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How much has each country contributed to climate change through historical #emissions of #carbon dioxide, #methane and nitrous oxide?

Today, our new 'living' dataset for tracking national contributions to #warming is published in @ScientificData @Peters_Glen @robbie_andrew @JoGuetschow @PFriedling @cleque
@ScientificData We provide estimates of the #warming caused by historical #emissions of #CO2, #CH4 and #N2O by 226 countries, for every year since 1850.

National warming contributions are further split into #fossil or #land use, land use change and #forestry (LULUCF) sources. @Peters_Glen @robbie_andrew @JoGuetschow @PFriedling @cleque
@ScientificData The top contributors to #warming up to 2021, through #emissions of all three gases since 1850, were:

USA: 0.28°C / 17% of the warming caused by all global emissions
China: 0.20°C / 12%
Russia: 0.10°C / 6%
Brazil & India: 0.08°C / 5%
🇮🇩 , 🇩🇪 , 🇬🇧 , 🇯🇵 , 🇨🇦 : 0.03-0.05°C each @Peters_Glen @robbie_andrew @JoGuetschow @PFriedling @cleque
Read 16 tweets
🚨🌍 Global Carbon Budget 2022, out now!🌍🚨

It provides the latest update on how we humans have tampered with Earth's remarkable system of #carbon stocks and flows.

So what are the take-homes from our latest update?

@gcarbonproject @PFriedling
It's a story of persistent high global #CO2 emissions, but with some hints (and some hope!) that *total* human #emissions are levelling off.

(Although with considerable uncertainty in the land use change emissions).
But did anyone mention that we need to get that red line 👆 to hit zero to meet the commitments made in #Paris?

Read 24 tweets
Heute hat das @FraunhoferISI eine interessante Studie veröffentlicht: Inwiefern sind die derzeit geplanten #LNG-Terminals zum Import von #fossil|em #Erdgas wirklich für #Wasserstoff oder #Ammoniak geeignet? Eins ist klar: Sie "Hydrogen Ready" zu nennen ist Augenwischerei. 1/x
Die Studie stellt klar: #LNG, #Ammoniak und #Wasserstoff haben unterschiedliche physikalische Eigenschaften. Damit sind auch die Anforderungen an die Import-Infrastruktur verschieden. H2 müsste in flüssiger Form (LH2) importiert werden, was weitere Probleme mit sich bringt.
Um z. B. später für #LH2 geeinget zu sein müssten gleich in der Design-Phase des Terminals bestimmte Stahlarten genutzt werden. Selbst dann würden für eine Umrüstung wohl ca. 50 % der Investmentkosten erneut anfallen.
Read 10 tweets
🌏Today is #InternationalGeodiversityDay declared by UNESCO to recognise the importance of geosciences in solving the major challenges faced by humanity today.

So what does #geodiversity mean & how can #India better acknowledge & conserve its incredible #geoheritage?

Thread🧵 A creative with a quote defining geodiversity as the variety
At present, #India classifies #geodiversity in different ways.

Here are some broad categories that may serve us well:

Geo-monuments, #fossil sites, archaeological sites, and landscapes - we've listed many sites under the first 3 categories, yet we need to do SO much more. A creative showing 4 icons for the various categories of geo
Here's an example from Gandikota, #AndhraPradesh.

There is no interpretation sign/infrastructure at the incredible canyon carved by the Penna river & the archaeological ruins, nor at the Belum limestone caves nearby:

Read 6 tweets
Dreadnoughtus!!! 🦕

I like sauropods (long-necked dinosaurs) in general, as these Mesozoic puzzles 🧩 pushed evolutionary innovation to the extreme, & even the simplest aspects of their biology are confounding, oft-debated subjects. A thread 🧵 highlighting few of those.

Dreadnoughtus schrani was discovered (2014) in southern Patagonia, Argentina 🇦🇷 and is thought to be the largest 🏆 terrestrial animal to have ever walked the planet (i.e., it possesses the greatest mass of any land animal that can be calculated 🧮 with...

...reasonable certainty). This colossal sauropod flourished during the Late Cretaceous Epoch (100.5 million to 66 million years ago). It was about 26 m (85 feet) long 📏 and may have weighed about 59 metric tons ⚖️ (image source: Wikimedia Commons) -...

Read 42 tweets
#PlacesOfWorshipAct 1991 में पास हुआ, जिसके अनुसार हिंदू अपने छीने गए मंदिरों पर दावा करके वापिस नहीं ले सकते!

उसी देश में, उसी संसद ने, उसी सत्ता ने, 1995 में #WaqfAct पास किया जिसके अनुसार #WaqfBoard/मुसलमान मस्जिद, दरगाह या कब्रिस्तान की दावे की भूमि को ही नहीं,

किसी भी भूमि को अपना घोषित कर सकते हैं, इसके बाद अपील भी उन्हीं से करनी होगी, निर्णय भी उन्हीं का होगा।

उस समय देश में 80% हिंदू थे, संसद में 95% सांसद हिंदू थे, कानून मंत्रालय जो नए ऐक्ट तैयार करता है उसमें 95% प्रतिशत हिंदू थे, फिर भी ये दोनों राक्षसी कानून पास हुए।

हम हिंदू, वास्तविकता में जीवन से क्या चाहते क्या हैं?

What are our desires, expectations from life?

भूमि- वो मुसलमान छीन रहे हैं!
लड़कियाँ- वो मुसलमान छीन रहे हैं!
धन- वो मुसलमान हमसे ही लूट/कमा रहे हैं…..

और बचा क्या ??

Read 5 tweets
Is Tyrannosaurus rex the one true king of the Cretaceous? Our new paper reviews the evidence🧵…

#paleontology #dinosaur #fossil #scicomm #museum #AcademicTwitter
(art by @MarkWitton, who graciously gave us permission to use his work for this project)

In March, a team of researchers published a provocative new idea: Tyrannosaurus rex, the most famous dinosaur, wasn't one dinosaur at all, but three separate species that were so similar all prior researchers had missed their differences.…

The two new species were named Tyrannosaurus imperator (the tyrant lizard emperor*) and Tyrannosaurus regina (the tyrant lizard queen).

*Imperator is actually Latin for "commander", but was a title given to the Roman emperors, and became the origin of our word "emperor"

Read 16 tweets
Nova entrega del gran Phil 🧶 sobre l’#Arqueologia!
Recordeu que els dies 9 i 10 de Juliol la @Vineaetalni 2022 organitza el primer Taller d’Arqueologia!

Al capítol 1 us vam explicar la importància dels estrats per a poder fer una bona excavació arqueològica.
Avui al capítol 2.1 passem a una altra pregunta: què apareix a un #jaciment arqueològic #romà 🏺?

Bàsicament apareixen dos grans tipus de restes: les mòbils, majoritàriament els objectes 🏺; i les immòbils, és a dir, les #estructures 🏛️.
Les restes immòbils són les més fàcils de trobar, perquè es tracta dels murs, les #columnes, els paviments i la resta d’elements constructius dels #edificis. Per les seves dimensions no solen passar desapercebudes…
Read 27 tweets…
😘 "Ohne Gas und ohne Dampfkraft, geht rein gar nichts, nicht mal krampfhaft." ...

und ein wenig weitreichender ausholend
» Können wir uns darauf verständigen, dass es sich um ein Energieträger Problem handelt?
#Energieträger werden zur #STROM und #Wärme #Erzeugung benötigt! #Energieträger können #regenerativ #fossil #nuklear etc. sein. Ein Mangel trifft jegliche #Erzeugung mit allen mögl. Folgen etc.
Wie nah ist #Europa an einem #BLACKOUT? ...
Was ist ein #BLACKOUT? »
»» #BLACKOUT Vorbereitung ist über-lebenswichtig! Leitfäden zur Selbsthilfe und weitere Informationen auf
Read 4 tweets
The #Cambrian Explosion marks the first appearance of many animal phyla in the #fossil record, but just how radical was it? I'm starting a new #FossilFriday thread where I post Cambrian fossil representatives of one phylum per week. Join me on this trek across the tree of life Image
Let's begin with #Annelida. In the #Cambrian these come mainly from deposits of exceptional preservation. Polychaetes and sipunculids, including species with potential affinities to living families, are represented.
#FossilFriday ImageImageImageImage
Image references:
Canadia - Parry & Caron 2019
Dannychaeta - Parry et al. 2020
Kootenayscolex - Nanglu & Caron 2018
Archaeogolfingia and Cambrosipunculus - Huang et al. 2004
Read 46 tweets
We are LIVE tweeting this panel discussion with @AHuitfeldt @anuahsa .@MathiasCormann @SantiagoCafiero @amitabhk87 and @IlaPatnaik.

Stay tuned for updates!

#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
Watch it LIVE here:

.@IlaPatnaik: The next industrial revolution cannot be based on #fossil questions. The question is how can we meet the #SDG goals while shifting to a greener economic system.

Read 16 tweets
Thread alert!🧵 Myself and @E3G colleagues had been toying around with writing a blog summarising the impacts of the #Russia/Ukraine crisis on the global #coal-to-clean transition, when it was pointed out that any such blog would be outdated and irrelevant within days.
Instead, we’ve decided to pull together a regularly updated meta-thread bringing together the sharpest analysis out there. A few caveats to kick things off…
The Russian invasion of #Ukraine is clearly a very fluid situation, and at the centre of it lies a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. People are dying and lives ruined. This is *not* something to refer to as an ‘opportunity’ (looking at some #climate commentators, here).
Read 25 tweets
Heute hat die .@EU_commission den delegierten Rechtsakt #Taxonomie nahezu unverändert durchgewinkt. #Atomkraft ☢️+ #fossil|es Gas 🔥 sollen als nachhaltige Investition gelten.
Es gab eine interessante Pressekonferenz dazu (Thread 🧵, 14)
Kommissarin @McGuinessEU antwortete eloquent an kritischen Fragen vorbei, spielte offenkundige Gefahren herunter. Betonte andauernd, Atom + Gas seien lt #Taxonomie nur Übergangstechnologien (hab irgendwann aufgehört zu zählen, wie oft „transitional“ fiel) (2)
#Atomkraft sei zwar mit Gefahren behaftet, aber die Betreiber müssten ja Pläne für ein Endlager bis 2050 vorlegen, und die Taxonomie unterstütze auch Investitionen in #AKW Rückbau und Atommüll-Behandlung (3)
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@EU_Commission macht Kniefall vor der fossil-atomaren Lobby! Entwurf für #Taxonomie-Anhang zu #Atomkraft und #fossil|em Gas stellt beide als "Übergangstechnologien" dar. Damit entwertet sie Finanztaxonomie als glaubwürdigen Nachhaltigkeitsstandard. (1/7)…
Fossiles Gas soll als nachhaltig gelten, wenn vom Kraftwerk nicht mehr als 270 g CO2/kWh emittiert werden und #Methan|schlupf vor Ort vermieden wird. Die Methanemissionen der Vorkette, die bis zu 30% der #Klima|wirkung von Erdgas ausmachen, werden ignoriert. (2/7)
Bei Fernwärme darf Gas andere Brennstoffe ersetzen, wenn "Erneuerbare die Energie nicht effizient bereitstellen können". Keine weiteren Angaben. Bedingung ohne messbare Kriterien = keine Bedingung.
Nicht definierte "low carbon" Gase sollen bis 2035 zum Einsatz kommen (3/7)
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New Paper: A 5 million year old #fossil from Melbourne is the oldest evidence of pig-nosed turtles in Australia, marking a substantial shift in their biogeographic history! 🐢 @Monash_Science
@museumsvictoria Thread 1/7

🎨: @BranArtworks… Image
Meet the pig-nosed turtle: a highly aquatic tropical freshwater turtle, and the only surviving species of carettochelyids.

Native to Northern Territory and New Guinea, with fossils found in the Northern Hemisphere; scientists thought they were recent arrivals to Australia. 2/7 Image
However, this fossil was not only found on the opposite end of the continent, it's also 5 million years old. This suggests that pig-nosed turtles have been in Australia longer than we previously thought. 3/7 Image
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We have published an English summary of our hydrogen report:…
Key messages:
Hydrogen is necessary for #climateneutrality, but needs to be used in an efficient manner. Only #greenhydrogen produced from #renewable power can be produced sustainably.
Blue hydrogen is currently discussed as a bridging technology. In our opinion, it is not sustainable due to residual GHG emissions, insufficient short-term #CCS capacity and the risk of #fossil infrastructure lock-in. Therefore, it should not receive public subsidies.
Stringent certification is necessary to minimize the environmental footprint and social issues of hydrogen. This is both true for imports and European production.
An additionality criterion for renewables can ensure that green hydrogen does indeed reduce carbon emissions.
Read 4 tweets
The teeth of a new species of the hybodont #shark, which belonged to the #Jurassic era, have been discovered for the first time in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. #Paleontology #Fossil


(📸: IANS)
The fossils were discovered from the Jurassic rocks in the #Jaisalmer region of #Rajasthan. The rocks are between 160 and 168 million years old.

The crushing teeth represent a new species, named by the research team as 'Strophodusjaisalmerensis'.
The genus Strophodus has been identified for the first time in the Indian sub-continent, and is only the third such record from Asia—the other two being from Japan and Thailand.
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Effect of #emobility on #oil #consumption, what does statistics tell us? Comparison between #BEV pioneer #Norway (🇳🇴) vs. #biofuel addicted #Finland (🇫🇮).

🇳🇴 #BEV + #PHEV share of the passenger cars
- 2016: 3,66% + 1,29% = 5%
- 2020: 12,06% + 5,11% = 17%
Delta +8 %-units.
🇫🇮 #BEV + #PHEV share of the passenger cars 2020 is 0,35% + 1,66% = 2%.

Total amount of registered passenger cars 2020 is 2,748 million. Cumulative #BEV is doubling every year. Assumed: No effect on fuel consumption yet. 2/x
🇳🇴total sales of petroleum products was 8181 million litres (2020). That has decreased 11% from 2016.

2020 sales of road traffic fuel (petrol & diesel) has decreased 10% from 2016, from 5262 to 4716 million litres. 3/x…
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#Climate needs #electrification AND #hydrogen.
Both compete for #renewableelectricity, policy and infrastructure support. Policy makers have to take decisions, secure expectations, avoid further fossil lock-in
Our paper offers guidance.

#efuels(right) replace fossils without the end-use transformation required by (direct) #electrification(left)
This promises to make combustion technologies and fossil infrastructure part of the climate solution;
yet, shifting the burden to the supply side has limitations…
#Efuels require 2 – 14 times more (renewable) electricity than a direct #electrification (e.g. electric cars are five times more efficient)
Remember, (growing) renewable power capacity is far from fully meeting only today’s electricity demand.
(no regret: #renewableexpansion)
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What is the @Greenpeace position on #fossil gas ? We know that they are against #nuclear power, but if that had to choose, will they first prefer to phase out of #fossil fuels or #nuclear power ?
Let's find out!
Have a look to this report titled « Silent Killers – Why Europe must replace coal power with green energy » and published in 400 ppm (2013)… Image
The document aims at explaining that 300 plants in EU burn #coal to produce #electricity, killing prematurely 22000 people every year while being the largest source of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions Image
Read 26 tweets
My last PhD paper is (finally) out:…

In this #openaccess jam, we look at the idea of convergent #evolution between the #thylacine and the 'usual suspects' - the #wolf or dog
THREAD > 1/18
One of the most obvious aspects of the thylacine is that they don't really look much like any marsupial living today.
They do, however, look a lot like placental canids (wolves, dogs & relatives).
So much so that they are sometimes known as the 'marsupial wolf'!
🎨: Carl Buell
The resemblance to canids means that the thylacine is a classic example of convergent evolution, where unrelated lineages independently evolve similar features.
Examples are all around: bats & birds, whales & fish, and crab.
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Managed #forest landscapes is how big part of the #climate solutions that we need?

Here's some background and some thoughts. /1
Starting with the annual update of net sink in Swedish forests: A continued large net uptake by trees and soil (35 Mt CO2/yr)

This is the enduring effect of long-term investments in the forest-based sector. But what about the rest of the world? /2…
At EU level the net forest sink is 400 Mt CO2/yr which corresponds to 10% of EU emissions. Forests are actively managed and #wood harvest is well below (2/3) of the growth.

But this is not the full story of climate solutions from EU managed forests. /3…
Read 15 tweets
#Fossil of 9,000 Years Old Female Hunter Challenge Misguided Assumptions Around Gender Roles in Early Humans…

(📸: Matthew Verdolivo, UC Davis IET Academic Technology Services)
Historical evidence suggests that almost all early humans were hunters and gatherers thousands of years ago before we gradually transformed into agricultural societies.
Now, an unexpected new discovery is set to turn this age-old belief on its head! Newly discovered fossil of a 9,000 years old female hunter from a burial site in the Andes Mountains of South America has intrigued researchers and has made them challenge pre-existing belief.
Read 16 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/09/2020…
We need to shift our focus from competencies to agency | by Esko Kilpi | Medium…

#agency #competencies
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