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@Europarl_EN #Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve #peace in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev TIME to #prepare for #war - to help #CRUSH #ETHNIC #Russians Dec 28, 2022
@Europarl_EN cc: @ TaranQ
German '#Merkel' (#Hitler's daughter) in an interview with the German newspaper #DieZeit:
- "The 2014 #MinskAgreement was an attempt to give Ukraine #time. They used that time to get stronger, which you can see today.
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"This long Malthusian cycle brewed the ideological alchemy of Good #Science and the Civilizing Project. Each moment produced new scientific and imperial regimes that simultaneously mapped, secured, and justified ever more extensive and violent...… #society
... appropriations of unpaid #work/energy for capital. Every moment of enclosing waste (the commons) involved grand movements creating #waste on the frontiers. In this long #history of natural law, Good #Science has been mobilized not only as a “productive force” but as the...
... ideological cement for securing the “general interest”. Thus decisive ideological function for successive #class compacts between ruling strata and the scientific, administrative, and military strata ...
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@derspiegel hält tapfer gegen, aber gegen die Flut von Falschbehauptungen von @SWagenknecht und #AliceSchwarzer kommt er nicht an:
Der Irakkrieg 1991 wurde vom UN-Sicherheitsrat legitimiert (also auch von #Russland). Ziel war die Befreiung Kuwaits von
den irakischen Invasoren. Saddam hatte damals wie #Putin heute ein Nachbarland überfallen und wollte es annektieren. Die Alliierten unter Führung der #USA sind nach der Befreiung Kuwaits *nicht* nach Bagdad weitermarschiert, um einen #Regimechange durchzuführen. Insofern ist
sind die Parallelen zum #Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die #Ukraine offensichtlich, auch was das angeblich so unklare Kriegsziel betrifft.
Auch die Aussage Schwarzers zu Afghanistan ist einfach nur ignorant: Nie waren die Frauen dort seit der sowjetischen Invasion so frei wie
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#DariaDugin, daughter of #AlexanderDugin, has been #Assassinated via #CarBomb near #Moscow.

#AleksandrDugin is a prominent #Russian strategist sometimes called #PutinsBrain. He’s thought to have inspired #Putin to pursue the annexation of #Crimea, the... [1/2]
...#SpecialMilitaryOperation in #Ukraine, as well as the concepts of #Novorossiya and the #FairWorldOrder.

The #Assassination of the #FWO strategist’s daughter #DariaDugina is comparable to elimination of #NWO strategist #HenryKissinger’s daughter. [2/2]
The elimination of #DariaDugin represents a potential #Escalation between #NewWorldOrder and #FairWorldOrder. If #Russia assesses that #NWO actors are involved, the #Russians are likely to pursue #TitForTat. If #Washington’s proxy in #Kiev is determined the perpetrator... [1/2]
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I said:
1. #Iran accelerates enrichment of Uranium & is close to weapon's grade.
Iran advanced centrifuges to developing reactor's fuel.
The Mullah's main goal is #Nuclear #BOMB.

2. It's a threat & risk for the stabilty of the #MiddleEast
2.@JoeBiden needs to get though with #Iran because the mullahs are preparing the Bomb & has an aggressive approach.
Iran [the most dangerous #Terrorist power] supports terrorist Islamic groups in the region.
Iran needs Nuclear Bomb to preserve their outlaw regime!
3. If Iran build the bomb this summer, it'll challenge the security of the region. It's a serious threat & risk.

4. #Israel's covert operation are effective.

5. @POTUS wastes the time for #JCPOA & negotiations with terrorist mullahs. Instead, can support #RegimeChange in Iran.
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For the future of #Iran, we have no potential & capable #opposition. Even though, they're proud of their cult's activities, but in real, its a false & groundless claim.

The only prominent figure is @PahlaviReza, others, are in pure preposterous competition with him.
Idealistically, most of them, want to save the world. but they'll never able to get a simple majority of people to support. there's no logic out there, so the mullahs cheered.

In reality, without joking, some of the so-called oppositions like to preserve the Iran's regime!
In contrast, @PahlaviReza knows the meaningful consequence of his messages for young generation.

some of the puffed up Iranian opposition surrounds themselves with like-minded men & women, to fight with the shadow of Pahlavi.
Any coalition is at risk of a breakout, because of it
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حمایت تصویری گروهی از فعالان سیاسی و چهره های دانشگاهی از تاکید شاهزاده رضاپهلوی بر ضرورت ادامه #اعتصابات_سراسری و #اعتراضات_مردمی در ایران.

#RegimeChange #IranProtests Image
پیام ۱. اردوان خوشنود

پیام ۲. میلاد آقایی

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My thoughts on the election timeline and reflecting on post-election analysis. A thread 🧵1/39
of two parts 1/25 followed by another 1/14 in the response.

Somalia was in an election fervour for more than a year, which marred public cohesion.
It divided the country into two groups with previously existing cleavages: a public camp dubbed NN, which stands for Nabad&Nolol (peace and life), versus national elites, including aspirants of the presidential candidates.
The former was unorganised public individuals from inside and outside the country who sensed the hope of a Somali state returning to the world stage.
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Vote Tory = more...
shit bureaucracy
violent/sex crime
neglect of security/armed forces
A&E disasters / NHS neglect
chance of nuclear war
... while idiots babbling about trans & other shite get promoted all over sw1

2/ Tories & their wider support in media/'think tanks' etc are so intellectually, politically, & organisationally rancid that a change of leader may well not change these dynamics, but there is NO chance of even discussing serious change unless the 🛒 is replaced
3/ Only point of 🛒 as PM was to act as spokesman for the Vote Leave agenda while we pushed everything in a different direction. Once this was 99% abandoned in 2020 the entire spectacle is pointless *for all except the 🛒 himself* who enjoys riding his bike at Chequers etc
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In dem offenen Brief stand nicht, dass sich die Menschen in der #Ukraine dem Angriffskrieg durch Russland beugen sollen!

Verteidigung ist ein Muss!

Wo jedoch nur noch auf Waffensysteme gesetzt wird, gibt es keine Perspektive.

Es braucht #Diplomatie & die findet nicht statt!
Aktivitäten muessen zeitgleich auf mehreren Ebenen gegeben sein!

Ist aber scheinbar nicht das politische Ziel!

Wenn gar aus Verteidigung das #Narrativ "Russland besiegen" wird, ist dies aus der #Perspektive der Ukraine zu verstehen.
Geopolitisch hieß solch ein #Narrativ jedoch #RegimeChange & damit wiederholt sich, was die USA im Irak, in Syrien & im Yemen ermöglicht hat: Zerstörung ganzer Länder.

Russland ist aber nicht der Irak, sondern eine Atommacht.

Begreift diese Entwicklung irgendein Sofakriegsheld?
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Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- ukr. Botschafter sorgt für Verwirrung mit den Worten, Ukraine könnte auf die NATO-Mitgliedschaft verzichten,
- Litauen schickt Stinger-Manpads an Kiew,
- Guardian präsentiert neues Szenario,
- ukr. Oligarchen verlassen das Land.
Thread 👇
Ukr.Botschafter in Großbritannien Pristajko sorgte am Montag für Furore.
Er erklärte gegenüber der BBC, dass Kiew bereit sein könnte, auf eine NATO-Mitgliedschaft zu verzichten, fall dies helfe, einen Krieg zu vermeiden.
"Wir könnten es", antwortete er auf entsprechende Frage.
Fast sofort kam aus Kiew ein Dementi auf den eigenen Botschafter.
Das "Streben in die EU und NATO" sei in der neuen ukr.Verfassung festgelegt und werde nicht aufgegeben, so Kiew.
Auch Pristajko selbst musste seine Worte schnell zurechtbiegen.
#UkraineCrisis #UkraineConflict
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When your #OODA is fkd...
1/ U send out defenders on tv & it's like they're working for your opponent #MoggTV
2/ U try to defend yourself in panic & blow up credibility of your own 'inquiry' giving lobby justification to dismiss as 'whitewash'
#🛒 #RegimeChange
When your #OODA is fkd...
3/ Your best line of defence is ... catastrophic, and the more media you do defending yourself the more you destroy your own support & hasten the inevitable #RegimeChange Image
When your #OODA is fkd...
4/ Your defenders accidentally admit to so much crime going on it would swamp the police if investigated, while thinking they're helping #RegimeChange Image
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Regular reminder, cos 🛒 ignored my & others' advice & spent 2021 dicking around instead of e.g taking procurement/distribution of antivirals seriously, we're now in lap of gods re hospitalisation rate of omicron. If we're unlucky then Jan-Feb wave worse than 2021 #RegimeChange
We already have antivirals - our political parties & Whitehall have simply not done what a competent Gvt wd do - organise to manufacture & distribute so people can get in <48hours and greatly reduce burden on NHS. Deathly incompetence that will continue without #RegimeChange
The failure of No10 & Parliament is much greater than Whitehall's - latter cd have done this IF politicians had prioritised. Now theyre all just crossing their fingers...
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Last two weeks in a nutshell – a typical example of #RegimeChange
Till around mid-October the media had been covering majorly humanitarian crisis in Tigray, so much has been said so I will leave that alone. Let’s dive into events since then.
MSM follow the narratives of and quote @reda_getachew & @ProfKindeya to a point that I think they are 🇪🇹‘s correspondents for all of them, they all created stories based on their cries about Ethiopian attack on TPLF and ignored almost completely his claims their attack on Amhara.
Oct 18 – 29 the MSM headlines:
About Airstrikes in Mekelle – Reuters 7 stories, CNN 4, France24 9, Aljazeera 5, BBC 14 while about attack in Amhara – Reuters 1 story,   CNN 0, France24 0, Aljazeera 0, BBC 1 and an interview with @reda_getachew confirming ‘carnage on Amhara front’
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Zuletzt gab es viele Entwicklungen zw. #Russland , #Ukraine und #Belarus , daher gibt´s jetzt einen längeren zusammenfassenden Thread.
- Ukraine bittet Deutschland um Waffen,
- Russland zieht Truppen ab,
- Kiew will Russisch "demonopolisieren"
Viel Spaß beim Lesen👇
Die #Ukraine will von Deutschland Waffen bekommen.
Dazu zählen Flugabwehr, Schiffsabwehr-Raketen, gebrauchte Kriegsschiffe und Minenräumgeräte.
Die MSM bezeichnen das als "Defensivwaffen".
Ob eine Korvette wirklich nur defensiv ist, lässt sich allerdings bestreiten.
Es heißt, insbesondere die CDU habe sich "offen" für solche Waffenlieferungen gezeigt.
Besonders hätten sich dafür Kramp-Karrenbauer und Norbert Röttgen eingesetzt.
Beschlossen wurde dies dennoch nicht, weil sich die SPD dagegen gesträubt hätte.
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Extremely difficult negotiations. For the simple reason that the Taliban want to alter the current Afghan state to a Sunni Afghan version of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Whereas the other side wants to preserve as much of the current setup as possible.…
The Taliban know that they can't go back to their old emirate and will need to compromise. But their desire to dominate a post-American Afghanistan is only getting stronger, especially given battlespace dynamics and the US desire to get the hell outta dodge
Meanwhile, the other sides represents a divided state + an array of regional factions, which have come to the table from a position of relative weakness. Their desire is to concede as little as possible but lack military leverage to drive a hard bargain.
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The US government is using cstolen from the #Venezuelan government as part of a hearts and minds campaign on behalf of opposition figure #JuanGuaidó.
by @AlanRMacLeod…
Alan MacLeod looks at the role of the media in fomenting popular support for the #regimechange operation in #Venezuela.
By @AlanRMacLeod… #FridayVibes #fridaymorning
Much of #LatinAmerica is in meltdown with #coronavirus cases soaring, bodies piling up, and anger mounting as a new wave of #neoliberal leaders who openly reject individualism amid collective public #health crisis pour fuel on the fire.
by @AlanRMacLeod…
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"A '#ColorRevolution' is a #media term for a #movement based on legitimate grievances only to be co-opted into a #RegimeChange operation backed by the #US and confederates."
by Roger D. Harris #Belarusprotests #mondaythoughts
A woman embraces a soldier guarding the #Belarusian Government building in #Minsk, #Belarus, Aug. 14, 2020. Photo by Sergei Grits | AP Image
Police beat a protester at a rally in #Belarus following the presidential election in #Minsk, #Belarus, Aug. 11, 2020. Photo | AP
#Belarusprotests #minskprotests Image
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"The appointment of perhaps the most hardline neoconservative hawk to the new position of Special Representative for Iran is the latest in a long line of escalatory measures the #TrumpAdministration has taken."
By @AlanRMacLeod… #ELLIOTABRAMS #Trump
#IlhanOmar shot back: “Yes or no, do you think that massacre was a fabulous achievement that happened under our watch?”
by @zerohedge… #ElliottAbrams #ElSalvador
"...over 70 #academics and experts signed an open letter demanding that the U.S. “cease encouraging violence by pushing for violent, extralegal #regimechange.”
by @commondreams
#JohnBolton #ELLIOTABRAMS #Friday #fridaymorning #warmongers
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Special Analysis
"In a world dominated by American exceptionalism and #neocolonialism, #hunger has become a weapon of #war."
by @VanessaBeeley… #Syria #military #CaesarAct #sanctions #COVID19 #Covid_19 #Economic #RegimeChange #Syrian
"I was told of fires mysteriously ignited to the West of Sweida destroying food crops there."
Map showing all the crop-fires raging intermittently across #Syria. Credit | Ibrahim Mohammad Image
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I detest the #Iran’s terrorist regime’s sham parliamentary election which has been taken place for past 4 decades! This regime has lost its legitimacy since the day IRGC opened fire to innocent people 40 years ago! Enough is enough! My Vote #RegimeChange #OurVoteRegimeChange
Iranian regime’s elections or better said selections have been a sham process which the candidates are determined by “Guardian Council “ just like Presidential Elections! #Iran #OurVoteRegimeChange #FreeIran
Before, establishment of Guardian Council, Khomeini, was terrified of PMOI popularity and changing the course of his fundamental ideologies! Khomeini had said that he wouldn’t intervene in the elections, fearful of defeat of his candidate, intervened and excluded Massoud Rajavi!
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#NCRI and #MEK Supporters Organize Worldwide #Protests in Solidarity With #IranProtests and #IraqProtests…
The #MEK and #NCRI supporters staged protests gatherings in Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Austria, chanting slogans in support of the #Iranian people’s uprising and echoing their desire for #RegimeChange.
In Sweden, the #MEK& #NCRI supporters held signs &chanted slogans in solidarity with the arisen people of #Iran.
#Iranian Canadians were out in the snow calling for the mullahs to be brought to justice for their #CrimesAgainstHumanity &demanded #FreeAllProtesters Image
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1. ho letto @mattiafeltri sul #MeToo in #Iran, voglio raccontarvi una storia. Ho conosciuto il capo del programma nucleare dello Shah di Persia. Si chiama #AkbarEtemad, si rifugiò a Parigi dopo la #Rivoluzione. Qualche anno fa,mi accolse nel suo modesto modesto appartamento
@mattiafeltri 2. #AkbarEtemad mi raccontò come vide crescere la furia rivoluzionaria. Mi disse: le donne cominciarono a mettersi il velo per dirci quanto ci odiavano. Noi le lasciavamo libere, ma loro odiavano così tanto noi e quello che rappresentavamo che loro preferivano il velo
@mattiafeltri 3. se volete leggere come la #CIA ha usato in modo strumentale i #DirittiDelleDonne per manipolare opinione pubblica a favore della #GuerrainAfghanistan, leggete questo documento della #CIA rivelato da #WikiLeaks nel 2010:…
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Mrs. #MaryamRajavi, D President-elect of D(NCRI),described D elimination of Qassem Soleimani & Mehdi Muhandes, D head of Iraq’s suppressive Bassij force, ...
#FreeIran2020 #RegimeChange @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @SenTedCruz @USAdarFarsi
In this way, #Iraq, which had been delivered by the United States to the clerical regime on a silver platter, will be liberated from the yoke of the religious fascism ruling #Iran.
#FreeIran2020 #RegimeChange #IraqProtests
@realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @SenTedCruz @USAdarFarsi
@realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @SenTedCruz @USAdarFarsi 3
Qassem #Soleimani was one of the most vicious criminals in #Iran’s history. He was personally involved in the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people in the region and in driving millions of others from their homes.
#RegimeChange #FreeIran2020
@realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo
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