Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #NATIONALIST

Most recents (23)

Mar 23rd 2023
@IntlCrimCourt Broke?! Hobbyist level #Zaporizhzhia #FalseFlag. The cameraman was waiting for explosions that came from #inside the apartments to the #outside. He dared to go and take close-up pictures because he knew that no more #explosives had been #planted.
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimAAKhanKC This is just the appetizer from 'Thread 62'⬇️ mentioned:
#Ukrainian #fascists hold a party at #Kyiv's "BarHot" organized by #cartoonist Anton #Chadsky, eat a cake depicting a #Russian #baby
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC
FROM: @amanpour “What is #Russia afraid of? #Democracy expanding,” says #Estonia’s Prime Minister @kajakallas | Mar 14
TO: #NATO #Stoltenberg On Air, Let's Count The [A]s | Mar 14, 2023.
Read 50 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA Thread 31
From: In 2013, Sen. #McCain appeared on stage in #MaidanSquare, shoulder to shoulder with #Svoboda leader #Tyagnibok
To: “#Ukrainian People’s #Tribunal” Sentences #Kiev Leaders for #WarCrimes | Jun 23, 2018
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc: @ ivan_8848
How #Maidan turned into #War
From 2014 to 2022, the DPR and LPR territories was subjected to daily #shelling from 🇺🇦 side. It all started from Maidan movement, which gained momentum in Kiev in 2013.
@EP_President @AndriyKostinUa @RobertaMetsola @Europarl_EN @Europarl_UA @EUDelegationUA cc:@ TaranQ
Nov 2013, days before the #EuroMaidan protests started. A deputy denounces in the #Ukrainian Parliament that the US is preparing a #civilwar in Ukraine -"NGOs" are organising a #coup from inside the #US #Embassy in Kiev. 1/2
Read 44 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
Mar 1:
1/ #RussianVolunteerCorps actions in #Bryansk

“We are #Russians, and we are not #Russians”: what is known about the “#RussianVolunteerCorps

@CrimeanWind, of #Telegram, background report on #Russian ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Partisans…
Mar 1:
3/ #RussianVolunteerCorps in #Bryansk

..representatives adhere to right-wing views & #Claim to have traveled the entire #FrontLine.

#Russian #Volunteer #Corps founder, #DenisKapustin (#Nikitin)..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine…
Read 37 tweets
Jul 3rd 2021
On Fox News on 24 June, Carlson, in front of a screen with the words “anti-white mania”, raged that the US could “become Rwanda”.

Republicans have compared Democrats to Nazis & a "news" host suggested tens of thousands of Americans should be executed.'…
In 2018, Sky News Australia sparked outcry after it broadcast an interview with a far-right #nationalist #extremist who has expressed his admiration for #Hitler.

Sky News Australia CEO Angelos Frangopoulos downplayed it as "an error of judgment".

Frangopoulos is GB "News" CEO. ImageImageImage
GB News' creators clearly believe that US-style grievance politics can sustain at least a low-budget, tactically neutered version of Fox.

GB "News" is a right-wing TV "news" channel. Britain hasn’t had one of those before. The shift is real.

Read 9 tweets
Apr 28th 2021

In the #USA and much of the so-called #1stWorld, we are in Act 4 of a 5 act Shakespeare epic we might call “Pandemia 2020.”...
In the #UK, they seem mired in Act 3, and in #Russia, #Brasil, #Peru, and parts of #Africa it is Act 2! In #india it seems they are against a wall at the height of the Act 1!...
Why is this so?
To determine this, we must begin in December 2019.

On 26 Dec 2021 the govt in #Taipei, #Taiwan warned every other govt on Earth that their intelligence had determined there was a vrus spreading in #Wuhan, #PRC & that they were banning all travel from #China...
Read 12 tweets
Apr 3rd 2021
The Andrew Neil Code Of Conduct:

Take a tweet & deceptively suggest it implies something it doesn't.✔️

Use it to misrepresent the tweeter & attack #GBeebies' competitors.✔️

Amplify it to his servile 1,179,521 followers - 414,012 of which are, like him, fake.✔️

⚡️Public Service Announcement⚡️

Use the hashtag #drawandrewneil to find magnificent entries to @MartinRowson's competition.

Deadline for entries: April 8th.

Credits for entries in previous tweet:


#GBNews credit: @Coldwar_Steve
Let's take a look at the "impartial" #GBNews presenters who definitely won't in any way be part of a partisan echo-chamber, that definitely won't in any way be just like #FoxNews, & definitely won't in any way seek to divide even further our already dangerously polarized country:
Read 7 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
#Thread about #Turkey #Erdogan #Nationalist:

• The public prosecutor's office filed for a ban against the third largest party in the country, the pro-Kurdish HDP.…
• Erdogan announced his withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention against Violence against Women.
• The government withdrew control of the symbolic Gezi Park from the opposition city administration of Istanbul.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 4th 2021
Sociology of nationalism THREAD

We've witnessed the rise of political leaders & parties relying on #populist #nationalist discourse: Trump, Orbán, Modi & Bolsanaro are united by their espousal of nationalism, majoritarianism, populism & authoritarianism.…
The nationalist rhetoric employed by these populist nationalist Parties & their leaders is one that presents ‘them’ – ranging from migrants, ethnic and religious minorities, foreign people and states, sexual minorities to liberals – as a threat to the nation.
'The nation’ (people who can claim an ‘authentic’ national identity & whose interests are to be protected from internal & external threats) is depicted in homogeneous & unified terms. This majority is seen as having the right to rule, while minority populations are marginalised.
Read 34 tweets
Jan 18th 2021
#Nationalist why it's not right?

is a nationalist. Is that right?

What about Sidbavan Brahmin Godse?
Is he a nationalist? Image
USA #CapitolRiot was performed by people who called themself as nationalists.

'Patriotism Is Last Refuge Of Scoundrel.' Just Look At United States And India…
#Nationalism is a cruel epidemic of evil that is sweeping over the human world of the present age.

~Rabindranath #Tagore Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
The #Nationalist and anti-immigration agenda that drove #LeaveEU will face many (at least to them) unpleasant surprises in decades to come. If we are to trade with nations from all over the globe we must expect to relax immigration controls. I have no problem with that.
It reveals the abject incoherence in the #LeaveEU cohorts. Free traders, who advocate rigid borders on immigration (some motivated by aversion to diversity or race) are living in a dream world.
Moreover, those who despised a supranational Europe, are now facing serious scrutiny: #NorthernIreland is de facto part of #Europe. Ditto #Gibraltar. Those who claim #Scotland’s quest for Independence is misconceived will be accused of rank hypocrisy.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 29th 2020
Die Holocaust-Leugnerin Ursula #Haverbeck wird im November aus der Haft entlassen.

Welche Verbindungen bestehen zwischen Ursula Haverbeck, ihrem Mann Werner Georg Haverbeck und der #Anthroposophie?

Ein Thread.

#Steiner #Biodyn #Christengemeinschaft #Waldorfschule
Die Ikone der rechtsextremen Szene hatte wiederholt die Shoa geleugnet, auch im ARD-Magazin Panorama: "In Auschwitz hat es keine Vergasung gegeben, es war kein Vernichtungslager.”

Sie leitete mit ihrem Mann das rechtsextreme Zentrum "Collegium Humanum"…
Der Verein arbeitete u. a. im Bereich von Rudolf Steiners #biodynamischen Anbau, der #Christengemeinschaft und der #Anthroposophie. Die "Akademie für Umwelt und Lebensschutz“ wurde vom Ex-Nazi, Anthroposophen und Priester der Christengemeinschaft Werner Georg Haverbeck gegründet.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
Let me clarify why is it next to impossible for #Hindus to win this ongoing Ideological/ civilizational war with us #Muslims:

If the #Hindu cause is +1, #Islamic cause is -1, and 0 is neutral, then we #Muslims are fighting hard for -1 while U Hindus R aiming for just 0!..(1/12)
..Let me explain:

V #Muslims attack #Hinduism.
U #Hindus attack only Traitors & Pakistan!

V fight for #Islamic cause.
U fight for #Nationalist cause!

We #Muslims want #Sharia state.
You #Hindus want #Secular state! ...(2/12)
... V R fighting #Religious war.
U just fighting political war!

V vote on Islamic grounds.
U vote on #SabkaSathSabkaVikas

V #Muslims never raise voice for #KashmiriPandits but burn cities for #Rohingyas!
U #Hindus speak for not only KP but also for Sufis & Balochis! ..(3/12)
Read 12 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
Let me clarify why is it next to impossible for #Hindus to win this ongoing Ideological/ civilizational war with us #Muslims:

We #Muslims attack #Hinduism.
You #Hindus attack only Traitors & Pakistan!

We fight for #Islamic cause.
You fight for #Nationalist cause! ...(1/12)
We #Muslims want #Sharia state.
You #Hindus want #Secular state!

We fight #Religious war.
You just fight political war!

We vote on religious grounds.
You vote on #SabkaSathSabkaVikas ...(2/12)
So, If the #Hindu cause is +1, the #Islamic cause is -1, and 0 is neutral, then we #Muslims are fighting for (-1) while you Hindus are aiming for 0!

Meaning: V Muslims R fighting for purely selfish motives and U Hindus R fighting for mutually beneficial/neutral outcomes!..(3/12)
Read 12 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
Indian American is going to play a very critical role in the USA Election post emergence of #KamalaHarris

Let's explore
There are around 11 million Asian-Americans eligible to vote in America this November elections. They comprise five percent of the total electorate.
Of this 11 million Asian-Americans 3.9* million are Indian-American voters

* some other source suggest 1.8 million
In the event of a close contest, this vote bank of influential Indian Origin could make a difference!
and #KamalaHarris is a major deception planned by the Democrats to divide the Indian-American votes.

.. this is where the game of perception starts
Read 20 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
Here's an interesting tweet that I dug out because I wanted to talk about #France, after talking about #Serbia this night.
Indeed France betrayed Serbs in the 90s, & has been holding onto it since.
I guess it deserves an explanation, from a Frenchman who's not on a payroll.
2. First, as an Historical reminder, what #France betrayed was something big. 200 years of joint History since a wave of Serbian diplomats & scholars came into France to see what we were doing, & then Prince Petar Karađorđević fought in the Franco-Prussian War on the French side.
3. France, despite its ties with the Ottoman Empire, progressively supported Serbia against it because it needed a new foothold in the Balkans, & #Serbia and Serbs showed interest, & huge appreciation for French intellectual & artistic movements. This relationship grew until WW1. Image
Read 54 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
For the "#nationalist" out there, you should JOIN ANY protests against #PoliceBrutality, not be marching (ARMED) against them.

Yes. 2x as many whites as black people are killed by cops. But there are nearly 6 TIMES as many white people!

Regardless, caucasians ARE being unjustifiably brutalized & killed by cops, too.

But you need to understand, black people are killed 2.5x more than white people. THAT'S why we say #BlackLivesMatter.

So if you're one saying #AllLivesMattter, stop & join your fellow Americans.

btw, if you're a #conservative who doesn't trust articles from the Washington Post, you should know I don't trust #TheBezosPost either. I fact checked all the data. The article is above in the thread. PLEASE read it #Conservatives #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 folks
Read 3 tweets
May 4th 2020
[THREAD] on #Western #XRW #foreignfighters in #Ukraine war as @FightExtremism publishes my report on the issue 2day. Main Q: what it takes to become such a fighter? Who are they? Here I will summarise the main findings for your convenience. Link:… 1/ Image
2/ I began researching this back in 2014 – when I saw this clip with #France #foreignfighters on #DNR #LNR side of the war in #Ukraine. I was surprised, to say the least.… Image
3/ As it turns out, a few hundred #Western ers with #XRW convictions travelled to fight in #Ukraine on EITHER side. Many had known each other from before the #war in #Ukraine.  Below is a map of the main mobilisations for the war. Note the scale of the #Russia n for BOTH SIDES. Image
Read 16 tweets
Mar 12th 2020
Here’s a thread on Northern Ireland’s connectivity.

(And also see my article for @NorthernSlant 👇) /1
With much talk of the recent #Flybe collapse and the #BorisBridge what is the future of transport in NI - how can we boost connectivity? /2
Why is connectivity so important?
📍Lack of infrastructure puts businesses and communities at a disadvantage
📍More infrastructure will boost NI in regional, national and global level and attract further financial investment /3
Read 23 tweets
Apr 25th 2019
⭐️2nd Account Discovered⭐️

Thread 2: Nick Bosa caught following 2nd IG account with white nationalist & MAGA themed posts.

Let’s take a look at the account...

“DC_Draino” by Rogan O’Handley

...& see what Nick Bosa has ❤️ “liked” and is consuming on social media.
Nick Bosa ❤️ likes that NFL halftime show artists did “avoid politics and stick to hits.” #SuperBowl #NFLDraft2019
Nick Bosa ❤️ likes post talking political trash to LA Rams players after Super Bowl loss.

“Maybe if you spent more time on a game plan instead of insulting the man that’s saving the would have scored at least one touchdown...losers”

#SuperBowl #NFLDraft2019
Read 26 tweets
Nov 14th 2018
I don't know if people realize this, but this country wouldn't be here if it weren't for nationalists.


a person who advocates political independence for a country.

#JFK #Nationalist #IndependenceDay #DeclarationOfIndependence
Yes that's right our country was founded by Nationalists and Patriots.


A person who vigorously supports their country and defends it against enemies or detractors.
#JFK reading the #DeclarationofIndepence in above tweet found at
Most people Don't know that another mysterious organization was founded just 2 months before the #DeclationOfIndependence was signed. That organization was the #Illuminati. This occulted organization persisted in one form or another til #JFK and up to now.…
Read 26 tweets
Oct 27th 2018
I've come to a realization. It took me a really long time to admit this, because for me, politics is so personal…#trans rights, feminism, racism, anti-capitalism. I wanted to believe that the right—in their own way—had authentic values-based reasons for being politically active
The more I interact with Trump supporters, the more I watch video after video of Trump rallies, the more time I spent in Trump forums trying to "figure it out," the more I realize, this is not about ANY political platform or policy at all.

To them, this is entertainment.
They go to rallies to have fun. They create groups to have fun. They exploit our anxiety & fear of being killed or legally "erased" as queer people or dying of poverty because it's FUNNY to them.

@AdamSerwer nailed it when he said, "The cruelty is the point."

They are SADISTIC.
Read 16 tweets
Oct 23rd 2018
"#Nationalism" is not patriotism. It is not pride in one's country, it is not belief in your ideals, it is not wanting what is best for your country. It is not the antonym of "#Globalism". Be aware of its true meaning. 1/
The #Nationalist believes in the inherent superiority of their tribe. That could be simply everyone born under a certain flag or king, but Nationalists are often quick to say that "certain" people who look, pray, or believe differently aren't "real" citizens of their nation. 2/
Since #Nationalism believes "goodness" and "right" are inherent to a tribal identity, it has been used since the days of Napoleon to justify conquest and oppression, even on the race occasions it hasn't been deeply intertwined with racial tribalism. 3/
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Sep 21st 2018
After the threads from @conspirator0 and @propornot re: @propornotapp (now suspended), decided to look for any interesting breadcrumbs they may have left behind. Wound up learning about #Nationalist parties of Bulgaria and a few other tidbits. #osint #bots #disinformation
First thing that turned up was this article from the site newsbeezer(.)com (site title: Bulgaria Evening News). As you can see in the screenshot, @PropOrNotApp is quoted discussing conditions during fires in neighboring Greece. Sure, why not?
What else is on this site? Well, they appear to be big fans of the National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria, normally abbreviated to NFSB, though oddly they seem to alternate the abbreviation between NFFS and NPSB. Neither appear affiliated with another political party.
Read 17 tweets

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