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1/25. Today is the ninth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the continuation of discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage, a number of excellent side events, and importantly the adoption of the agenda. Here are some of our highlights!🧵 Image
2/25. This morning kicked off with three #LossAndDamage side events happening at the same time! Sadly we could not get to them all, but the good news is that there are webcasts with which to revisit them.
3/25. They included: "#HumanRights, #ClimateChange and disaster induced migration and #Displacement: Regional Perspectives" with @UUSC, @esperance_ong, @ALIANZAAMERICAS.

📼See the webcast here:
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1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
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🚩US gets 1m BARRELS less of #OIL as PELOSI & JILL BIDEN
are in MiddleEast
Both have kids w/ENERGY
FirstLady JillBiden
NancyPelosi spotted at extravagant celebration newlyweds
CrownPrinceHussein of Jordan +Rajwa Al Saif's marriage…
🚩 #KeystoneXLpipeline would have covered 1,947 kilometres from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Nebraska
capacity to carry
💥830,000 barrels per day💥 of crude from western Canadian oil fields to Gulf Coast refineries in the U.S.…. Image
🚩 #BIDEN STOPPED in 2021
#OIL IN ANWR has been an ongoing political controversy in USA since 1977
2017 #Republicans attempted to allow drilling in #ANWR
50 times finally being successful w/passage of
#TaxCutsandJobsAct of 2017….
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1/9.📜NEW PAPER: "Time to pay the piper: Fossil fuel companies’ reparations for #ClimateDamages" from Marco Grasso and @rickheede gives clear guidance on the billions of $$$'s #FossilFuel companies should pay into the #LossAndDamage Fund each year.

🔗… Image
2/9. Our key take always include:

The report finds that the #FossilFuelIndustry will be responsible for $23.2 trillion (USD) of economic #LossAndDamage (to GDP) between 2025–2050 under a 3°C warming scenario.
3/9. This is important because the report demonstrates that it’s possible to attribute #LossAndDamage costs, and the responsibility for redress, to specific #CarbonMajors .
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📢 We’re out here at the SF @EPA office for our Rally and Press Conference for Our Lives #BayArea w/ @SunflowerAction @WOEIP @EnvDefenseFund!

Follow our thread below 🧵 ⬇️ for updates as we urge authorities to clean up CA's dirty ocean #shipping! 🚢
We’re calling on the U.S. @EPA to APPROVE ✅ life-saving #CleanAir amendments by @AirResources that are needed to clean up dirty ocean shipping & protect our health from #FossilFuel ship pollution. 🔥

Let's get started!
.@CityofRichmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez shares about #FossilFuel shipping: 👇

“We know we need to stop all these diesel guzzling ships from coming in and out of our ports — and that’s what we’re going to do in Richmond.”

#RuleOutShipPollution Image
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⚠️💀While the #Amazon urgently needs to be considered as a #FossilFuel Free Zone, the Peruvian government 🇵🇪 is giving #oil a new boost by promoting internationally a series of reserves that are home to 435 #indigenous communities.…
🛢️Without consulting local populations, @Perupetrosa promoted 31 areas with potential for hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation to international investors meeting in Texas.…
👀An investigation from @Ojo_Publico reveals that of the 31 areas, 25 are located in the #Amazon and overlap with 435 indigenous communities in Loreto, Ucayali and Madre de Dios, and two reserves for indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation #PIACI…
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1/10.📜NEW BREIF: From @vallejolola, Matthieu Wemaëre, Michel Colombier of @IDDRI_ThinkTank gives a useful overview of the tax🏭🛢️💰and levy ✈️🚢 instruments under discussion that could contribute finance to address #LossAndDamage from #ClimateChange.

🔗… Image
2/10. The brief aims to inform both the members of the Transitional Committee of the #LossAndDamage Fund. 👇

🔗 More info:…

And the upcoming the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact in Paris.👇

🔗More info:…
3/10. The note reviews the potential, modalities, revenues, feasibility and implementation issues for:

🛢️ #FossilFuel extraction levy
✈️Air passenger/ticket levy
🚢International shipping GHG levy
🏭Tax on windfall #FossilFuel profits
📈Financial transaction tax
🤑wealth tax
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1/ Authoritarian regimes and financial giants with stakes in the #FossilFuel industry are among investors who would benefit from plans to use hydrogen to heat UK homes, which critics say could increase fuel poverty.…
"... shareholders in these gas firms include the Chinese and Qatari governments, an Australian bank nicknamed the “Vampire Kangaroo” for its tough pursuit of profit, and a New York private equity company whose managing director advised Donald Trump during his presidency."
3/ "Some critics have claimed the technology is being pushed by ‘vested interests’ who fear that their gas industry investments will become stranded assets if there is a widespread switch to heat pumps rather than hydrogen."
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Today and tomorrow, @G7 #Energy ministers meet in #Japan – a country, often considered a “laggard” on #energytransition. What is 🇯🇵’s energy system like and why is it so reluctant to step up #decarbonisation of its economy? A 🧵 1/19…
The “usual” arguments by the 🇯🇵 government when confronted with lack of both action and ambition on #energytransition:
1. #Japan is resource-poor
2. Japan’s geography limits #renewables build-out
3. Technologies & Innovation will solve the transition

How true are they? 2/19
Japan is indeed poor in some resources, most notably #fossilfuels. Fossil fuel based, its energy system is 88% dependent on #oil, #LNG and #coal imports. It has one of the least self-sufficient energy systems, dependent on #oil & gas from #MiddleEast & #coal from #Australia. 3/19 ImageImage
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.@TIME has just named @petrogustavo one of 100 Most Influential People of 2023🇨🇴👏🏽

One of the reasons: the Colombian President's forward-thinking climate policy, which paves the way for building fossil fuel free future 🧵⬇️…
@GabrielBoric 🇨🇱says of his Colombian counterpart:

“Gustavo dares to speak about complex issues [....] and the imperative to care for the environment in the context of a global climate crisis. He’s a leader who makes difficult decisions and learns fast.”…
In Latin American, where the extractivist economy is the rule, @petrogustavo’s proposal to phase-out #FossilFuels is indeed against the tide.
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The fossil fuel industry wants to roll back NY's methane accounting standard, the more accurate 20 Yr. GWP. Why? To cover up the damage they cause & slow down climate action. Here’s what you need to know. A thread. #energytwitter @howarth_cornell
Methane is a potent GHG but dissipates faster than CO2. Instead of using an outdated 100 year global warming potential metric, NY law, the CLCPA, uses the 20 year GWP to capture the climate damage caused by methane.
The difference in using the 20 year GWP versus the 100 year GWP are profound. NY’s Climate Plan calculates that the state’s net total emissions were 338.5 MMT CO2e in 2019 per the 20 year GWP. Compare that to 165.5 MMT CO2e net emissions in 2019 using the 100 yr GWP.
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Highly problematic graphic by @VisualCap .

Blaming Asia for the plastic pollution crisis is a form of #environmentalracism and creates a false narrative about who is responsible for producing #plasticwaste.

Key narratives we need to confront at all times 🧵
♻️ We need drastic, scalable interventions to reduce, reuse and better manage #plastic across ALL economies.

🏭 Burning plastic [#incineration and waste-to-energy] are not acceptable solutions to the plastic crisis.
🚢 Exporting waste from wealthier nations to under-resourced nations is a form of #wastecolonialism and #environmentalracism.

🛍 The biggest #polluters are the corporations producing and marketing plastic which are headquartered in the global north.
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1/13.⚡️USEFUL INFO⚡️: The @IPCC_CH is currently meeting at #IPCC58 to review and approve the #AR6 Synthesis Report and it's Summary for Policymakers, with released set for Monday the 20th of March.
More here:…

Why is this important for #LossAndDamage? 👇 IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee  | Photo by IISD/ENB
2/13. The #AR6 Synthesis Report and it's Summary for Policymakers will condense all of the scientific evidence from the reports of the @IPCC_CH working group's and all special reports published between 2018 and 2022.
3/13. For example the @IPCC_CH #AR6 Working Group II report made the following key points on #LossAndDamage very clear:

1⃣Human-induced #ClimateChange has already caused #LossAndDamage to both nature and people;
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1/9. 🌀Devastating tropical #CycloneFreddy, which has made landfall twice 🤯, has caused #LossAndDamage in #Madagascar🇲🇬, #Mozambique 🇲🇿 and #Maliwi 🇲🇼 including 220+ deaths, whilst breaking records as the longest lasting cyclone. Cyclone Freddy as it weakens over Mozambique following its s
2/9. In #Madagascar🇲🇬, at least 17 people have died due to #CycloneFreddy (7 from the first landfall on 21 February and 10 from the latest rains on 5 and 6 March), and nearly 299,000 people have affected.
3/9. In #Mozambique 🇲🇿, #CycloneFreddy has seen some provinces received as much rain in 24 hours as they would usually experience in one month. As a result 10 people have died and 14 have been injured, 1,900 houses have been damaged or destroyed.
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Epic disconnect: Head of @NYUSternCSB sustainability forum saying we’re out of time to move business towards more ESG practices at the same she actively partners with climate criminal #fossilfuel funders like @GoldmanSachs @HSBC and plastics monster @PepsiCo. Why? Image
Very happen to learn @Chase and other large #fossilfuel banks will have to take buildings for which they hold mortgages into account under #LocalLaw97. Their energy-leaking investments will come back to bite them. Image
Hallelujah @dgelles for speaking truth @NYUSternCSB: #FossilFuel co’s are funding ESG backlash at the state level. So, quite odd that @nyu is partnering with climate criminals right and left to further their sustainability studies. Also all panel, don’t use Right lingo “woke.” Image
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1/14 70th anniversary of #Germany's #DebtCancellation after #WWII! This laid the foundation for 🇩🇪’s economic "miracle". Here’s why a debt cancellation for the Global South is a necessary precondition to enable a #JustTransition & #ClimateJustice!
🧵👇 Projection by Koala Kollektiv
2/14 History taught us how intelligent debt policy works. February 27, 2023, marks the 70th anniversary of the cancellation of 🇩🇪’s debt. This contributed decisively to the reconstruction of a heavily war-torn country.… #DebtForClimate #LondonAgreement1953
3/14 Through the #LondonAgreement1953, signed on February 27, 1953, during the the age of bloc confrontation, the young 🇩🇪 nation was closely tied to the Western defense alliance. #DebtForClimate #CancelTheDebt
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1/8. 🤯An eye-opening new tracker detailing the flight emissions✈️of the #SuperRich has been created by Akash Shendure a high school senior from Seattle in the U.S! But how do the emissions of the 1% relate to #LossAndDamage from the #ClimateCrisis?

2/8. 📈Although there are many ways to measure responsibility for the #ClimateCrisis, no matter which way you do it's the richest countries🌐, people🎩 and polluting industries🏭 that come out on top. 👇
3/8. Between 1990 and 2015 the proportional #CO2 emission of the richest 1% of the world's population were 15%, whilst in the same period the richest 10% accounted for 52%.

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🧵 Greek firms made 1600 trips from Russia, on ships with 136 million DWT (35% of total) since #Ukraine invasion started.

A month after EU sanctions intro’d on 5 December, 🇬🇷 ships still dominate #fossilfuel exports. But who are behind these often little-known tanker companies?
TMS Tankers is controlled by billionaire art donor George Economou. He has a gallery named after him at London’s Tate Modern, and is a supporter of many global #art institutions 🖼

His firm conducted 11 voyages on ships with more than 1 million DWT in the month after 5 December.
The Andreas Martinos-led Minerva Marine, meanwhile, embarked on 13 trips from #Russia with 1.2 million DWT ship capacity during the period.

Other high-profile Greek shippers include a trio who also control major media outlets in the country – all highly critical of the invasion.
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1/9.⚡️BREAKING⚡️: This morning @vanessa_vash, @GretaThunberg , @luisaneubauer and @SumakHelena spoke at the World Economic Forum (#wef23) in @Davos about and open letter to #FossilFuel CEO's —signed by 850k+ people— calling on them to end the fossil expansion. Climate activists Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Helena Gua
2/9. This letter is a Cease and Desist Notice is to demand that #FossilFuel CEO's immediately stop opening any new #Oil, #Gas, or #Coal extraction sites, and stop blocking the clean energy transition that is urgently need.
3/9. The letter highlights that #FossilFuel companies KNEW for decades that fossil fuels cause catastrophic #ClimateChange. That they MISLED the public about #ClimateScience and risks (#LossAndDamage) and
DECEIVED politicians with disinformation sowing doubt and causing delay.
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1/ NEW REPORT: Our first ever Canadian Pension Climate Report Card reveals Canada’s major pension funds are not on track to protect pensions from the worsening #climatecrisis or to align their portfolios with a safe climate future. #cdnpoli

A 🧵. Read on!
2/ Canada's pensions must do much more to develop and implement credible Paris-aligned climate action plans, fulfill their fiduciary duty to invest in members’ best long-term interests, and protect retirement security in a world that limits global heating to 1.5°C. #cdnpoli
3/ The report finds a high level of inconsistency among pension funds with a collective >$2 trillion in AUM, with the degree of urgency, detail, transparency, and ambition varying widely for managing climate-related risks and opportunities across the sector. #climaterisk #cdnpoli
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"Transitional" skills training for #fossilfuel workers Image
Lots of money related to higher education, #Climate, #transportation
UC bonds->cash
$48 billion for climate related spending on top of previous $48B from federal funding ImageImageImageImage
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Here is my take on #COP27 outcome(s) on #climate #mitigation based mostly on fieldnotes from COP, focussing on #FossilFuels, #JustTransition & #equity/ambition dichotomy.@TheIndiaForum @girmanipal @CentreMarcBloch @FU_Berlin @NavrozDubash @ClimateDiplo 1/8…
I argue, "Despite alarming evidence about the pace of cc, #COP27 failed to raise mitigation ambition. While the 1.5°C limit was salvaged in the end, the lack of consensus on fossil fuel phase-down/phase-out scuttled the possibility of meaningful action in the coming years." 2/8
Not only are #industrialized countries' mitigation commitments grossly insufficient to meet the 1.5°C limit, their efforts to sidestep their pre-2020 commitments, Paris decisions & delink developing countries' mitigation efforts from #climatefinance dilute #equity. 3/8
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Our new report 'Paris Maligned' finds #oil & #gas🛢️companies are spending vast sums on new #FossilFuel production that will tip the world past #ParisAgreement goals & towards climate catastrophe…
'Paris Maligned' finds #Exxon, #Shell, Total, #Equinor & other companies approved $58bn in investment that is only needed if #oil & #gas demand reaches the point to push global 🌍 temperatures above 2.5°C🌡️…
Thom Allen, #Oil & #Gas Analyst & report author said: “Oil & gas companies are marketing themselves as part of the solution to #ClimateChange, while simultaneously planning production increases that would lead to climate catastrophe"… #BigOil #greenwashing
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Fellow New Yorkers! The NYS Climate Action Council is wrapping up its process for finalizing the Climate Action Plan. Our kids’ futures hang in the balance. This is my message to you and to the members of the Council. 🧵1/27
2/ In the coming weeks we will learn whether our state government is strong enough to stand up to the #fossilfuel industry, or if it will once again bend to the entrenched and powerful.
3/ Eight years ago I sat in a jail cell for 2 weeks to show that our regulatory system was broken—and despite our victory over #fracking in NYS, the system remains vulnerable to the corrupting influence, disinformation campaigns, and political might of the fossil fuel industry.
Read 28 tweets

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