Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #ANTIGEN

Most recents (22)

Jun 11th 2022
This important study found a significantly elevated frequency of #SARS-CoV-2-specific TNF-α-producing CD8+ T cells in patients with pulmonary #LongCovid (PASC). PASC subjects experienced an average symptom duration of over 6 months:…
2/ This is how the authors interpret the finding: "This increased frequency could be detected in response to peptide pools of all the #viral structural proteins in comparison to the resolved #COVID-19 (RC) cohort.
3/ Interestingly, these T cells were also significantly higher in female PASC participants compared to males, which may contribute to the higher prevalence of PASC in #women
Read 10 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
Erstaunlich, wieviele Menschen sich mit den verschiedenen Arten von Impfstoffen auseinandersetzen– vor #Corona/#COVID19 konnte ich damit selbst Bio-Studenten kaum begeistern!?

Im Deutschen gibt es einfach die klassische Zweiteilung: #Lebendimpfstoff und #Totimpfstoff. Warum?
Weil Lebendimpfstoffe (LIS) vermehrungsfähige Erreger enthalten, die aber so abgeschwächt wurden, dass sie keine Krankheit mehr auslösen können. Außer: in Immungeschwächten, da kann es problematisch werden! Darum muss man bei LIS, auch wenn hochwirkungsvoll, vorsichtig sein!
Totimpfstoffe (TIS) sind im 🇩🇪 med. Sprachgebrauch alle anderen Impfstoffe, die dann eben *keine* vermehrungsfähigen Erreger enthalten und bedenkenlos auch Immungeschwächten verabreicht werden können. Das dürfte der Hauptgrund für die grobschlächtige Einteilung LIS/TIS sein.
Read 21 tweets
Dec 18th 2021
🤶Dear Santa: Please, we need some Public Private Partnerships in ##Westchester for Christmas and the Covid Surge! Can you transfer some #privatesector elves to help @westchestergov provide free, accessible (by mass-transit and by drive through) rapid #PCR #testing Also, 1/6
🎅for stocking stuffers, how about enough seven-piece packages of rapid #antigen #testing for home use, available by mail or at local #health departments or local houses of worship or even by #reindeer for every #Westchester resident, free, upon request? Also, 2/6
🎅maybe Mrs. Claus can come on down to speed up our county health department to get #TestToStay rolling in our 40 #publicschool districts? It's been too much talk and no action. Finally, just want you to know, 3/6
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Dec 8th 2021
H pylori #tweetorial for resistant H pylori
#AGA released CPU in 4/21 revisiting topic of resistance/treatment failures, not a guideline, but the expert opinion @BradSpellberg loves! (1/x)…
@ABsteward @RushCCH_ID #MedEd #medtwitter #idtwitter
As GN bacteria go, it's an interesting bug:
Highly motile, curved, GNR, #Urease-positive, catalase-positive, oxidase-positive
Related to Campylobacter, for family fun
Nice crossover with our #Gastroenterology colleagues, eh #IDtwitter and @IDSAInfo
GN, and as such should be sensitive to most #antibiotics that target GN with pretty good susceptibilities over time for:
#amoxicillin #tetracycline #aminoglycoside #nitroimidazole #macrolide
Read 25 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
1. #Travel? #Holidays? #COVID19?

During this #COVID I am going to create a rolling thread about key issues and articles of interest, just so as you can see the evolution toward a return to normality in 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025; according to predictions by #Aviation!
2. #Travel? #Holidays? #COVID19?

Interesting article about #staycations and their price!!

The attitude of some UK h/makers, is I'm afraid, a common feature found in holidays abroad. I've heard many a tale about the Master vs Serf behaviour of some Brits!…
3. #Travel? #Holidays? #COVID19?

It's not done with us yet:

"...hard to anticipate what the timeline will be for the expected shift of COVID-19 to endemicity..."…
Read 127 tweets
Jul 11th 2021
1/? I spent some time last night reviewing my tweets since the start of the #pandemic; several things jumped out but nothing more than how the lack of #antigen case data from @HealthyLivingMo until March understated the situation. #COVID19Missouri #COVID19 #DeltaVariant
@HealthyLivingMo 2/? The first #COVID19Missouri case was March 7, 2020. Officials had been anticipating it and @GovParsonMO & @DrSamPage held a news conference about it #COVID19 #moleg
@HealthyLivingMo @GovParsonMO @DrSamPage 3/? In November, I tracked the progress of #COVID19Missouri cases, showing the reported cases/day on March 14 (1 week later) and the 14th of each month afterward. #COVID19 @HealthyLivingMo #moleg
Read 22 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
We need to be rational with how we approach new COVID 19 variants @DonnellyStephen @CMOIreland @ronan_glynn @merrionstreet @HSELive @PatKennyNT @NTBreakfast #antigen
1/ We have a choice to make. We have to stop saying all public health choices around COVID are choices between life and death. That defeats the argument.
2/ It polarises the discussion too much and people in fact make risk choices everyday (smoking, alcohol, diet, exercise, attending for routine health check ups). We balance risk everyday of our lives.
Read 14 tweets
May 27th 2021
The irish government are systematically destroying 🇮🇪.
1. Treatments; you have provided no access or encouraged any treatments regarding #COVID19ireland. In fact you've ignored International regarding studies on several options.
2. Carehomes and Hospitals; You failed to protect the old and vulnerable. Most carehomes were abandoned. The majority of people whom died of #COVID19 caught it in a carehome or hospital! Think about that.
3. SME's and hospitality; government has targeted these business and used them consistently as scapegoats time and time again. The data showed these businesses were not either cause or high risk, but #msm portrayed them as such. The owners and families abandoned!
Read 8 tweets
May 17th 2021
1/4 Verwendung von #Antigen-#Schnelltests und #Selbsttests: Kommunikationsempfehlungen und Tipps von @rki_de, @c_drosten und @CorneliaBetsch im #EpidBull & begleitenden Flyer:


#COVID19 #Testen #SARS_CoV_2
2/4 Infektionsketten unterbrechen mit #Antigentests als ergänzende Maßnahme zur #Pandemieeindämmung: Werden Personen mit positivem Testergebnis rasch isoliert, kann die Verbreitung von #SARS_CoV_2 verlangsamt werden.
3/4 Momentaufnahme #Antigen-Testergebnis: Das Risiko jemanden anzustecken steigt, je älter das #Testergebnis ist. Auf ein negatives Ergebnis kann rasch ein positives folgen, wenn beim ersten Test trotz Infektion noch kein Antigen (Virusprotein) entdeckt wurde.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
1/7 Verantwortungsvoll eingesetzte #Schnelltests und #Selbsttests können - ergänzend zu weiteren Maßnahmen - einen wichtigen Beitrag zur #Pandemie-Eindämmung leisten.

#Testen #COVID19 #Antigen
2/7 Wozu #Antigen-#Schnelltests?
Sie helfen auch symptomlose Infizierte zu erkennen und die Ausbreitung von #SARS_CoV_2 zu bremsen.
Aber: Die Tests sind kein Freitesten zum Verzicht auf #AHA+L-Regeln.
Wichtig: Ergebnisse korrekt deuten!
3/7 Was bedeutet ein positives Ergebnis?
Es stellt zunächst nur einen VERDACHT auf eine #SARS_CoV_2-Infektion dar, KEINE Diagnose. Diese MUSS durch einen #PCR-Test verifiziert werden.
Wer positiv getestet wurde, muss seine Kontakte konsequent reduzieren und sich beim Arzt melden.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
#Immunisierung vor #COVID
Danke an #Spiegel für den Bericht über meinen Bekannten Prof. #Stöcker, den hoch wirksamen #Antigen-#Impfstoff aus #Lübeck und die inakzeptable Strafanzeige der Staatsanwaltschaft/Paul-Ehrlich-Institut #PEI #Spahn…
Danke an @sisyphos_dd für die Einschätzung zur #Impfstoff-Zulassung. Die #Selbstimmunisierung von Prof. #Stöcker und seiner Familie ist nicht mein Kritikpunkt am #PEI. Meine Kritik richtet sich auf die Impfstoff-Lage in DE
1. Ein renomierter Forscher entwickelt einen #Antigen-#Impfstoff in #Lübeck - ohne Zuzahlung von Bundesmitteln von 280 Mio. Euro - auf Selbstkostenbasis.

2. Er senden den #Antigen-#Impfstoff an Prof. #Drosten zur Bewertung und Drosten bestätigt eine positive Wirkung
Read 10 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
1/19 Want to provide counternarrative to piece @TodaywithClaire @MacCoillte with @NiamhOBeirne from @HSELive re #covid19 & #Antigen testing-see "Track & Trace" segment from 4'50" onward @LeoVaradkar @CarrollJennifer @MurphyEoghan @MichealMartinTD @DonnellyStephen @michaelmina_lab
2/19… NO'B stated #Antigen tests are 50~60% sensitive at most in asymptomatics & only recommended by HSE in symptomatic patients such as in outbreaks or hospital settings. Its v disappointing that a health official with such a huge audience would say this.
3/19 Saying #Antigen has "low sensitivity" is nuanced & deserves context.We know when compared to pos #PCR cases,antigen has "low" sensitivity.We also know up to 75% of time a #Covid19 patient is tested with PCR and pos they're NOT INFECTIOUS… @profbuchan
Read 19 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
#antigen testing again falsely discredited - this time by @GabrielScally on @cooper_m @TonightVMTV saying that it has “no particularly useful function” and is “positively dangerous”. Here he repeats the erroneous assertions of @deeksj in his now discredited @bmj paper
Dr. Scally asserts that #antigen testing could give “false reassurance” & it “may not pick up more than 50% of + cases”. This is a direct contradiction of the #redlight policy operating in Liverpool where >14k hitherto unidentified cases were discovered in >500k #antigen tests
Read 5 tweets
Jan 2nd 2021
How a #vaccine works: when we get #covid19 we make #antibodies and #Tcells. A #vaccine introduces #antigens: heat-killed, parts of #virus, #mrna that makes virus #spike into our bodies to produce the antibody and Tcells WITHOUT infecting us with #coronavirus & making us sick. 1/ ImageImageImageImage
When a new disease comes along like #COVID19 #coronavirus our body does not have #antibodies or #Tcells to fight it off. First we recognize it (the #antigen) and START to BUILD our defense or army to fight it back. #vaccines #vaccine (from 2/ Image
The #vaccine helps us to build an army that is ready to fight the #coronavirus before it tries to infect us. The #vaccines are parts of the virus or #antigens that our body knows are foreign invaders (BUT can’t attack or make us sick). #mrna vaccines are different 3/ Image
Read 8 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
Meanwhile in #France,
"the peak of this second wave is over"

(according to the President in his Adress to the Nation):
Wait... "the peak is over" doesn´t mean "it´s back to normal"!

Confinement will only fall on December 15,
if there´s less than 5.000 new cases a day.
(today it´s ~9.000).

France is disappointed.🙁

Although they certainly can make it happen.
Meanwhile in #Switzerland:
(excess mortality of the second wave is significant)

Good news: fastest decrease in infections happens in the worst hit areas now.
Read 2817 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
Separating the #men from the #boys
Here is a #PubMed #indexed, #Elsevier published #journal reporting '#exclusive' #treatment of #covid19 through #Ayurveda leading to full recovery in a #patient. Great #news right?! No. The #proof of the #pudding is in the eating! Spoons out
The #journal. Its legit, 'becoz' its publishd by #Elsevier. Journal ownd by World Ayurveda Foundation & Trans-Disciplinary Univ, #Bengaluru. 4mer, a 4-men 'world foundation'[], latter @TDUFRLHT founded @sampitroda, vettedby likes of @kiranshaw
The study - 43yr old #newyork #banker develops fever,cough durng peak #COVID season, 'PRESUMED' to be #coronavirus. Self #Quarantine at #home, phone calls #ayurvedic #Doctors at #Chennai, #india, offer☎️ treatmnt until fever break, therby reporting #covid19 cure via Ayurveda
Read 13 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
As #COVID19 cases are found to spread, #Melbourne (city of ~5 million) tries to contain them by going into #Lockdown.
(The interview features the idea of a dedicated #Quarantine building - that would actually help, I guess)...
"People acting as if the pandemic was over was 'not the answer, it is part of the problem' ".

"The virus had leaked from postcodes already under the stay-at-home orders to other parts of #Melbourne."
(and beyond, it is feared).
Due to #Melbourne's outbreak, neighbouring South Australia is about to completely close it's borders to #Victoria.

(Nearly) no exceptions. And those essential few who are allowed in, will have to wear facemasks the entire time...
Read 2915 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
Cool new study which found that a range of #pathogens (some capable of long-term persistence in tissue + #blood) upregulate expression of the cell surface protein CD47 in the host cells they infect as an #immune evasion strategy
2/ I fact, upregulation of CD47 is a very smart survival strategy by such pathogens, b/c it interferes w/ the host innate immune response that is normally supposed to identify, target and kill them!
3/ Specifically the team found that upregulation of CD47 by the pathogens under study slowed uptake of dead/#infected cells by the #immune system, including the downstream activity of #antigen presenting cells that are needed to recognize pathogens in the first place
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Jun 23rd 2020
Vorpommern-Greifswald district (where rejections of #Gütersloh residents took place, yesterday)
has specific rules:
"Those who return from international risk areas (out of Germany) or whose Corona-Warning App has alerted them, need to report to authorites" Image
In fact, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Corona-ordinance really prohibits entry of people from international risk areas AND german risk areas as well.
It's just not prominently featured on their websites.

(Overlooked that myself, hence deleted earlier tweet)… Image
People from #Gütersloh district may have to scrap all their holiday plans anyway...

An official #Lockdown is just being announced for the entire district.
(for one week, as of now)
Read 2556 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/01/2020-2…

Daring Fireball: A Spectacularly Bad Washington Post Story on Apple and Google’s Exposure Notification Project…

#apple #notification #exposure #google #tracking
Girl, 12, survives heart failure tied to Kawasaki-like syndrome believed caused by coronavirus - The Washington Post…

#failure #coronavirus #syndrome #heart
Investigating neural mechanisms underlying individual differences in perception…

#neural #perception
Read 12 tweets
May 4th 2020
📰🔊This is our analysis of the #COVID19 #testing strategy in #Tunisia🇹🇳, given the potential technical and contextual limitations, and future challenges.…

Happy to contribute to @OpenNiqash with @Jaber_Bel, @drziedbouslama & @droussamazekri!
Real-time RT-PCR (@WHO gold standard) is complex and requires technical equipment and skilled human resources. Deploying a military mobile lab for temporary missions in the south is a good step, but still, testing capacity remains limited: only 24,406 tests performed as of 02/05.
Antigen and antibody rapid tests provide a less costly and faster delivery of results compared to RT-PCR. However, before these tests can be used, it must be acknowledged that they serve different roles and thus need to be used in different scenarios.
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May 2nd 2020
Q: Help! I am confused by all of the various types of #COVID__19 tests!

A: @NPR has a great cheat sheet describing the three major types of #COVID tests under discussion: #PCR, #antibodies, and #antigen tests. More detail in this thread.
(1) PCR Tests for CURRENTLY ACTIVE infections via identification of genetic material in mucus;
(2) Antibodies Test for PAST INFECTIONS in the blood;
(3) Antigen - Test for CURRENTLY ACTIVE infections via identification of proteins in nose and throat secretions.
There's an ACCURACY VERSUS SPEED trade-off across the numerous variants of these tests.

Cheap, quick tests such as Abbott's rapid PCR test can be great *screening* tools, but are not-so-hot *formal diagnostic* tools.
Read 6 tweets

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