaded that she was against #NATO
Read 19 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
@Demarit @MarinSanna Dear President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan
- Please, note that #Finns have been #deceived in several #rigged #elections and in the 15-y-long hidden #NATO agenda.
92% of Finns do not want to #join NATO.
@Demarit @MarinSanna #Finland #CIACoup aka sc. #ParlamentaryElections2019 by #Scytl-#Dominion.
'#ElectionNight 7,666'
- Valid votes total: 3,081,916 = 99.42%
- From where the figure 7,666 comes?
@Demarit @MarinSanna F.Y.I. #Finland's #PresidentialElections 2018.
- #Niinistö with '#NorthKorea's' numbers, 62,7%, to victory. The matter seems clear, except the #result was #fake and known to the #elite in advance.
B. Yilmaz | Jan 28, 2018
627 #GoldmanSachs #LuckyNumber
Read 13 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
@RTErdogan @PM_ViktorOrban @RSF_inter @amanpour #HUDOC
Dear President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan
- Please, note that #Finns have been #deceived in several #rigged #elections and in the 15-y-long hidden #NATO agenda.
92% of Finns do not want to #join NATO.
@RTErdogan @PM_ViktorOrban @RSF_inter @amanpour The Ministry of #ForeignAffairs organized an OFFICIAL opinion #poll on joining #NATO, which ended on Nov 23.
The #Finnish people (92%) #REJECTED joining NATO.
The MFA, in #violation of the #PublicityAct, refuses to hand over copies of stats free of charge
Read 15 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 13:

“The Eleventh Descent—Sedentary Life...Drudgery & Labor:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*
by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #psychology #devolution

PH 13/1
Chapter 13 is subtitled,

“In Nature We Played & Had Ease;

“No One’s at Fault for Our Falls But We Are Now Responsible...

“The Fearful Planetmate”

THREAD… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work #civilization #labor #play

PH 13/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: thorns also & thistles shall it bring forth to thee;”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work

PH 13/3
Read 121 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#Bremen: Übermorgen, am Donnerstag den 23. Februar, wird das Bremer Oberlandesgericht über das von der Staatsanwaltschaft angestrengte Revisionsverfahren gegen den evangelikalen Pfaffen #Latzel entscheiden. Latzel, (1/11)
Pastor der Martini-Gemeinde in der Bremer Innenstadt war im Mai letzten Jahres vom Vorwurf der Volksverhetzung freigesprochen worden. Bemerkenswert war die Begründung, (2/11)
mit der das Gericht die Verurteilung Latzels auf Grund seiner homo- und queerfeindlichen Äußerungen aufgehoben hatte: Das sei alles durch die #Religionsfreiheit gedeckt. Die Religionsfreiheit, die das Bremer Landgericht bei Latzel letztes Jahr entdeckt hat, (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
#Religion & #Science are NOT that different!...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
In his speech in Khost Province, the Taliban's deputy leader& acting minister of interior Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani said that "Today, when we are assigned to this service (leading the government), we should see it as a responsibility. We should not make out of 20 years of our...… Image
...#Jihad, a #Mafia, to take privileges from it. These conditions are not tolerable. If yesterday I had one responsibility, today have other. My responsibility today is to bring people closer to me and look at their shortcomings with a reformative view and cover up their wounds."
As part of self-criticism, Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani said that we (Taliban's leadership) are such arrogant that "challenging, exclusivity and defamation of the entire system (Islamic Emirate) is now our initiative and opinion".
His remarks reflect the dissatisfication of the ...
Read 7 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Thread on #politics and #religion in #Ethiopia 1/14: The country is bracing for a new, nationwide, protest, with possible ensuing widespread violence on Sunday 12. Feb. This time ostensibly over #religion and control of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church #EOTC. #Oromo #Tigray
2/14: The conflict in #EOTC has deep roots, but flared up recently when a group of #Oromo clergy broke with the Church leadership and established a separate Synod, arguing that Oromo representation and culture had been marginalised throughout centuries.
3/14: #Oromo clergy protested that Afaan Oromo was not used in Church, leading to an alienation of the Church from its flock & the decrease of adherents, as well as clergy appointed to #Oromia “don't understand the language and the culture of the people”.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 6, titled,

“Womb with a View:

Our Concepts-Feelings About the Spiritual & Religious Have Roots in Our Prenatal Experiences”

of “Dance of the Seven Veils I”

by Michael Adzema

THREAD… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 6/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema
is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD #psychology #womb #consciousness

D7V1 6/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…these foundational events shape & inform the myths by which we live, the motives that inspire us,..” []

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #spirituality #primal #religion #womb #anthro #myth #archetype

D7V1 6/3
Read 138 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
„Dort fragte sie, laut der «New York Times» unter Tränen, was man denn morgens um 8 Uhr tun solle, «wenn jemand deine #Religion beleidigt». Auch andere Studenten lamentierten, sie fühlten sich von der Universität diskriminiert.“ 1/3
👇🏽 #CancelCulture…
„Ein Sprecher des Council on American-Islamic Relations – eine der wichtigsten islamischen Organisationen der USA – erklärte, solch kontroverser stuff dürfe an der Universität nicht gelehrt werden. Geradeso gut könne man den Schülern beibringen, «warum Hitler gut war».“ 2/3
„Denn die Entlassung von Erika López Prater sorgt auch bei gemässigten Muslimen für Unverständnis. Der amerikanische PEN-Club wittert eine der «ungeheuerlichsten Verletzungen der akademischen Freiheit». Selbst linke Kommentatoren sprechen von einem Cancel-Culture-Fall…“ 3/3
Read 3 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
1/The historical& archeological evidence has decisively rejected the credibility& reliability of the divine books’ narratives/Torah, Bible, Quran.
The Exodus, as the source of Israelites history has been fully distorted, .. ImageImageImageImage
2/in which the lower class Semites were the slaves of upper class Semites/Hyksos, the foreigners who gradually moved& settled in the Nile delta& took over the Lower Egypt/Northern half, brutally ruled as pharaoh for more than a century.
3/Moses was a Pharaoh who overthrown by the uprising of people [Persecuted Semites&Egyptians]& had to flee.
After being expelled from Egypt, these criminal rulers infiltrated everywhere, gradually migrated to other countries as Oppressed Diaspora, ..
Read 8 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
image source i have to keep anon: I was part of a research link/thing when I was young in the late 1950s, thru my dad. I've spent the rest of my life on this. It's pretty straight line stuff actuall ImageImageImage
Read 48 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
#SupremeCourt bench led by Justice MR Shah to continue hearing plea by BJP leader and advocate Ashwini Upadhyay seeking stringent steps to tackle forceful religious conversions.

#religion #SupremeCourtOfIndia #law #conversion @AshwiniUpadhyay Image
Hearing to commence shortly.

#SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtofIndia #Conversion
Counsel with SG Tushar Mehta requests for a Passover

Sr Adv Arvind Datar: a counter note is to be filed by SG Mehta

Justice MR Shah: SG is only missing

#SupremeCourtOfIndia #conversion @AshwiniUpadhyay
Read 10 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
#SupremeCourt to hear PIL by BJP leader and advocate @AshwiniUpadhyay against forced religious conversions.

#religion #conversion #SupremeCourtOfIndia
Read what the Central government stated in its affidavit in the matter, here:…
Hearing starts.

Justice Shah: Mr Datar is for whom?

Datar: Mr Upadhyay.

SC: Your entry is a surprise.

Sr Adv Sanjay Hedge: Represented by multiple counsel in similar pleas.

Read 14 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Non-Hungarian folks likely missed what
@PM_ViktorOrban posted 2 days ago on his FB:

"Advent Military Operation" - Peculiar wording ...

Not even his assault-rifle-loving #MAGA #Republican #USA friends would use such phrasing to describe going shopping for a wreath

1/7 Read👇
He didn't visit #Kyiv, he sent the loyal party member @KatalinNovakMP to #Ukraine, but that's another story
No, he was just shopping in #Budapest
This may be a surprise for some, but despite the Christian tarpaulin, Orbán is actually an #Atheist

Pastor Gábor Iványi, known for charity work, head of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood - who called Orbán a symbol of #Fascism, an insolent who will be damned, a leader at the height of madness - is one of the rare spiritual leaders, to dare to openly criticize Orbán

Read 7 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
Trotz #Klimanotstandes sollen diese Bäume in
der #Marchlewskistr. 40 einem #Neubau weichen!
Beheimatete #Tiere würden ihren #Lebensraum verlieren.
Durch den Verlust der #Bäume ist die
Entstehung einer #Hitzeinsel wahrscheinlich

#Relegion #Artenenschutz
Oh es hatten sich Fehler-Teufelchen in den Hashtags eingeschlichen

#Religion #Artenschutz

Btw. dieses Video gibt's auch als 16:9 Version
Read 3 tweets

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