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Recently had my 798th and final week at @theCCCuk. We didn’t get everything right, but I’m sure we helped the UK’s climate journey over those 15 years.

🦣🧵 on the CCC and UK decarbonisation, a story in 3 parts: The Start, The Struggle, and Net Zero
CCC is UK’s independent statutory climate adviser (1st of its kind in world)
Formal role to advise on emissions targets, adaptation plans, and progress v both
Informally, to help the politics and guide the narrative. Most think we did a decent job (quotes GRI_LSE)
A long time ago, UK had a 2050 emissions target of -60% that only covered CO2. Wise folk @friends_earth (@bryworthington) made Big Ask for a climate bill. @lordstern1 & team wrote definitive review showing action better than inaction. @David_Cameron hugged a husky
Read 25 tweets
#Lützerath. German police oust climate activists after clashes near #coal mine | Jan 16
- The village is owned by energy firm #RWE, and the last resident moved out over a year ago
RWE said the coal under the village would be needed as early as this winter.…
#Germany: anti-coal #activists demonstrate in #Lützerath | 14 janv.
- #Thunberg arrested..
- Eleven police officers were injured, including two with work stoppages. A few criminal charges have been filed for resisting law enforcement and damaging property… Image
#CoalMine #Germany: Climate activist G. #Thunberg taken away by #police in #Lützerath | Jan 16
- Thunberg was arrested
- officers cleared around 300 #militants from the western German hamlet of Lützerath…
Read 12 tweets
Read 105 tweets
Sono entrata su twitter per divertirmi e ho scelto di non scrivere nella bio né che mi occupo di ambiente per lavoro né titoli come laurea, Ph.D e master vari, ma il livello di stupidate che sto leggendo da parte dei #negazionisticlimatici mi porta a scrivere alcune cose.
Questa premessa solo per dire che so bene di cosa sto parlando. Facciamo un po' di chiarezza:
1) I #cambiamenticlimatici non sono un problema recente e non sono stati inventati da #greta. Negli anni '70 gli scienziati si sono accorti che la CO2 creata dalle attività dell'uomo
aveva subito un repentivo e imponente incremento a partire dalla rivoluzione industriale. Prima del 1870 la concentrazione di #CO2 era di 280 ppm. A maggio 2022 sono stati raggiunti 440 ppm.
2) Il dato allarmante è soprattutto dovuto all'incremento avvenuto in una scala temporale
Read 11 tweets
Gira nei social un post con #Salvini (che non apprezzo affatto) e #Tartaglia e alcune dichiarazioni sul #nucleare. Quel post è di una ignoranza seconda solo all'ignoranza di chi usa questo genere di post. Spiego meglio qui di seguito

Premetto (anzi, ripeto) che non amo affatto Salvini e credo che le sue frasi pro-nucleare siano solo legate a qualche solito rantolo #sovranista.
Tuttavia mettere la foto di due persone di cui una, magari invisa, che dice qualcosa ritenuta sgradevole

e l'altra persona, magari con un nome e titolo, che dice qualcosa che lo stesso ritiene gradevole, è solo una strategia per irretire ignoranti e bufalari. E per inciso, è una strategia efficace da quel punto di vista.

Read 9 tweets
Thanks to @steve_sedgwick & @cnbcKaren for having me on #CNBC #SquawkBox this AM.

What did we discuss? Well, #inflation of course!

I prepared some slides for the show which I'm happy to present in this thread.
#macro #Fed #Yellen #JeromePowell #bankofengland #QE
Are people in denial or is the #centralbank money flood just drowning all the signals?
#Commodities, #freight, #carbon - and a whole lot besides - sure do cost a lot more, these days.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 20 2021 Johns Hopkins: "#VACCINE DISINFORMATION - the Virality Project & started by #experts from multiple US #academic institutions, is using strategies [] to help #socialmedia platforms counter vaccine mis- & disinformation."

#TeamHalo is partnered w/ #Facebook & #TikTok.
Virality Project Weekly Briefing 13-Mar 23 2021:

"Anti-vax websites, including @ChildrensHD
reprinted the art. on Mar. 16. Various
anti-vax articles covering this have received 1.1K FB interactions combined & have been
shared across anti-vax Telegram groups w/ [] 82.6K users."
Those serving #people are framed as "conspiracy theorists", "anti-vaccine activists", & "anti-vaxx influencers". Those serving #capital, advocating experimental vaccines be tested on whole populations & children are "health & wellness influencers."
Read 7 tweets
Global Citizen #storytelling w/ #Greta™️

Youth populations, largely impervious to #COVID19, should avoid the experimental jab at all costs.

#Commonsense over influencers serving capital.

Sidenote: #JohnsonandJohnson is a #GlobalCitizen core partner.
Q: "What is this content piece?"

A: "Our journalism-based, reported stories keep Global Citizens all over the world informed on the important advancements of achieving the #GlobalGoals."

"Global Goals", also known as UN #SDGs must be recognized/understood as #emergingmarkets.
The #WorldEconomicForum officially partnered with the United Nations on June 11, 2019. It now serves at the helm of implementation of the "#GlobalGoals".

#3: "Good #Health & Well-being". Trillions are riding on the vaccine market & future of #biotech. This chart is from 2016.
Read 4 tweets
Polizist auf #Querdenken-Bühne #Karlsruhe:
"... ich guck ziemlich tief rein in die Giftbrühen, die in den Fraktionen und überhaupt im #Bundestag stattfinden. Es gibt weitere Stimmen, die sagen, das ist eigentlich die beste Staatsschauspielschule... Bundestag."

#Corona-Kritik? 🤷‍♂️
Das war kurz, nachdem er eine große Verschwörung der Polizei Berlin "aufgedeckt" hat, bei der die Besetzung der Reichstagstreppe bei #b2908 angeblich bewusst für den Innensenator so erlaubt worden ist. Weil Querdenken zu friedlich gewesen sein (wenn ich seine krude Logik versteh)
#Merkel von "kritischem Polizist" in #Karlsruhe #AfD-like gedisst (FDJ etc.) #KA3110 und

"Innenminister mit Machtvollkommenheiten ausgestattet, wir müssen nicht die Analogie zu Nazi-Deutschland ziehen, das reicht, was hier... an Tunnelungen in Rechtsstaatlichkeit... stattfindet.
Read 9 tweets
St #Greta of #Davos in a vision to the faithful, showering us with more of her incomparable insights into the evils afflicting our world.
#KlausSchwab of the #WEF is SUCH a genius at mass programming. #Climate #COVID19(84) & all the -Isms being forged into chains of #Green&Red
And - as predicted by yours truly a couple of years ago - the evil minds behind this now want to use #crypto/#blockchain to track everyone on the planet under the pretext of delivering the mythical #COVID19(84) #vaccine. Image
One jab to rule them all; One jab to find them
One jab to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.
In the Land of #Davos where the Shadows lie.
Read 5 tweets
#DarkNetflix Es la serie que conecta el pasado, presente y futuro en un circulo sin principio ni final.

No importando ¿Dónde? sino ¿Cuándo?

Las preguntas que se originen seran contestada a lo largo de este hilo

[HiLo] Image
La historia se desarrolla en un pueblo llamado #Winden, donde funciona una planta nuclear.

Muy cerca a la planta existe una cueva que contiene un agujero de gusano que conecta el pasado con el presente. ImageImageImage
En el pueblo habitan 4 familias

Los #Nielsen.
Los #Kahnwald.
Los #Tiedemann.
Los #Doppler. ImageImageImageImage
Read 269 tweets
If you're under 20, you haven't had much of career. Nor will you, if people like Murray & the other #Greens have their way. You won't own a car, be able to fly, or eat meat. The power supply will be intermittent and very expensive....
You will be forcibly #vaccinated, chipped like a dog & constantly monitored in the confines of your '#smartcity'. Your #UniversalBasicIncome will be delivered as a #cryptocurrency with steep rates of inbuilt decay and will effect both #carbon rationing and...
...the imposition of #NewNormal social rules. These will see instant fines levied if you say or write anything against the #GreatReset's stifling Marxist orthodoxy. You will be summoned to communal displays of #wokeness every evening at 6pm: compliance will be mandatory and ...
Read 6 tweets
We really DO have less than 12 months to “Save the Planet”
#KlausSchwab’s push for Crony Communism goes into overdrive, conflating #Climate, #COVID19 & -inevitably- racism to usher in a Global ‘Stakeholder’ Soviet at #Davos 2021.
As well as the Useful Idiots like Charles Windsor, and the Lear-jet Leninists who populate the C-Suites, he’s enlisting a Red Guard of ‘Global Shapers’ and wiring them in to digitally harass the dissenters at the next meeting. #wef21
Enjoy your #NewNormal folks - Gore, Soros, Carney, Thunberg, Bergoglio & Sharpton to be your new rulers. ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
On March 26 2020 the Club of Rome published an open letter: Call to Action from the Planetary Emergency Partnership*: Emerging from the Planetary Emergency and partnering between People and Nature"…
"#Covid19 has shown us that overnight transformational change is possible. A different world, a different economy is suddenly dawning."

The transformational change consists of a multi-pronged global transformation. The finalization of nature (#NewDealForNature) & reboot to #4IR.
First signatories to the open letter include Christiana Figueres, Sandrine Dixson (Co-President of The Club of Rome) Kate Raworth, Johan Rockström (#CI), & Hunter Lovins.

#4IR #SmartCities
Read 27 tweets
A few comments is response to "Planet of the Humans". Gibbs (& Zehner) slay many "green energy" myths once & for all – while exposing the foundation "movements" as part & parcel of industry/capital & ruling classes – which they are.
Added caveat: Industrial civ. is destroying all life on Earth. Human destruction of #biodiversity is not created equally: "Tribal peoples are the best conservationists & guardians of the natural world, & 80% of our planet’s #biodiversity is found in #tribal territories."
Link to caveat:…

"An analysis of #population growth that accounts for the vast differences in consumption across #class & region is critical in examining the worldwide environmental crisis."

Follow @StephenCorrySvl, @cordeliers & others.
Read 18 tweets
THREAD: the fight after the next will be trying to keep politicians sane, assuming they will see reason between now and that point in the future. #GreenNewDeal #ESG #italy #COVID19 (1/10)
What you see above is the environmental effect of bringing my poor country's productive private economy, slowly moving forward on all four since 2008, to a screeching halt. It is also the avowed objective of #EUCO before this balloon went up.(2/10)
Now admittedly this was a bit sudden: a decade of future economic repression in ten days doesn't happen often. But do not expect the effects in terms of dislocation to be much milder or different. Politicians blush when you ask for cost benefit analysis. @CarloStagnaro (3/10)
Read 11 tweets

In reality, the trademark should be property of those that created the brand. Namely, We Mean Business in partnership with the #UN & partner, World Economic Forum.

Callum Grieve: We Mean Business architect. Thunberg handler. #Branding expert.…
We Mean Business: 1,176 corporations rep. 24.8 trillion market cap.

Aside from how ridiculous it is to feign disapproval that a #brand created by/serving the most powerful institutions/ corporations on the planet is being misused, I want to touch upon a couple of things.
Jan 29 2020, GT: "I apologize to anyone who has been contacted - and even misled - by this kind of behavior."

Sep 25 2019, GT: " clothes, my behaviour and my differences. They come up with every thinkable lie and conspiracy theory."

1) behavior
2) behaviour

Read 13 tweets
Widerstehe ja schon seit Stunden dem Impuls, das Bild von #Greta in der Bahn zu nutzen, um unseren @krautreporter-Artikel anzuteasern, der praktischerweise alle wichtigen Fragen zur Bahn beantwortet.…
@krautreporter (weiß grad nicht, auf welchem meta-stand die Diskussion ist. war das schon meta genug?)
Manchmal einfach sehr hartes leben als social Media Redakteur
Read 3 tweets
Waited until #Greta Thunberg left North America to do this.

What Rebel Media did when she was in Edmonton was worse than despicable, it was dangerous.

Check these images, esp the 2nd. 1/
These are from Rebel’s YouTube video on Keean Bexte’s confrontation of Thunberg in her hotel.

It has over 1 million views. 2/
Bexte films the exterior of Thunberg’s hotel, AND THE CAR SHE’S TRAVELLING IN.

He describes it as a Tesla, showing the out of province plates. Shows image of her father.


Then uploads it to the web for Rebel’s 1.3 M subscribers. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Preiserhöhungen wegen CO2, die vor allem die untere Mittelschicht treffen, werden das Fass zum Überlaufen bringen. Keine Ahnung, was dann passiert, aber so wird es sein.

#fridaysforfutures #Greta #GretaThunberg
Es gibt so eine Schicht, es ist nicht d.Unterschicht,die ist zu träge und zu müde,um kollektiv aufzubegehren,es ist d. untere Mittelschicht,die gefährlich werden kann.Sie arbeitet, hält unten den Laden am Laufen und hat sich e.bescheidenen Wohlstand erarbeitet.

Wenn man ihr diesen bescheidenen Wohlstand nimmt, weil die Privilegierte und deren Kinder das beschließen, dann wird es krachen, wie es in Deutschland schon lange nicht mehr gekracht hat.

#fridaysforfuture #Greta #GretaThunberg
Read 4 tweets
I don’t know if it’s being forced to watch the frequency at which deeper and more widespread saltwater inundation is impacting some neighborhoods in South Florida, or if it’s the inner demons released when teenagers like #Greta admonish adults, but this fall ...

I’ve had an inordinate number of, um, skeptics (I’m trying to be kind) bending themselves into pretzels trying to contradict what we in #miami and Fort Lauderdale are plainly seeing with our own eyes:

the cities are under siege from the surging seas.

They throw around all their expertly-gathered (#sarcasm) alternative facts, like “what do you expect when you build on a swamp?” Let me enlighten you:

Read 12 tweets
Le nouveau visage du climato-scepticisme, de l'immobilisme climatique.
Le roi de l'hyperbole et de l'amalgame se sert d'un troll de l'#AltRight américaine #EatTheBabies pour faire peur à ses ouailles, et ça marche! 90% de ses followers tombent dans le panneau de cette #FakeNews.
On peut se demander pourquoi il n'a pas vu l'énormité du troll dans la vidéo.
Quand bien même cela aurait été "vrai", prendre l'exemple d'une folle dans un meeting pour dénigrer l'action de la petite #Greta, c'était déjà petit.
Et rt un journaliste du DailyWire climatosceptique !
Donc voilà le doc pris à relayer une #Fakenews "qui fait peur" comme les fans de #Trump, produite par l'#AltRight via LarouchePAC, un groupe qui lutte contre le "Green Fascism" du #GIEC/ @IPCC_CH et des scientifiques du climat, en les traitant de "nazis".
Read 8 tweets
#Bolsonaro, dice che l'#Amazzonia non è patrimonio dell'umanità, mentre altri vorrebero sversare acque radioattive in mare, altri ancora non firmano i trattati sulle riduzione delle emissioni nocive. Tutto questo ha una logica in effetti ed è la mancanza di una visione globale.>>
Ognuno resta asserragliato nel proprio recinto, di cui rivendica le caratteristiche etniche, culturali, razziali direi, spesso in guerra col vicino di turno, per ampliare il recinto o appropriarsi delle materie prime, necessarie alla propria crescita o meglio espansione, >>
aiutato da alleati opportunisti e pronti a dividere il bottino.
Tanti piccoli feudi, governati con metodi immutabilmente ciechi, incentrati sul dominio di pochi, a vantaggio di pochissimi.
In tutti i paesi del mondo, più o meno, la dinamica è identica.
La chiameremo teoria >>
Read 24 tweets
De hartverscheurende toespraak van #GretaThunberg voor de #VN was voor mij de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen.
Nu op #Saltmines mijn artikel over dit #kindermisbruik waar massaal voor gejuicht wordt.
Voor kinderen met #Asperger is de wereld moeilijk te begrijpen.
Ze zijn niet dom, maar toch lijkt er geen verband tussen zaken te zijn, er gebeuren voortdurend onverwachte dingen, en ze leven in een #chaos die verlammend en beangstigend kan zijn.
Anderen lijken wel te snappen hoe de wereld werkt.
Hoe kan het dat al die anderen allerlei ongeschreven regels zomaar kennen en toepassen? Hoe weten zij de weg in de wereld?
Als iedereen de weg weet, en jij niet, levert dat een hoop eenzaamheid, angst en onzekerheid op.
Read 21 tweets

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