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#Hatecrimes, hate incidents, general intolerance is on the rise. How do people & communities heal from these experiences? That's our focus today. And we have a great panel who'll share their expertise with us. Watch the livestream here staring at 11am PST.…
Today's briefing is being moderated by EMS Co-Director Julian Do, who leads our Stop the Hate campaign, a collaboration of ethnic media across California reporting on the impact of rising hate in local communities.
"The question is, how do people and communities find a way to reconcile with horrific acts perpetrated against them, their family, their communities," says Do. All our speakers agree on one point: the importance of documentation.
Read 36 tweets
Important THREAD on UK’s Black woman MP @HackneyAbbott’s letter to @theobserver/@guardian and White Britain unleashing opportunistic attacks on the MP.
Buckle up🧵
#DianeAbbott #Racism #Antisemitism #WhiteSupremacy #WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter #HierarchyOfRacism #CRT British Black MP Diane Abbo...
White British establishment has been way too racist and harsh towards #DianeAbbott (“DA”) among #BlackWomen—not denying many of their points—compared to others. Issues of DA erasing #GTR or #Holocaust memories or not—not denying the importance of it—is a separate issue than… 2/ Tweet from Siobhan Miller (...
…the main topic pointed out in the subject of the letter: White #HierarchyOfRacism that exists to date. Having worked as a London-based banker who was involved with diversity, I’ve seen Black was 9x more, Muslims up to 8x more discriminated at institutional & security levels…3/
Read 16 tweets
Hey #medtwitter @MedTweetorials , let's talk about #MPOX (formerly monkeypox)
✴️Mpox is caused by an orthopoxvirus (like smallpox)
✴️ Endemic to sub-Saharan Africa; recent outbreak in Europe and the Americas
✴️ On 8/4/22 the US declared the outbreak a public health emergency
@MedTweetorials 2/
We will be using the term “mpox” in place of the complete phrase “monkeypox” in line with the November WHO decision to change the term in recognition of racist and stigmatizing language used in association with this condition in 2022
@MedTweetorials 3/
Q: Which group has the highest number of #mpox cases in the US?
Read 22 tweets
A guide to being a #folkreporter with @BlackByGodWV - a 🧵:
Good ole fashion #folkreporting is done by YOU the citizen. Witnessing is one of the most important things we as citizens can do to keep our elected officials and community accountable. 1/
When forming a thread on what you are witnessing, it is important to tag the elected officials you are covering when ever that is an option. Including relevant hashtags is also important. If you are at a #countycommission meeting let folx know! Tag your municipalities as well. 2/
Let people know you are a folk reporter! Include the following at the begining of your thread:

#folkreporter | @BlackByGodWV | @folkreporters

Read 10 tweets
Small #ttrpg thread about how to not address topics in a racist manner when you're writing them:

When I was writing one of the last adventures for #GreatWyrmsOfDrakha (Nixis's one,) I had great plans to make it a powerful statement about disparity & "age warfare."
My idea was to
to make a point of the dangerous practice of nativism as a way to counter elders from perpetuating themselves in position of responsibility (not 'power.')
One of the main "arguments" of those in power was the weakened nature of the young born outside the home world, reflected in
a series of very physical traits (which included a sickly reddish tone yo their skin... because of the Red Moon's pernicious nature & the lack of "vaala." (very esoteric concept to go into detail here.)
The product owner was very wary about it & adverse to the concept because it
Read 13 tweets
The U.S. Department of Labor is asking YOU the important questions!

Please Vote For Us & Our Recommendations!…

Recommendations put forward for the #LongCOVID community came from your participation over the last 2.5 years! Please help elevate those needs! Image
You do need to register to vote which you can do here

We have put together a video " C-19LAP: Navigating the Department of Labor (DOL) Long COVID Online Dialogue" which you can also find here!
If you feel @C19LH_Advocacy should be involved in informing stakeholders,we need you to go vote for us! Unfortunately, votes will be considered, and we do want to ensure we have a seat at the table to advocate for you! Image
Read 15 tweets
1/🧵Russia's invasion of Ukraine has prompted a massive humanitarian crisis. For many the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming 💔.

Here are some great ways to help (some not even requiring any money).

Please retweet & share 🇺🇦🌻💙💛#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #HelpUkraine Image
2/🧵Ways to help include donating to Ukraine via a registered charitable organization, donating money /goods / points / miles, fundraising, volunteering, attending rallies, contacting MPs, fighting disinformation online, etc. 🇺🇦💪#Ukraine #HelpUkraine
3/🧵Money is still the most effective gift.

Most charities prefer donations of cash due to issues with donated goods (logistical hurdles, custom regulations, transport costs, lacking capacity of nonprofit teams to sort the goods, carbon footprint, etc.). 💲🇺🇦#GiveMoney #Ukraine Image
Read 66 tweets
Lots of other great big global things going on. All the time. At *the same* time. We get it. But CLIMATE never sleeps & neither does Calgary Climate Hub. The work continues. March is a busy one. Join us. #yyc @350Canada @ArushaCentre @OpenStreetsYYC @Reality_Canada @FFFCalgary Image
We don't advocate turning a blind eye to global tectonics like #Covid, the "Freedom Convoy," the #UkraineInvasion & whatever's next. But this is the #ClimateEra. Expect more mayhem not less. We need to be able to walk, chew gum & save the world at the same time. So let's do it /2
In March the Hub's hitting up some of the most critical pieces of the #ClimateEmergency. We start by joining @350Canada & @FFFCalgary on the March 12 #DayOfAction for a #JustTransition, which is a foundational necessity for Alberta moving forward /3… #yyc
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"The @KyivIndependent recently did a spotlight on many different charities across #Ukraine."

▪Charities that help the war effort, children, elderly, animals... for blood donation and more.

All are linked in post. Please RT.

#UkraineWar #UkraineInvasion…
This list was published by Forbes Magazine

10 Ways To Help The People Of Ukraine Right Now via @Forbes…
Read 137 tweets
I was violently detained by police for carrying my sleeping infant daughter into my home w porch lights off. A white neighbour called the police on me for "breaking into my own home". The cops didn't hug me. They had me on the ground, screaming obscenities #WhitePrivilege
The experience of Black, Indigenous and other people of colour and the poor with the police in 🇨🇦 could not be more different from the nauseating displays of affection and support given to the white supremacists holding this country hostage. We have always known this.
People are messaging me that I lied about my experience with the police to get likes. I didn't. This is the lived experience of Black, Indigenous and other people of colour and the poor. Just because you haven't experienced racism personally, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Read 5 tweets
#PeterSloly was the 1st Black Police Chief in Ottawa’s history. There were high hopes in #BIPOC communities he would spearhead reform following the 2016 death of #AbdirahmanAbdi after an altercation with police. #Sloly faced significant pushback within the force from the getgo.
In 2020 I spoke with #MattSkof the head of the Ottawa Police Association after Skof took issue with “Sloly's assertion that systemic racism exists within policing and accused him of scapegoating a rookie officer accused of racially profiling a Black driver.”
Here’s my 2020 interview with #MattSkof head of the Ottawa Police Association in which he takes issue with then #Ottawa Police Chief #PeterSloly’s assertion that #systemicracism was a problem in policing.…
Read 4 tweets
#decolonizedecember #18dicembre #Giornatainternazionaledeimigranti #InternationalMigrantsDay
#Violenza, #tortura #razzismo e #morte,
La politica di difesa dei confini dell'UE è razzista e rafforza le strutture di potere coloniali e capitaliste. Frontex e il sistema che rappre-
senta devono essere aboliti ADESSO. La politica militarizzata di fortezza UE ha ucciso oltre 44.764 persone dal 1993.
Annegati nel Mediterraneo; uccisi al confine; morti per suicidio in carcere, torturati e uccisi dopo l'espulsione - l'UE ha le mani sporche di sangue.
Frontex è
Read 14 tweets
Our paper, Racism & Cardiology: a global call to action published in @CJCOpen.…

As Black History month ends, we look at how racism & racial bias influence CV health of ethnic minorities with viewpoints of cardiologists from 🇬🇧🇺🇲🇨🇦@DrQuinnCapers4
There are 3 major forms of racism:
1️⃣Explicit:easily detectable,easy to condemn
2️⃣Implicit:unconscious association of positive/negative attributes w/different racial groups
3️⃣Structural:results from yrs of policy-making;gives advantage to some racial groups at expense of another
Racism, Health, and Heart Disease in Canada
Recent reports, incl Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report (2015), state that the poor health statistics of the country’s First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples are due in part to systemic racism and discrimination
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🧵Very important election on 11/2 in #Pennsylvania

We must show up and vote or request your mail in ballot

#VoteLocal2021 elect Dems for School Boards, Judges & Row Offices


👂to John Lewis 💗
@ConOHanlon is running for Doylestown Township Tax Collector

Connor's chair of @DoylestownDems and is ready to serve

We MUST support young Dems who have stepped up to run! Please give him a couple 💵 it will 100% help him out ⤵️…

Colleen Mullin is running for Doylestown Township Supervisor

Colleen is currently on the Ways and Means Committee and will hit the ground running!

Visit ⤵️

Read 16 tweets
🧵 Very important election in November #Pennsylvania 11/2

We must show up VOTE & support our local/state Dems for School Boards, Judges & Row Offices


Help by following, amplifying & $ if you can

@ConOHanlon is running for #Doylestown Township Tax Collector

Connor's chair @DoylestownDems and is ready to serve

We MUST support young Dems who have stepped up to run! He needs to buy signs please donate couple 💵 if you can


Colleen Mullin is running for Doylestown Township Supervisor

Colleen currently on Ways and Means Committee & can hit the ground running

Visit ⤵️

Read 12 tweets
🟣 #CrowdfundMonday: Community #Crowdfunding for Diverse Independent Creatives


SEP 20TH | 10AM PT

Share your campaigns LIVE.
#filmmaker #artist #gamedev #theater #author #BIPOC #LGBTQ #women #disability #inclusion #YHBNEWS #RT…
Promoting #crowdfunding can be difficult. But not when you're part of the interactive community at #CrowdfundMonday! Since 2012, we have shared resources to help each other minimize the costs of marketing our short and long-term campaigns. /1
In the spirit of "Artists Supporting Artists," we encourage our community to amplify #crowdfunding campaigns for creators in emerging entertainment which promote inclusion through:

✅their content, and/or
✅their intentional hiring of cast and crew.

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Said in response to a whole population of hs students who collectively commited horrid acts of anti-Black American racism.
See below.
It's just like a white supremacists to say "Sorry, didn't know better, please teach me".
Parents + fellow students are demanded suspension. 👏🏾

White and Latino students at #Salinas high school made a IG page featuring images of them being violently aggressive towards a Black doll they named #Shaniqua

Apparently they didn't know this was wrong so they just need a racial sensitivity workshop. ImageImage
These incidents clearly didn't stem from a singular, sudden idea. It takes a deep rooted hatred of Black Americans to cause something like this to spread within an entire high school. #salinas

#blackandbrown #poc #bipoc
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In meinem Arbeitsbereich @FU_Berlin trage ich Verantwortung für mehrere #Hanna's. Zusammen mit Predoc-WiMis - vielleicht #FutureHannas - sind sie zentral für Lehre und Forschung an unserem Institut (1/6)
Sie haben diverse akademische, soziale & kulturelle Hintergründe & damit ungleiche Chancen im neoliberalen Wissenschaftssystem. Gemeinsam ist ihnen die generelle Unsicherheit & Unplanbarkeit ihrer beruflichen & persönlichen Zukunft:… (2/6)
Multiple Exzellenzprogramme & Reformen der letzten 20 Jahre haben - wenn man wollte - Öffnungen für mehr #Diversität in der Wissenschaft geschaffen. Gleichzeitig arbeitet Wissenschaftspolitik systematisch am erneuten Ausschluss der hier gewonnenen #Hanna's & #FutureHanna's: (3/6)
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This is disingenious folks.... things i said were turned into I was ableist racist against indigenous..... I was explaining my disability issues and I am dedicated #BIPOC activists over 10 years in the fight IN #Portland #chudwatch
the result is many GREAT PEOPLE i admire follow learn from and RT info to HELP THE MOVEMENT blocked me. This harms the movement. the flow of info the powerhouse we at #portlandprotest have been rocking the nation with education with for a year now.... ofc they want to destroy it!
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On the anniversary of Canada's #charterofrights , we have today retained counsel and are preparing to go to court in the coming days, to challenge the Black Friday Regulation 294/21. 1/6…
We have retained Anil Kapoor, one of Canada’s leading criminal and constitutional lawyers, to lead a legal team being assembled as we speak, to launch a legal challenge before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, most likely by way of injunction. 2/6…
We are bringing a challenge as quickly as possible, in order to restore peoples’ freedom from arbitrary police stops. Reg 294/21 codifies the odious “driving while black” police stop, adding a “walking while black” offence -- legalized carding, and that’s unconstitutional. 3/6
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Announcement from @fordnation sank my heart today. As an ER doctor, person of color and #Scarborough native, I feel defeated 😢. The measures are not going to get wave 3 under control. #BIPOC #ERdoc @SHNcares @torontolife @JustinTrudeau @SCMirror 1/
When I landed as an #immigrant in #Canada, my life started in #Scarborough. My parents (#heros) struggled to find jobs that matched their education. That didn't stop them from working hard / hustling even if it meant 2 jobs at times to keep bills paid and food on the table. 2/
My family lived in an apt building that had mostly racialized/middle-low income families (#affordability). Not much social distancing when large crowds wait for elevators (#EssentialWorkers) or use the shared laundry facilities. This pandemic brings back those vivid memories 3/
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In light of the Boston police Union leader child abuse, this is very plausible, even probable. I have 2x, on behalf of someone else, reported, via Title IX - the woman or gay man was not feeling safe enuf to report. Yes, there is blowback when one reports. But we can’t be silent.
I am a mandated reporter as a #pediatrician. I *must* report for my patients or face legal consequences. Am same for staff, students, trainees. But in #EmergencyMedicine who do I call if a child may be unsafe at home? Sometimes, cops. Are cops safe?…
I have seen #mentalhealth and entire life paths destroyed by abusers preying on children like: This happened to too many people I know. I have seen institutions intimidate, mislabel, bury stories of the victims. (Some predators wait until 18th birthday.)…
Read 29 tweets
When you want to know why
-women & minorities leave medicine
-why research lacks data to serve needs of anyone not white & male
-why different mortality rates in patients by gender, race, SES

this is why

This is #MedBikini#professionalism” again

Is insidious
but highly effective
-different access

As women, LGBTQ, minorities, disabled enter or advance in medicine, this professor’s public stance will be cited to mislabel having #ethics as “lacking #professionalism…
#medbikini is not one article
=attitude of many physicians
=drives this

We saw this happen with @ayshakhoury and @uche_blackstock and so many others. It especially happens at midcareer to WOC, especially black. Also if Muslim, LGBTQ, disabled, #mentalhealth

Read 52 tweets
Hi #fundraisingtwitter. Some people seem confused as to why I, and may others, consider Mr. Ahern's comments and sessions offensive. I've had some genuine questions, so let me do my best to explain here.
Last month a conference called "Inspire Webinar Series" came out featuring a series of fundraising "legends". @_David_Lacey rightfully pointed out that 19 of the 22 panelists were white men. It was called out on Twitter and LinkedIn for being insulting.
Some speakers like @ToastFundraiser upon learning this stepped down. Instead of following suit, Tom Ahern wrote this post that included the words "In half a decade or less, the same worth of "listening-to" speakers won't be male or white." He also told everyone "F U" at the end
Read 16 tweets

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