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Paresse AI-ssistée 🤖

Il y a eu débat sur l'utilisation de l'#IA comme signe de paresse intellectuelle suite à mon article de la semaine dernière sur #LinkedIn concernant #ChatGPT.

Un thread pour clarifier les choses :
l'IA est un OUTIL, comme tant d'autres !

L'histoire humaine est remplie d'#innovations conçues pour faciliter notre vie et nous permettre d'accomplir plus avec moins d'efforts : la roue, l'encyclopédie 📚, l'ordinateur 💻, #Internet 🌐...

Tous ces outils ont contribué à notre progrès en tant qu'espèce.

Traiter une personne d'infirme pour utiliser l'IA, ce dont j'ai eu droit en commentaire, est insultant envers moi et surtout envers ceux qui ont de véritables handicaps pour qui l'IA peut être une aide précieuse.

Ne confondons pas l'usage d'outils avec la paresse !

Read 10 tweets

Le laboratoire Lemma (@AssasUniversite) et le CEET (@LeCnam) organisent une conférence dans le cadre du projet ANR APEPP (#Absentéisme : pratiques d'#entreprises et #politiques #publiques) le 20 mars 2023 au Centre Panthéon.…
L’objectif de cette conférence est de présenter des contributions empiriques originales concernant l’effet des pratiques d’entreprises et des politiques publiques sur le phénomène de l’absentéisme pour maladie des #travailleurs.
La #santé au #travail est en effet impactée par les #innovations #managériales bousculant l’#organisation des entreprises et les nouvelles façons de travailler comme par les choix publics, qu’il s’agisse de #réforme concernant la durée de la vie active,
Read 5 tweets
Just started! It's not too late to join this wonderful free event on #SpaceMedicine. Now speaking: Lisa Campbell, President - #Canadian #Space Agency (CSA)
2/ Health is about well being Image
3/ Accelerated aging effects from living in space: 6 months in space ~ 10-20 years of aging on Earth. We don't know yet if it the aging stabilizes or continues. Open problem: no health solution for deep space missions. We need to create future deep space health systems. Image
Read 31 tweets
“Solar is the cheapest form of #EnergyGeneration on the planet, unsubsidized. Solar is the cheapest source of #energy in history. Nothing else is as cheap as #solar — today.”
“Solar is so cheap that the total costs are lower than just the #OperatingCosts of #coal, #nukes, #oil, or #gas generation… that’s today! Even if you get that gas #PowerPlant for free, the costs of running that power plant are higher than all the costs of #solar.”
“For purely economic reasons, #solar is already disrupting everything else.”
Read 24 tweets
1/6 I think that a #DeSci economy that covers all aspects of #academia in one ecosystem (#publications, #peerreview, and #funding) is more valuable and more likely to succeed in the long run than a project that covers only one or two of these aspects. Why? ...
2/6 Because of #networkeffects. All three parts of academia co-depend and influence each other. There are positive network externalities to solving problems in publishing, peer review, and funding to other parts of #academia. ...
3/6 And if such an integrated #DeSci solution helps to reward #scientists more fairly, solve their #funding problems, and raise the standards of #peerreview and #publications, every #scientist would want to be a part of it. ...
Read 6 tweets
1. Je suis depuis longtemps passionné par la démocratie participative et les disruptions que la révolution numérique porte dans le champ politique. La #PrimairePopulaire a été l'une des innovations démocratiques les plus fortes de ces dernières années avec @Conv_Citoyenne
2. De forte conviction écologiste également, j'ai donc observé avec intérêt la @PrimairePop pour finalement participer au vote, malgré mes divergences avec une partie de leur programme.
3. L'annonce hier de son ralliement à l'#UnionPopulaire et @JLMelenchon me choque. On prétend renouveler la démocratie représentative avec plus de politique citoyenne, de société civile, et de #demopart , et on finit dans les turpitudes politicardes d'une décision d'appareil.
Read 15 tweets
[#FakeNews] Regardons de plus près les positions du @_Cereme_ dans son quiz sur l’#éolien, un « think-tank visant à promouvoir un débat objectif sur le choix du #mixénergétique en 🇫🇷 » 🤔⬇️ THREAD…
L’#éolien est une énergie faiblement émettrice de #GES. @RTE chiffre les émissions évitées grâce à éolien & solaire à environ 22 millions de tonnes de CO2/an ! La moyenne d’émission du parc éolien est de 14,1g CO2/kWh VS #charbon 👉 1001g de CO2/kWh
[#Recyclage] Auj. plus de 90% d’une #éolienne est recyclable ♻️ Il n’est en aucun cas possible de mettre en décharge les pales des éoliennes dans un pays de l’UE ou d’abandonner des éoliennes sur le territoire français ⛔️
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🦟Dans l'univers de #DUNE, on se déplace en #ornithoptères et beaucoup les connaissent seulement de par cette œuvre (livre ou adaptation).

Comme exemple de #biomimétisme datant de bien avant que le biomimétisme ne soit à la mode, penchons-nous sur cet aéronef futuriste.

📖De tout temps les hommes ont voulu voler tel les oiseaux ou Icare ... non, arrêtons avec les poncifs (faux pour certain) et revenons plus sérieusement au sujet.

Le terme #ornithoptère désigne

Un appareil volant au moyen d'ailes battues, comme un oiseau ou un insecte.

#LéonarddeVinci (1486-1513) aurais conçu le premier #ornithoptère, mais vers 1250, le Roger Bacon écrit une 1ʳᵉ description technique connue du vol d'un ornithoptère dans "Secrets de l'art et de la nature", le nom Ornithoptère (de Ornithos, Oiseau et Ptéron, Aile) serait de lui.
Read 12 tweets
Overview some emerging tech sectors, niches which become major trends in next 5-10 year with growing thousands startups unicorn and great companies.
Check the thread 👇

#startups #tech #innovations #investors #fintech #financial #setcoingroup #TrendingNow #investments
Autonomous shipping
Autonomous trucking
#Blockchain real estate
Cannabis breathalyzers
Commercial space launch
Digital freight brokerage
Election tech
Food service robots and machines
Ghost kitchens
Indoor mapping
Short overview each niche 👇
Industrial workplace safety
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN)
Smart packaging
Sports tech
Supersonic travel
Warehouse management tech 👇
Read 10 tweets
Overview some emerging tech sectors, niches which become major trends in next 5-10 year with growing thousands startups unicorn and great companies.
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#startups #tech #innovations #investors #fintech #financial #setcoingroup #TrendingNow #investments
Autonomous shipping
Autonomous trucking
#Blockchain real estate
Cannabis breathalyzers
Commercial space launch
Digital freight brokerage
Election tech
Food service robots and machines
Ghost kitchens
Indoor mapping
Short overview each niche 👇
Industrial workplace safety
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN)
Smart packaging
Sports tech
Supersonic travel
Warehouse management tech 👇
Read 10 tweets
Overview some emerging tech sectors, niches which become major trends in next 5-10 year with growing thousands startups unicorn and great companies.
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#startups #tech #innovations #investors #fintech #financial #cybersecurity #ecommerce
Autonomous shipping
Autonomous trucking
Blockchain real estate
Cannabis breathalyzers
Commercial space launch
Digital freight brokerage
Election tech
Food service robots and machines
Ghost kitchens
Indoor mapping
Short overview each niche 👇…
Industrial workplace safety
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN)
Smart packaging
Sports tech
Supersonic travel
Warehouse management tech
Read 10 tweets
Next steps how to increase #vc #investments and boost #innovations as they are one of major drivers for post pandemic recovery and transition for digital economy.
Check the thread 🧵 👇

#startups #ecommerce #startup #growth #fintech #ai #ml #rpa #edtech #biotech
#Tech sector provide opportunities into #early, #growth and #late stages companies for #vc #financial #investments and #allocations capital into #startups for sustainable investments

#fintech #innovation #ecommerce #startup #growth #ArtificialIntelligence
@dseinnovations #VC fund increase investments into #Fintech, #AI, #RPA, #Cleantech, #Agtech, #Edtech, #Marketplaces, #biotech and other #tech sectors

For #LP’s who are interested to join, please contact directly or email, DM @igorperep
#startup #innovation
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Next steps to handle #climate #crisis
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Climate change transition keeps going. To be able manage new and upcoming challenges/crisis we as #civilizations needs to thinking about rebuilding our life in new more sustainable #zero #emissions way.
To increase global efforts for making #environment more friendly for upcoming generations @setcoingroup launching @dseinnovations Infratech fund structure for investments primarily into #Greenfield projects and #Brownfield (operational) #assets
Next 👇
Of #smart #cities, advanced #transport solutions #Hyperloop, #renewables energy facilities, renewable storage batteries, #solar roads constructions etc

Next 👇

#innovations #environnement #Sustainability #esg #green #economy
Read 6 tweets
A must-read!

#EPeeps #Europace - Supplement Issue

A dedication to Prof Harry Crijns

#Innovations and #Paradigm Shifts in #AFib Management”

Now online👉🏻

@EHRAPresident @escardio @ESC_Journals

@GerdHindricks @ABollmannMD
@kvernooy @JordiHeijman
Role of #genetics in atrial fibrillation management

By M Rienstra, @patrick_ellinor et al.

Paradigm shifts in electrophysiological mechanisms of atrial fibrillation

By U Schotten, @stefzeemering et al.
Read 10 tweets
Pour faire simple, les chercheur.e.s du @LabexITTEM, issu.e.s de 9 labos de @UGrenobleAlpes @Univ_Savoie et @INRAE_France, nous parlent #territoires, #montagne, #transition et #innovations, sous l’angle des sciences humaines et sociales #SHS.
Le fil rouge de leur action c'est : l’interdisciplinarité, la co-construction avec les acteurs des territoires, la recherche participative, la formation et la coopération internationale. Vous pouvez aller faire un tour sur le nouveau site du @LabexITTEM !
Le @LabexITTEM soutient des projets de recherche, finance des thèses et post-doctorats, des ateliers pédagogiques ou stages d’étudiants. Il organise des rencontres chercheurs/acteurs des #territoires, développe des partenariats avec des acteurs académiques ou socio-économiques.
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📢𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁!

We are thrilled to announce our new series #Tech4India as part of the #ETI in partnership with #NESTMEA @MEAIndia & @PrinSciAdvOff

Stay tuned for:

🔸Info on key #emerging technologies & sectors 📡🧬🚀⚛️ 🤖

🔸Details on participation in the #ETI Image

Recent advances in 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗺 𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗵 can bring paradigm shifts in #computing #communication & #cryptography affecting all sectors in the process

Participate in #ETI & help India prepare for the #QuantumRevolution 2.0⚛️


1/2 Image

We encourage people from varied backgrounds to form multidisciplinary teams and send us EoI on innovations like #QuantumComputing #QuantumCommunication & #QuantumNetworks

Selected teams will be invited to prepare a consolidated tech dev & adoption roadmap 4 🇮🇳
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Excited to announce my first first-author publication (ever!) from my PhD is now online!!!! Co-first author with the amazing @Rafiqi51. Directed by @ehab_abouheif The Great @AbouheifLab. @BioMcGill @mcgillu @EvoDevoPanAm Want to know more? [A THREAD]… 1/n
Developmental biology textbooks were of no use when the #segmentationhierarchy was #shook with #hoxgenes unleashed and the #fusion of highly conserved gene regulatory networks! #2germlines and an #embryo that gives humpty dumpty a run for his money. #CamponotusFloridanus 3/n
Read 22 tweets
Red Bull: From Truck Driver to Market Leader

Krating Daeng has come all the way to what we know today as Red Bull.

Within 30 years of establishment Red Bull currently enjoys highest market share in energy drink with 6.302 billion cans sold in the year 2017.
A Thread
In 1976: @ChaleoYoovidhya founder of TC Pharmaceuticals in Thailand introduced an energy drink called @MyKratingdaeng which means “red gaur” in English.

Soon this energy drink became popular among workers as it allowed overcoming fatigue & gave instant energy for double shift.
In 1980: It was exposed to global market.

Turning Point for Red Bull:

While on holiday in Thailand, Austrian entrepreneur found an energy drink Krating Daeng which actually cured his hangover and jet lag.
Read 9 tweets
LISTEN 📻 “Diversity of production and markets is a buffer against vulnerability. Closures of local markets have been short-sighted and damaging to small-scale #farmers and people’s access to #food."🍎

@mleach_ids of IPES-Food & @davidnabarro of @WHO 👇…
@ffinlocostain discusses #COVID19 & the crisis in our #foodsystems w/ @davidnabarro, Special Envoy of @WHO DG on Covid19, & Prof @mleach_ids CBE, a member of IPES-Food. Discussion includes #zoonotic spillover, #OneHealth & strengths & weaknesses in global #food system. 🌱🌿🌻
"Problems that we already knew were there have become extra visible through COVID-19. #Agroecology offers a way forward to solve these problems.” - Melissa Leach of @IPESfood and @IDS_UK 🌿
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Below you will see the truth as it pertains to the individual known as "Mufti Menk",

A Mini-thread will also be found in the end for another self-termed "Mufti" which ill repost later,

Enter this thread as a seeker of truth and rid yourself of emotions:
Read 39 tweets
Sliced bread. Every novelty comes after that, right? Yet, the machine took years to become mainstream. It wasn’t its invention that made it popular. The #innovation by Otto Frederick in 1917- packaging post-slicing to prevent staleness- that’s what made it successful. (1/n)
Most #innovations ‘fail’ if they don’t address the opportunity behind the problem-solving. It takes time. Apple’s Newton (‘93) failed but the iPod & iPhone ‘created’ new industries. Ditto, Gutenberg’s typeset machine invention but the much later success of printing press. (2/n)
Most of ‘corporate’ #innovation efforts are focused, certainty-seeking change efforts. So are the large ‘transformation’ programs. For true innovation to thrive,it needs to be unstructured (largely), free-wheeling, driven by a ‘moonshot’ vision. (3/n)
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/04/2020-2…

Graduate Student Solves Decades-Old Conway Knot Problem | Quanta Magazine…

#topology #Knot
What We Lose When We Assume People Are Bad : NPR…

#people #bad #SFI
Read 12 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 5/31/2020-2…

The Privacy Dial - Render-from-betaworks…
Investigation of a COVID-19 outbreak in Germany resulting from a single travel-associated primary case: a case series - The Lancet Infectious Diseases…

#coronavirus #investigation #outbreak #Germany
Because Culture Matters, There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Exit Strategy from Covid-19 Lockdowns | naked capitalism…

#capitalism #lockdown #strategy #culture
Read 12 tweets
A very interesting @WSJ article over the weekend regarding how #European governments that have railed against U.S. big #tech companies over privacy concerns are now embracing these same companies’ #coronavirus contact tracing #technologies.
This gets to a longtime argument we’ve made about @ecb policy and the role of #innovation in spurring greater #growth in the region:…
Essentially, it has long been our view that negative interest rates (#NIRP) are counterproductive and what’s needed is #equity investment in innovation, #technology, and 21st century #infrastructure.
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