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Friday Fact-Check Overview: 19-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
«O υπερπολυτελής συρμός ΔΕΝ ανήκει στον πρόεδρο της #Ουκρανίας #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι»

«Ο ισχυρισμός κρίνεται #αναληθής. Τα υπερπολυτελή βαγόνια που απεικονίζονται στις φωτογραφίες δεν αποτελούν το εσωτερικό κάποιου τρένου που ανήκει στον #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι. [1/2]
Οι εικόνες προέρχονται από υλικό που κυκλοφόρησε το 2015 από το εσωτερικό επιβατικών βαγονιών που δημιούργησε η εταιρεία #Ukrainian #Railways στα πλαίσια διεξαγωγής διαδρομών με αυξημένες παροχές.» [2/2]…
Read 24 tweets
25/11/19 - #Kolomoisky waarschuwde zelf en voorspelde in de Oekraïense pers dat ‘er een groot schandaal zou kunnen uitbreken, en niet alleen in Oekraïne, maar ook in de VS. Dat wil zeggen, het kan een duidelijke samenzwering tegen Biden blijken te zijn’… ImageImageImage
21/12/15 - Ihor #Kolomoisky verkeerde in conflict met de president van het land, Petro #Poroshenko. Kolomoisky bankiert vanaf de Zuidas in Amsterdam. De Oekraïense beerput is een US & NL aangelegenheid… Image
6/6/19 - #Kolomoisky wordt ervan verdacht in het geheim de tegenstander van #Poroshenko, de huidige president Volodymyr #Zelenskiy, te steunen, maar beiden ontkennen dat ze politieke bondgenoten zijn… Image
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Il Governo 🇷🇺 cerca di addossare la colpa della perdita di integrità territoriale 🇺🇦 ad una fantomatica "destabilizzante influenza Occidentale", e che il Memorandum di Budapest non prevederebbe i casi di "colpi di stato" (facendo un chiaro riferimento all'Euromaidan) e la 1/5
Eventuale decisione di alcune parti dell'🇺🇦 dal voler staccarsi dallo Stato.
Peculiare che si faccia ancora riferimenti all'Euromaidan come colpo di stato visto che da allora ad oggi ci sono state diverse elezioni, fra cui quella del Presidente attuale #Zelensky, i cui 2/5
Risultati sono stati riconosciuti anche dal #Cremlino stesso, nonostante qualche attrito.
Ad esempio, Peskov avrebbe affermato che "Rispettiamo le elezioni 🇺🇦, soprattutto per via del risultato molto chiaro, anche se la legittimità di queste elezioni è ancora questionabile 3/5
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🔴 #RussianUkrainianWar "Listes complètes des demandes avancées par la #Russie et l'#Ukraine pour mettre fin au conflit militaire": Newsweek a recueilli "les pierres d'achoppement qui empêchent un règlement pacifique" et a conclu que la principale est la réticence de #Kyiv à 🔽
prendre en compte la situation réelle.

« Ces derniers jours, la #Russie et l'#Ukraine ont discuté du sujet des pourparlers de paix concernant le conflit militaire qui dure depuis 10 mois en #Ukraine. Mais, compte tenu des déclarations du président russe et du président 🔽
ukrainien sur les conditions nécessaires à un accord de paix, la perspective d'une fin rapide du conflit militaire semble peu probable.
✔ Exigences russes :
☑ L'Ukraine doit capituler
☑ Dénazification et démilitarisation
☑ L'Ukraine doit abandonner les territoires 🔽
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“This journey to #Washington from #Zelenskiy, it is an act of desperation."

Disgraceful from #Germany’s main, public-funded news ‘analysis’ show .
-@tagesthemen & Host @HelgeFuhst highlight this view from their Washington correspondent @gudrun_engel
-why? Short🧵
Patronising Ukrainians & underrating #Ukraine's progress on the battlefield has been a consistent feature of Germany's public debate this year. From so-called intellectuals behind the #emmaoffenerbrief to the chief of Germany's military.

While so many of #Germany's population have been inspired by #Ukraine's courageous resistance & resourcefulness in the face of Russia's horrific attack, many in Germany's establishment seem unable to share in that positive sentiment.
Read 12 tweets
#Allemagne 🇩🇪 "Pire qu'en 1962": Junge Welt écrit que le monde est devenu l'otage de la bêtise de #Biden et du "complexe Napoléon" de #Zelensky. « Il ne se passe pas un jour sans qu'un représentant de la #Russie déclare que son pays est prêt à négocier la fin de la guerre 🔽
en #Ukraine et la réaction de la partie occidentale est la suivante : « Eh bien, regardez, les sanctions et notre soutien à l'#Ukraine fonctionnent toujours. Le danger d'escalade y compris une attaque nucléaire, est plus grand aujourd'hui qu'il ne l'était en 1962, au plus 🔽
fort de la crise des missiles de #Cuba. Parce que lorsque l'administration #Biden dit qu'elle travaille pour éviter la troisième guerre mondiale, mais en même temps arme l'Ukraine à outrance et dit qu'elle laissera #Kyiv décider quand elle sera prête à négocier, alors la 🔽
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#History: "... A combination of rationality, a superior culture and richer public sensibility provided the soil in which #democracy, uniquely, could flourish. But what if that is #nonsense? What if we have the story all wrong?"…
"There are differences between open & closed societies, to be sure. One of the most notable is that, in the west, closed minds are not imposed on the populace, as they have to be in authoritarian regimes. Instead, they are cultivated and nurtured ...
... through #consumption of the establishment #media."

"An interview with Volodymr #Zelenskiy, the hero-president of “democratic” #Ukraine, the leader so beloved of the western establishment #media, is a case in point. He now admits that, throughout Moscow’s build-up ...
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1/ Operational update regarding the #russian_invasion at 1800 on July 26, 2022.
No major changes on the entire front line But Ru have minor success & losses with small assaults groups. #UAarmy is resisting. In some place doubt remains
#UkraineMap #UkraineRussianWar #CarteUkraine
2/ from gen staff report -
3/ Ru partially improved the tactical position in the direction of the settlements of #Soledar and #Vershyna. Attempts by the enemy to carry out assaults in the direction of the settlements of Yakovlivka, Bakhmut and #Semihirya failed. Here the enemy units retreated with losses.
Read 30 tweets
While #Russia slaughters civilians in #Ukraine I hear that some in #Germany including advisors to Chancellor #Scholz are looking for a quick way back to business as usual.
This is totally unacceptable - & needs to be changed ASAP or many more will die 🧵
Ignoring intelligence reports, advisors are apparently briefing that the war will be effectively over by October. That would be convenient for them as it offers a way to go back to business as usual with #Russia & avoids unpopular high fuel costs in winter but it’s dangerous BS
that will sell #Ukraine short & leave us all at risk of #Putin’s next vicious attack. After Plotner’s indication last week that he prioritises relations with #Russia over clear support to #Ukraine, this week advisors are trying to sell a dodgy prognosis on the war.
Read 11 tweets
#Severodonetsk - #Ukraine suffered a major setback to its counterattack in the last day & has been pushed back into the industrial zone in the W of the city. #Russian forces have advanced forward of previous lines but a blistering artillery barrage from both sides is underway.
#NASA FIRMS 24 hours data shows that huge sections of the city were on fire today, which is an indicator of shelling or explosives. The shelling appears to be from #Ukraine & #Russian directed at both forward units and resupply and command control areas of the opposite side.
This artillery barrage is creating a zone between the line of contact that is essentially occupied by neither side at the moment because any soldier who is spotted in that zone is immediately hit with a massive barrage. We have updated our map to indicate the unoccupied zone.
Read 10 tweets
(3) According to J. M. Hobson (Eurocentric Conception, 2012), a recurring tripartite pattern in terms of cultural maturity and political competence can be observed in a vast majority of schools in the 19th century (Fig. 1).

#Ukraine #Colonialism #Genocide #Bucha #Azov #NATO Image
Read 24 tweets
This article by @andrewduffEU is sadly typical of group think in & around the Brussels bubble.

“Nobody who knows how the Brussels institutions work-without a strong government-can be confident the EU is fit to internalize #Ukraine’s national problem.” 1/…
It’s a well informed piece (from an #EU perspective) that on the surface might sound eminently reasonable- like some other recent attempts to fob off #Ukraine with 2nd class options. BUT, the quote in the previous tweet gives the game away. It shows 🇺🇦 is seen as a problem 2/
Rather than being recognised as the #EU’s best geopolitical opportunity in a generation, #Ukraine is presented as a cost, a burden to be borne, not a huge potential benefit to be embraced, or a possibility for EU renewal to be welcomed. 3/…
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On #Putin's decision to invade #Ukraine, Gordon Hahn (@rusolog) gives crucial insight. Was it planned all along, or was it last minute? Read the article.…
The decision was likely last minute. Remember, in the couple months before Feb 24, #Putin was practising 'coercive diplomacy' (Hahn's words), but the West not only ignored it, along with #Ukraine, they increased provocations and insisted on #NATO's open door policy.
"By February, Washington & NATO had made it clear they had not intention of even considering an end to #NATO expansion to Ukraine, insisting on the inviolability of its ‘open door’ policy. This was occurring on a background of years of expanding NATO-Ukrainian mil cooperation"
Read 30 tweets
It's not enough for #Russia to lose its aggressive war.
▶️#Ukraine must win.
It's not enough to win a military victory
🇺🇦needs a viable future.
That must include a clear path to #EU membership.
Here's why🇪🇺should offer that
(& what's getting in the way)
It's clear that the immediate priority for #Ukraine is to defeat #Russia & repel its unprovoked invasion.
What defeating #Russia means has been increasingly discussed in recent days - especially after @SecDef's comments on weakening 🇷🇺…
There have been many good interventions on that topic, including from @shashj in discussion with @DrRadchenko
Read 27 tweets
What to do with a problem like #Steinmeier getting refused an invitation to #Kyiv by #Zelenskiy?

A 🧵 on why it's better for #Germany to get proactive instead of getting offended over #Ukraine. Image
Steinmeier being unwelcome in #Kyiv is bad.
I'm not criticising #Zelenskiy's decision (which is justified) but that it came to this is everyone's detriment.
As such, it's an important moment to reflect & consider, why it happened & what to do better. Image
#Steinmeier was not welcomed because of his past closeness to Putin's #Russia. He has publicly regretted this but its clear that for Kyiv apology ≠ atonement. Let's be honest the ill-judged harmony concert & FWS' spox criticism of @MelnykAndrij didn't help, BUT
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This video shared by #Ukrainian sources. Civilians wearing a white arm band, russian identification sign since the start of the conflict.
These men were interrogated by Ukrainian SBU accused of being with the #Russian & executed by #Ukraine force.
2/ Civilians wearing white band was a sign of them allegedly being with #Russia, used by #Ukraine Force. #Bucha Massacre is done by #Ukrainian Nazi. Theyve been holding civilians as hostages since starting of mission. It's been confirmed by other nations evacuated students too ImageImageImage
3/ People wearing and tied with white clothes were a sign of them being with #Russian. This #bucha Massacre is a false flag by #Ukrainian #Nazi.

#FalseFlag #fake #News #Ukraine #Russian Image
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#Zelenski, a medios rusos: "Ucrania se abre a negociar el estatus de #neutralidad" | Mar 27
- “Garantías de seguridad y neutralidad, estatus no nuclear de nuestro estado. Estamos listos para hacerlo. Este es el punto más importante”, ha declarado Zelenski,…
#Ukraine ready to discuss adopting #neutral status in Russia peace deal - #Zelenskiy | Mar 28
- #Security guarantees and neutrality, non-nuclear status of our state. We are ready to go for it. This is the most important point," Zelenskiy said.…
#Ukraine prepared to discuss neutrality status, Zelensky tells Russian #journalists | Mar 28
- Zelensky was speaking to Russian journalists in a #videocall, an interview Russian authorities had pre-emptively #warned Russian #media to refrain from reporting…
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Russian #Strikes Hit Outskirts of Ukrainian Capital and #Lviv | 4h ago
- Russian forces pressed their assault on Ukrainian cities Friday, with new missile strikes and shelling on the edges of the capital Kyiv and the western city of Lviv, ~its mayor…
Russian #missiles hit military #aircraft #repairfacility in Ukraine's #Lviv | Mar 18
- three explosions in quick succession rocked the training facility around 6 am. A nearby resident described his building vibrating from the explosions…
Russian strikes hit Ukrainian #capital and outskirts of #Lviv | Mar 18
- The early morning barrage of missiles - was the closest strike yet to the center of the city, which has become a #crossroads for people #fleeing from other parts of Ukraine…
Read 21 tweets
Quello che la gente non capisce dei discorsi di #Orsini è che in questo momento l'FSB sta mettendo pressione a tutti i suoi assett per destabilizzare l'opinione pubblica dei paesi che supportano l'#Ucraina. E tutti i discorsi di Orsini servono a fare esattamente quello. 1/?
Non dice cose sbagliate, ma dice solo mezze verità. La storia delle esercitazioni #NATO le abbiamo già spiegate: sono in risposta a 10+ anni di esercitazioni provocatorie da parte della #Russia.
Le esercitazioni NATO sono un deterrente, quelle della Russia sono minacce. 2/?
Il non menzionare questo dettaglio distorce completamente la prospettiva intorno alla questione.
Afferma che #Zelenskiy ci sta portando verso la guerra nucleare. Perché si sta difendendo? Non ha armi nucleari fino a prova contraria, l'Ucraina ci ha rinunciato in cambio di 3/?
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#Zelinsky n'est qu'un pantin. Celui qui tire les ficelles, ennemi de #Poutine, qui malgré sa confession soutient des groupuscule néo-nazes, au cœur de nombreux réseaux de corruption, se nomme #Kolomoisky, associé avec les #EtatsUnis pour attaquer #Poutine…
Yevgeny Satanovsky, ancien président du Congrès juif russe et actuel directeur de l'Institut d'études moyen-orientales de Moscou, n'a pas hésité à clamer :…
Notre ami #kolomoisky s'est toujours opposé à tous processus de paix avec la #Russie et a même refusé à l'ancien président ukrainien, #Porochenko, des cessez-le-feu avec les provinces de l'est, tentant même de les annexer de force à la région qu'il dirige…
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⚡️ Head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin (key points):

• The more successfully the Russian special military operation in #Ukraine develops, the stronger the hysteria becomes in the #UnitedStates and other #NATO countries.
• The masks have been dropped. The #West is not just trying to surround #Russia with a new "Iron Curtain". We witnessed attempts to destroy our state, attempts of its "cancellation".
#NATO bombed #Yugoslavia under the pretext of rescuing the "unfortunate" #Kosovo Albanians, and now their leader Hashim Thaci himself is on trial for war crimes and trafficking of human organs.
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‼️#URGENTE | Declaraciones subidas de tono agregan tensión al conflicto🇷🇺🇺🇦. De un lado, #Rusia niega estatus de prisioneros de guerra a mercenarios occidentales capturados. Del otro, @business alucina con "ejecuciones públicas". #ÚltimaHora de los acontecimientos

🚨 Abro hilo👇
📌 #Putin y #Macron conversaron sobre la crisis 🇷🇺🇺🇦. Según @ActualidadRT, el presidente ruso rechazó propuestas hechas por Macron y dijo que "los intentos de ganar tiempo por medio de las demoras en las conversaciones solo llevarán al planteamiento de nuevas demandas ante #Kiev"
📌 Según la @ONU_es, un millón de personas abandonaron #Ucrania desde inicio del conflicto #RusiaVsUcrania. @FilippoGrandi: "Para muchos millones más, dentro de #Ucrania 🇺🇦, es hora de que las armas callen, para que se pueda prestar una ayuda humanitaria que salve vidas".
Read 13 tweets
Savaş = enerji kontrolü ise;

Küreselciler Asya-Hazar enerji havzasını kontrol için bir oyun kurdu.

Komedyen #Zelenskiy'i NATO gazına getirip #Putin'i tahrik etti.

Ve Rusya ağır yaptırımlarla tecrit edildi.

Sonunda Putin ve Ukrayna kaybeder, Küreselciler kazanır.

Tablo budur!
Putin, kısa vadede Ukrayna'yı kontrol edebilir ama uzun vadede enerji irac edemeyeceği için bölgedeki ezici ağırlığını kaybeder.

Küreselcilerin Çin eliyle, Türki Cumhuriyetler ve Hazar enerji havzası üzerindeki etkisi daha da artar.

Aliyev'in son dakika manevrasına dikkat!
Putin, tecrübeli bir siyasetçi.

Bu oyunu görmemiş olmadı küçük ihtimal.

Ama çevresi NATO tehdidi ile kuşatılınca, sonucunu bilerek bu savaşa girdi.

Ukrayna'yı yakıp yıkmadan ilerleme ve siyasi sonuç alma çabası da bundan.

Asker kaybını göze alıp Ukrayna halkını kazanmak.
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