#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
Energy dealings with Iran lawful, must be respected: China to US ptv.io/2jsa

US sanctions inflict pain on ordinary Iranians. Here is an emotional story.
#UnitedStates #Iran #USSanctions
Iran Economic Sanctions Cost Lives
#Iran reveals huge underground missile armory stored in the middle of a desert.
#Russia warns Europe that #Iran will restart nuclear program if it yields to U.S pressures is.gd/PzrTCe #Eu #Sanctions #US

US State Department defunds anti-#Iran Twitter after being exposed

“#Iran favors talks if other side shows respect”
Look at this: US State Dept had to defund @IranDisinfo...too much #Twitter-trolling on American taxpayer dime: 21stcenturywire.com/2019/06/03/us-… @DanielLMcAdams @snarwani @JZarif #Iran
Washington's case against #Iran is nonexistent, so this entire effort is a house cards - designed to shield all the other abject failures still smouldering across the region...
Who's behind online accounts that work to smear and attack supporters of diplomacy with #Iran? Follow the money: buff.ly/2XrScd6 . #FDD
#Tehran will never negotiate with #Trump even if Iranian leaders believe he will be re-elected for a 2nd term. The Trump admin proved to Iran that Sayyed Ali #Khamenei was right to reject negotiations with an untrustworthy US establishment. ahtribune.com/world/north-af…
Since #Israel’s invasion of #Lebanon 1982, #Iran has invested in its Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan and Yemeni partners. Today Iran is reaping the rewards of this long-standing military and financial support. ahtribune.com/us/3173-us-con…
War Propaganda And US Military Buildup Against Iran
The Jerusalem Post: '#Mossad was responsible for the key intelligence linking #Iran to the attack on four oil tankers near the United Arab Emirates coast last month, prompting the United States to accuse Tehran of carrying out the attack'
By @sfrantzman
A video that emerged on May 31 alleged to show how Iranians had sabotaged four ships off the UAE, in fact it showed men doing a dangerous stunt on a Greek ship, we investigated and found that ship from screengrabs
How sanctions have affected ordinary Iranians:
"Our people have to treat this situation as a shared misery. So, instead of avoiding socializing, we need to stick together," Iranian sociologist said.
By @SMalekian
#Russia: Policies of US, Arab allies against #Iran 'destructive' ptv.io/2k3j

US using energy as political #weapon for new colonialism: #Russia’s #oil giant

US🇺🇸:We MUST confront Iran's🇮🇷NuclearWeaponsProgram! (Iran has been compliant w the IAEA over JCPOA for 3 years)
Also US🇺🇸: Israel is allowed a SecretNukeProgram w no International monitoring & we're going to give ISIS-funding Saudi Arabia🇸🇦NuclearSecrets!
The US is Waging a Quiet Scientific War Against Iran
Saudi has more advanced and longer-range missiles than Iran. Yet, all you hear about is Iran's missile program.
But now that Saudi is getting help from China - and not the West - for their missiles, negative news clips start to appear...