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1 🧵Outrage & confusion has the the constant & current state of anyone paying attention-outrage at politicians & policies which have failed so many of us. Despite being a researcher focused on #C19, I again have been shocked at more damning evidence...
2🧵For most people, late 2019 was the last months that held some semblance of normalcy. In December 2019, the first samples of C19 were collected in China, then called a cluster of "pneumonia's."…
3🧵The official #narrative that was forced on the public denied the possibility of a lab leak origin. They vehemently claimed the outbreak was most likely caused by a "spillover event." Today, multiple agencies claim the lab leak is valid.…
Read 17 tweets
@P_McCulloughMD explains how CV19, not the vaccine, creates blood clots. The hardest hit being those with 2+ infections.
McCullough branded #AAPS sent out an email this morning with this latest info. I included the pdf below.
#AAPS emailed me this today describing how #SarsCoV2 exaggerates blood-clotting response leading to clots in the lungs, brain, other organs and large arteries like the aorta. @P_McCulloughMD is named in this report.…
#SarsCoV2 has blood clotting mechanism built in
#mRNA exacerbates/causes #BloodClots
📢@CDC LIED! - said we "can't get #CV19 if vaxd"
✅Vaxd people still get CV19
✅mRNA reacts w/ CV19 increasing mortality rates
✅Virus - made in a lab
✅mRNA - made in a lab
Read 15 tweets
#Shi & her 2022 #China Patent: BALB/c mouse adapted strain of #SARS related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC014S and application thereof..
Inventors: Shi Zhengli, Lin Haofeng, Liu Meiqin, Jiang Rendi
Zhou Peng. #WIV1 #RsSHC014S Image
The invention relates to the technical field of coronavirus, in particular to a BALB/c mouse adapted strain of SARS-related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC 014S. Image
The SARS-associated coronavirus #RsSHC014 can effectively replicate and propagate in a corresponding cell line and a transgenic mouse by using #hACE2 as a receptor, Image
Read 62 tweets
1. "The Bats Down Under" #CSIRO Thread

CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,

Australian Government . Image
2. Location of the Labs… Image
3. Australian Acronyms

Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP)

The Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL)

Page 21… Image
Read 56 tweets
Per chi volesse approfondire i temi trattati nel servizio di #PresaDiretta di ieri sera, ho raccolto in questo thread le fonti e i documenti principali citati in trasmissione. 🧵1/
Cominciamo dalla missione dell'#OMS a #Wuhan, all'inizio di quest'anno. Qui trovate il rapporto finale che considera "estremamente improbabile" l'incidente di laboratorio. 2/…
Qui invece la famosa lettera scritta a @ScienceMagazine (primo autore @jbloom_lab) per chiedere di indagare tutti i possibili scenari. 3/…
Read 25 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerber's Apollo 13

In March 2020, the German Ministry of the Interior @BMI_Bund issued a #strategypaper that weaponized fear in order to accomplish compliance with #COVID policies. The authors' emails were litigated under #FOIA request. My analysis. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: The @BMI_Bund emails have been released to the public as they were successfully sued by lawyer Niko Härting in a FOIA proceeding. They can be requested directly from @BMI_Bund/ @rki_de via @fragdenstaat. Download it here: Image
3/210: The emails originated March 19-25, 2020. They are so explosive because they map the inner discourse of the @BMI_Bund's now infamous #COVID-19 taskforce, which produced several crucial domestic policy documents. @OttoKolbl
Read 210 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerbers Apollo13
Im März 2020 stellte das @BMI_Bund eine COVID-19 Taskforce zusammen, die ein umstrittenes #Strategiepapier verfasste. Die #Emails der Autoren wurden per Informationsfreiheitsgesetz freigeklagt. Hier kommt meine Analyse der 59 Emails. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: Die @BMI_Bund-Mails sind geschwärzt für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben, seit sie durch den Anwalt Niko Härting per IFG-Verfahren erstritten wurden. Über @fragdenstaat können sie direkt beim @BMI_Bund @rki_de angefragt werden. ImageImage
3/210: Die Emails enstanden vom 19.-25. März 2020. Sie sind deshalb so brisant, weil sie die inneren Diskurse der inzwischen berüchtigten COVID-19 Taskforce des @BMI_Bund abbilden, aus der diverse innenpolitische Dokumente hervorgegangen sind. @OttoKolbl
Read 211 tweets
LR @RepMcCaul "All roads lead to the #WIV. We know gain-of-function research was happening there & we know it was being done in unsafe conditions. We also now know the head of the Chinese CDC & the director of the WIV’s BSL-4 lab publicly expressed concerns ab safety at PRC labs.
"#CCP officials & scientists at the #WIV [then] began frantically covering up the leak, including taking their virus database offline in the middle of the night & requesting more than $1M for additional security. But their coverup was too late – the virus was already spreading.
“It is also concerning the scientific community told the American people for more than a year it was impossible to modify a virus without leaving a trace when this technology existed more than 14 years before the pandemic began.
Read 7 tweets
The "missing" scientist from #WIV seems to be someone who was in the #phage lab 5 years ago?

That's not a common enough name that there's been two at the same institute?

A phage is about as unlike a #coronavirus as you can get while still being a virus.…
The lab started some stuff on African Swine Fever, but not till after she left.

And a couple of papers on SARS-COV-2 that seem to be adapting methods they developed with other pathogens, after the pandemic was discovered.
Even the tabloids reporting it found she left town 4 years before the pandemic started. Image
Read 3 tweets
🔴#Crisanti: "#Riaperture senza criterio, colpa non è dei ragazzi"
"È una polemica a senso unico. Io l’ho ignorata fino all'ultimo, ma quando vengono dette delle bugie a fini politici, con sprezzo di tutte le sofferenze e dei morti, rispondo indignato.
🤾‍♂️"Altro che Decreto Rilancio" i Professionisti in rivolta
23 mag | TG4 | Rete 4

#DecretoRilancio: è botta e risposta tra #governo e #professionisti.
🚨La beffa dei #rimborsi e le #aziende chiudono
23 mag | TG4 | Rete 4

#Coronavirus: economia sempre più in ginocchio ed esplode la rabbia degli #imprenditori.
Read 29 tweets
"The live SARS-like coronavirus SL-CoV-WIV1 has been isolated for the first time from bat droppings; and such virus has been confirmed to invade the host cells through the ACE2 of human beings..." ImageImageImage
Bat Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Like Coronavirus WIV1
Encodes an Extra Accessory Protein, ORFX, Involved in Modulation of the Host Immune Response. (2016) #ZhengLiShi #PeterDaszak #EcoHealth
Funding: #NIAID 110964 ImageImageImageImage
In this study, we have developed a fast and cost-effective method
for reverse genetics of coronaviruses by combining two approaches developed by others..As the genomes can be divided into multiple short fragments, mutations can be introduced into individual
fragments easily. ImageImageImageImage
Read 68 tweets
If you hear anyone claim “we know the virus didn’t come from a lab”, don’t buy it — it may well have. Labs around the globe have been creating synthetic viruses for years:…

#covid19 #sars-cov-2 #cov2 #ncov #virology #gainoffunction #gof #wuhan #wiv
Read 5 tweets
Meet Huang Yan Ling, #coronavirus patient zero. Also known as "bat girl" from Wuhan Institute of virology. #COVID19 Where's Huang? As the first infected, she's dead.
Who said one person couldn't change the world?
Huang Yanling was from Southwest Jiaotong University and had a major in microbiology she was a graduate student of Wuhan Institute of virology admitted in 2012.
Here is Shi Zhengli, "bat woman" virologost at #WIV with papers on #coronavirus and known for collecting bats for the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Read 28 tweets

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