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Friday Fact-Check Overview: 26-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Eksplozja w #Chmielnickim. Brak dowodów na obecność #amunicji ze zubożonym #uranem

#Rosyjska #propaganda po raz kolejny aktywnie próbuje siać #panikę w #Polsce i krajach #Europy. Narracje te są bardzo chętnie powielane przez liczne konta w mediach społecznościowych. [1/3]
Na ten moment nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, by w #Chmielnickim znajdowały się magazyny, w których składowano #amunicję ze #zubożonym #uranem. Nie zaobserwowano wzrostu #promieniowania ani w #ukraińskim mieście, ani w #Polsce. [2/3]
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Hinweise auf eine #Funktionsstörung des #Hirnstamms bei #LongCovid und #MECFS nehmen zu ⚠️

Französische Forscher berichten,dass sich SARS-CoV-2 im #Vagusnerv einnistet und von dort in das dorsale vagale Zentrum des Hirnstamms wandert - das Atmung und Entzündungen reguliert.

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Auch bei der #Fibromyalgie werden Probleme im #parabrachialen #Nukleus (PBN) des Hirnstamms mit enormer Schmerzempfindlichkeit in Verbindung gebracht.

Der #Hirnstamm ist der primitivste Teil unseres Gehirns. Nach McLean’s Modell ist es der Teil der „Reptilien“ zugeordnet wird. Demnach werden hier vor allem #Emotionen verarbeitet und das #Fight or #Flight verhalten kontrolliert.

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@ChristLayla @314Phaethon @VincentCrypt46 @30STMBot @ShannonLeto #echelon Trust, is very important--I will get the blue one to @realDonaldTrump Let's glow instead and be ourselves! This is the frequent-C to be on...I don't want to deal with John...I want to have fun with my tribe
Just got confirmation from my neighbor MACI, that her parents and herself, do support me-I told her to tell her family hello for me and that GOD has this! She wished me luck and we are now washing my hippie clothes with all my fun patterns...Ya'll wanna chill or what? ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
So if you click here, it will take you to a recent new project Hyperledger Anoncreds

$cheq @cheqd_io… Image
Here's a quick introduction

$cheq @cheqd_io Image
If you click here you'll find details of the project

$cheq @cheqd_io Image
Read 8 tweets
This thread will get a little crazy, but I do hope you enjoy the ride:

#ThugLife #SocietalDecay #gore #SocietalCollapse
Read 48 tweets
Why I became active in #politics

#civic action #government
via #Memes #PhotoModeMonday

a 🧵
Inspired by @Teri_Kanefield
2/ I was raised Catholic and believe in this (ctto via reddit)

Love thy neighbor.
All neighbors. No exceptions.

If I really hated them then I just did not hang out w them 🤷🏻‍♀️. No hateful speech or hateful laws.
3/ Most of my family in Texas is religious, republican, & single issue voters. Anti abortion, no matter what. Even if M@ga Trumpism breaks all the other 9 commandments.

I hate that I now have to discuss forced-birth issues w beloveds.

I'm a social entrepreneur #feminist
Read 13 tweets
Today is Mrutunjay Amavasya, the day when Dharmaveer Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj won over death and attained Moksha.

Remembering the Brave son of Bharat Mata Chhatrapati Sambhaji maharaj on his Punya tithi.

Om Shanti 🕉

#hindu #dharma #king #hinduism #power #india #fight Image
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📢 #Avalant - Upcoming updates

At time of writing, 1800 holders earn 2000% APY playing Avalant 📈

We are focused on improving the gameplay while making the economy sustainable, and growing the team to fulfill our vision🔭

Let's break it down!
So far, 2.2M (2,200,000) $ANTG have been burned digging and fighting 🔥

AntGold is worth 200% of its initial price, offering a comfy 40 days ROI for players.

The price is expected to rise as we add many burn mechanics and incentives to add $ANTG liquidities in the pool 📈

✍️ Naming Ants - THIS WEEK

The QUEEN now allows Ants to wear names! You'll be able to choose epic names for your Ants for some $ANTG.

Names are displayed everywhere, and more importantly.. in the leaderboard also released this week! 🏆

Read 11 tweets
Why do people make money complicated?
actually, the conversation between you and money is quite simple. It generally becomes tough when you add people into it.

~ *thread* ~

We all feel good when people start liking us, our house, our car, our watch, and so on.
this is where the problem starts
One of the simplest ways to tackle this is to always set your learning standards high and living standards minimal.
Read 11 tweets
Today #bahujans
If you have a little reasoning #power,then some #Questions are given to those sly
#Ask #Brahmins Q1) If Chhatrapati #Shivaji Maharaj was the protector of #Hindu religion, then your
Why didn't the father-grandfather crown him? @Profdilipmandal @ProfVilas [Thread]
Q2] Chhatrapati #ShivajiMaharaj you #Brahmins
Should have #danced on his shoulder as he was #fighting against the #Mughals
Were! Why were your ancestors #angry with him? [Thread]
Q3] If indeed #Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Guru was Ramdas, then he
Why did #Guru #Ramdas Wrote a #foolish king [Shivaji Maharaj] in his Book Bodh Granth? @Profdilipmandal @ProfVilas @artinchow @BharadwajSpeaks [Thread]
Read 12 tweets
#TexasWomen and women everywhere appalled by #SB8 need to put pressure where it matters, pocketbooks. Here’s the largest corporations in Texas- do t spend a dime with them! @pizzahut @Dell @jpmorgan AT&T, Texas Instruments, @USAA @exxonmobil @BankofAmerica @AmericanAir
All of these companies are complicit in stripping away #WomensRights if they don’t say or do anything. Let’s let our money talk! #BoycottTexas #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortTheGOP #ExpandTheCourt #Fight
Read 3 tweets
NEXT UP: championship match of the Red In Fur Division - #1 seed RED KANGAROO vs #2 seed RED HARTEBEEST #2021MMM Colored photograph of Red K...Colored photograph of Red H...
Tonight's match is brought to you by the collaborative efforts of @TCastanea @AnneWHilborn and yours truly [gif is of Kelly Clarkson on The Voice saying "my team is so stacked"] #2021MMM
@TCastanea @AnneWHilborn Previously on #2021MMM, Kangaroo slobbered over Southern Red-backed Vole, intimated Red-crested Tree Rat, & chased away Red Brocket. Red Hartebeest squashed Red Squirrel with his hooves, watched on as Vervet Monkeys scared away Red Ruffed Lemur, & chased off Bay Cat.
Read 31 tweets
@CDCgov 1) My Mom had #BeenSmokingCigarettes for 30 #Years when she had gotten #pneumonia 2x's during the Winter of 1989-1990. Her doctor told her if she didn't #QuitSMOKING , she would #VeryLikely get #pneumonia again. Then, he Highly recommended that she #GiveNicotinePatchesATry . She
@CDCgov 2) decided to try them; for #ThreeEntireMonths , as the amount of #Nicotine in the patches is reduced each month; even though they caused her to get a small amount of hives! 😃 By that time, she was down to #Smoking 1 or 2 #Cigarettes a day; instead of her usual #PackADay Habit!
@CDCgov 3) And, back then, packs had 30 #Cigarettes in them! BUT, she had to keep a #PenInHerMouth every day; & leave the #SmokingLunchroom at work, too. And, for some odd reason, she used #CinnamonCandies to help herself, too. So, she was #TryingVeryHard to quit; using psychological
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Thread: 1/6
I'm getting pretty fed up with all the #Flack my fellow @AustralianLabor supporters are flinging at @Albo & @AustralianLabor so here's how I see it in 10 points! Please read this thread & think about where we are Right Now! If you agree with me, RT please.😀
1. The next #Election is at least 9 months away, maybe over a year!
2. #ScottyFromHorizon will drop another Bullshit #Back_In_The_Black_Election_Budget on us before then.
3. This year,2020,@AustralianLabor has shown Bipartisanship to work with the #Govt to combat #Covid19.
4. @Albo & @AustralianLabor have proposed actions, accepted & implemented, to assist defeating this #Covid19 plague!
5. @AustralianLabor has plenty of #Ammo to fire at #ScottyFromHorizon& @LiberalAus next #Election_Campaign! No @AustralianLabor MP has forgotten a thing!
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LAPD rally today at the LAPD Academy— hello Proud Boy. LAPD breaks up #fight between a Proud Boy and BLM. Proud Boy assumes BLM is all fatherless and finds that hilarious (noted at the end of video)

#BlackLivesMatter #laprotest #losangeles #LosAngeles #BLM #lapd #WhiteSupremacy
Clearly Proud Boys are not “okay” with homosexuals. At LAPD rally today, Proud Body makes homophobic statement and tells me to go home because I’m a “little girl”

#laprotest #LosAngeles #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Homophobia #misogyny #WhiteSupremacy
Same Proud Boy at LAPD rally today happily posing for the camera showing off his “PB” shirt and a white power hand gesture

#racist #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteSupremacists #Neonazis #ameriKKKa #LosAngeles #BlackLivesMatter #BLM
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#Entrepreneurs, Choose what u fight 2020
I once met a very successful business man and asked him to share his secret with me.
He smiled and said to me....I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters.
I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me..
I stopped fighting over unneccessary issues with my spouse....
I stopped fighting for attention......
I stopped fighting to meet up with public expectation....
I left such fights for those who have nothing else to fight
...."And I started fighting for my vision,my dreams,my ideas and my destiny.Then I started winning big".That was the day I gave up on small fights.
Some fights are not worth your time.

#Fight to make your visions and dreams come alive!
Fight the good fight of faith!
Read 4 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 07/24/2020…
Andy Slavitt on the 3 Things He’d Do to Prepare for the Next Pandemic – Mother Jones…

#pandemic #preparations
The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity on Twitter

#coronavirus #testing
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Someone REALLY doesn't want me there filming. I gotta write a letter to Team Wendy about their helmets. Worth every penny. I took probably 8-10 punches to the head. I stayed out for 2 assaults by the feds still & got footage of their attacks on protestors. Many media persons
were attacked tonight. I learned a fellow journalist took a less lethal round to the head. The feds are taking us journalists out one by one with any means at their disposal. Arrests, beatings, attempted murder, framing, intimidating, these are all fascist, dictatorship tactics.
Why are they trying to eliminate the media? What do they have to hide? It is war crimes. Pure & simple, they are trying to hide their war crimes against Portland citizens by censoring the press. #PORTLAND #PROTESTS #blacklivesmatter #Presscensorship #fight
Read 3 tweets
26) But this isn't
27) You think #Trump is personally responsible for another nation shooting down an airliner because of their own incompetence.…
28) You actually sided with third world #terrorists than give credit to #Trump for taking decisive and necessary action.…
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A lot of #welfareschemes in the country need #biometricverification, achieved through #Internet. Imagine, if Internet is not working and bio-metrics can't be verified. Image
An #Internetshutdown is more than just a block on #socialmedia. It has various impacts that affect businesses, welfare schemes, education as well as wide scale impact on human rights.
When Internet services suddenly become #unavailable at a time when so many aspects of our lives are dependent on it, the #impact can be felt everywhere. To understand why internet shutdowns should grab your attention visit
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Last night, I was blessed to see my daughter perform at her All-District Chorus Concert. Children from over 10 counties within the 1st District came together to sing beautifully. This is why we need STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).
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Without that funding, none of this would be possible. That's why when I get elected to Congress, I'll make sure that these programs, as well as all types of STEAM programs, are fully funded.

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Please make a donation to…

If you would prefer to write a check, send it to P.O. Box 7572, Fredericksburg VA 22401. All checks made out to Friends of Vangie Williams


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#QUESTION = Are ALL Politicians absolutely LYING to the Australian Public about the Issue of -; #MIGRATION ??

See the Below Thread & Judge for Yourself

#REMEMBER = To make an informed choice for Voting requires ALL information to be presented
#QUESTION = Has that Happened ??
#ALP = Increasing Australia’s annual humanitarian intake of refugees to 27,000 by 2025 to address the global humanitarian crisis
Providing $450 million in funding over three years to support #UNHCR both globally and in South East Asia and the Pacific;
#GREENS = Full implementation by Australia of 1994 UN International Conference on Population & Development Program Action
+ Increase overseas aid budget to #minimum of 0.7% of GNI
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Ah, the #EuropeanParliamentElection knocks at the door! Let’s see who is #campaigning for what…In #Italy, a #rightwingcoalition calls for a #guaranteedincome, #largerpensions, and resistance to the heavy-handed #austerityprograms enforced by the #EuropeanUnion.
In #France, some #rightwinggroups champion #fight against #climatechange, decry #exploitation of #foreignworkers, growing #economicinequality. What about the #centerright and #centerleft parties? #Polls show they will lose their #majority, and the Euroskeptics bag 30+% of seats.
However, #Euroskeptic, like #populist, is a term that obscures more than it reveals. #Spain’s leftist #Podemos isn’t likely to break bread with #Italy’s rightist #NorthernLeague-#M5S, but both are considered #Euroskeptic. Some are really #wolves but wear #sheepskins.
Read 18 tweets

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