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Oct 2nd 2022
#Breaking #Update #Mars #Thread

India’s Mars Orbiter Mission — #MOM — which was designed to last for 6 months when launched on Nov 5, 2013, has lost communication with the ground station, bringing an end to its life after 8 long years. 1/n

Pics: 1st image & Mars dust (isro)
@isro is working out the details of whether the spacecraft ran out of fuel and battery power, or whether communication was lost because of an automated manoeuvre while moving out of a long eclipse changing the direction of the antenna. 2/n
However, multiple sources confirmed that it would not be possible to recover the spacecraft. Isro’s UR Rao Satellite Centre (URSC) director on September 27 communicated the same and Isro will officially announce it soon, a scientist said. 3/n
Read 11 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
Today is an hot day, not only for temperatures, but also for economic data.

Follow me meanwhile I unroll all the new prints we had today

Super important thread on #inflation and the #housing #market

Lot of metrics to cover, get comfortable and get ready

🤓🧵 Image
#CPI prints:



#Canada YoY

#Canada MoM

Let's unpack it briefly
With a 9.4% UK finds itself on the firsts European (continent) Countries that are approaching double digits #inflation, and with the lack of haste in interventions on the #monetary #policies side, the #peak #inflation seems still far away. Let alone the MoM momentum, still high
Read 20 tweets
May 9th 2022
@Gialde @SiryjVovk @goblin_skreech @girlgeek_rva @resist_cynicism @jdgtranen There were no forced vaccines.
And also have you seen a needle four inches in diameter? I haven’t.
The forced movement of a 4 inch circle of your molecules is called physical trauma, and must be consensual or its assault. #ForcedBirth
Do you have any
questions about vaccines?
@Gialde @SiryjVovk @goblin_skreech @girlgeek_rva @resist_cynicism @jdgtranen The reason I keep bringing up the physical process of birth, is bc moving 4 square in. of your body out of the way, can kill you.
It causes permanent disability, long term healthcare costs, long healing periods away from work or family care issues. Can’t chase suicidal kids, etc
@Gialde @SiryjVovk @goblin_skreech @girlgeek_rva @resist_cynicism @jdgtranen Have you ever had major surgery?
Afterwards you are not allowed to get out of bed or you could pop stitches and die of internal bleeding. They tell you to hold still as much as possible.
Now add on a baby that needs liquid feces cleaned out of his hair. How do you do that still?
Read 18 tweets
Mar 7th 2022
I'm doing some research on supporting Manager of Managers, hence forwards on #MoM Currently split into two different themes - 1) Similar, but moar (sic)! and 2) Very different
Let's talk about #MoM theme 1. Firstly, context switching. If you move from IC -> EM, you inevitably have more meetings. As you move from EM -> #MoM, this amplifies. You're now having meetings across different teams (often working on different topics), but to mention inter-dept
If you don't like context switching, you're going to hate being a #MoM
Read 31 tweets
Nov 30th 2021
@albertaparent @PipSyyyv @Kaelwritesblog @mollyfleck @clhubes Actually thats true.

The brain can be convinced that voices are happening when they’re not, amputated limbs are present, physical impossibilities are real, and its all because of two trainable parts of our wiring: The subconscious and the logical processing center. 🧵
@albertaparent @PipSyyyv @Kaelwritesblog @mollyfleck @clhubes Some people need help w physical processes for birth and thats okay and good and normal and I’m thankful for #Science and the #medicalcommunity which makes assistance and even accessibility better for everybody.
All birth stories are good.
You can not fuck up birth…
@albertaparent @PipSyyyv @Kaelwritesblog @mollyfleck @clhubes There ARE things we can do to prepare for the physical, mental, and environmental challenges that will be unexpected, change very quickly, and involve a complete loss of control which you just kinda have to TRUST won’t kill you. Birth is like falling asleep w trust you won’t die.
Read 19 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
Sorry to send this kind of thing to you, but THIS is what's upsetting parents.1st #Mom speaking is the one who took the photo of the DHS & other unmarked federal cars, plus helicopter surveilling FairfaxCounty schoolboard mtg. @TomCottonAR @MarshaBlackburn 2nd is @AsraNomani
That is the offensive material, but based on the #CRT #CulturalReeducationTraining schools use to induce "correct thinking" in children, & gender instruction, they data mine & profile children. This should require parental consent, same for indoctrination.…
It is in NJ also, why Murphy just squeeked through. Mark Zuckerberg is a partner with Garland's son-in-law. He absolutely MUST step down. Democratic women are turning to Republicans because Democrats will NOT do ANYTHING to protect these children, instead harrass/arrest #Parents
Read 7 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
@MercuryVirginia Never any book ban. That claim was fact checked by Post as 4 Pinnochios false. Here are #facts below. The #Mom was fine teaching abt slavery, the holocaust, but NOT graphic descriptions of bestiality. #RVA @RTDNEWS #rvacouncil @FreePressRVA @myVPM @NBC12 @CBS6
Historical inaccuracy in #CRT which was created by a journalist, not a historian. Columbus was not responsible for decline in Native Americans. Spanish Conquistadors Cortez, Pisarro, disease brought by Europeans, slaughter by US Gens Sherman & Custer , tho Custer got his.
@MercuryVirginia This chart from VaGA's JLC but kept very quiet by Dems, Virginia underperformed US economy last 9 years, 80+% under McAuliffe & Northam. Click to see entire chart. Va dropped from No 1 in technology workers, Va's rank since 90s when tech got started, to No 3 now Image
Read 5 tweets
May 5th 2021
We need a simple name for the substantially hereditary plutocratic techno-pharma-CIA-FBI-finance-globalist-atheist-media-racialist-nihilist oligopoly death cult that rules us 👹

If only because of the character limit
I think Laurie Anderson almost nailed it in "O Superman" (1982) when she called it, "Mom"
She focused, of course, being a liberal in the 80's, too much on the military.

We know now that they don't really give orders, and they in fact *loyally* obey them (from Mom, that is, not from the CIC)

🖐🏻But she absolutely nailed, "The hand that takes"🖐🏻
Read 5 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
1/ Home w my 84 y/o Mom for 1st time since 2019 because of #COVID19…She raised 3 of us alone on $17k/yr as a lit teacher after dad left. A few things she’s said that are hilarious... Image
2/ Today we saw an classmate from my grade school & Mom didn’t remember her.

Me: “Mom, she’s really smart, wise, kind, & gentle of heart.”

Mom: “So I guess that’s why you didn’t hang out with her much.”

😳 Zing!
3/ Mom thinking 🤔 ...“Wes, remember when I got us a tent to take you kids camping? I had you set it up in the backyard to make sure we knew how. Then I thought, ‘Hmm, this is good...why don’t you 3 just live out here from now on!’”
Read 6 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
🚨🎄#Christmas #Help🎄🚨

We only have 2 #families left 2 be sponsored for this #HolidaySeason

If you want to help a #family be #sponsored, please call the HHCC team at 403-608-7224 for more info!

Family information for each family is below!

#PleaseDonate #AlbertaCares #YYC
Family 1:

#FrontlineWorkers #Mom is on the #Frontline at a local #Hospital.

#Dad is a maintenance worker that worked for #WestJet, he was laid off. (He’s been #LaidOff since May of #2020.

This #Family has 4 #Children & #Pets.

They are looking to be #Sponsored for #Christmas
Family 2:

#Dad is a #FRONTLINE #Worker.

#Mom was a #Waitress until she was laid off in #April of #2020. The #restaurant #ClosedDown

There are 5 children ages 7 months to 8 years.

They too are #Looking to be #Sponsored for #Christmas this #HolidaySeason.

#CalgaryCares #YYC
Read 7 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
2020 has been #madness, so let's dive down a rabbit hole of good vibes and inspiration. I give you: #Mom Blogs to Follow for 2021 -- A Thread.
@faustisland is a photography goddess and queen of the #SaltLife I am jealous of their beach mail penpal.
@fortbirthday is a rockstar #twinmom, adaptive handywoman and willing to take a stab at just about anything. She started after keeping her boys' birthday fort up and maintained for over a year.🤯
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Jun 3rd 2020
Today is the 3rd #AmphibianWeek day and the theme is:

Amazing #Amphibian Facts

Create your own publication about it and tag us, so we can share it!

Did you know that amphibians can be great mothers? Follow this thread to learn more!

Image ©Davidvraju Image
"When it comes to dedicated mothering, #caecilians have got us beat. These tube-like #amphibians sacrifice the very skin off their backs (and pretty much everywhere else) to keep their squirming offspring well-fed".
"When a #mama caecilian is taking care of a brood, she grows an extra-thick outer layer of skin that's rich in nutrients and fat. Her writhing mass of noodle-like babies use specially adapted teeth to tuck into #mom's fat suit, using a "death roll" technique".
Read 6 tweets
May 29th 2020
#QuarantineWatchParty #onlyfans #news #newnormal
Let me share some things with you, I'll do my best to put it into words,and Let those the Creator of all Reality our Heavenly Father should have to see, see. Today we're going to talk about #Letters and stuff. #alphabetsoup
Let's look at a more controversial Alphabet, #Hebrew, where we even get the English word above from, Aleph Beth. Remember #children #Layers meanings within meanings #hmmyeeealright
So what letters stand out to you? Tha's nice, those which I noticed most are T-taw, Q-Qoph, And W - Waw or is that a Y, why oh me oh my? #WhyWomenKill #Youtube #Y
Read 25 tweets
May 10th 2020
Happy Mother's Day! ❤️ Image
"When it comes to dedicated mothering, #caecilians have got us beat. These tube-like #amphibians sacrifice the very skin off their backs (and pretty much everywhere else) to keep their squirming offspring well-fed".
"When a #mama caecilian is taking care of a brood, she grows an extra-thick outer layer of skin that's rich in nutrients and fat. Her writhing mass of noodle-like babies use specially adapted teeth to tuck into #mom's fat suit, using a "death roll" technique".
Read 6 tweets
May 10th 2020
Help celebrate Mother's Day by learning #upstandertips on how to support #ProtectiveMoms whose efforts to protect our children are weaponized against us in family court. Here is a list of all the episodes you can listen to better understand the systemic gender bias we face. 1/
Episode 6: #SurvivorStories episode w/"Elizabeth"
Episode 20: #SurvivorStories Series with Rosaura Torres Thomas, author of "Abuse Hidden Behind the Badge" Episode 30: #SurvivorStories Series with Anita Gera on The misuse of the Hague Convention to harm children @anitasgera 2/
Episode 31: #SurvivorStories Series w/ "Caitlin" on the dangers of "shared parenting" for survivors & children
Episode 32: #SurvivorStories with Lana on her "Sophie's Choice" to protect her daughter from CSA
Episode 35: #SurvivorStories Series with Maria Santiago 3/
Read 13 tweets
Oct 18th 2019
Story of a Child with DLD :

1) late talking/sentences
2) simple limited vocabulary
3) masked in school with animation instead of words ‘funny boy’
4) the word ‘thing’ was the main noun used
5) copied friends work or asked friends to explain
6) distressed independent working
7) distracted in class poor attention
8) Perceived as lazy by teacher and reprimanded
9) anxiety about school and meltdowns started
10) friendship issues as didn’t understand metaphors/sarcasm
11) instances of bullying from yr 4
12) long period of no intervention as parents seek help o/side school
13)start of school refusal - TA removes son from car footwell every morning - meltdowns witnessed by younger sibling - finds distressing often late into school as result of situation
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May 12th 2019
“Honor your father & mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land” Ephesians 6:2&3

Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise"
Mothers bind the family together.
Mother's Day in Hebrew is יוֹם אמ
The word for Mother in Hebrew is (Haim or Em) אמ
Aleph א = Strong Leader = Pictograph is an Ox
Mem מ = through chaotic waters = Pictograph is wave
#MothersDay #CallMom
Mothers are like a Dam.

They not only holds back the waters but she portions out the blessing that waters brings.

A real stalwart dam is also a place of energy production.

She is able to take the negative chaos and turn it into positive energy.
Happy Mother's Day!
יוֹם אמ
Read 8 tweets
May 11th 2019
#Thread: Why are people #antivax? My mom's answer to "why?" has changed over time. When I was young, she told me that she was more worried about #vaccine side effects than she was about me catching a vax preventable disease (#VPD).
As I've asked her about the issue over time & pushed back against some of her beliefs, she's given me a lot of different answers:
false link to #autism;
fear that babies' immune systems aren't developed enough to handle so many shots at once;
"Big Pharma;"
Overall, she had a gut feeling when she first became a #mom that #vaccines are scary & if anything happened to me because she vaccinated, she'd feel guilty.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 15th 2019
Tweeps, have you been to the landmark @LouvreAbuDhabi #Louvre #AbuDhabi? No worries. Got @twitter. Had the chance to visit while in the #UAE for the @MilkenInstitute #MIGlobal #MENASummit. Follow this thread for a #TwitterTour of highlights.… #art #museum
Hello #LouvreAbuDhabi! @LouvreAbuDhabi ~ in all directions, the #magic of art & creativity on display. Crossing borders. Crossing cultures. #artmatters #museumlove
#Stunning. This two-headed figure is one of the oldest monumental statues in the history of humanity. It is some 8500 years old. On display at the @LouvreAbuDhabi. 👥

@VisitAbuDhabi #AbuDhabi #LouvreAbuDhabi
Read 50 tweets
Nov 27th 2018
Sharing #MyStory as an #international #immigrant a part of @IWS_Network #Voices without #Frontiers initiative! As a #scientist and an advocate for #workplaceequality, I believe in the power of stories. #IWS #VoicesIWS #SayItForward #WomenInspire #WomeninScience #WomenInSTEM
As a child, how would you have liked moving schools in new cities with different cultures every 2-4 years?

Growing up in the #IndianArmy, I absolutely loved it! By the time I was 18, we had moved over 9 times across 9 states! #Diversity #India #TravelTuesday #IWS #VoicesIWS
My #memories of #India include sunny days, welcoming people, rich heritage, vibrant colors, abundant fruits and mouth-watering street food! #IWS #VoicesIWS
Read 39 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
Robert Fisk’s latest “EXCLUSIVE” reveals just how little he knows about #Syria's opposition, its foreign relations & support networks.

Gloss over inaccuracies & he’s “revealed” what we've known for yrs - #Saudi backed the multilateral MOC, arming #FSA.…
#pt: #Saudi was a principle backer of the MOC; a multilateral structure created to centrally coordinate armed support to [extensively] pre-vetted #FSA groups in northern #Syria.

120mm M75 mortars were one of many systems provided through MOC channels - inc. to units in #Aleppo.
#pt: The purchase of arms from E. European states by countries backing #MOC (& #MOM in the south) has been extensively documented - it’s not a secret.

+ #Fisk’s portrayal of #Aleppo in late-2016 is insanely inaccurate - #ISIS had *0* presence & #Nusra was about 1% of fighters.
Read 5 tweets

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