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Mar 23rd 2023
An excellent summary of the cost of living in Germany vs in the UK.

This has very little to do with the EU. It's about corruption in politics.

One country invests in the long term future of its citizens

The other gives out backhanders, crony contracts and dodgy deals to donors
One thing @skedeschi doesn't cover is a comparison of the two political systems.

Like the UK, Germany is a collection of smaller states working together under a United Federation.

But unlike the UK, each state is fairly represented. In the UK, England gets a 90% block vote.
Lke the UK, Germans value both their local representatives and the ability to choose between various policies offered by political parties.

And both countries have roughly 600 MPs, albeit Germany makes this work with a much larger population

But there the similarities end
Read 50 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023

#UK "Si j'avais 80 ans et que je devais choisir entre détruire l'économie, ou risquer une maladie avec 94% de chances de survie je sais ce que je préférerais"

Sympa, les discussions entre Boris #Johnson et Matt #Hancock des #Lockdownfiles

100.000 messages.. Image
..publiés par le Telegraph entre le secrétaire à la santé et d'autes ministres pendant le confinement de 2020

⏩Vous apprécierez les petits arrangements avec les #médias, où ils leur demande leur aide pour augmenter artificiellement le nombre de tests Covid pour.. Image
..pousser la population à le faire...

Selon le Telegraph c'est la panique au Royaume-Uni

⏩En #France le challenge sera de trouver des gens choqués dans l'ambiance gaslighting actuelle…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Alla vigilia dell’anniversario del lancio dell’Operazione Militare Speciale, ripropongo in pochi tweet (relativamente all’importanza e complessità della materia) i punti principali sul conflitto: fatti e realtà, ragioni e implicazioni. #Russia #Ucraina #Guerra #Zelensky #Putin Image
#Russia e #Ucraina nascono come un unico stato ed un unico popolo. Le origini della Rus'di Kiev, estesa da #Kiev a #Novgorod, risalgono a quando un gruppo di origine vichinga e slava si congiunse all’Impero Romano d’Oriente (guardia Variaga).…
Non per caso il primo principe santo a battezzarsi cristianizzando la Rus' di #Kiev porta lo stesso nome dei presidenti russo e ucraino attuali: Vladimir (#Putin)/Volodymyr (#Zelensky)…
Read 53 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#Bojo Recounts #Putin #Missile Attack Threat | -2h
- "He sort of threatened me at one point and said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a #minute,' or something like that," Johnson quoted Putin as saying…
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
The world has suffered for decades from the #AngloSaxon #AgathaChristie psychopath poisoning operations.
- That is why it is good for everyone that the #satanic forces are vaporized, asap.… ImageImage
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak #PortonDown #Salisbury #Skripals #Syria #Douma #OPCW #Novichok #Navalny
1. #Novichok was used and produced in the #US since 2008. #Patent US 9,132,135 b2 | Sep 17, 2020.
2. #PortonDown: #Salisbury nerve agent 'attack' reveals $70M #Pentagon program
Read 26 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
Vergangenen Dienstag ist der 38-jährige #Johnson in Polizeigewahrsam in #Braunschweig gestorben. Er war in der Nacht auf den 01.01. von Polizisten festgenommen worden, eine Ärztin fand ihn bewusstlos in der Zelle, die sie betrat, um Johnson Blut abzunehmen. Foto eines Gitters einer Zelle in schwarz-weiß. In einem sc
Laut Staatsanwaltschaft starb er in der Nacht auf Dienstag im Krankenhaus. Im Laufe der Woche soll eine Obduktion die Todesursache von #Johnson klären.
Nur wenige Tage nach dem 18. Jahrestag vom Mord an Oury Jalloh erreichen uns wieder einmal Nachrichten, dass eine Person of Color in Polizeigewahrsam ums Leben kommt.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
#Dominion-#Scytl #Italy revisited.
- Swiss-American author and researcher Neal #Sutz has revealed that not just #Switzerland but also Italy played a major role in stealing #votes.
'All Roads Lead To #Rome.'
- #Italy interfered with the #US #Elections. Let's first look at the possible players involved. #Obama and former PM of Italy #Renzi. The Story is developing. ImageImageImage
#SCOTUS declines longshot 2020 #electionFraud challenge | -4h
Supreme Court declines to hear another longshot 2020 election fraud challenge.…
Read 10 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Eccoci qua, ci siamo di nuovo:da un lato la stampa italiana (@repubblica @fattoquotidiano)e da un altro quello che si è detto veramente in un articolo scritto da B. #Johnson e nell’altro scritto da H. #Kissinger. In breve due articoli italiani dicono che Kissinger e addirittura 1
uno come Johnson propongono di cedere la #Crimea e #Donbass ai russi per porre la fine alla guerra. Ovviamente tale interpretazione dei due articoli troviamo solo nella stampa italiana. Andiamo a vedere cosa hanno detto Kissinger e Johnson. 2
Read 25 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022

#Johnson bestätigt, was eh' jedem klar ist.
Die #SPD und einzelne #Ampel -Männchen wie #Lindner hofften, #Putin zieht das Ruck Zuck durch in der #Ukraine

Alles passt, für #Mützenich geht das ab 27.02."wohl noch einige Tage",
Lindner will schonmal mit #Melnyk reden, Image

wie das so läuft, wenn die #Russen die #Ukraine übernehmen.

Das Schlimmste: Die #Selenskyj -Schalte in den BT wird zum würdelosen Desaster.

#Scholz hat genau 0 Böcke, 0 Fragen und beantworten will er nachher auch keine

4min später bekommt irgendwer wegen irgendwas Blumen Image

Wäre #Putin der Überfall auf die #Ukraine samt Einnahme #Kiew|s gelungen, die #SPD hätte schulterzuckend bemerkt, das wäre eben jetzt die Situation, man müsse trotzdem mit #Russland reden, klar kommen, lieb sein, kuscheln (bevorzugtes wählen).
Read 3 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Wer hätte gedacht, dass man mal Boris #Johnson dankbar sein könnte.

Wie er nun erzählte, wollte die #Bundesregierung eine schnelle Kapitulation der #Ukraine. Man habe die wirtschaftlichen Verflechtungen mit #Russland als wichtiger erachtet. /TN #SPD #Grüne #FDP Image
Ich habe keine Zweifel, dass das stimmt.
Wir alle erinnern uns wohl noch an die Aussagen von @MelnykAndrij, die Bundesfinanzminister #Lindner ihm gegenüber getätigt haben soll. Oder an die Haltung von Verteidigungsministerin #Lambrecht. /TN
@MelnykAndrij Unabhängig voneinander bestätigen zwei Quellen im Kern die selbe Geschichte. Und auch die USA haben sich an unterschiedlichen Stellen über die Zurückhaltung von D beschwert. Zuzüglich gibt es Handlungen dieser Bundesregierung, die vielen seit Monaten Spanisch vorkommen. /TN
Read 6 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
@UnrollHelper "Liz Truss’s and Kwasi Kwarteng’s 2012 free-market treatise Britannia Unchained has shot up the sales charts, hitting the top spot on Amazon rankings for books on “economic conditions”. It costs £19.55 for the paperback."

Read/Download FREE here 👇…
@UnrollHelper Ought to come with a health warning for the nation's economy!
@UnrollHelper “The key is to make sure that failure is survivable,” is one of the book’s insights. “In the early stages of a project, failure need not be a disaster.”

"This is likely to provide scant consolation to Tory MPs facing the threat of losing their seats at the next election."
Read 107 tweets
Sep 4th 2022

Si conoscerà domani, all'ora di pranzo, il nome del successore di Boris #Johnson alla guida dei #Tories, e di conseguenza alla testa del governo del #RegnoUnito.

Il Guardian parla espressamente di maratona elettorale che "è sembrata durare cinque anni anziché cinque settimane".
Candidati Conservatori desiderosi di rilevare #BoJo al N° 10 di Downing Street? Otto.
O meglio, 8 quelli riusciti a guadagnare il supporto di 20 parlamentari
#Tories, come richiesto dal regolamento interno di queste particolari "primarie".
Al termine delle cinque votazioni che hanno impegnato i soli eletti, sono rimasti in piedi due candidati: Rishi #Sunak e Liz #Truss.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
1/ There's so much ignorance in this position. For one thing, the West isn't sending weapons to Ukraine "in isolation". It is applying incredibly severe sanctions to Russia, which not only aren't working but are rebounding on the west, damaging its economies.
2/ The more fundamental point is that Ukraine was never going to win against Russia because Russia regards the of Ukrainian NATO membership as an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to its security. That means there is no limit to the efforts it will go to in order to prevent Ukraine joining.
3/ Russia is therefore willing to fully mobilise its population and economy in order to win the war if necessary. There is no scenario in which Ukraine wins. Western supplies of weapons and sanctions have just escalated the conflict, making it more costly for Russia.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
This week's issue of #BritanniQ has landed in people's email inboxes. Didn't receive it? Follow the link below to get it every Monday free of charge. What did you miss out on this week? We started, of course, with #BorisJohnson's resignation... [1/n]
...@TomMcTague argued that #Johnson might suffer from Phaeton Complex, and ultimately achieved nothing apart from one big thing. The achievement of nothing infuriated @arisroussinos, who argued in a brilliant essay that this, rather than his sleaze, was his main...[2/n]
...crime. Finally @sullydish said Johnson was useless, but, far from being the avatar for a right wing racist takeover (as many on the hysterical left argue), he actually prevented one. #BritanniQ also guided people to a brilliant @unherd podcast, with @freddiesayers... [3/n]
Read 10 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
Just IN: More than 100 #FGM Victims In #Liverpool Seen By #NHS Services Last Year🤦🏾
#uk: More than 100 victims of female genital mutilation were seen by NHS services in Liverpool in the year to March, new figures show.
NHS Digital figures show around 130 FGM #survivors in the NHS
Liverpool CCG area were seen by health professionals in the year to March – up from roughly 90 the year before.
Of these, approximately 100 were having their injuries reported for the first time.
Only approximate numbers are recorded in the #data to prevent the identification of
individual women.
Across England, roughly 6,380 #women who attended GP practices or other health services were identified as having undergone FGM in 2021-22 – and around 2,735 were newly-identified individuals.
In the UK, FGM has been banned since 1985.
#uk #BorisJohnson #Johnson
Read 5 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
In #Japan wird am Sonntag das Oberhaus gewählt. Bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt wurde vor wenigen Stunden der ehemalige Premier Shinzo #Abe angeschossen, soeben wurde sein Tod verkündet. /MS…
Der Tatverdächtige im Mord an Shinzo #Abe soll ein 41-jähriger ehemaliger Soldat sein. /MS…
Shinzo #Abe war ein harter Rechtsaußen und guter Freund von Donald #Trump und Boris #Johnson. Doch der Mord könnte auch Hintergründe im rechts-reaktionären Milieu haben. /MS
Read 4 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
#BorisJohnson colpito e affondato da un'ondata di dimissioni?
O di "tradimenti", per dirla come il suo inner circle, sempre più stretto, per indicare gli oltre 50 esponenti #Tories che hanno lasciato il proprio posto nel governo e nel partito per spingerlo a lasciare il N°10. Image
#BoJo è letteralmente accerchiato. Sopravvissuto in maniera rocambolesca ad un voto di sfiducia del suo partito lo scorso mese, negli ultimi giorni è finito nuovamente nel mirino: colpa dello scandalo sessuale che ha riguardato il deputato conservatore Chris Pincher. Image
#BorisJohnson nominò Pincher vice whip del partito Conservatore alla Camera dei Comuni - un incarico che in italiano potremmo definire come vicecapogruppo - pur essendo informato del fatto che fosse stato accusato di molestie sessuali. Image
Read 18 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
1/ Thread on a self imposed predicament faced by the establishment, which consists of 2 main problems:
A) #Johnson
B) #littlekeir
2/ Faced with the possibility of a @jeremycorbyn led Government, the establishment turned to explicitly incompetent and corrupt but reliably populist #Johnson as the one man who could stop #Corbyn. The reasoning was probably this: However bad #Johnson would turn out...
3/ Wouldn't matter all that much because with @jeremycorbyn ousted, the system could go back to normal, with a "competent", if dull, Blairite Labour leader ready to step into the breach with a capitalist B-team should #Johnson prove too embarrassing. #littlekeir seemed perfect.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 27th 2022
You might conclude there are no data on lab lib overt/covert pacts.

You wonder. Has no one analysed whether to compete?

TLDR you'd be right to ask. And maybe then surprised. The bigger issue is that 75% of #Johnson's seats are due to a huge mess-up on this in 2019
Data follow⬇️
Ok first #TivertonandHoniton #Wakefield

Was it worth lab and lib striking local "non-compete" agreements?


LSE analysis shows⬇️📈vote share can shift ~5-30% just by not competing. Or this week maybe a darn lot more.…
Someone may want to argue lib dems do slightly better.

They do.
But that's because they start far smaller
AND it's easier for marginal voters to settle on centrist.

Also that effect is minor vs the boost labour gets from LD where they need it.

But one more thing...
Read 8 tweets
Jun 27th 2022
Since everyone is talking Criminal Justice today, for obvious reasons, some thoughts below.

Every time Patel plays Gesture Politics, changes sentences, botches laws, adds grounds for appeal, she knows she's making a broken system worse.

Proof of insincerity and/or incompetence?
How does Criminal Justice end up like this?

This man ⬇️ is a victim of another Home Office miscarriage of justice.

His pursuit by Patel is political. And the cost is massive amounts of Court and Barrister time.

Now recall, he is just one of thousands.

I doubt you're a fan of the Government's Rwanda Policy.

But imagine you were. Most likely you wouldn't want it in court, failing to work. You'd want to avoid last minute appeals.

Yet Patel creates exactly those problems. This is how to avoid them ⬇️

Read 6 tweets
Jun 18th 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia VS #Ucrania (Día 115) - Una mañana más, iniciamos aquí nuestro #hilo 🧵 diario sobre la #GuerraRusiaUcrania, esperando como siempre que sea el último.

🟥 En el siguiente vídeo podéis ver #BMPT rusos en la zona de #Severodonetsk.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia VS #Ucrania (Día 115) - La campaña rusa búsqueda de influencia en #África se está incrementando a raíz de la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥@elenalabrado nos explica en detalle cuáles son los objetivos que persigue y los medios que emplea el #Kremlin.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia VS #Ucrania (Día 115) - Miembros del batallón "Somalia" de la #RPD agradecen al "joven héroe Daniel", de 7 años, la donación de un drone DJI Mavic 3, en el que habría invertido todos sus ahorros, así como el dibujo enviado.

(Obviamente podría ser sólo propaganda)
Read 40 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
1/ The truth is probably not as clear cut as the MSM media would suggest. Just one poll, and an outlier at that. But it suggests that it is entirely *possible* for #Johnson to win the next election. #Labour is not where it needs to be...
2/ By elections are strange beasts. It's important that oppositions win them to show that they are successfully eating in to the support of the Governing Party. But oppositions who win by-elections don't necessarily go on to win General elections...
3/ This is because they tend to be used as protests against the Government, as do local elections. MSM journos are picking & choosing their political precedents. It's true that the vote of confidence means that #Johnson is less likely to lead the Tories into the next election...
Read 7 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
Se amate la politica, anche quella fatta di pugnalate dietro la schiena, di colpi sopra e sotto la cintura, salvate questo tweet e seguite questo thread.
Prima vi spiegherò i dettagli della tentata "congiura" ai danni di #BorisJohnson, poi vi aggiornerò fino al voto finale.
Johnson è l'uomo che non ha mai perso un'elezione. Due volte sindaco di Londra, la scommessa vincente sulla #Brexit, la conquista della leadership Tory, l'incoronazione a primo ministro nel 2019.
Chissà se stasera riuscirà a mantenere intatta questa patina di imbattibilità.
Non che abbia molta scelta.
Sir Graham Brady presidente del Comitato 1922, il gruppo parlamentare del Partito Conservatore, ha annunciato oggi che la soglia del 15% dei parlamentari necessaria a richiedere il voto di sfiducia contro il proprio leader è stata raggiunta.
Read 38 tweets

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