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Jun 14th 2023
Day 2⃣ of the #JointFinalConference has begun! Don't forget if you're not in Brussels 🇧🇪, you can watch the livestream on youtube🌐: We'll also be live tweeting the event, stay tuned to this thread!
2⃣nd day of the #JointFinalConference began with synergies between EU funded projects on🤝 #CBRNe🧪☣️☢️⚛️💣 : @peers_eu, @H2020Including, @resist_project, @VERTIgO_EDIDP #MELODY, @COVINFORM_EU, @FIREINProject, #EUBULLSEYE
#JATERROR, @NGTriageEU, @HoloZcan, @NOFEAR_EU. Eight people on the photo (...
@peers_eu @H2020Including @resist_project @VERTIgO_EDIDP @COVINFORM_EU @FIREINProject @NGTriageEU @HoloZcan @NOFEAR_EU @OlgaVybornova We are honored to be actively involved in the influential #CSTAC cluster, driving significant advancements in #CBRN & #standardisation projects, which was presented by @JonHall999 from @resilience247 & @CMINE_EU A man is standing close to ...
Read 23 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
The #JointFinalConference of @H2020_eNOTICE, @PROACTIVE_EU & @PANDEM2H2020 has just begun in Brussels, Belgium & online! We're going to talk about #CBRN ☣️☢️& #pandemics 🦠 Watch this thread 🧵where we will be live tweeting the event! #CBRNe #EUSecurityResearch #Synergies
@H2020_eNOTICE @PANDEM2H2020 #JointFinalConference began with an insightful 💡 introduction of the @H2020_eNOTICE project by coordinator @OlgaVybornova from @UCLouvain_be. She highlighted how #eNOTICE contributes to capacity building💪 by organising #CBRN 🧪☣️☢️⚛️💣joint exercises in their training centers. Three people in the photo. ...
@H2020_eNOTICE @PANDEM2H2020 @OlgaVybornova @UCLouvain_be @grighav Up next, @PROACTIVE_EU coordinator @grighav from @uic shared key facts✅ about the project highlighting how we engaged with 100+ practitioners 👮‍♀️👩‍🚒 & 50+ civil society organisations, including vulnerable groups👩‍🦽 in our multitude of research📊📄 and #CBRNe three field exercises. Three people in the photo. ...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Peer-reviewed paper out today! Our research created induced pluripotent stem cells from bats, revealing an unusual entanglement between bats & viruses. Provides new insights into bat biology & virus-host relationships. #batstemcells #viralbiology @CellCellPress @IcahnMountSinai
Bats have fascinated humans for centuries, but how they tolerate viruses remains a mystery. We investigate evolutionary adaptations of bats to deal with viral infections. #batimmunesystem #viralpathogens Photo: Daniel Whitby 2/ Image
Read 12 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
LIVE now: the #NSABB is meeting to discuss the safety of work on pathogens: biosecurity, gain-of-function, dual-use research, counter-measures & vaccine R&D. W/some #Republicans claiming #SARSCoV2 arose from NIH-sponsored GOF work, this is a hot potato.…
Read 6 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
#Lableak #Coronavirus #Pandemics

Gestern wurden mittels #FOIA neue Mails veröffentlicht.

Sie bieten Aufschluss darüber, wie und warum es im Februar 20 dazu kam, die #LabLeak -Theory öffentlich zu desavouieren und fortan als VT zu delegitimieren.



Die Korrespondenz umschließt den Zeitraum von Jan bis Jul 20.

Von Interesse ist hier ausschließlich der E-Mail-Verkehr im Feb 20, der schließlich in u.s. Publikation in @Nature mündete.

Daran waren mehrere der Korrespondenzpartner beteiligt.…

Die Protagonisten dieses E-Mail-Verkehrs sind:

Anthony #Fauci (NIH/NIAID), @JeremyFarrar (Wellcome Trust), @K_G_Andersen (Scripps), @edwardcholmes (UoS), Francis Collins (NIH)

Ferner @MarionKoopmans (EUR), @c_drosten (Charité), Andrew #Rambaut (UoE) und Ron #Fouchier (EUR).

Read 20 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
I agree—“most likely we will not be better prepared than we were in 2020” said @Karl_Lauterbach, 🇩🇪 health minister. ➡️“It’s only a matter of time until #climatechange makes more of these outbreaks become big enough that they become #pandemics”. Sobering.…
2) We are in a “time when climate change is increasing the threat of infectious disease outbreaks. As wildlife habitats disappear, animals are moving closer to each other and to humans, interacting in new ways that create more opportunities for viruses to jump between species.”
3) the G7 has set up a PACT FOR PANDEMIC READINESS of $1.5 billion a year. The World Bank has set up a fund for the pact of roughly $1.5 billion per year, which is a minor investment compared to the expenses associated with a pandemic, @Karl_Lauterbach said.
Read 6 tweets
May 14th 2022
A few reflections on and highlights from Preventable by @devisridhar #Covid19 #pandemics #globalhealth Image
Preventable is a #mustread. A clear, fast-moving time travel through the past years of #Covid19.
Gone into print in August 2021, the book is a reminder of harrowing images (and for many very real personal experiences and losses). I sadly think many of these have already been forgotten, just a few months later. Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
In the past few days @sd270 and I have been frantically analysing the data we got from @ecfr latest poll on European perceptions of French diplomatic leadership. Unroll 🧵for an insight on our main findings (1/10)
European citizens want more cooperation on #security and expect the EU to provide it (2/10) #ECFRdata
Europeans are disillusioned with how the global system of international cooperation is handling today’s challenges. 71% believe that the system is not working on #climatechange. (3/10) #ECFRdata
Read 10 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Our new polling shows: the steps taken at EU level since the #RussianInvasionOfUkraine seem to be the minimum the European public expects. Europeans are calling for deeper long-term cooperation on #security matters at EU level. | A thread👇 (1/9)…
Europeans are disillusioned with how the global system of international cooperation is handling today’s challenges. 71% believe that the system is not working on #climatechange. (2/9) #ECFRdata
Confidence in national political systems is at a low ebb across Europe, with a majority of Europeans (58%) holding the view that ordinary voters have almost “no impact” on today’s politics. 🇪🇺 But support for EU institutions, however, remains high! (3/9) #ECFRdata
Read 9 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
Feb 23 2022: "#WHO facilitates 194 member states to introduce digital #vaccination certificates... WHO will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future... It is intended to serve as a standard procedure..." #DigitalID
"#WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national & regional trust networks & verification technology. The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future #vaccination campaigns..."

"Digitization keeps the world running. Digital #vaccination certificates like the EU's are key to this...The gateway will interact w/ other parts of the system already developed by WHO...This will also give hints for regional & national setups to be followed by the implementers."
Read 15 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
Issue #36: The Genesis of “Ledger Money” and the Modern Financial System…

#LedgerMoney, #FinancialSystems, #DevelopmentTimeline
Modern culture blames parents for forces beyond their control | Aeon Essays…

#culture, #essay, #AdultChildren, #ParentalEstrangement, #blame, #psychology, #responsibility
Read 17 tweets
Dec 25th 2021
We watched "Don't Look Up" last night -- dumb movie, but convinced me not to hold back inconvenient truths.
So here goes.
#Greenland The Danish Meteorological Institute says huge warming there is linked to #ClimateChange .
How much "warming?"
- The capital Nuuk hit 55 F this week -- average temp for this time = 22.5 F
- Further north in Qaanaaq temp topped 46 F -- normal is -4.2 F.
70% of Earth's freshwater is frozen, and #Greenland is the 2nd largest block of ice after #Antarctica. If it were to fully melt...
3/ sea levels would rise 23 feet.…
That would obliterate the homes, schools, workplaces of >10% of the U.S. population.…
Read 5 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/03/2021…
Monarch butterflies may be thriving after years of decline. Is it a comeback?…

#MonarchButterflies #PopulationIncrease #DataAnalysis
Ignorant and Afraid - by eugyppius - eugyppius: a plague chronicle…

#politicians #bureaucrats #propaganda #information #ignorance #fear
Read 11 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
If you have been obsessing over the origins of #SARSCoV2 -- including the "lab leak theory" -- you need to read this very important new paper:…
It's written by scientists whose life work is figuring out where viruses come from.
2/ They conclude:
"there is a substantial body of scientific evidence supporting a zoonotic origin for
#SARSCoV2. While the possibility of a laboratory accident cannot be entirely dismissed...this conduit for emergence is highly unlikely relative to the
"...& repeated human-animal contacts that occur routinely in the wildlife trade. Failure to investigate the zoonotic origin thru collaborative & carefully coordinated studies wld leave the world vulnerable to future #pandemics arising frm the same" animal/human interactions.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
#HAITI Investigation Underway Into Assassination of Haiti's President | 13 HOURS AGO
- Gunmen assassinated Haitian President Jovenel #Moïse and wounded his wife in their home early Wednesday, inflicting more chaos on the unstable Caribbean country.…
Read 32 tweets
May 23rd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/23/2021…
Watch a Robot 3D Printing the Rocket for Relativity Space’s First Orbital Launch…

#robotics #3DPrinting #RocketProduction
MOBLOT: A theoretical model that describes molecular oblivious robots…

#robotics #swarms #models #oblot
Read 10 tweets
Apr 30th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/30/2021…
U.S. asbestos sites made risky by some remediation strategies…

#asbestos #remediation #risk
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Apr 22nd 2021
"As damaging as #H5N8 has been to birds, it had never infected people. Until February."… #pandemics #risk
1/ "The Russian health authorities also tested about 200 of the people involved in the cleanup of the farm in #Astrakhan, using nasal swabs and later blood tests for antibodies. They reported that for the first time, #H5N8 had jumped to people."
2/ "Seven of the workers appeared to have been infected with the virus, although none of them became ill. Only one of those seven cases, however, was confirmed by genetically sequencing the virus."
Read 12 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/30/2021…
Complex Systems: Volume 30, Number 1 (2021)

#complexity #journal #CurrentIssue
The Law of Regression to the Tail: How to Survive COVID-19, the Climate Crisis, and Other Disasters…

#RegressionToTheTail #risk #FatTailedRisk #COVID19 #pandemics #ClimateCrisis #RiskMitigation
Read 8 tweets

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