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Focus on the #Japanese Realism Diplomacy for a new Era. We need some inspiration in #EU since Putin is striking strategic relationship with #China, #SouthAfrica & #Brazil. No time to waste on Franco-Italian tensions triggered by a diplomatic dinner. #Hiroshima #Thread Image
#Chinese FM Wang Yi will visit #Russia as part of a diplomatic tour in Europe. His 9-day trip will also include stops in #France, #Italy, #Hungary and #Germany, where he will speak at the #Munich Security Conference. #CNN 1/1
#EU ambassadors were briefed in small groups over the weekend by Ursula von der Leyen’s chief of staff Björn Seibert about the plans for the 10th sanctions package against #Russia. #Politico 1/2
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Merci @rachelroseandre cette BD de l'expérience du #covidlong publiée par #TheGuardian vaut mieux même que le reportage d'@anaisbard pour @EnvoyeSpecial
Qui pour se lancer dans une telle aventure en France ?
Cette athlète a été contaminée car mal informée sur les mesures de prévention requises :
🔹J'étais vaccinée avec schéma vaccinal à jour
🔹Je croyais que les voisins l'étaient aussi
🔹Les masques n'étaient pas obligatoires
🔹Et l'éternel mythe de la non gravité de l'infection
Ce fameux mythe entretenu en France par les autorités présidente du #COVARS, ministre de la @Sante_Gouv
@FrcsBraun, chef du @gouvernementFR @Elisabeth_Borne et président @EmmanuelMacron en tête, qui recommandent fortement le port du masque sans jamais le porter eux-mêmes
Read 7 tweets
HIER das The Guardian Interview,
in dem @Podolyak_M und NICHT Zelenskyy
das isoliert gelesen etwas mißverständliche sagte.

im Kontext wird klar: Er forderte KEINEN
#Atomangriff gegen Russland!

Und Zelenskyy sprach hier gar nicht,
was Tucker Carlson aber falsch behauptete!
Tucker Carlson lügt hier
1) WER das Interview gab!
Nochmal: Mykhailo Podolyak sprach,
NICHT Zelenskyy
2) WAS er sagte! Er forderte KEINEN
Atomangriff gg. Russland, sondern daß
ein solcher SEITENS Russland verhindert

Dann wird noch zusätzlich Tucker Carlson
manipulativ falsch übersetzt:

Mykhailo Podolyak FORDERT, die anderen
Nuklearstaaten SOLLEN sagen (also zunächst
nur sprechen!),

FALSCHE Übersetzung:
"...schienen .. zu sagen.."
als ob das folgende bereits von USA usw.
angedroht WURDE.
Read 8 tweets
@thetimes For a while, after your own #Newspaper ceased to be #ANewspaperWorthReading, the @guardian fulfilled that role for you. Recently, however #EvilBillGates has since [effectively] purchased #TheGuardian and, since he is [effectively] #TheDevilIncarnate, it now between ...
@thetimes It is now between you and the @Telegraph to fight for the role of being Britain's #BestNewspaper. If you fail, that role could go to the @DailyMailUK!

Think how ironic that will be.

If you & the @guardian cannot refrain from blatant #propaganda you can no longer ...
@Telegraph @thetimes @guardian You can't look down your nose at #DailyMailReaders now, can you?

You've got your readers swallowing whatever #Bullshit #BillGates, #DrAntonyFauci & #KlausSchwab wish to feed them, you've rendered them just as #gullible as any @DailyMailUK reader!
Read 4 tweets
#Thread #Syrie vidéo d'un massacre enquête #TheGuardian
1/15 Dans une enquête édifiante et terrible à la fois, The Guardian publie une vidéo d’un massacre commis par les forces d’Assad le 16 avril 2013. On y voit des civils prisonniers détenus par la branche 227
2/15 des services de renseignement militaire. Ils sont jetés les yeux bandés dans une fosse commune pour y être exécutés. Ça se passe à Tadamon, un quartier aux mains des rebelles à l’époque. Cette vidéo a été découverte il y a 3 ans par une nouvelle recrue d’un service de
3/15 renseignement d’Assad. Il s’était alors vu remettre un ordinateur portable et découvre la vidéo sur l’ordinateur. Il y voit un officier du renseignement qu'il reconnait, agenouillé en treillis militaire près de la fosse avec un chapeau de pêcheur sur la tête,
Read 15 tweets
How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health | The Corbett Report (05/02/2020) #documentary…
Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World | The Corbett Report (05/09/2020) #documentary…
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid | The Corbett Report (05/18/2020)  #documentary…
Read 11 tweets
1/ Er worden eufemistische woorden gebruikt om de #terreur en #etnischezuivering jegens de Palestijnse mensen te relativeren.

Wat zegt #MSM (#MainstreamMedia) over wat recentelijk weer in #SheikhJarrah, #Palestina 🇵🇸, gebeurt?

Read 13 tweets
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This is an extraordinary example of who & what media serves. This media event was viewed by millions. Perhaps billions. See man who steps behind Thunberg, to the right. No one - not 1 journalist or media outlet reported on who this man was - that accompanied Thunberg EVERYWHERE.
ClimateWeekNYC was created for The Climate Group by communications specialist Callum Grieve. #WWF identifies Grieve as a co-founder of #WeMeanBusiness. Grieve was the 3rd person to respond to Rentzhog's Aug 20 2018 first Greta tweet, tagging 9 others.

#Storytelling #UN ImageImageImageImage
The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: They Mean Business [Volume II, Act IV]

"If power dominated through hierarchy & coercion – the emergent "new power" model dominates w/ influence & persuasion."…
Read 9 tweets
Ahora lo entiendo todo
#Pfizer ha acelerado la venta y producción de su #vacunacovid al igual que todos laboratorios para intentar sacarla al mercado lo antes posible.
¿Por que?
Por que el virus ha mutado en #Dinamarca en los #visones y hará inservible la #vacuna Image
Esta #pandemia va a ser mas larga y dura de lo esperado.
Esta mutación peligrosa ha ocurrido en #Aragon y #Dinamarca .
¿que pasará en África, India, China,? Sin datos.. sin control.. Image
Pensamos en el #virus como algo que pasará pronto, nadie piensa que pueda durar años, no es concebible.
El #SARSCoV2 ha llegado para quedarse o estar un buen tiempo.
Read 12 tweets
1991 #Newsweek David Rockefeller ... "We are on the verge of a Global Transformation. All we need is the major CRISIS, and nations will accept New World Order"
▪︎1 📰
Rockefeller also said
... "To bring about worldwide condition of things (events) which will accept a new world order"
David Rockefeller, Leader of
Council on Foreign relations
#TheLeft (reshape global order thru china) agenda

Mar 2020 ... The Coronavirus Could Reshape Global Order. China is maneuvering for international leadership during the coronavirus crisis as the United States falters…
▪︎3 💻
Read 19 tweets
The #UKGovernment Torture Report

This is a very short overview of what the #UKAuthorities have done in the case.

#PraiseTheLORD #PraiseGod #Borisjohnson #Downingstreet #PritiPatel #UKParliament #Dailymail
In 2005, I set up a business selling CDs, namely mixtape CDs after graduating from Uni.

In 2006, my home was raided & my business was stopped. They said the CDs I was selling were in breach of copyright.
It was a complete shock as the exact same CDs I was selling were prevalent on most high streets and supermarkets. They were selling in their thousands in places such as #Tesco & #HMV. And #Woolworths were the actual UK Distributor of these CDs.
Read 91 tweets
El crimen en el arte.
Empezamos por #Tiziano
#ElMilagroDelMaridoCeloso (1511)
Este fresco, extremadamente realista, deja sin palabra. El marido se pone tan celoso como para cometer un asesinato. Mientras su esposa le ruega que se detenga, él se para sobre ella
Con un cuchillo para matarla.
Seguimos con #GiovanniBellini
#AsesinatodeSanPedroMártir (1507). La obra representa un asesinato medieval. San Pedro mártir fue un inquisidor. Su tarea era erradicar la herejia cátara en el siglo XIII. Los Cátaros lo emboscaron en un bosque y lo👇👇
Mataron.👆👆Bellini pone en escena un bosque espeluznante, donde la violencia explota con mucha energia y realismo.
Ahora toca #RenéMagritte
#AsesinoAmenazado(1927). En esta inquietante pintura surrealista un asesino está en la escena del crimen sin percatarse que está rodeado
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(Wdh.) George #Monbiot ist "gefühlter" Stichwortgeber für Fridays For Future, Extinction Rebellion und darüber hinaus. Er spricht von System und, Kate Raworth ähnlich, einem Design von Wirtschaft.
(Screenshot von…)
Damit liegt er auf Linie mit den reformerisch-sozialdemokratischen Partner-Zeitungen #TheGuardian und #Freitag. Er hält das Wachstum im Kapitalismus für das non plus ultra des Untergangs der Menschheit und für einen politischen Imperativ. Er ruft dabei aus, Denkern zu folgen.
Luxus hält er für die Basis unserer Ordnung, vermutlich der westlichen. Bei all dem kommt bei ihm ein Mix aus antikapitalistischem Unbehagen und Pseudoökonomie heraus, wenig hilfreich für das Verstehen und Umwälzen des Bestehenden, hilfreich für die Mobilisierung der
Read 9 tweets
@HouseDemocrats voted for a Bill opposing #BDS (a non-violent PERSONAL freedom of choice to Boycott Israel in protest of Israel’s decades-old occupation & Settlements in #Palestine, until it complies w/ Intl Law)
WTH @TulsiGabbard⁉️
STOP LYING👇😡Negotiations have always been a farce to enable #Israel to claim Democracy while keeping #Palestinians in Ghettos,denying even their basic human rights‼️
Settlements thread: 1/21 From the very beginning Israel planned to usurp #Palestine
Wake-up @TulsiGabbard👇😡#Israel is NOT a Partner for Peace
THREAD: The leaked #PalestinePapers published in 2011 by #AlJazeera & #TheGuardian show Palestinian Leaders made massive concessions! Yet all they had to offer still wasn't enough for Israel‼️#BDS
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At same period the UK Authorities, banks & state owned companies all converged with their plans to take our home, our car & our money, my mother's #DWP welfare benefit was also targeted on several occasions, the worst being what happened at #Adecco #Guardian #TheTimes #GMB
My mother was seeking #employment & arranged an appointment with #OfficeAngels who she was already registered with & had worked for, for years. However, the time & date of the appointment was at a similar time to that of her sign on with the #DWP. #Jobseekersallowance #Jobseekers
Read 21 tweets
The #UKGovernment #Torture Report. Instead of addressing it, they keep trying to frame us. We want answers! @10DowningStreet

To read the full thread (draft at this stage as 4 more years of frame ups need to be added)…

#bbcnews #royalfamily @metpoliceuk
The short outline version is as below in this thread. It's still quite long because it started in 2006 & the UK Authorities, mainly the #MetPolice, have invested a lot of time & resources in trying to get rid of this problem by hook or by crook
#bbcnews #royalfamily
It started with the #MetPolice being caught out falsifying paperwork - a search warrant. When caught out they tried to frame me for a crime I did not commit. #bbcnews #royalfamily #Metpoliceuk
Read 25 tweets
The #UKGovernment #Torture Report. Instead of addressing it, they keep trying to frame us. We want answers! @10DowningStreet

To read the full thread (draft at this stage as 4 more years of frame ups need to be added)…

#Euronews #DailyMail @metpoliceuk
The short outline version is as below in this thread. It's still quite long because it started in 2006 & the UK Authorities, mainly the #MetPolice, have invested a lot of time & resources in trying to get rid of this problem by hook or by crook
#Euronews #Dailymail
It started with the #MetPolice being caught out falsifying paperwork - a search warrant. When caught out they tried to frame me for a crime I did not commit. #Euronews #Dailymail #Metpoliceuk
Read 25 tweets
After the #MetPolice tried & failed to frame me & after ex #MetPoliceUK turned private investigators @Surelock_ tried & failed to frame me & my mum, attempt number 3 was #EE & #UKMail. I had never used @EE but they made me their customer

#SwitchtoO2 #o2 #Vodafone #Three #LBC
#EE said I had ordered mobile phones & sim cards & #UKMail said they had delivered them to me (with me showing my passport) at home. I did neither. I didn't order any mobiles & I didn't receive any mobiles. It was a complete stitch up

#dontbuythesun #c4news #r4today #itvnews
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👇😡@realDonaldTrump's "DEAL OF THE CENTURY"‼️
#Palestine - Plan to make #Apartheid & Settler Colonialism Official
Special #US Envoy/#Israel 1ster #JasonGreenblatt said to Sky News Arabic that a 'two states' solution means different things to diff. people.…
Zionist Puppet,@realDonaldTrump is a con-artist
#RussiaGate⁉️It's always been #IsraelGate😡Doh!

Birthright American Jewish youth visiting #Israel were given maps that COMPLETELY ERASED #Palestine, inc the #WestBank — one traveller called it into question
"Two-State Solution"👇😡It's always been a farce to enable Israel to claim #Democracy while keeping #Palestinians in Ghettos, denying even their basic #HumanRights‼️
Settlements thread: 1/21 From the very beginning #Israel planned to usurp #Palestine.
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#TheGuardian’s article seeks to deflect from the reality that the prosecution of #Assange will focus on @xychelsea-era releases and #Vault7, not the DNC or Podesta emails.

As noted previously by @DisobedientNews:…
On timing: Assange legal representative Hanna Jonasson (@AssangeLegal) quickly noted that the smear was published just hours before the EDVA ruling:

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This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their day jobs properly & decided to take the law into their own hands. It started as a small cover up 12 years ago but has turned into British State Persecution.

#Skynews #BBCNews #DailyMail #Guardian #Euronews
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 147 tweets

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