Tony Profile picture
Mainly military related developments, focused on the Russian Army and everything else interesting Currently focused on World War Z Russophile Account

Mar 5, 2022, 573 tweets

Local media reports that the UAF troops from the territory of Ukraine launched a rocket at #Belgorod, which is a Russian city near the border with Ukr. It was reportedly shot down

Captured UAF Manpad and #NLAW in the #Kiev area

The Rus Army captured a large UAF field camp in the #Kherson region with large quantities of supplies and equipment

Shot down Rus. Orlan-10 #UAV in #Odessa area

#UkraineRussia #Kiev
Ukr version: People taking cover from Rus aircraft under a bridge
Rus Version: Refugees at #Irpen being stopped from leaving at blown up bridge at edge of suburb

#UkraineRussia #Donbas
Ambushed vehicles of the UAF 36th Marine Bgd near the village of Kalchinovka (border with #Zaporozhye region)

#UkraineRussia #Donbas
Ambushed vehicles of the UAF 36th Marine Bgd near the village of Kalchinovka (border with #Zaporozhye region)

#UkraineRussia #Donbas
Large explosion at #Kramatorsk which is a Ukr held town in Lugansk region. Reportedly, Rus missile strike on the airport.
The Ukr claim they shot it down

#UkraineRussia #Donbass
Remains of a Rus Kh-31P Anti-Radar missile at #Kramatorsk. Not sure if related to previous post.
Last pic is for illustration purpose

The death of Denis Kireev takes another twist (see attached post). The website of the Ukr Military Intel lists him as their employee who was killed in the "line of duty" 😎

His pic from the Military Intel site

Another execution.....The mayor of Kremennaya, Vladimir Struk was found dead on March 1. He had previously proposed to local deputies to start communication with Russia.

Acc to his wife, he was taken away by gunmen. Later his body was found with a gunshot to the heart.

National Guard of Ukraine reported an air raid by Russian aviation on the location of the 5th Slobozhansky brigade in #Kharkov. They report 4 dead soldiers.

Rosgvardia troops taking over the #SBU building in #Energodar....the city where the drama with the Nuclear PP happened

#UkraineRussia #Donbas
The commander of #DPR's elite "Sparta" Recon Assault unit, Colonel Vladimir Zhoga (call sign Voha), was killed near #Volnovakha This was announced by the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin.

#Chechen Rosgvardia #Spetznas Regiment presumably before their departure to Ukraine

credit to

@LewkHughes #UkraineRussia #Sanctions
Former Minister of Industry, Trade & European Affairs of #Italy Paolo Savona wrote:
"I was sure that sanctions were imposed against Russia until I stopped at a gas station" 🤓

@LewkHughes The Russian army struck at the UAF military base in #Ovruch...#Zhytomyr region

@LewkHughes #UkraineRussia
1/ Rus Army suffered a setback & losses North of #Nikolaev which it's presumably trying to surround. It's been pushed back from Bashtanka, Pesok & Maryevka.

Atm, the nearest fortified area to the north is Kashperovo-Nikolaevka.

Blue - Ukr
Red - Rus

@LewkHughes #UkraineRussia #Nikolaev
2/ Video from the area on the map

@LewkHughes Forgot to is from yesterday

@LewkHughes FYI, Twitter keeps bumping this video from 2 years ago...not me

#UkraineRussia #Australia
One of my countryman telling it like it is ...Sean Ambrose , fmr UAP candidate from NSW. Resigned from party over their stance on the war

Location of the missile strike...NW of #Kiev

Aftermath of a airstrike on the factory for armoured vehicles in #Zhytomir (yestrday)
The Rus MOD in their briefing, said that they hit a warehouse in Zhytomir where a shipment of #Javelin(s) were stored...this could be the place

#UkraineRussia #Kharkov
Video of the bombing described in the attached post

Video from a #RuAF base which is involved in the Ukraine operation

#UkraineRussia #Kiev
Pics of the Kiev "Territorial Defence"

For those not familiar, on the video can be seen Su-24's, Su-34's, Su-25's and MiG-31

Remains of a shot down Rus Helicopter in #Nikolaev region (05/03/2022)...not sure what type it is

Video of the large Rus Army grouping just North of #Kiev

Some sort of political "clean up" is continuing..
The assistant of the deputy from Zelensky's party "Servant of the People" is suspected of transferring defense info to the #FSB for money. According to Ukrainian sources, it's an assistant to Deputy Yuri Zdebsky.

#UkraineRussia #Donbas
#DPR scouts ambushed a UAF column heading to #Mariupol. 3 x 220mm Uragan ("Hurricane") MLRS were captured intact & received the "Z" treatment

#UkraineRussia #Donbas
The #DPR command estimates that at least 10 000 enemy soldiers are in #Mariupol

Another video on the #RuAF in Ukraine

#UkraineRussia #Mariupol
Good news...seems the evacuation of at least some civilians has started from Mariupol

Trails of Ukr SAMs firing at #RuAF aircarft in #Kiev

Correction....I knew it seemed a bit too easy
Buses for evacuation have arrived in the city but acc to the DPR spokesman, the Ukr are reportedly yet to agree

And this was #Mariupol today...looks like street fighting

#UkraineRussia #Donbas
Only about 300 people managed to get out of #Mariupol on the 2nd attempt of a evacuation.
The Ukr as usual say Russia fired at the evacuation routes, while the DPR spox. says the Ukr are actively preventing an evacuation
#DPR militia at Mariupol front

Mariupol city: Rus & DPR units are now slowly moving from the northern and eastern directions. Earlier they secured Stary Krym settlement in the northern suburb of the city. Clashes were also reported around Sartana settlement located northeast of Mariupol.

Acc to reports, the #Volnovakha strong point currently has a contested status. The southern part of it remains in the hands of #DPR units that work to eliminate fortified positions of the UAF and nationalist battalions in the rest of it.

Pics of eastern districts of #Mariupol

1/ #Nikolaev (Mykolaiv - yellow square): The UAF has received reinforcements & as reported yesterday, launched a successful counter attack & have pushed the Rus Army further north where a Rus fortified area has been established at Kashperovo-Nikolaevki (red square)

2/ #Nikolaev
Video of Rus losses in Nikolaev area see attached post
Abandoned BMD-2's

3/ #Nikolaev
Video of Rus losses in Nikolaev part 2
D-30 122mm howitzers

4/ #Nikolaev
2 x Ukr-AF #Su_25's were reported shot down during an attempt to attack a Rus column.
Confirmed by the Mayor of Nikolaev

The airport in #Vinnitsa was struck by as many as 8 x Rus cruise missiles by some reports and has been destroyed as reported by #Zelenski who called it a civilian airport. However, it's also the homebase for Ukr-AF aircraft
Satellite pic from 3rd of March

One of the Cruise missiles heading to #Vinnitsa airport (west-central Ukr). The Ukr say the missiles came from Transnistria, a breakaway province of Moldova. Analysts however believe they were fired by #RuAF bombers from the Black Sea

An aircraft shot down over #Kharkov ...presumably Russian

Rus MOD said the Ukr-AF has been crippled with 40 + aircraft & helicopters destroyed on the ground and 10 + shot down in the air.
It has accused some neighbouring countries of providing shelter to Ukr aircraft & warned if it continues, will be considered as hostiles

#Kharkov: City is not yet surrounded, with access available via the S-SW. After the initial attempt to enter the city with light forces, Rus Army is now systematically targeting military & gov objects with Missile, Artillery & Airstrikes.
Suspected SAM site in red

#Ukraine #Kharkov
Public Prosecutors office hit

#Ukraine #Donbas
Flipped over UAF T-64BV model 2017...wonder what it was hit with

Captured UAF T-64B at #Chernigov

Ukr #Tochka_U SRBM was shot down near the village of Desnyanka, #Chernigov region

#Ukraine #Donbas
#DPR Militia pics from the village of Sopino which they entered...interestingly they found a Turkish Flag in one of the command posts...believed to from pro-Turkish militants from Syria, some of who are in Ukr

#Ukraine #Donbas
Ambushed UAF supply convoy

Knocked out UAF tanks by #LPR Militia

A pair of #RuAF Su-25's conducting an attack in #Kherson region

#Ukraine #LPR
Captured UAF BMP-1 & some sort of Armoured Car (not sure what type)

The Ukr #Navy Patrol Boat 'Slavyansk' originally (USCGC Cushing) whose possible sinking I mentioned a couple of days ago, is confirmed sunk with all hands on deck...reportedly an airstrike on 3rd of March

Knocked UAF T-64 in #Chernigov region

The TV building in #Kharkov has been hit. Sounds like a airstrike. Reportedly TV broadcasts have stopped

#Russia #Ukraine
#Kadyrov reviewing the #Chechen SOBR unit before it's departure to Ukraine...not sure if it's new or from a few days ago

#Russia #Ukraine
Reportedly video of a pro-Russian underground resistance group in #Odessa. They vow to fight for the liberation of Odessa from the "fascist pigs" now occupying it & call on members of the Ukr Army to join them

#Russia #Ukraine
Video of a destroyed UAF column. Published yesterday but is from February

#Russia #Ukraine
Rus. Helicopters in Ukr. The soldier at the end says they came back from escorting convoys

#Russia #Ukraine
Rus. Artillery on #Nikolaev (Mykolaiv) front.

#Russia #Ukraine #Mi24
I've seen some talk on the RuNet that some pilots in Ukr prefer the old Mi-24P (in the video) with the twin barrel 30mm GSh-30K autocannon to newer models with smaller caliber guns

#Russia #Ukraine
It's reported that the UAF fired 2 or more #Tochka_U SRBMs towards the Donbas & Rostov region in Russia.
Video of a SAM intercepting one of them near #Lugansk.

#Russia #Ukraine
One missile or perhaps debris from one caused a fire at a Oil Depot in #Lugansk

#Russia #Ukraine
The UAF has reportedly shelled #Kherson airport

#Russia #Ukraine
Northern suburb of #Kharkov overnight

#Russia #Ukraine #Su35
Video of #RuAF Su-35's taking part in Ukr operation.
Armed with R-77-1 & R-73 AAMs and Kh-31PM Anti-Radar missiles

#UkraineRussia #Putin #Shoigu
And now time for some comedy relief 😀

Reportedly UAF T-64 tank hit by AT missile in #Volnovakha by member of #DPR's "Sparta" battalion..short clip
via @200_zoka

@200_zoka 🇷🇺🇺🇦
A #ceasefire is being announced to arrange for the evacuation of civilians from:
The guarantor of compliance from the Ukr side is Emmanuel #Macron. OSCE will also be involved. The routes will be monitored by UAV
Lets hope 3rd time lucky

@200_zoka But I'm not holding my breath
it's not in the Ukr nationalists interest to let civilians out. In fact it's their main ace for 2 reasons:
Impede the Russian Army from entering cities
Play the victim for the MSM
I'll be pleasantly surprised if it succeeds

@200_zoka #UkraineRussia #OilPrice #Venezuela
Remember this guy 😀

@200_zoka #Ukraine #Balista
The latest UAF Artillery system undergoing tests in #Lutsk called "Javolyna" ....not joking

@200_zoka #Ukraine #Balista
The ancient Romans would be envious

@200_zoka #Ukraine
UAF Munitions Depot in #Nikolaev hit

@200_zoka #RussiaUkraine
3 x UAF #POWS from the 250th Central Engineering Base, captured near #Sumy. Theu say they've been treated well & have called for an end to the fighting

@200_zoka #RussiaUkraine
Ukr Policemen who surrendered voluntarily at #NovoAidar swear allegiance to the #LPR

The Mayor of #Nikolaev just announced the capture of the city's airport by the Russian Army...he ends by saying everything will be fine🤨

The UAF blew up a bridge near the village of Nikolaevskoye near the airport in order to slow down the advance of Russian troops to #Nikolaev.

#RussiaUkraine #Ceasefire
Ukr Deputy PM Irina Vereshchuk opposed the humanitarian #corridors opened by Russia and actually forbade the local authorities to evacuate civilians, especially in the direction of Russia & Belarus...some of the corridors lead there

Not looking good..

⚡️Disturbing (unverified) report
In #Kharkov tonight, UAF servicemen tried to take families out of the besieged city thru the SW corridor.

At one of the checkpoints, members of the Nationalist Detachments fired at a convoy of buses. About 30 people were killed, incl 7 children.

#RussiaUkraine #Ceasefire
There is also no evacuation from #Mariupol: the International Committee of the Red Cross said that they tried to leave the city along one of the #corridors, but they were not allowed, saying that the road was mined.,,,by the evil Russians off course😎

#RussiaUkraine #Lugansk
#LPR Special Police arrested #SBU agents who were apparently preparing an attavk

The #Chechen contingent just dropping by to say hello to all the ones who keep telling me they were all dead & berried about a week ago ,,,video is from today or yesterday

Pics of the UAF on the #Donbas Front

#RussiaUkraine #Ptopaganda
😁Ukr filming their own destroyed vehicles & portraying them as Russian. This time, a BTR-70 M . The UAF Pixel camouflage is visible on the nose and there is an upper flap characteristic on Ukrainian armored personnel carriers…

#RussiaUkraine #Ptopaganda
More fakes...this time, a MT-LB & BMP-1...again remains of Ukr Pixel cammo is visible

Abandoned UAF positions in the #Donbas area

You can see a summary of events for March 7 in link below…

Reports incoming...
The Rus Army has crossed the Seversky Donets river, breached the outer defences of #Izyum & entered the city from a southerly direction....there is fighting in the city.
If it falls, it would seriously endanger the UAF positions in the #Donbas

Rus / LPR Troops seen in Rubezhnoye (red sq) which is just North of #SeveroDonetsk (blue sq) a key UAF stronghold in this area. To the W are Slavyansk & Kramatorsk (blue circle). The #Lugansk, capital of LPR is te red circle on the map

Rosgvardia troops in the #Kharkov area. One of them fires a RPO-Shmel, a single shot launcher which fires a thermobaric round

Acc. to preliminary information, the district of #Mangush to the NW of #Mariupol city came under the control of Allied forces (Rus Army & Donbas Militia)

Rus air strike on oil depot in #Chernyakhov, north of Zhytomyr.

#RussiaUkraine #ArmouredTrain
A Rus. armored train was spotted in #Melitopol, in the #Zaporizhia region, carrying heavy military equipment to the front lines. Believed to be either “Amur” or “Baikal” trains.
Archive Pic

UA-AF #Su25 flying very low over the city of Krivoy Rog (Ukr held)

The #US State Department said that it may become more difficult to deliver weapons to Ukraine in the coming days. We will have to look for other ways, the Deputy Secretary of State said.

Captured Ukr #UAV -- Leleka-100

Polish #Manpad 'Piorun' used by UAF

🤠🧐The #Pentagon sees no signs that Russia is preparing to send additional units to Ukraine other than those already involved in the operation.

Captured UAF T-64s (Central Ukr) towed away. It's said that after repairs, they will be utilised again....probably passed onto the #Donbas Militia which uses tanks of the same type

UAF compound in the #Berdyansk area captured with large amount of supplies & equipment

The #EU might have to increase Coal production to partially compensate the reduced supplies of Russian gas...sacrificing it's "green energy" ambitions

#RussiaUkraine #Mercenaries
Foreign Mercenaries in Ukr.
Rus MOD has said, if captured they will not be treated as POW

#RussiaUkraine #Mercenaries
few more foreigners serving in Ukr Nationalist Battalions

#RussiaUkraine #HumanShields
Foreign Students protesting in #Sumy

#RussiaUkraine #HumanShields
Ukr authorities blocking evacuation of foreigners & trying to force them to fight for Ukr

#RussiaUkraine #NaturalGasPrice
The price of Natural Gas has reached a historic high of over $4000 per cubic meter.
Fmr Russian PM #Medvedev said that he would like to congratulate his EU "colleagues" for their "far sighted" policies in the fight against the evil Russians

The #UnitedRussia Party proposes to nationalize the production of companies that announce the withdrawal and closure of production facilities in Russia.

This was stated by the Secretary of the General Council of the Party,

Rus #Caliber Cruise Missiles flying in the direction of #Kiev
6 flew over Vasilovka

Ukr. propagandists celebrated the "death" of general Vitalij #Gerasimov near #Kharkov. They even changed his page on the Ukr Wikipedia 😎

It seems they confused him with a junior sgt Stanislav Gersimov who was KIA in the area the day before (RIP).

#RussiaUkraine #WheatPrice
The price of Wheat is also skyrocketing as a result of the war and sanctions. Russia & Ukraine account for a big chunk of world production

A Ukr soldier posing with a Spanish #C90_CR 90mm rocket propelled grenade launcher & using colourful language

Mobile currency exchange for the few lucky evacuees from #Mariupol, to change Ukr into Russian currency

#RussiaUkraine #NickelPrice
Nickel price going thru the roof as well

time for a comedy break...The western paid for 5th column is fleeing #Russia. Funny thing is these freaks imagine themselves as some sort of intellectual elite 😄😄

Bryce Mitchell, American MMA Fighter on the war

#RussiaUkraine #US
It might work...

#RussiaUkraine #Media
This law coming in force & the media leaving at the same time, actually happened

Speech of Yevhen #Karas, the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi gang #C14, from #Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses' mouth....doesn't hold back

#RussiaUkraine #Denazification
These rabid dogs from C-14 actually got government funding in 2018 for "patriotic education"
Correction: the speech in the video is from Feb not March

#RussiaUkraine #Ka52
Night footage of Ka-52 helicopters from Ukraine

#RussiaUkraine #Biolabs
Chinese FM urges #US to publish data on military bio-laboratories in #Ukraine
The official representative of the department, Zhao Lijian, said that 26 American laboratories and other such facilities operated on the territory of Ukr.…

The #Chinese gov calls on the #US to immediately disclose information about the military biolabs located in #Ukraine and the *viruses* that were studied there. This was stated on Tuesday by the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian.

The #US military biological programs in #Ukraine can only be the tip of the iceberg. Under the pretext of cooperation to reduce biological risks. What are the true intentions of the US? What exactly did they do? " said the #Chinese Foreign Ministry official.

#RussiaUkraine #Kiev
Polish fighter showing destroyed Rus vehicles. I can't understand everything he is saying but it sounds like he was directing the Artillery Fire on the convoy...& obligatory colourful language...not sure of date. My guess is from a few days ago

#RussiaUkraine #Germany
The Rus Baltic Fleet begins exercises incl coastal Bastion coastal missile systems in connection with the appearance of German ships in the area.

#RussiaUkraine #Donbas
A high ranking officer of the UAF 54th brigade, tried to avoid capture by changing into women's fur coat 😎 and hiding among civilians.

#RussiaUkraine #Donbas
The DPR soldier says a lot of the ERA blocks on UAF Tanks are either empty or out of date. This particular example was penetrated with an old Rpg-7

#RussiaUkraine #Donbas
Latest update on situation in the eastern section of #Mariupol. Red is Russian controlled. The street marked in yellow is where a breach has apparently happened

Key coordinator for foreign fighters going to #Ukraine seems to be Mamuka #Mamulashvili .
His so called Georgian National Legion was/is involved in recent heavy fighting in #Volnovakha where they suffered serious losses. He needs new recruits…

Foreign instructors training the extremists from #AzovBatallion on the use of #NLAW missiles...reportedly in #Kharkov

Another map of #Mariupol & surrounding areas

#RussiaUkraine #Donbas
Map of settlements taken by the 'joint forces' (DPR / Rus Army) in recent days between #Volnovakha & #Mariupol...both indicated with Green arrows on map

1/ The Rus Army is continuing with efforts to isolate #Nikolaev. They've reached the area just North of the city (red circle) & pushing in from the East. Reports say the UAF is running low on supplies & are starting to requisition material from the locals

#RussiaUkraine #Nikolaev
The 2 red sq = main Rus positions in the area.
Acc to chat posts, the Ukr are planning to place obstacles & light tyres on the streets to disorient the Rus tanks & aircraft

#RussiaUkraine #Nikolaev
Rus vehicles in village of #Kadbino (red circle on previous map)

Rus column in Snigerevka, east of #Nikolaev. They reached it 2 days ago but were negotiating peaceful passage with local authorities

Ukr Air-Def shot down a Caliber missile over the village of Kalinovka in Brovary area NE of #Kiev
They're portraying the resulting damage as bombing by Russia of the place

Rus Army is starting to maneuver in the #Brovary area, outer suburb NE of #Kiev (blue sq) but seem to be bypassing it along the E95 highway
In the settlement of Rudna they clashed with a Territorial Def unit which was dispersed

#RussiaUkraine #Kiev
Video from locals in the mentioned area

Azeris serving in the #AzovBatallion recorded a message for Ramzan #Kadyrov: "Akhmat (Chechen Unit in Ukr) is not a force, Akhmat is in a coffin, long live Ichkeria, glory to Ukraine."
Ichkeria = name of Chechnya used by the anti-Russian rebels

#RussiaUkraine #RuAF #SEAD
⚡️Evidence of converted (unmanned) #An2's being used as bait for UAF Air-Def.
Satellite images from March 3 show 42 An-2 biplanes, 2 Il-22PP + 1 Il-20M electronic warfare aircraft stationed at the #Seshcha Airbase, located 160 kilometers from Ukraine

1/ UAF armored group got close to the outskirts of #Balakleya (near #Kharkov) - on Sovkhoznaya St., 4km from the Rus. base. A Rus airstrike destroyed it.
Subsequently, Donets and Slobozhanskoye were bombed, from where the column came from.
There is a Rus counter attack happening

#RussiaUkraine #Balakleya
2/ The Rus counter attack is apparently aiming to cut the highway to Zmiev which one of the remaining communications to #Kharkov.

#RussiaUkraine #Balakleya
Video from locals of the airstrike on the UAF column mentioned previously.
On Ukr social media they thought it was the Rus Base on fire causing celebrations 😀

#Rosgvardia troops from North Ossetia (Rus province in the Caucasus) firing mortars at Ukr positions in the #Kharkov area

UAF BM-27 'Uragan' MRLS inside #Kharkov, relocating to a new position after firing a salvo at Rus positions

Member of Ukr Territorial Defence posing with a German #Panzerfaust_3 launcher

A destroyed Ukr. #S300 (PS version) SAM system in #Kherson region. I think this video is from a week or more ago.

#RussiaUkraine #S300
Ukr #propaganda is trying to pass the destroyed S-330 as Russian.
The distinctive Ukrainian 'pixel' type camouflage pattern is clearly visible

Russian Armoured column passing thru the settlement of Bogdanovka, #Kiev area (about 20km from the city)

Still from security camera from Novaya Kakhovka (#Kherson Region), where Rus. SpN (#spetznas) troops, conducting search & detention sweeps for members of nationalist groups, and participants of the Territorial Def..

#RussiaUkraine #T_80BVM
Captured Rus.T-80BVM in Ukr service. The crewman is also wearing one of the new 6B48 tank helmets

#RussiaUkraine #NLAW
A rare video of an NLAW actually being used in this conflict.
I've yet to see any video of #Javelin being used. If anyone has any, please share

Russian or DPR Security personnel in a radio station in #Berdyansk which was reportedly used as a command post by the local Ukr Ter-Def

Interesting Thread on #RussiaUkraine

#RussiaUkraine #RuAF #SEAD
Possible use of long retired Tu-141 #drones as bait targets for Ukr Air-Def.
Or it could be friendly fire incident as the Ukr reactivated the Tu-141 in 2014 & had been using them in the Donbas

Acc to mayor of #Zhytomyr, the Rus military attacked the #Izovat plant & the dormitory of the associated military unit. Video

Captured Ukr #BTR_4 at #Kharkov front

#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Chechen #Rosgvardia troops clearing territory & winning "hearst & minds"

#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Chechens doing good deeds again 😀, reuniting a mother with her daughters

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Russian Artillery column somewhere in Ukr.
MSTA-S SP Guns, Grad MRLS & support vehicles

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #HumanitarianAID
Natalya #Poklonskaya (well known political figure from Crimea) with Rosgvardia troops, organising hum-aid for residents in #Kherson Region

#RussiaUkraine #NLAW #Javelin
Shipment of NLAW & Javelin missiles being transported across the border from #Poland in civilian cars.
Guess what happens if a car like this gets destroyed 😎

#RussiaUkraine #Melitopol
Screenshot of correspondence in one of the chats, where 100 hryvnia per hour is offered for going to a pro-Ukrainian Gov rally in Melitopol (under Rus control)
😀Perhaps not quiet as patriotic as portrayed by MSM 😎

#RussiaUkraine #Biolabs #Nuland
There are biological research facilities in Ukraine, and we are afraid that Russia will take control of them.
/ US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland at Congressional hearings/

The US State Department recommended that US citizens who plan to go to war in Ukraine make a will, provide a medical institution with samples of their DNA, as well as close all legal issues related to possible death.

#RussiaUkraine #OilPrice
#Trump has accused the White House of worsening the standard of living of ordinary Americans due to huge increase in fuel prices.

Acc to Trump, the US has announced the cessation of imports of Russian oil, and Europe is in no hurry to do this.

#RussiaUkraine #Dogs
A Rus Soldier at an abandoned Ukr base came across 2 left behind Russian Terriers. He is looking for people who are willing to adopt them to save them from being put down. Despite their size, he says they're very friendly.
Poor things 😟

Acc to Ukr sources, Rus #Iskander missiles being transported across the border with Belarus....if true, we can probably expect more "fireworks"

#RussiaUkraine #Iskander
Video...headed for Bobruisk (inside Belarus) apparently

Ukr fire on a Rus. column. Video s from the 1st week of the war but published recently.
I don't have location…

#RussiaUkraine #SovietFlag
A Rus Army column in Ukr. flying the Soviet flag 😎

#Ukraine #Poland #US #MiG29
The US rejected Poland's offer to transfer its MiG-29 fighter jets to a US base in Germany as a way to replenish the Ukrainian Air Force

#RussiaUkraine #Ka52
One more Ka-52 video from Ukraine

Well I asked for it and the Ukr MOD answered my call...maybe they read me 😎
Video of reportedly use of #Javelin on the frontline

#RussiaUkraine #Dogs
Good news on the dogs 😀
Apparently there's been several offers to adopt them from the Rostov region of Russia

#RussiaUkraine #HumanitarianAID
Rus Aid delivered to residents of a village in the #Izum area

#RussiaUkraine #HumanitarianAID
Rus Emergency Ministry convoy with 120t of aid for the #Kharkov region

Rus Army in the coastal #Skadovsk in the #Kherson region: the police department and the local administration are under guard

Video of the Rus Army entering the coastal city of #Skadovsk

Ukr MOD reports that the RusNavy has seized the Ukr rescue vessel "Sapphire" and is taking it to the port of #Sevastopol.

#RussiaUkraine #RuAF #Su34
Su-34 front-line bomber with a suspended X-31P anti-radar missile takes off on a mission, Lida airfield (#Belarus) March 9, 2022

#RussiaUkraine #MiG29
The idea to transfer MiG-29s to Ukr is #Poland's "own activity".

Warsaw did not inform the #US about plans to make such a decision, #Psaki said.

We are talking about a "temporary communication failure," she explained.

Surrender Instructions for Ukr Forces in #Mariupol that is currently being distributed.
From how to carry their weapons when surrendering to the available corridor to which they should go.

UA-AF had 250 airworthy aircraft
89 aircraft + 57 helicopters have been destroyed on the ground & air
Some aircraft have taken shelter in Romania

90% of airbases are out of action

Only sporadic flight of Ukr airacrft are now recorded
via Rus MOD

#RussiaUkraine #Slovakia
Anti-NATO rally & even scuffles in Slovakian Parliament

Probably won't see this on the MSM

Short clip from the fighting in #voznesensk from the Ukr perspective
Almost a friendly fire incident there 😎

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
#RuAF strike on Ukr positions in #Zhytomir region

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Rus. column passing thru #Mangush on the way to #Mariupol

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #POWS
Russian POWS with obvious signs of beatings forced to make public statements about Russia's "terrorist" activities around the world

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Strikes on #AzovBrigade positions in #Mariupol (2nd half of video)

#RussiaUkraine #Ceasefire
Ceasefire / Evacuation was pretty succesful in #Sumy yesterday...about 20 000 civilians were evacuated

Militants in #Kharkov from the "National Corps" (associated with #AzovBrigade) reportedly planning large scale shelling of cities in #Belgorod region (Russia). Heavy MRLS systems can reach the area. Sporadic attempts so far haven't been successful

#RussiaUkraine #Kharkov #FalseFlag
Acc to Russian sources, they're also planning to blow up an 80 ton #Ammonia storage facility & blame Russia for a Chemical weapons attack

Remains of a UA-AF #Su27 fighter that Ukr media is reporting as a #RuAF aircraft.
The Su-27 belonged to the 831st Tactical Aviation Bgd & was shot down over Kiev on Feb their own Air-Def acc to some reports

#RussiaUkraine #China
Interesting advertisement for Russian sweets in China.

Hospital in #Mariupol was shelled yesterday. Acc to Rus, hospital had been taken over by 2 companies from UAF 36th Marine Bgd. for a while now and patients moved. They point out that only 2-3 people can be seen in Ukr footage, used to sabotage the evacuation plan

#RussiaUkraine #Turkey
Heavy transport aircraft An-124-100 of the Ukr airline Antonov took off from the Turkish city of #Tekirdag, where the production of UAVs is located, to the Polish #Rzeszow.

Presumably, replacement batch of #Bayraktar TB2 #drones for the UAF is on board.

#Rosgvardia Medics providing assistance to civilians

A shot up "Linza" Medical vehicle of the Rus Army.
Dont know location

Rus Army & #Rosgvardia troops at the #Zaporizhzhya Atomic Power Plant

A Ukr Ter-Def member with an antique DP-27 machine gun...entered service with the Red Army in 1928 🤓

Better quality video of Rus strikes in #Mariupol that I posted earlier

The town of #Izum after heavy street fighting in the past day or two

#RussiaUkraine #RuAF
Some speculation that the aircraft in the previously posted video is a #Su57 (Russsia's newest stealth fighter)....personally I'm sceptical.
1st pic is still from video, the rest are stock photos for comparison

#RussiaUkraine #calibercruisemissiles
Rus Caliber Cruise Missile whizing over the #Kharkov area

#RussiaUkraine #CruiseMissile
This actually could be a Kh-101 (X-101) air launched Cruise missile. It's got bigger wings compared to Calber.
There were also reports that they've been already used
1st pic Caliber - 2nd X-101

#RussiaUkraine #Donbas
Abandoned Ukr #Tochka_U SRBM in the #Kramatorsk's still in it's transport configuration

#RussiaUkraine #Kh31
Said to be remains of a Kh-31 anti-radar missile in #Zhytomir region

Few more pics from the #Zaporozhie Atomic PP

Heavy Artillery fire at #Kharkov

#RussiaUkraine #MiG29
The #US believes that the transfer of aircraft to Kiev will not significantly change the effectiveness of the Ukrainian Air Force
An alternative to the transfer of Polish MiG-29s to Ukraine may be the provision of air defense systems - /Pentagon/

#Zelensky threatens to crack down on Ukr politicians for contacts with Russia.
We get various signals that some politicians are again looking for strings to Russia.
I see what ur doing. The response will be quick.

#RussiaUkraine #MonteNegro
Pro-Russian rally in Monenegro

#RussiaUkraine #HumanitarianAID
Russian Army handing out aid to civilians and winning "Hearts & Minds"

#RussiaUkraine #Purge
Cracks are growing..
#SBU are starting arrests, trying to hold on to power

Latest case of many, is Oleg Pankratiev, deputy of Poltava Regional Council, an assistant to the people's deputy Kiwi, was captured on charges of treason.

#Ukraine's losses in the #DPR since the beginning of the special operation in the #Donbas:
735 military killed;
797 wounded;
115 surrendered.

#RussiaUkraine #Propaganda
Footage used by the MSM showing allegedly the destruction in #Kharkov but actually footage of #Beirut from 2020 after the huge explosion at the port.
Note: Kharkov is land locked & doesn't have a port obviously 😀

The #DPR troops arrived to help the Russian Army in the #Zaporozhye region!
Having crossed the DPR boundary, they arrived in the part of the Zaporozhye region controlled by the Russian Army to perform policing duties.

The #DPR soldier interviewed about the battles for #Novotroitskoye today. The UAF positions are reportedly about 800 meters away.

#RussiaUkraine #CruiseMissile
Another opinion on the the type of missile is seen in the earlier posted video. Kh-59MK2...shape seems to match

#RussiaUkraine #Biolabs #FalseFlag
Time for another comedy Break 😀

#RussiaUkraine #Mi28 #Ka52
Russian Mi-28N & Ka-52 helicopters in Ukraine

The #SBU offices in the city of #Chuguev (#Kharkov region) have been destroyed by a missile strike

The town of #Novotroitskoe has been captured by the #DPR Army. The last UAF forces were driven out & the DPR flag raised on the admin building

Rus Column passing through a settlement in the #Brovarsky district (E of #Kiev) came under Artillery fire. Acc to Rus reports, 2 vehicles were destroyed + 2 damaged. The column continues advancing towards Kiev.
Ukr channels reported the destruction of the column

#RussiaUkraine #Brovarsky
Pics showing details from the attached video.
The green square is the column continuing it's march. The red sq are the destroyed vehicles

Town of #Ahtyrka (#Sumy region) this morning

#RussiaUkraine #PeaceTalks #Turkey
Talks beween #Lavrov & #Kuleba, FM of Rus & Ukr are being held in #Antaliya Turkey

Destroyed UAF transport-loading vehicle 9T217BM2 from "Osa-AK" SAM system

#RussiaUkraine #HumanitarianAID
There is an active delivery of humanitarian aid to the regions of Ukraine that have come under the control of rhe Rus Army

Soldiers of the Russian special forces (#Spetznas) detained members of the Ukr territorial defense in the village of Ivankov, #Kiev region.
He claims he was just on his way to visit his mum in hospital

#RussiaUkraine #PeaceTalks #Turkey
Talks were described as "complex" but apparently ended with no agreement

Geolocation of video at #Brovary. The column moved to the NE & then away from the highway in the direction of a solar power plant, located near Zalesye & Bogdanovka: this indirectly suggests the presence of the Rus Army in these areas.

Yeni Şafak newspaper reports that #Turkey has taken the initiative & demanded that #Ukraine not accept volunteers from Turkey. The Consulate in Istanbul & the Ukr Embassy in Ankara stated that there were no applications from Turkey to join the ranks of volunteers

Video of Rus #VDV (Airborne / Paratroops) in Ukr

Reports about movement of Rus Army towards Novovorontsovka & #Nikopol to the East of #Nikolaev city

#RussiaUkraine #Nikopol #Nikolaev
Video from of a Rus Column passing thru a village in the area shown in the previous map

Airstrike on the airport at #KrivoiRog (red sq)...the city itself is the red circle.
This further North from #Nikolaev & the events in the previous 2 posts

Update on wider #Nikolaev area.
Reports of Rus troops entering #Vozneshensk (black arrow on the left of map) from the S-SE. Not clear who controls town yet but apparently the Rus have confiscated some docs & phones from the local admin.
Star = airstrike on airport

Shot down UA-AF aircraft. Not sure what type. The Rus MOD briefing mentioned a #MiG29 being shot down...might be related

#ukraine ...Not very lucky #Mercenary 😎

Link provided by @LewkHughes

Video of a fire on the territory of the #Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology

#RussiaUkraine #artillery
"Krasnopol" guided rounds being fired from an "Akacia" 152mm SP Gun in #Kiev region

Another victim of the #Purge ?
Dmitry #Demyanenko, fmr deputy head of Main Directorate of #SBU in Kiev, was killed in the Darnitsky district of #Kiev. Demyanenko was shot by members of the Special Police Reg "Peacemaker" during an attempt to detain him.

Update: The shot down UA-AF aircraft was a #Su25 from the 299th unit based at Kulbakino. It was shot down today at Novaya Kakhovka (#Kherson region),
Source: Записки охотника

Rus. Army field fuel resupply point in the #Kharkov area

#Ukraine #Brovary
Videos have appeared of the 2 x Rus vehicles destroyed in the Artillery shelling at Brovary
T-72 tank

2nd video to follow

#Ukraine #Brovary
So my initial info on 2 vehicles being hit seems to be correct...cigar for me 😀

Ukrainian Prisoners captured by the #LPR Army...not sure of exact location

#RussiaUkraine #POW
Captured UA-AF Pilot

#RussiaUkraine #POW
Captured UA-AF Pilot

#RussiaUkraine #DP27
Another old DP-27 Machine Gun...they must still have them & ammo in stock

#RussiaUkraine #SMAW_D
#DPR soldier with a captured American М141 BDM (SMAW-D).

#RussiaUkraine #Javelin
Dog & a Javelin 🧐

Rare pic of a disabled Ukr BREM-Ch engineering vehicle (originally Czech production)
Last pic is a stock photo

#RussiaUkraine #Smerch
Rus. BM-30 Smerch Hv MRLS firing in #Kharkov region

#RussiaUkraine #UAV
Ukr soldiers with a captured Rus. 'Eleron' UAV that they say they found inside a APC

#RussiaUkraine #Denazification
Couple of Ukr militants with Nazi SS death heads on their vests

#RussiaUkraine #Grad
Ukr BM-21 Grad MRLS firing on Rus positions

#RussiaUkraine #US
Russia is facing more resistance from Ukrainian forces than expected.
According to our estimates, Moscow, despite all measures, will not back down and will increase pressure.
/Director of US National Intelligence/

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Trafficcom has received numerous reports from aircraft crews about interference in the operation of #GPS positioning systems in the Mikkeli, Jyvaskyl and Kuopio areas.

The #Pentagon is discussing possible assistance by transferring #Soviet-made anti-aircraft missile systems to Kiev.
/The Wall Street Journal/

#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Chechen #Rosgvardia clearing villages & interacting with the locals

#RussiaUkraine #Chechens
Another video of the Chechens. Towards the end he taunts the 'Banderovtsy' (nickname Ukr nationalists) saying:
we've been driving around for ever looking for you...where have you gone?

Rus #Spetznas soldier in a settlement outside of #Kiev

Short Video of a firefight from the Ukr lines in #Kiev area...they're well equipped with various light AT weapons

Missile strike on #Dnepropetrovsk...reportedly 2 cruise missiles hit a large factory

Missile strikes at #Dnepropetrovsk ...aftermath

Missile strike at #Lutsk. Reportedly the "Motor" plant was the target
These are first ever strikes in Lutsk & Dnepropetrovsk since the start of fighting

Comedy break time again..

#Putin going to the Hague...

....but only at the front of a tank column me thinks 😎

#RussiaUkraine #Biolabs #WHO
The WHO recommended the destruction of "especially dangerous pathogens" in the laboratories of Ukraine to prevent leaks

2 x Ukr #Tochka_U SRBMs were shot down in the vicinity of #Melitopol. They were aimed at the city (under Rus control since a few days ago) said
Vladimir Rogov member of the Main Council of the civil-military administration of the #Zaporozhye region.

Ukr observing a missile being fired from a Rus. ship off the coast of #Odessa

#RussiaUkraine #Lutsk
Update: for people asking me...just found out
The target of the missile strike was the 'Motor' aviation repair plant which the only company in Ukraine to repair RD-33 engines foo MiG-29 fighters

Missile strikes at #Ivano_Frankovsk (Western Ukr). Likely the nearby airbase, which was hit previously a few days ago

The #DPR Army reports the capture of #Volnovakha. The city was contested ground with heavy fighting going on for about a week
Fresh video from there

The hospital building in #Volnovakha which the #DPR says was used as a strong point by the UAF in the souther section of the city....there is damaged/abandoned equipment in front of the building visible in the pic

#RussiaUkraine #Drone
Short video of a #RuAF attack drone firing on a Ukr target

#RussiaUkraine #Artillery
Rus Army MRLS firing a salvo, somewhere in the #Donbas

#RussiaUkraine #Javelin
#DPR Militia showing large amount of captured foreign AT launchers, incl Javelins

#RussiaUkraine #MiddleEast
⚡️More than 16 thousand volunteers stand ready to come to help the DPR and LPR from the Middle East
/Shoigu - Min of Def of Russian Federation/

#RussiaUkraine #UAV
Launching of a Rus 'Orlan-10' UAV in Ukraine. It's used for recon & correcting Artillery fire. Has been used widely by the Rus Army in #Syria

#RussiaUkraine #MiddleEast #Africa
Apparently (unofficial info), the bulk of ME volunteers that have been recruited are from Syria Iraq & Lebanon, But also from Algeria, Sudan, Rep of Congo, Cameroon & Central African Republic.

#RussiaUkraine #Congo
"We, Congolese soldiers, are ready to support Russia in the fight against Ukraine. Everything that happens there is the work of Europeans."
from @akarlin0

@akarlin0 #RussiaUkraine #Mercenaries
Vladimir #Putin:
Western sponsors of the Kiev regime openly send mercenaries to Ukraine, ignoring the norms of international law.

Supported Shoigu's proposal to transfer captured Western weapons to the republics of Donbass.

@akarlin0 #RussiaUkraine
Vladimir #Putin:
Volunteers from the #MiddleEast / #Africa who are ready to help Russia in Ukraine need to be assisted to get to the war zone.

#RussiaUkraine #Croatia
What's believed to be a Tu-141 #drone from Ukraine has crashed in the Croat capital of #Zagreb..
That thing must've flown thru the whole of Hungary and half of Croatia...#NATO air-defences were asleep it seems

Russian Artillery in the vicinity of #Nikolaev
It's reported that the Ukr blew up the last bridge in the area....a battle for the city itself seems very likely

#RussiaUkraine #Nikolaev
Another video

The mayor of #Melitopol has been detained by Rus Security officers. He is a supporter of the Kiev gov & has been organising various anti-Russian activities in the city.
Footage from a security camera

A #RuAF Forpost #Drone has been shot down in the #Chernigov area

#RussiaUkraine #Mi24
Mi-24 helicopter shoot down in #Kherson region...currently don't know nationality but te Ukr acknowledged the loss of a Mi-24 ...not sure if same incident

#RussiaUkraine #Tu141
Rus Air-Def shot down a Ukr Tu-141 Strizh drone in #Crimea...they say it was launched from the Odessa area

One more video of the #VDV in Ukr

#RussiaUkraine #Ambush
Interesting video of a ambush on a Russian column with an #NLAW. Note that in this case the correct reaction and elimination of the threat with Tank & 30mm canon counter-fire.
Video is from a few days ago...

#RussiaUkraine #BTR_4
A kncked out Ukr the background a Rus Special Forces AT team riding in a Patriot SUV

#RussiaUkraine #DIYWaepons
Hoemade Ukr grenade launcher....not very safe

#RussiaUkraine #DIYWaepons
Another homemade weapon..."air launched" Molotov Cocktail...might be more successful than the grenade launcher in previous tweet

Instructions in Russian on how to prep a #Javelin missile.
Previously it was announced that captured weaponry would be passed on to the #DPR / #LPR Militias

#RussiaUkraine #Tu141
The route of the Tu-141 drone that crashed in Zagreb flew across: Moldavia, Romania, Hungary & half way thru Croatia....quiet a trip

#RussiaUkraine #Syria
Syrian Army rally in support of Russia

2 x Russian passenger planes are headed for #Syria
Some are speculating they'll be bringing the first of the volunteers from the #MidleEast

#RussiaUkraine #A50
A #RuAF A-50U AEW aircraft reportedly flying over #Gostomel near #Kiev

Russian column consisting of #Pantsir & support vehicles in #Zaporozhye region

Captured Rus Taifun-K #MRAP vehicle

Captured Ukr HMMWV (aka Humvee)

City of #Volnovakha day after it was cleared from the UAF

#RussiaUkraine #T64
Destroyed Ukr T-64B tank in #Volnovakha

Destroyed UAF column at the Antonov Bridge (#Kherson region) where a battle took place I believe, about a week ago, These photos were published today by reporters visiting the site

Report of a Ballistic Missile strike on UAF grouping that had gathered in the village of #Peregudy in the Boryspil district (#Kiev area). Report says 7 ambulances were rushed in after the attack...waiting for footage if confirmed

#RussiaUkraine #US
#Washington stated that it would consider thie arrival of foreigners on the Rus side, a "new escalation",
The US State Department also recommended that Americans not participate in this armed conflict.

#RussiaUkraine #US
American #PMC's (Private Mil Contractors) in Ukraine
Apparently atm, they're still away from the war zone.

#RussiaUkraine #Mercenaries
A strike was carried out on the hotel "Ukraine" in #Chernigov, Acc to Rus sources, a group of so-called "Foreign Legionaries" was based there - foreign fighters who arrived from different countries to fight against the Russian army.

"#Kiev is already facing an imminent attack. Rus military has seriously advanced in the direction of Kiev, but more in the E than from the N," said US DoD spox John Kirby.
"We don't see movements in the S & we wouldn't deny the possibility of a strike from the W,"

Rus Army Recon unit operating in the #Chernigov area

Missile strike on Vasilkov — Boryspil Airport near #Kiev

#RussiaUkraine #Mariupol
#UAV footage of Artillery strikes on Ukr positions inside Mariupol.
from War Gonzo

#RussiaUkraine #Ambush
Analysis type video of the ambush video I posted earlier.
Better quality footage. They missed a couple of minor points but pretty good overall

The last video again...for better visibility. The last oone didn't come out quiet as I intended

#RussiaUkraine #ArmyAviation
Video showing a Russian field helicopter base

#RussiaUkraine #ArmyAviation
One more Rus Helicopter video, this time showing them going on a mission

#RussiaUkraine #ArmyAviation
Re-posting last video. The previous one is crappy quality

#RussiaUkraine #T64
Knocked out UAF T-64B tank at #Chernigov region

#RussiaUkraine #Kiev
An ammo depot is exploding at #Vasilkov#Boryspil Airport after the previously reported missile strike

#RussiaUkraine #Kiev #A400M
Apparently, 2 x #Turkish-AF A-400M cargo aircraft are at the Boryspil Airport which was just attacked. They've reportedly been stuck there since the start of fighting

A Russian reconnaissance #UAV, ...Zala Aero "KUB-BPL", which can be used as a "kamikaze" #drone, fell on one of the streets of #Kiev.

An explosion seen after a Russian strike on the Kanatovo airfield northeast of Kropyvnytskyi.,,,seem to be going after a lot of airports the last couple of days
#Kropyvnytskyi #Russia #Ukraine

#UAV footage of Rus Artillery targeting Ukr armoured vehicles with laser guided #Krasnopol shells.
Another #drone is likely lasing the targets for the shells...same method has been seen in #Syria

#RussiaUkraine #Kranopol
Older video showcasing the 152mm Laser guided Krasnopol shell at some exhibition for illustration for it's use in Ukr

#RussiaUkraine #UAV
Gus #Drone observing Ukr Soldiers storing munitions in a house...which is then promptly destroyed
(Repost with correct description)

Rus Air-Def shot down an Ukr Tochka-U SRBM near the town of Shaktersk...this is reportedly the 14th Tochka shot down in the Donbas since the start of the operation

#Russia has warned the #US about the consequences of transferring weapons to Ukraine.

Convoys with foreign weapons, which are mindlessly supplied to #Ukraine, will become legitimate targets for the Russian Military.
/Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov/

Polish #MANPAD Piorun in service with the Ukrainian security forces.
Equipped with a thermal imaging sight, it allows you to fix and hit targets in difficult weather conditions and at night.

The military airfield in #Lutsk is completely destroyed - the mayor of Lutsk, Igor Polishchuk

#RussiaUkraine #Belarus
The Belarusian army is sending 5 x Battalion Tactical Groups to the border with Ukraine to replace the troops there.

Minsk denies that this is part of the preparation for joining the war on the side of Russia.

#RussiaUkraine #VDV
⚡️⚡️Footage has been released of the #Gostomel Airborne landing back on Feb 24.
The lead elements land at the airport & establish a circular defence to enable landing of main force,,click on link

Street fighting inside #Mariupol

#RussiaUkraine #Mariupol
Deputy commander of #AzovRegiment r

"Despite all defensive actions & counterattacks, the enemy horde continues to advance. Heavy fighting is underway.."-. He also called on the country's military and political leadership to "hit the enemy in the rear."

#RussiaUkraine #Mariupol
Russian Tanks in #Mariupol. Rus Army / #DPR units entered the city itself in the last say or so

#RussiaUkraine #Mariupol
Few pics of #DPR Militia on Mariupol Front

Elements of the neo-fascist #AzovRegiment stationed in #Kharkov were incorporated into the regular Ukrainian army and became 2 x separate reconnaissance-sabotage battalions

The mayor of #Vasilkova (#Boryspil) near #Kiev said that the airport near the city was completely destroyed.

#RussiaUkraine #T64BM
T-64BM Bulat tank, in the streets of #Kharkov, in the area of the French Boulevard shopping center
This is considered the best tank in Ukr service...there were about 100 in service before the war
2nd pic is stock photo

#RussiaUkraine #Ka52
A Rus. Ka-52 helicopter was shot down in #Kherson Region

Ukr sources claiming a Rus Tochka-U SRBM failed to explode at #Avdeevka (Nth of #Donetsk). Rus analysts are calling it a fake & say it's Ukr(misfire). Pointing out that the body of the missile is only slightly damaged during a failed launch due to engine failure

#RussiaUkraine #Tochka_U
Another Ukr Tochka-U SRBM launcher fell in a ditch in #Zaporozhye region. They are working to recover it.
The UAF had over 100 such launchers at the start of the war

Worth mentioning that the #Tochka has been retired & replaced with #Iskander-M & K in active Rus Army units (they have them in reserve). AFAIK, none of the Rus units in Ukr have them
1 pic - Tocka
2 pic - Iskander-M (Ballistic)
3 pic Iskander-K (cruise Missile)

Nth of #Nikolaev (settlements of Kashperovo-Nikolaevka — Peski — Khristoforovka), a powerful fortified area has been created, which the locals call a full-fledged military base
The H14 & H11 highways Sth of the fortified area are under the fire control of the Rus army.

As a result of Ukr shelling, the Mayak market in #Donetsk is burning

Pegov (aka War Gonzo) reports that he was able to drive from #Donetsk to #Mangush by car, which means a land route to the #Crimea.
Although there is still work to be done for a full-fledged land corridor.

New gruesome Street Signs reportedly in #Kiev area. Sign says "Death to Occupiers" (or something similar) I can't tell if it's a real body or dummy...
Provided by
originally from a pro-Ukrainian channel…

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Reportedly footage from #Mariupol ...Ukr BTR-4 among the wrecked vehicles can be seen

@LewkHughes Fighting and explosions at #Rubezhnoe (red circle)
#Ukrainian channels report an assault on the town. It's located very close to the main city in this district #Severodonetsk.
Green Circle - Lisichansk
Blue Sq: Slavyansk & Kramatorsk
Capture of SD would enable a move on them

@LewkHughes For those interested...
I'll be taking a break from the net...back later

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Ok lets continue...
Starting off with a "bang"
Rus / #DPR MRLS fire somewhere in the Donbas

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Lots of #RuAF activity reported from #KrasnijLiman.
Multiple Airstrikes reported there as well as in nearby #Kramatorsk

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Video of a airstrike at #Kramatorsk

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
And in the neighbouring city of #Slavyansk famous for an extended battle at the start of hostilities in 2014

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Donbas
Updated map of the area mentioned in the previous few posts. Likely a preparation for a move on the ground, if & when #SeveroDonetsk falls.
Red Stars are the locations of the mentioned air strikes

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Lvov
A training centre (Centre for Peacekeeping) in the west of Ukr near Lvov, where acc to Rus sources, NATO instructors trained UAF & National Guard troops has been destroyed by several missile strikes...some reports say 8 missiles

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Krasnopol
Reportedly a camouflaged Ukr position hit with a laser guided Krasnopol round ...#UAV footage.
Don't have location

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #cruisemissile
caption that came with this video:
"The local air defense "system" failed to intercept Russian cruise missiles"
I think they were trying to shoot them down with a rifle

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Ukr Special Forces with a captured Rus. #UAV ( ENICS Eeleron-3)

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Reports that the military airfield at #Kramatorsk has been bombed

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Airport at #IvanoFrankiovsk has been struck for a 3rd time reports the mayor of the city. He says the enemy is hell bent on destroying all infrastructure there...but also says no one was killed.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Former President of Ukraine Petro #Poroshenko continues his PR campaign in his "Banderamobile", which causes negativity even from the Ukrainian media.
For those not familiar, Reference for Stepan #Bandera who is revered by Ukr nationalists

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
A UAF truck column was attaclked from the air while crossing the #Slavyansk-#Liman bridge

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Destroyed UAF equipment in the village of Shirokino, close to the Azov Sea...this is from the past few days presumably

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
1/ Some scenes from #Volnovakha

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Lvov
The Ukr min of Def has called the attack in the Training centre a "terrorist act"

@LewkHughes Ukr officials like making bombastic statements
“The elimination of President Putin will be sufficient to end the war in Ukraine, but the de-Putinization of Russia is required to restore peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic space,” Kuleba (FinMin) said.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
#Zelenski has reportedly ordered the movement of all remaining UAF units from it;s western border with #Poland to the the #Kiev area to slow the Russian Army

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
More on the "terrorist attack" at #Yavorovo training range...& never miss an opportunity to call for "closing of the skies"...he doesn't mention that it was aslo a hub for arriving foreign fighters

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Footage of intense street fighting from #Mariupol

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Rus #UAV footage showing an MRLS strike on UAF positions in the #Izum area

@LewkHughes Pic of David Arakhamia & Mikhail Podolyak (Zelenski advisors) at the #Yavorovo Training Centre, 7 fays ago. According to them, Yavorovo was crowded with those wishing to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of #Ukraine.,,draw ur own conclussions

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #humanitarianaid
40 tons of aid is being distributed to residents of the #Borodanski district #Kiev Region

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Drone
A Rus "Forpost" drone targeting a Ukr MRLS...reportedly from a height of 3km

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Rus Military reports the destruction of a UAF Special Forces unit & capture of the commander of the 73rd Centre for Special Operations. There's a video of him but too long for twitter

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #humanitarianaid
330 tons of aid from the Russian Ministry for Emergency Response (#MChS) is headed for Ukr

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Aprox. 180 fighters (many foreigners among them) were killed in the missile strikes on #Yavorovo training centre. A large shipment of foreign weapons was also destroyed.
/Rus MOD/

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Out of a group of 200 foreign mercenaries who arrived in Ukr, only 30 decided to go to the front line. A group of foreigners was present at the bombed training centre #Yavorovo
/US journalist Nolan Peterson/

@LewkHughes Journalist #BrentRenaud ostensibly working for the NY Times, was killed in #Irpen (#Kiev). His assistant was wounded. NYT says he was not on assignment for them during this incident
Reportedly, Iranian intel claims he also worked for US Intel & had previously been in Iraq.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #mercenaries
A Brazilian in the ranks of the UAF (Tijago Rosi) said that most of his unit was destroyed as a result of an air strike, and now he, along with other "volunteers", is hurriedly leaving Ukraine in the direction of #Poland.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Chechens
A column of Chechen #Rosgvadia troop reinforcements has crossed into Ukr from Russia. Video shows them in the Donbas area

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Chechens
#Kadyrov has reportedly arrived in the vicinity of #Kiev to visit his troops. Video shows him being briefed by his commanders

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Russian Helicopters operating in the #Lugansk Region

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
#DPR Artillery conducting counter-battery fire with the help of a #UAV

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
A UAF facility on Mount Karachun at #Slavyansk was destroyed by an airstrike

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Another video of the destroyed #Yavorovo training centre near #Lvov

@LewkHughes Foreigners arriving in Ukr are being asked to sign indefinite contracts before being sent to the front. Many have refused. A lot don't have military training & only receive a basic course of 3-5 days. Some of them who came to do humanitarian work say they're being told to fight.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #mercenaries
Video taken by one the foreign legionaries during the missile strikes on the training centre

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Russian Artillery firing on UAF positions at #Kharkov

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine at #Irpen, #Kiev region.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Hmm....#FalseFlag cover up for the #Biolabs ?

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Lvov
The NY Times confirms the presence of American #mercenaries on the territory of the #Yavorovsky training ground at the time of the missile strike on it on the morning of March 14.
This photo was taken by one of the Americans

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Reportedly a missile strike on a UAF command post in #Kharkov area

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Russian troops entering the city administration building in #Skadovsk #Kherson region

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
#UAV footage of fighting in #Mariupol

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Couple more pics of te Brazilian wannabe #mercenary after arriving in Poland apparently

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Call to surrender for UAF troops trapped in #Mariupol that is being broadcasted over the radio. Similar message to the one in the attached post....apparently it doesn't apply to members of #AzovRegiment

@LewkHughes British Intel reports that the #RussianNavy has established a "long-range blockade of the Black Sea coast of #Ukraine", completely isolating the country from international maritime trade.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Chechens
PR video staring the Chechen contingent in Ukr from one of the Chechen media orgs

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Reports of sirens & explosions in multiple ares of Ukr...Kiev, Nikolaev, Odessa, Poltava, Ivano-Frankovsk and so on....

@LewkHughes Geolocation of previous video from #Mariupol. Video shows Ukr shelling from the Azovstal plant targeting a Rus/#DPR group attempting to close the encirclement of the #Ordzhonikidze district..the encirclement looks almost completed if analysis is correct

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
#LPR Militia showing the aftermath of a battle just out side of #Rubezhnoye which is adjacent to #Severodonetsk

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Rus Army in the town of #Izum which is behind the large UAF grouping in the #Donbas putting them in danger of being cut off. The city itself has fallen but the surrounding countryside is not yet secure

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Ukr prisoners captured in (i thnk) #Izum...they say they belong to the Territorial Defence

Destroyed Ukr equipment:
2 x T-72AV tanks and a 9T452 transport-loading vehicle for MLRS "Uragan" (Hurricane) in the area of the settlement of Varvarovka, #Lugansk region.

Ukr POW describes activities at the #Yavorov training centre with footage from there from 2021. He says members of the notorious #azovregiment & #Aidar Btn were getting training there from US instructors
Click on quoted post for video

#Russia & #India are exploring the possibility of using the #yuan as a base currency for further trade settlements in national currencies under the rupiah-ruble scheme
/Indian newspaper Mint, citing government sources/

Zelenski's advisor #Arestovich posted:
IF #Kadyrov is near Kiev, the UAF will eliminate him..
Kadyrov replied:
Why "IF"? You didn't see the footage? or are you waiting for me to knock on your door? 😎

A factory in the town of Dergach (just north of #Kharkov) has been bombed. The Rus Army says UAF units are stationed there

#RussiaUkraine #Su25
#RuAF Su-25 footage from Ukr

#DPR Militia firing a "Rapira" 100mm gun

Ukr Navy ship that was left abandoned in the port city of #Berdyansk

Ukr Stygma-P AT missile being fired at a Rus vehicle...this one is of domestic Ukr production

American journalists with UAF soldiers armed with action is shown in this video but they say they destroyed 2 x BMP's in the past few days

The '#Antonov' plant in #Kiev was bombed. In Soviet times it was the main plant & design bureau for transport planes.

Airstrike on the TV building & antenna in #Rovno

#RussiaUkraine #SOF
Ukr Special Forces filmed in the #Kiev Front

#RussiaUkraine #UANavy
2 x Small Armoured Gunboats were also abandoned at #Berdyansk. The reporter says they're in working order & wonders why they left them

#RussiaUkraine #Su25
#RuAF Su-25 flying over #Donetsk

#RussiaUkraine #Su25
He's got a big 'Z' on his tail 😀

#RussiaUkraine #POW
Ukr prisoners captured at #Mariupol

Rus Army handed over captured Ukr equipment & weapons to the #LPR

Both Soviet-made & some supplied by Western countries,. After checking the technical condition, they will enter the service with the Militia

#RussiaUkraine #Su25
A Damaged #RuAF Su-25 managed to land back at base...probably hit by a MANPAD

A Ukr Tochka-U SRBM (or debris from one) fell on #Donetsk...there are dead and wounded

#RussiaUkraine #Tochka
Reportedly the missile was aimed at the government buildings in #Donetsk. It was shot down but pieces from it fell on nearby busy streets causing casualties

#LPR Militia are advancing on the town of #Popasnaya which is close to the district venttre of #Severodonetsk which is also under assault. Video from the area

A cruise missile was shot down by the UAF air defense over #Kiev.
Debris fell on one of the districts of the city.

Brazilian mercenaries in the service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

One of them, a former soldier of the French Foreign Legion, lived to tell the tale of yesterday's strike on the #Yavorovsky training ground.

#RussiaUkraine #Latvia
The Latvian Defense Ministry has expressed a desire to deploy Turkish #Bayraktar TB2 attack UAVs at its air bases for a period of three to six months.

Someone itching to become a Target 😉

#UAV view of #Mariupol where fierce fighting continues

Moment of impact of missile on #Donetsk captured on security camera

#RussiaUkraine #UAV
Rus #Drone footage from #Kharkov area showing destruction of Ukr munition warehouse

Map of situation in #Mariupol as of 14 March
from SF

Rus Army Recon unit in #Kharkov area

#RussiaUkraine #Humanitarianaid
Rus Army distrubiting aid to residents in #Kharkov region

UAF stated that 1st detachments of #mercenaries from #Syria began to arrive in Rus to participate in the op against #Ukraine

"about 400 people have arrived in Rus. Camps have been set up near Ukr in Rostov (RF) and Gomel (Belarus) regions to accommodate and train them"

Car rally in #Belgrade #Serbia in support of Russia (yesterday)

#DPR supporters in #Texas #USA ?

Ukr firing positions have largely been eliminated in the outer suburbs of #Mariupol, creating conditions for evacuation of civilians
200 buses were organised 4 evacuation. First 50 have already arrived in the city – 160 cars left the city (reports)
/MOD of the Rus Federation/

#RussiaUkraine #Spetznas
🇷🇺 Special Forces convoy in #Sumy region

#RussiaUkraine #UAV
Rus UAV (Orlan-10) footage of an Artillery strike on Ukr position near #Chernigov

‼️ An unmarked #drone crashed in the yard of a house in #Romania 100 km from the border with Ukraine

Another video this time from a French speaking #mercenary during the missile strikes on #Yavorovsky training centre

#RussiaUkraine #UAV
Rus UAV footage showing Ukr Artillery being targeted...looks like dug in 2S1 Gvozdika 122mm SP Guns

Fighting reported in the #Slavyansk & #Kramatorsk area. Main battle seems to be in a village 15km from Slavyansk. The UAF has reportedly blown up a bridge in the area (video)

Artillery fire near #Donetsk. Some reports say it's preparation for the storming of #Avdeevka, which is a fortified settlement in Ukr hands since 2014. A lot of the shelling of Donetsk comes from there

#RussianNavy ships enter the port of #Berdyansk which was captured days ago but had to be cleared of mines & secured

Russian Marines at the Ukr Coast Guard base in #Berdyansk

#RussiaUkraine #S300
A shot up Ukr S-300 SAM launcher ...#Nikolaev region

Large Rus column consisting of MSTA-S SP Guns, support vehicles & what looks like a SNAR-10 counter-battery radar (at 00:24 covered with tarp) in #Kupyansk (#Kharkov region)

In #Melitopol, locals are encouraged to hand over weapons that were handed out by the previous Ukr authorities...they also receive money for the weapons as an additional bonus

#RussiaUkraine #Ka52
Ka-52 video from Ukr.
An attack on a Ukr 2S1 Gvozdika SP Gun is shown with the 30mm cannon of the helicopter

#RussiaUkraine #Donbas
2 x destroyed Ukr T-64 tanks in the village of Berezovoe...the other tank that the Militia is driving is also a former Ukr tank

The Tanks from the video up close...the reporter says they were destroyed by a #DPR Tank

#DPR Tank during the recent fighting in the town of #Volnovakha

Kornet AT missile fired from a Patriot Pick Up by a Rus Special Forces team
via Lucas

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Pics of the disabled Ukr BTR-4 from #Mariupol video

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #ElonMusk #Putin
Time for some Comedy relief...
Musk challengesPutin to single combat....
Let Mortal Kombat commence 😆

@LewkHughes #China #Russia #SaudiArabia
Oil Refinery for Russian Oil to be built in China. The project is financed by Saudi Arabia.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #InformationWar
#YouTube may be blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation if the company continues to participate in the information war.
/deputy Head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Anton Gorelkin/

@LewkHughes The Russian Military (in response to the missile strike on #Donetsk) will take operational measures to disable the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine.
It warns civilians to stay away from such objects.

MOD of the Russian Federation said in a statement.

@LewkHughes The missile strike on the #Yavorovsky training site will not affect the US military assistance to #Ukraine.
Yavorovo is not a "transshipment" point of American "support".
/official representative of the US administration for the media/

@LewkHughes All locations of foreign #mercenaries in #Ukraine are known. They will CONTINUE to be targeted.
/ Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation/

@LewkHughes 3 x former British special forces soldiers were killed yesterday as a result of a missile strike by the Russian Military on the #Yavorovsky training ground.
Almost 200 #mercenaries were injured.
Dozens died.
/The Independent/

@LewkHughes The Ukrainian armed formations are preparing provocations with the use of toxic substances in order to blame #Russia for this later.
/Russian Permanent Representative to the #UN Vasily Nebenzia/

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Ukrainian Formations, under pressure from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the People's Militia of the DPR, are retreating to #Slavyansk, blowing up bridges behind them.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Pic from the #Rovno bombing of the TV Tower (yesterday).
Acc to Rus sources, about 2 dozen recruits for a new branch of the #AzovRegiment (in this part of Ukr) were stationed in the building there and were killed in the air strike

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Short gun-sight video from a Russian #Helicopter attacking a Truck or APC with it's gun

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Ka52
Longer version of Ka-52 video with extra footage

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Missile strike on the "#Artem" plant in #Kiev.
The company produces air-air & anti-tank missiles as well as various other military related products

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine #Su25
Su-25's north of #Donetsk. Reportedly supporting the offensive in the Verkhnetoretsky area.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
#UAV footage of 2 x Ukr BMPs being attacked...not sure if airstrike or #Krasnopol guided shells

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Remains of submunition decoys from #Iskander missile. They"re designed to emit radio signals & heat to confuse air-defense systems

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
The #Azovregiment caught recycling old footage of Russian losses & passing them as fresh victories..

Gotta keep morale up 😎

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
Two missiles seriously damaged the runway, terminal and other infrastructure facilities at the airport of #Dnepropetrovsk according to local authorities.

@LewkHughes #RussiaUkraine
US intelligence recommends that the Ukr General Staff withdraw troops from the eastern front (Donbas) so that they do not end up in a cauldron, as happened with Mariupol.
acc to Resident TV

@LewkHughes 1. Russia's position on negotiations with Ukraine & its sponsors, through Peskov's staement:

1) Continuation of negotiations on security guarantees in the previous form is hardly possible.

2) Russia will already have a much more powerful negotiating position!

3) The Kremlin is disappointed that the leaders of EU & US did not say anything about the shelling of Donetsk by Ukr nationalists & the death of civilians in the city

4) About the words of Arestovich about the imminent agreement with Russia: we do not want to give forecasts yet, we are waiting for results that can be informed to the public

5) On the question of the possibility of Russia's withdrawal from the Council of Europe: the state of affairs is very obvious - when the position is finally formed, we will inform

#RussiaUkraine #Mercenaries
Before & After photo at #Yavorovsky Training Centre

Activists in #Lebanon have started forming lists of volunteers willing to participate in the Russian special operation in Ukraine.
/ RIA Novosti/

Rus MOD publishes images of large scale UAF losses in the #Kherson region, which is now under full control of the Russian Army

#RussiaUkraine #RuAF
On March 14, the Russian AirForce carried out an airstrike on the "Impulse" plant in the city of #Shostka, #Sumy region - the only company in Ukraine producing explosive devices (detonator caps, electric detonators, detonating cords, etc.).

Rus MOD video showing captured weapons of western origin (in #Kiev region)
#NLAW, #Javelin #Panzerfaust3 & Manpads (Igla ?)

Rus Artillery firing on a Ukr fortified area to the northwest of #Kiev along the bank of the Irpen River.
via @poddubny

@poddubny #RussiaUkraine
Rus column of #Smerch Hv MRLS & support vehicles passing thru #Kherson city

the UAF 53rd Mechanized Brigade has practically been destroyed on the #Mariupol front.

According to #DPR intelligence, the Ukr General Staff is considering its disbandment due to large-scale losses.
/official representative of the DPR Militia Eduard Bachurin/

Captured #Stinger Manpads & #Javelin AT missile

#RussiaUkraine #Mercenaries
American member of the "Georgian Legion" (unit that's made up of foreigners) telling of his "adventures" in Ukr

The Prime Ministers of #Poland, #Slovenia & #Czech Republic have arrived in #Kiev for talks with #Zelenski
Here they are working out plans on how to defeat Russia 😀

#RussiaUkraine #Drone
UAV footage of a Rus Artillery strike on an Ukr Ammo Depot near the railway station at #Chernigov

#China & #SaudiArabia are negotiating the purchase by Beijing of part of Saudi oil in #Yuan.

This will not only strengthen the Chinese currency, but also deal a blow to the US, whose influence is on decline in the Middle East.
/The Wall Street Journal/

#RussiaUkraine #FoxNews
An employee of the Ukrainian bureau of Fox News channel (Alexandra #Kuvshinova) and her cameraman were killed today as a result of shelling.

n a number of regions of Transcarpathia, ethnic Hungarians have raised the issue of joining #Hungary. Diasporas are planning to hold a referendum on secession from #Ukraine.
Hungarians living in the region have sent a letter to Hungarian PM #Orban asking him to protect them

The Rusyns have asked #Putin to transform West #Ukraine into Carpathian Rus.
Head of Rusyn int center P. Getsko expressed hope that within the framework of the Rus sp op, the Rusyns will be able to revive their statehood on their historical lands,

The UAF has fired a #TochkaU SRBM at #Makeevka..a town held by the #DPR

#DPR Militia 'Grad' MRLS

Rus Security Forces collecting weapons from locals that were handed out by the Kiev government in #Kherson area

#Ukraine #Italy
Airport workers at #Pisa International airport have refused to load containers marked as Humanitarian Aid but contain weapons. They've asked air traffic control to ban these 'death flights' & their union has called on citizens to attend a protest on March 19

#Ukraine #mercenaries
A foreign volunteer who claims to have survived the #Yavorovsky attack has posted a number of posts where he says the "Foreign Legion" is practically finished. He advises others not to go to's a screenshot of one of them.

Ukr 2S7 203mm SP Heavy Howitzer

#RussiaUkraine #Su25
Remains of a shot down UA-AF Su-25. The reporter says there's a 2nd one nearby. The shoot down happened days ago but was filmed yesterday.
The #RuAF claims to have shot down 2 x Su-25's near #Chernigov yesterday

Footage is from #Kherson region

#RussianNavy landing ships have again appeared in the vicinity of #Odessa. The expected landing has been on again - off again a couple of times since the start of this conflict

Rus Troops entering the base and barracks of the UAF 406th separate Artillery Brigade

Missile strike on the fuel depot between #Nikopol and the village of Alekseevka (#Dnepropetrovsk region). It is also reported that a explosion occurred in the area of the deployment of the 301st anti-aircraft missile regiment.

The #LPR Militia reports the taking of the village of Nevsky which is the most western point on the admin border of the LPR

Reportedly a “Territorial defense” fighter getting blasted by a #DPR Tank in #Mariupol. ...He didn't see the tank?

Acc to Russian sources, a famous wannabe Nazi, one of the founders of the National Corps, Nikolai Kravchenko, nicknamed "Kruk" ("Raven"), was killed in #Mariupol

Disabled Ukr Strela-10 SAM in #Lisichansk

#RussiaUkraine #humanitarianaid
90 tons of aid was brought for residents of the Dergachevsky district, #Kharkov region

The #Kherson airport was reportedly shelled yesterday & several Rus helicopters look to be destroyed / damaged on this pic
via Lost Armour

#Ukraine #denazification
"I adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything that depends on me so that both you and your children never live on this earth" - presenter of the Ukrainian "24" TV channel Fakhrudin Sharafmal

Need I say more ?

#Rosgvardia Patrol Boats have begun patrolling the waters off #Berdyansk in the Azov Sea

#Donbas Militia riding a captured BTR-70M flying the old Russian Imperial Flag from the czarist era

#RussiaUkraine #BioLabs
They probably don't realise it but the "The Mirror" just suggested that bio weapons were being produced in the Ukr Labs 😀

Polish Gov continues to dream of WWIII

J. #Kaczynski, Deputy PM of #Poland, said that a #NATO peacekeeping mission, as part of a broader international mission be sent to #Ukraine. The mission should be able to protect itself in his opinion.
/RIA Novosti/

Rus "Orion" #Drone Strike on targets in #Mariupol

Ukr sources are reporting Naval Fire on the city from ships of the #RussianNavy

Cruise Missile strike on a target in #Kiev

Reportedly one of the Cruise Missiles on it's way to #Kiev (previous post)

#Ukraine #Mariupol
Analysis of the area attacked by the "Orion" (aka Pacer) #Drone in attached video. 2 targets were hit, 1 each in the NW & E side of the large "Azovstal" industrial complex. One of the targets was a tank.
#Kornet-D missiles were used

POV video of fighting in #Kiev area

#RussiaUkraine #VDV
Rus Airborne troops in #Kiev area
BMD-4M, BMD-1KSh & Strela-10M3 SAM vehicles shown.
Photos by A. Kots

One of the targets of the Cruise Missile strikes in"Kiev was the "Automation Plant" in the city center.

The company produced hydraulic appliances & other elements of systems for the needs of the Ukr military-industrial complex.

Map of #Mariupol based on local reports. Shaded gray area is reportedly the main combat zone atm. The red arrows show the Russian penetration inside the city from the W. Yesterday another group started an attack from the E & managed to advance about 1 km meeting stiff resistance

Map of #Donbas / East Ukr Front as of yesterday
from SF

Captured equipment & weaponry being passed on to the #DPR Militia by the Rus Army.
Training has begun on the use of #NLAW & #Javelin AT missiles

Captured RPG-PSRL-1 shown by #DPR Militia in #Mariupol.
This is a modernised RPG-7 of American production which is usually supplied to client militaries. It's used by Ukr Marines in Mariupol

#DPR Gvozdika SP Guns

On 15 Mar, Zelenski dismissed Gen Pavlyuk and appointed his deputy, Gen Moskalyov, to his post. commander of Joint Forces Operation (#Donbas Front). It can be assumed that the Ukr leadership lost confidence in him due to his inability to manage the UAF defence,

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