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There's no news of #Modi's visit to the #US when you turn on #CNN on TV in India.

So I looked up #NBC online.

I had to scroll past 11 screens to find any news of Modi's visit.

#XiJinping, on the other hand, was on the first screen.

These are the first six screens.

(1/) ImageImageImageImage
Things more important than #Modi to the #USA:

1. Missing #titanicsubmarine
2. #Biden calls #Xi a dictator
3. Two people killed in #Georgia
4. Charges against #HunterBiden
5. Sweltering heat in #Texas
6. Judge strikes down #Arkansas ban on transition care for minors

(2/) ImageImageImageImage
7. House vote on impeaching #Biden
8. Supreme Court #Alito
9. Limit #Chinese purchase of #US farmland
10. #Sanders to investigate #Amazon safety record
11. NH senator assaults employee
12. #Iowa building collapse
13. #Idaho man shoots 4
14. US ranks 43rd on #gender parity

Read 11 tweets
After 11 months of collapse, which took our #US housing activity indicator to its lowest point in over 10 years, it has rebounded for the 6th consecutive month, with 10 out of 15 components up, among which housing starts (+22% m/m !), … Image
… homebuilders’ sentiment up 5 points, in expansive territory for the first time in 11 months and median new home price to disposable income ratio which fell 15% since its peak, returning to its >20-year average Image
One of the implications of the rebound in our activity indicator is that the residential component of GDP should stop contributing negatively to growth as early as Q3, supporting the idea of a soft landing for the US Image
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"Me and My Motherland", a Song Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the #CCP Regime by #Gotion High-Tech, which just got a green light from the #Biden Administration @POTUS to build EV battery factories in #Michgan, on the basis that it is not a "Foreign Entity of Concern". It……
This video was downloaded from Gotion High-Tech's Chinese website at English subtitles were translated and added by me.
My full exclusive report about this issue: #Gotion Exposed: How Did a #CCP Controlled #Military Linked Dishonest Company Get #US Approval
Part 1:
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Video Dedicated to #CCP's 100th Anniversary by #Gotion High-Tech, Which Will Build Factories in the #US.
In other words, the US is giving $715 M taxpayers' money to such a company.
#USChinaRelations #CCPChina #China #ChinaNews
This video was downloaded from Gotion High-Tech's Chinese website at
But the same video is not on its English website.
My full exclusive report about this issue: #Gotion Exposed: How Did a #CCP Controlled #Military Linked Dishonest Company Get #US Approval
Part 1:
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This is why I do not think much of #SubhasChandraBose

Read this thread about the brutal treatment of #Malaya #Tamils by the Japanese in building the #DeathRailway

Bose wanted to take help from the Japanese in "liberating" #India.

Why would the Japanese ever care about "liberating" India from #British rule?

The #Japanese were imperialists. They wanted to conquer all of Asia and the Pacific.

They had already annexed #Manchuria in 1931, and everyone knew about their brutal treatment of the #Chinese.

The Japanese followed this up with the #RapeOfNanjing in 1937. This was followed by the establishment of #Unit731 in the city of #Harbin in Northeast #China, scene of one of the most egregious #CrimesAgainstHumanity in history, carried out by the #ImperialJapaneseArmy

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#Ukraine: Today's updates from #UkraineWar: 1. UA military says it is advancing in several directions at once in S in #counteroffensive, up to 2 km in each direction. RU counterattack successfully defeated: #tweet100
🇺🇦⚡️THREAD🇺🇦⚡️ ImageImage
#Ukraine: 2. N of #Bakhmut, in a series of coordinated attacks, UA have breached several key RU positions & yesterday retook heights overlooking the city. #Prigozhin, seeing RU losses said collapse of RU N flank is "only a matter of time". #tweet100 (Map: @ChuckPfarrer) Image
#Ukraine: 3. In #US, current draft of Nat. Def. Authorization Act for 2024 includes $80 million for supply of ATACMS to UA. #Germany delivering 64 Patriot missiles & #Belgium M113 APCs following Ramstein meeting. #tweet100. Update on #Counteroffensive: ImageImage
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#China questioned the United States’ motives for re-joining the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (#UNESCO) in a likely attempt to establish the conditions for discrediting US global leadership. 1/4

NEW:… Image
China’s Foreign Ministry responded by claiming that the United States’ exit from UNESCO “negatively impacted” the organization & accusing the US of re-entering UNESCO to achieve the self-centered geopolitical aim of countering #Chinese influence in international orgs. 2/4
This is similar to China’s reaction to the United States 2021 re-entry into the Paris Climate Agreement, where #Chinese state-controlled media accused the United States of “betray[ing]” the agreement. 3/4
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Some interesting reports coming out of #Afghanistan over the past few days:

- roughly 2,000 #Taliban suicide bombers have been moved to the #Iran|ian border since the end of May.
- #ISKP has also started moving their fighters to northern #Afghanistan, according to sources within an anti-#Taliban group. They are being moved to #Badakhshan, #Takhar and some others.

Apparently, there are both @CIA and #ISI fingerprints on this.
- #Taliban are moving its fighters closer to the #Tajikistan border. Fighters are also moving to the #Badakhshan province, bordering #Tajikistan.

- #TTP have become so emboldened to expand their operations around #Pakistan, including new waliyats in #Balochistan & #Punjab.
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1/ In the ever-evolving world of emerging technologies, #SafeHarbor provisions serve a vital role in striking a balance between fostering innovation and providing legal protection for businesses operating in uncertain legal environments 🧵

#CryptoRegulation #EU Image
2/ By complying with specific rules or standards, entities can benefit from legal protection, allowing them to focus on promoting innovation in their respective industries.
3/ For instance, the #US Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the European e-Commerce Directive both provide safe harbor provisions aimed at protecting internet service providers from liability for third-party content.
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#Ukraine: Latest news from #UkraineWar:
1. Around #Bakmut UA continue to make gains & N of the city operations are in play along #Rozdolivka-Krasnopolivka & #Berkhivka-Yahidne frontlines. UA forces have advanced another 1 km nr #Vuhledar. #tweet100
🇺🇦🔥THREAD🇺🇦🔥 ImageImage
#Ukraine: 2. S of #Novodanylivka UA forces says they have retaken & secured an area 4 km long & 1.5 km deep. "Noose" is being tightened at #Rivnopil but is not finalised yet. #Urozhaine is now a contested "grey zone".… #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. Reports RU have lost 7,000 troops killed & 15,000 + injured since June 4th & start of UA #counteroffensive. UA also destroyed RU Borisoglebsk-2 electronic warfare unit & a counter-battery radar system Zoopark-1 (worth $ 20 million). #tweet100
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#Ukraine: Latest updates from #UkraineWar: 1. RU channels report that General Akhmedov kept large gathering of troops in #Kreminna out in open waiting 2 hrs for a pep talk before battle. UA HIMARS struck, 100 reported killed incl general, 100 wounded. #tweet100
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#Ukraine: 2. Heavy fighting continues in #Counteroffensive towards S, #Novodanylivka & #Novopokrovka and around #Rivnopil. #US officials say progress is slow as expected because of minefield clearance & other obstacles. 5 RU howitzers destroyed. #tweet100 Image
#Ukraine: 3. Armed Forces of Ukraine say casualty rates around #Bakhmut are 1 x UA to 8.73 RU & at #Zaporizhzhia front 1/5.3. RU remains superior in aviation & artillery resources. Many more RU prisoners taken in the last week, a sharp increase. #tweet100
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Neue Daten aus #US-Krankenhausdatenbank:
Deutlicher Anstieg der Krankenhausaufenthalte mit #Pilzinfektionen von 2019 bis 2021 vor allem aufgrund von COVID-19-assoziierten Infektionen

"Die Raten von Pilzkrankenhausaufenthalten (pro 10.000 Krankenhausaufenthalte) stiegen von 22,3 im Jahr 2019 auf 25,0 im Jahr 2020 und 26,8 im Jahr 2021, was einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Veränderung von 8,5 % entspricht."
"Im Zeitraum 2020-2021 waren 13,4 % der 39.423 Krankenhausaufenthalte wegen Pilzerkrankungen auf COVID-19 zurückzuführen. Die Rate der COVID-19-assoziierten Pilzkrankenhausaufenthalte stieg um 24,9 %."
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Une longue et surprenante enquête du Times sur les origines du #Covid19 qui va à contre-courant de la censure.

Les révélations proviennent de fichiers confidentiels de #Wuhan.

Amis complotistes, vous aviez vu juste. Mais c’est pire. C'est parti ⤵️ 1/ Image
En nov. 2002, des travailleurs de la province chinoise de Guangdong tombent malades et meurent d’un grave virus respiratoire, un Sars identifié comme un coronavirus.
Auparavant le Sars ne donnait que des symptômes bénins. 2/
En recherchant les origines de ce Sars, Le Dr Shi Zhengli effectue des prélèvements dans les grottes de chauves-souris (les origines de la fable).

C’est alors qu’elle est rejoint par Peter Daszak, zoologiste américain et Président d'Ecohealth Alliance. 3/
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🇹🇷🇺🇸 A Congressional Research Service report (#US), cites one of my articles published in Atlantic Council & uses one of my infographic(table) from the highly read article "Mapping The Rise of #Turkey's Hard Power" P(1) & (2), published in Newlines Institute for Strategy & Policy ImageImageImage
Here is the promotional video of my Terrain Analysis"
"Mapping #Turkey’s Rising Hard Power"
🇹🇷🇹🇷 This is part (1) of my analysis published by Washington-based "Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy"
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L'affaire #Dorsey

There's been a minor kerfuffle in India for the last two days since the Twitter ex-CEO, Jack Dorsey, @jack, made some statements about freedom of speech in India under #Modi.

A 🧵

#Liberals are gleefully sharing these comments as evidence of #India not being a democratic country, and defenders of the government are going into attack dog mode, as usual.

But many people on both sides are missing some key things here:

1. Dorsey didn't talk only about India. In fact, he also talked about how the #USA government tried to suppress things. As also #Turkey, #Nigeria.

2. This points to a deeper issue underlying the whole controversy: Is #FreedomOfSpeech absolute?

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The #TTP occupation in #Swat is significantly more than is being reported in the domestic media.

Many villages are under TTP control, and search operations have been on-going for more than 5 months.

It is no surprise that the TTP has returned to Swat for us @commandeleven.
For the past 3 years, we have repeatedly informed and warned that the TTP presence was growing and their influence was increasing.

Deaf ears.

We have repeatedly argued against the negotiating table, because it is a sign of weakness.

Why should we negotiate?
The news of Gen. #FaizHameed's deal to hand over parts of #KPK to #TTP, in return for peace for the country - that is accepting defeat and emboldening the enemy.

Is it any surprise that there was a significant uptick in violence from December onwards, when TTP walked away again?
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@iltalehti_fi "-länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”:
#Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna…
@iltalehti_fi #Kusetus
cc: @ odefinn
Johan oli.. meidän onnemme että #Venäjä näkee läpi tuon Suomen valtiovallan kansan kusettamisen, ilman sitä olisimme todella #kusessa.
@iltalehti_fi @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna
- "länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”: ImageImageImageImage
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⚡️⚡️⚡️ Vous êtes bien assis ?

Cet universitaire péruvien nous informe d'un programme secret de la DARPA.

Il vise à faire de l'homme un animal docile, sans sexualité et volonté par l'implantation de nanobots dans le cerveau.

C'est pas fini... 1/… ImageImage
Face au manque naturel de volontaires, la DARPA et les transnationales de la technologie (DNAVision?) ont recours à des méthodes criminelles d'enlèvement notamment dans les hôpitaux.

Les expériences ont lieu actuellement en Amérique Latine (Pérou, Mexique, Équateur) 2/
Ce programme a commencé en 2009 à l'Hôpital d'Alberto Sabogal, je vous le donne en mille, sous l'administration d'Obama et d'Hillary Clinton, secrétaire d'état.
Ils ont coordonné le projet avec le Pt du Pérou, Alan García Pérez.
(Début en 56 avec les nazis de PaperClip) 3/
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Inside the Ukrainian counteroffensive that shocked Putin and reshaped the war | Dec 29, 2022

The 2 bridges were targeted with #US -supplied #M142 #HIMARS which have a range of 50 miles - and were quickly rendered impassable.
- @kokoomus #WEF papukaija ImageImage
@kokoomus #WEF-#YGLs-#lobotomia
- Kun Isä-#Schwab'sta aika jättää, #orvot päästetään #sijaiskoti'in.
#DOJ VIDEO Shows #Capitol Police Holding Open “Upper West Terrace #Doors” On #Jan6 , While Over 250 Individuals Walk Into The Capitol
@kokoomus #DOJ VIDEO Shows #CapitolPolice Holding Open “Upper West Terrace #Doors” On #Jan6, While Over 250 Individuals Walk Into The Capitol | By Patty McMurray | Mar 1, 2023
Watch the incredible video here:
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1. Unfortunately, my prediction yesterday proved correct. The #SEC has filed a motion for a preliminary #injunction and a temporary #restraining order to „freeze” Binance’s assets in the US. It won’t block withdrawals, but please be aware that you may @AshBennington @RaoulGMI Image
2. experience longer wait times, particularly for withdrawals exceeding $100,000, due to additional rules imposed on #Binance.US.

The rule stipulates that in order to move customer funds exceeding $100,000, written approval from two of the company’s senior #executives is Image
3. required, creating a significant inconvenience. Is the #SEC really acting in the interest of consumer safety and protection of their #financial wellbeing? On a positive note, this will only affect #Binance.US for now.I hope the issue does not spread to other Binance entities.
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Who bombed the Nova Khakovka Dam? #Russia & #Ukraine r suffering from the destruction of the dam.

Cui bono? The US is directing the war, providing support & intelligence and having the technical capability is carelessness about both sides' losses.

All #US tools, including the #EU official like @vonderleyen & co. r already accusing #Russia because they believe they can bark loudly and influence public opinion.
In reality, #Ukraine has failed the first push, and the #US needed a diversion, similar to the defeat in #Bakhmut.
A natural water barrage has been created, making any possible "spring offensive" void.

An excellent way to avoid declaring the defeat of 50 nations in #Ukraine.
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1. What a mess these two #SEC lawsuits have created: first, the one filed yesterday against #Binance, and second, the one today against #Coinbase! What are the reasons? The SEC has deemed 12 #crypto tokens as securities, namely: Image
2. BNB, BUSD, SOL, ADA, MATIC, #FIL, ATOM, #SAND, #MANA, #ALGO, AXS, and COTI. Because of this, the SEC is accusing both crypto exchanges of running illegal exchange operations. How might this affect the broader crypto market? First of all, we have an increased risk associated Image
3. with #altcoins. Therefore, building a crypto portfolio using blue-chip coins like #Bitcoin and #Ethereum would be much more sensible under these circumstances (however, please bear in mind that ETH is not entirely outside the possible #SEC regulatory purview). Image
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