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@naihhi @atBenBradbury…
sehr interessant. er hat sein recht zur konstruktiven kritik immer & überall genutzt, nur es gibt zu heute einen unterschied. in jedem staat sitzt eine weltweit operierende struktur drin, die sich in die bestehende struktur eingearbeitet hat.
nehmen wir 1)
@naihhi @atBenBradbury 2) das beispiel america. Sie haben schon genug zu kämpfen, das überall die #CIA #FBI drin sitzt & in firmen die #kpc . warum ist das so? weil eine gruppe von menschen das so will. sie haben nämlich ihre weltweite struktur in allen ländern und wollen, dass sie beschaftigt sind. 3) Image
@naihhi @atBenBradbury 3) deshalb hat Wolfgang #Eggert ein Leben mit Schreiben verbracht. Keiner will wahrhaben, dass seit 1990 Einnahmen Deutschlands über #Fed #USA nach #Israel fliessen.
Keiner traut sich zu reden, weil es keine Differenzierung zwischen Chassidismus, Khasaren-Satanismus und 4) Image
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"La civiltà ha reso l'uomo, se non più sanguinario, in ogni caso più ignobilmente sanguinario di quanto fosse un tempo".

|F. M. Dostoevskij|

1/24 Image
L'operazione segreta #GLADIO venne scoperta nel 1990: #CIA, #MI6 e #NATO avevano addestrato e diretto un esercito clandestino di unità paramilitari fasciste in tutta Europa, dispiegando le proprie risorse per indebolire gli oppositori politici.…
Oggi nuovi #file britannici recentemente declassificati, gettano una luce inquietante sulle origini e sul funzionamento interno dell'operazione #Gladio, che anche attraverso la NATO, dispiegava milizie terroristiche fasciste in tutta Italia.

Read 45 tweets
Un cochinero🧵

Si, dejaron un verdadero cochinero los NarcoPrianistas.

Claro, tu incluido Nini.

AMLO es el mejor presidente de México de todos los tiempos.

Desmantelamiento económico de México de 396 empresas paraestatales y 18 Bancos (CFE y Pemex) las saquearon y hundieron. Image
Esta ahora comprobado que él y solo él, podía y pudo arreglarlo.

A pesar que criminales como tú se han dedicado con recursos de USA, a detener los proyectos que nunca nadie en toda la historia de México pido llevar a cabo.

USA contigo Nini traidor a la patria, sedicioso. Image
USA financia tus actos fraudulentos, qué pretenden destituir a @lopezobrador_.

#USAID quien te financia con un golpe blando de guerra híbrida depende de la #CIA.

Y la asociación delictuosa con los medios esbirros, prensa basura Unidos a los grupos de partidos criminales. ImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
“Quando parlo di avversari, mi riferisco ai leader europei” Joel #Harding.


[thk @FrancoFracassi1 - link all'articolo a fine 🧵] Image
Joel #Harding, berretto verde, ha contribuito contribuito a pianificare le invasioni di #Haiti, #Iraq e #Afghanistan, aveva fatto parte dello Stato Maggiore per le operazioni speciali J2 dell’Esercito.

2/19 Image
Era il collegamento del J2 per le Information Operations (le operazioni psicologiche e di disinformazione militare) con #Cia, #Dia, #Nsa, #Disa altre agenzie di #Washington.

3/19 Image
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"Il più grande inganno che il diavolo abbia mai fatto, è stato quello di convincere il mondo che non esiste"

|Charles Baudelaire|

1/23 Image
Myrotvorec' o #Myrotvorets (Il Pacificatore), è un sito web ucraino gestito dal "Centro Myrotvorec'" e creato dall'attivista Heorhij Tuka, in cui l'ex consigliere del capo del ministero dell'Interno, Anton Gerashchenko, fungeva da addetto stampa.

"Il progetto online Myrotvorets è diventato una risorsa elettronica dei mass media", ha affermato il 3 agosto 2014 il deputato della fazione del Fronte popolare, consigliere del ministro dell'Interno Anton #Gerashchenko.

Read 23 tweets
Depuis que le journaliste Seymour Hersh (…) a publié
"How America Took Out The #NordStream Pipeline" (…), la #CIA s'est crue obligée d'activer ses réseaux en #Europe et aux #USA pour tenter de détourner les soupçons vers l'#Ukraine.
Cette opération d'intox a utilisé les médias d'oligarques occidentaux habitués à colporter la propagande de la CIA. Le matraquage médiatique est censé compenser l'indigence de leur histoire des 6 plongeurs ukronazis louant un petit voilier pour trimbaler des tonnes de matos ? 🙄
La réalité: "En juin dernier [2022], les plongeurs de la Navy, opérant sous le couvert d'un exercice de l'OTAN largement médiatisé au milieu de l'été connu sous le nom de BALTOPS 22 ont posé les explosifs déclenchés à distance trois mois plus tard"…
Read 11 tweets
Project 112

How The United States of America tested its bioweapons on its own citizens...!!
Let's explore:

#CIA #Bioweapons #USA… Image
1. The toys to play around

The United States' first attempt at biological warfare came during World War I. The agent the U.S. tested was the toxin ricin a product of the castor plant. The U.S. conducted tests concerning two methods of ricin dissemination, firstly, adhering the…… Image
2. The Silence in between

In the 1920s suggestions started coming up that the U.S. begin a biological weapons program were coming from within the Chemical Warfare Service (CWS). Chief of the CWS, Amos Fries, decided that such a program would not be "profitable" for the U.S. So…… Image
Read 32 tweets
Philip Haney, DHS whistleblower who spoke out against the Obama Administration’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

— was found dead with a gunshot wound to his chest on Feb 21, 2020. His death was ruled as a suicide.

#DeepState #theSwamp (·.¸¸.-> a 🧵 🪡 )… Image
According to his testimony, under the Obama Administration,

DHS ordered him to delete hundreds of files of people with ties to Islamist terrorist groups, arguing several terrorist attacks could have been prevented if certain files had not been scrubbed.…
“Most of us at DOJ knew that Bush creating DHS was to hide the corruption”

Read Cindy’s response to Philip Haney’s death ⤵️
Read 9 tweets
Project - Bluebird

CIA's first Project in collaboration with Nazi scientists (Imported Under Operation Paperclip)
To create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories for mind control

#CIA #Nazi #MindControl #USA…
1. The Oriental "Xi Nao"
Journalist Edward Hunter wrote an article “Brain-washing Tactics Force Chinese Into Ranks of Communist Party,” in the Miami Daily News in September 1950. In this article, Edward Hunter described how Mao Zedong’s Red Army was using ancient techniques to…… Image
2. FEAR never lets you see anything CLEAR
In 1946 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was so worried about the spread of Communism that it proposed removing liberals, socialists, and communists from places like schools, libraries, newspapers, and entertainment. Edward Hunter’s article…… Image
Read 16 tweets
Euer #Trump hat im Auftrag der #Republicans eine Erpressung in #Deutschland (Europa) mit #FBI #CIA am laufen. #Biden steckt auch mit drin + grosse Teile der #Democrats auch. Diese sogenannte #TrumanShow läuft jetzt fast drei Jahre. Ich hoffe sehr, dass #RFKJr2024 nicht dabei ist.
2) die #TrumanShow in Bayern ist abgesagt. Sie heissen jetzt #Robinhood . Die selbst ernannten #Eliten bezahlen für das, was sie wollen und zwar Millionen. Egal, ob #Adel #Rep #Dem #Royalty damit ich es für ärmere Menschen preiswert liefern kann. Bedankt Euch bei #CIA #FBI 3)
3) die Geschäftemacherei des #RedCross und der #Johanniter (Dörnyei) ist vorbei. Und fühlen sie Caroline #Kennedy auf den Zahn, inwieweit sie gegen ihren Bruder arbeitet. Das ist nur ein Gerücht. Prüfen Sie es.
Read 10 tweets
#ItsDone #SunakBomba N°2.
cc: @ Circonscripti18
#Russian intelligence confirms that the #NATO-#Ukrainian #terrorist regime is preparing to seize the #Zaporizhzhia #NPP by crossing the #Dnieper. This was also announced by the PDT of the "We are with Russia" movement V. #Rogov ImageImageImage
Next #FalseFlag in the #HeavenlyJerusalem - #Zaporizhzhia.
#Satanic #Zionists do not care about the lifes of the #goyims, cuz according to the #Talmud they are comparable to #insects and must be eliminated.

- #AshkeNAZI #Zelensky at #MSC: "#AtomicBomb" Image
Chapter II.
#Christians are to be #Exterminated
- Art. 1. Christians to be Harmed #Indirectly
- Art. 2. Christians to be Harmed #Directly

#mRNA-#WEF-#UkraineWAR-#WW3 Revelation 3 9 Look at thos...The Talmud Unmasked  [The S...
Read 22 tweets
Project MKUltra

CIA’s Cold War Illegal Experiments to Secretly Control Human Mind
The CIA’s Top-Secret Cold War Research Program


1. A Speech that should never have been made
ON APRIL 10, 1953, Allen Dulles, The Newly Appointed Director of the CIA, delivered a speech to a gathering of Princeton alumni.
"I wonder, however, whether we clearly perceive the magnitude of the problem, whether we realize how…… Image
2. In the 1950s in the USA, "Mind Control" was the buzzword
Fear of brainwashing and a new breed of "brain warfare" terrified and fascinated the American public throughout the 1950s, spurred both by the words of the CIA and the stories of "brainwashed" G.I.’s returning from…… Image
Read 40 tweets
The #CIA suggested killing innocent civilians in #OperationNorthwoods to start a war. When #JFK said "HELL NO" they shot and killed him in broad daylight on national television. His brother, the AG, was assassinated five years later. In 2016 The CIA along with the FBI shut down…… Image
K. T. McFarland, a former Deputy National Security Advisor, says the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA will rig the 2024 U.S. presidential election, following their success in rigging 2016 and 2020, because they won't allow any candidate to win that would hold them accountable.
Read 4 tweets
@SarasvuoJari @MarinSanna #Demarit-#Maanpetos-#GreatReset.
@MarinSanna @AnttiRinnepj
Yli 30 miljardin vahingot suomalaisille aiheuttanut #WEF-#Marxist-#YGLs -#NATO -vallankumous -agentti, olisi pitänyt vangita väärennetyn #Eduskuntavaalt +7666 ääntä #InsAllah -tuloksen selvittyä.
@SarasvuoJari @MarinSanna @AnttiRinnepj THREAD 10 - #Äänestäminen.
Saved at Wayback Machine
FROM: @ JariTervo1 Venäjän naapurivaltiossa on erityisen tärkeää äänestää aina | Apr 2, 2023
TO: Video. #Masonic #WomensDay 2021 in #Finland | 8.3.2021
Read 9 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A toddler playing with toy ...
Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher: Dublin is a made town.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)...
Read 36 tweets
Il Consolato #USA🇺🇸 a Francoforte #Germania 🇩🇪 è una base copertura di hacker della #CIA che copre l'#Europa, il #MedioOriente e l'#Africa...#Vault7 #SECRET 2017
I Consolati in generale ma anche le Ambasciate sono spesso basi con copertura diplomatica dei servizi segreti
Anche al Consolato di Milano c'è una cellula della CIA, c'è un agente capo-centro in ogni città con il suo gruppo, tipo il capo-decina di Cosa Nostra insomma
Read 5 tweets
A Swiss tech expert runs a global phone surveillance system for Deep State, and it is a spider's web we never knew, existed.

Let us decode, how it works:


#Assange #Snowden #surveillance #CIA #MOSAD #MI6 #USA #UK #spying #TechSurveillance #China #Russia… Image
1. Welcome to the world of surveillance contractors, telecom access brokers, and an industry of grey actors with seemingly legitimate businesses. Some are regulated, some are procured by state clients - and some are sold to private actors, providing hackers and criminals alike…… Image
2. At the center of this global telecom surveillance web is a tech expert and telecom entrepreneur, a former ally of Julian Assange and vocal critic of the security state, now turned surveillance industry enabler.
His name is Andreas Fink.

#Assange #Snowden #surveillance… Image
Read 25 tweets
Thread 🧵
Truth Versus Propaganda
#Propaganda - They said women got trapped in #LoveJehad and made to join ISIS.
#Truth - Only 66 from India joined ISIS which includes men and women as per #CIA report. Image
The CIA report is further supported by another researched media house which puts the number more or less at 60.
Out of the total 60
Males - 26
Women - 13
Children - 21
Joined ISIS in Afghanistan. Image
#StratNews reveals 10 women and 21 children surrendered in Afghanistan. In a total of all these, only 3 women were non muslims
1. Sonia Sebastian (Ayesha)
2.Merrin Jacob Pallath ( Maryam)
3.Nimisha (Fatima Isa)
Two #Christian's & one #Hindu. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
🧵A Good Book. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America (2006)… So is... Conspirators Hierarchy, The Committee of 300 #WEF ImageImage
Can you imagine an all powerful group that knows no national boundaries, set itself above the laws of ALL countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce & industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry.... #WEF
"A group answerable to no one but its members?.......To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. #WEF #JFK
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The 1980 coup in #Liberia 🇱🇷 altered the course of the country’s #history. The Coup was supposedly led by illiterate Master Sergeant Samuel K. Doe.

He didn’t really plan the coup against President Tolbert however, he served greater #CIA 🇺🇸 interest.

A Thread🧵… ImageImage
Liberia in the late 70s was going through turbulent times. Long standing issues such as the price of food, wealth inequality and political freedom where present.
Former President William Tubman was able to keep everything stable, but the current President Tolbert wasn’t as adept. William TubmanWilliam Tolbert
Despite his flaws and lack of charisma, William Tolbert was much more bolder with his foreign policy than his predecessor.
Tolbert fully embraced Pan Africanism, new African states, training leftist ANC anti apartheid Guerrillas in Liberia, and had relations with the socialists. ImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Sheriff: Suspected #Texas #gunman caught hiding under laundry | May 3
- Francisco #Oropeza, 38, was captured without incident near Houston and about 20 miles (32 kilometers) from his home in the rural town of #Cleveland…
Francisco #Oropeza.
Man suspected of killing five neighbours in #Texas found hiding under pile of laundry | -47min
- Acting on a tip, authorities said they found the suspect hiding underneath a pile of laundry in the closet of a house.…
#Texas Mass Shooter Was 5-Times-#Deported #IllegalAlien | May 2, 2023
- a repeatedly deported Mexican illegal alien will probably not see saturation coverage by the press the way the immigrant-hating fiend who shot up an #ElPaso mall in 2019 was covered.… Image
Read 7 tweets

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