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„Hohes Risiko für Autoimmunerkrankungen nach #COVID19

Dank der weltweiten Impfanstrengungen ist die #COVID19-bedingte Sterblichkeit zurückgegangen, aber wir beobachten weiterhin eine beträchtliche Morbidität und erhöhte Raten von Post-COVID-19-Erkrankungen…

#LongCovid #Corona Image
und insbesondere neu auftretende Autoimmun- und Entzündungskrankheiten bei Personen, die COVID-19 hatten. Das Spektrum und die Häufigkeit dieser Post-COVID-19-Erkrankungen wurden jetzt in zwei großen retrospektiven Kohortenstudien aufgezeigt.
Auf der Grundlage des zeitlichen Zusammenhangs mit einer Vorgeschichte von COVID-19 liefern sie überzeugende und zuverlässige Beweise dafür, dass eine SARS-CoV-2-Infektion mit einem erheblich erhöhten Risiko für die Entwicklung verschiedener neu auftretender Autoimmunerkrankungen
Read 6 tweets
This is a highly relevant study from Japan on #Dysautonomia, #gAchR antibodies and #FND!

I'll explain why it's important and what it means in clinical terms. 1/🧵

#MedTwitter #NeuroTwitter @Dysautonomia…
@Dysautonomia What the study found:
✅ Out of 59 patients who qualified for #FND diagnosis by DSMV criteria, 88% had autonomic symptoms!!!
✅ 27% were positive for ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibody (gAchR Ab) via LIPS assay.
✅ 50% had #POTS.
✅ 50% had orthostatic hypotension.
@Dysautonomia Why is this important?
✅ Our patients are often misdiagnosed with #FND, and this study proves that.
✅ When #FND is diagnosed, treatment is psychotherapy & physical therapy, which is not a treatment for #Dysautonomia.
✅ We MUST identify and treat #Dysautonomia symptoms.
Read 4 tweets
Sehr aktueller Preprint zu #longcovid und #Genalayse und #GProteinGekoppelteRezeptoren

Kurze Zusammenfassung / Short summary of this data analysis

Long COVID: G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) responsible for persistent post-COVID symptoms…
Durch computergestützte Methoden wurden 255 #LongCOVID-#Symptome analysiert und die dazu relevanten Gene identifiziert.

This work utilised computational methods to analyse the persistence of COVID symptoms after recovery and to identify the relevant genes.
Protein-protein interaction network overview. Nodes = proteins, edges represent the interaction between two nodes (proteins). The top 10 key hub #genes of 255 symptoms of #longcovid are related to G-protein coupled receptors shown in circular nodes in pink.
Read 11 tweets
🧵Microbiota: can they prevent #TID?
Incidence of T1D is rising particularly in the young.
Environmental factors could drive this pattern observed across the globe.
-N. Hanssen

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 1/n
Microbiota: can they prevent #TID?
+ rapid destruction of #BetaCells in kids than adults.
#PwD with residual beta cells have higher #TIR.
-N. Hanssen

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 2/n
Microbiota: can they prevent #TID?
Poor discrimination between self/not self [#autoimmunity] happens with loss of gut microbiome.
-N. Hanssen

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 3/n
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1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on the Pathophysiology of #DKD in #T2D: Traditional Teaching and New Insights. Our expert author is Hans-Joachim Anders, MD, @hjanders_hans from @LMU_Uniklinikum of @LMU_Muenchen
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on the foundations of #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at Faculty disclosures & accreditation statement are at FOLLOW US!
Read 48 tweets
A long thread 👇🏼:
I would like to share with you my latest review article. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has long been known to be behind the development of autoimmune diseases, cancer and is even suspected to be behind the development of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/… (1)
…Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Long COVID. But it is still unclear what pathways it uses.

In this review I describe how the possession of certain ancestral HLA-II alleles (a system used by our immune system to recognize which proteins are foreign,… (2)
…such as pathogens, and which are not) makes the individual genetically weak to control EBV latent cells, thus developing different diseases. EBV infects B cells through a protein on its surface called gp42, which allows it to bind to HLA-II molecules on the B cell surface. (3)
Read 23 tweets
💥NEW PREPRINT from Harvard: #viralpersistence #LongCovid

Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae

2/ Plasma samples were collected from a cohort of 63 individuals previously infected with #SARSCoV2, 37 of whom were diagnosed with #LongCovid (PASC) & 26 recovered.
3/ In the PASC group (n=37) , blood samples were collected multiple times up to 12 months after first positive result.

In those individuals recovered (n=26), blood samples were collected up to 5 months post diagnosis.
Read 14 tweets
1/ Important thread.

Why UK government failure to acknowledge & invest in #LongCovid will have irreparable health & economic consequences. 🧵

@Conservatives @UKLabour @LibDems @LSHTM @markjit @AnnaVassall
2/ In April 2021, #LongCovidKids hand delivered letters to Prime Minister, @BorisJohnson, requesting investment & treatment for #LongCovid.
Read 23 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on the Pathophysiology of #DKD in #T2D: Traditional Teaching and New Insights. Our expert author is Hans-Joachim Anders, MD, @hjanders_hans from @LMU_Uniklinikum of @LMU_Muenchen
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on the foundations of #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇬🇧🇨🇦. Past programs still eligible for credit are at Faculty disclosures are at FOLLOW US for regular programs by expert faculty!
Read 48 tweets
#2 B-COMPLEX/MULTI VITAMIN. Buy a liposomal or other form that increases bio-availability. Take 1 capsule w/Breakfast and Lunch. If you have stomach upset, try sublingual (under tongue) EZ Melt B-Complex in AM & Multi w/iron for Dinner.…
#3 OMEGA 3s. Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Algae Oil are all good sources of Omega 3. Be careful the EPA/DHA ratio. EPA helps with inflammation/DHA helps with cognition. You need both! Opt for a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA (2:1 ratio eg. 800 DHA/400EPA)…
Read 93 tweets
I am a doctor who contracted covid caring for covid patients at work. Failure to provide RPE left me and my colleagues knowingly exposed to deadly airborne pathogen. Previously fit and well, no co-morbidities, I am a shell of my former self. 🧵 @LaylaMoran @AppgCoronavirus 1/10
Diagnoses so far include, encephalitis, central sleep apnoea, myopericarditis, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, dysautomnia, POTs, PEM/PESE. 14 mths into this illness, I am still housebound. 2/10
After dedicating the last decade of my life to becoming a doctor & placing myself into significant debt, I now face the threat of dismissal. 3/10
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Thyroid as a #target of adjuvant #autoimmunity /#infammatory syndrome due to mRNA‐based SC2 vaccination.
#Vaccines contain #adjuvants which are not exempt from adverse efects and can #trigger the autoimmune/infammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (#ASIA). Image
Multiple endocrine organs have receptors for ACE2.
mRNA of ACE2, the SARS-CoV2 receptor, is expressed in the thyroid cells.
ACE2 receptor is abundantly expressed by the thyroid. Elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines could increase the expression ofACE2 on the thyroidgland.
ASIA covers a wide range of diseases like macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome, post-vaccination phenomena, #GulfWar syndrome #GWS and Silicosis.
After mass vaccination with SARS-CoV2 vaccines, some cases of Graves’ disease have been reported. #Grave ‘s disease after #Pfizer.
Read 14 tweets
What happens if we allow #SARS2 to become endemic? What’s going to happen to us & what’s going to happen to the virus?

If we allow it to become endemic—and some would argue that it is already endemic—this does not mean that it is going to attenuate, not whatsoever. 1/
It is not true that more transmissible versions of #SARS2 will be more benign. What we are seeing is more aggressive, more transmissible versions which are creating more severe illness. And the virus is still adapting to our physiology. It’s doing it at a fantastic rate 2/
What we’re going to see is that it will continue to work against our immune systems, meaning become more immune evasive. It’s going to become more chronic as an infection. 3/
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Mark Davis now. He's talking about celiac (severe gluten intolerance/sensitivity). He found that gluten-specific CD4+ T cells were directly associated with the response. (1/6) #fatigue #celiac #autoimmunity
Interestingly, they're mentioning elevated KIR+ CD8+ cells in autoimmunity. KIR is typically thought of as a marker for NKCs, & associated with their maturation (me saying this, not M Davis). Intriguing, then, that KIR+ CD8+ cells are associated w/autoimmunity... (2/6) #fatigue
...when decreased function of NKCs is associated with ME/CFS. Moreover, perforin (a compound created by NKCs and often a way of measuring their functionality) (3/6) #MECFS #immunology #fatigue
Read 11 tweets
@MBVanElzakker and I are excited that our new paper on biological factors that may contribute to the development of LongCovid/PASC was published today:…
2/ The paper details mechanisms by which RNA #viruses beyond just #SARS-CoV-2 have be connected to long-term health consequences.
3/ It also reviews literature on acute #COVID-19 and other virus-initiated chronic syndromes such as post-#Ebola syndrome or #ME/CFS to discuss different scenarios for #LongCovid/#PASC symptom development.
Read 10 tweets
A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image
Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
The influence of #HLA genotype on the severity of #COVID19 infection
A genetic link has been discovered explaining why some people catch #Covid but don't get sick. The gene is found three times as often in people who are #asymptomatic. Image
Read 199 tweets
#CDC has recently reported myocarditis & pericarditis cases following #mRNA #vaccination in adolescents & young adults in the US. Are these the first reported cases of cardiac involvement following mRNA vaccines? 1/…
Fortunately, these incidents are extremely rare events. But, have the agencies overlooked earlier signals? Are these cases indeed related to mRNA vaccines? Are the vaccines responsible? If yes, what could be the probable mechanism? 2/
Few cases of post-vaccination myocarditis, heart failure & heart attacks have been reported in #Israel since December soon after the launch of #Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Health officials referred them as “A murky wave of heart attacks” 3/…
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🔝5 Concerns about #SARSCoV2 #Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate, and Revise Policy─This review is intended both as a basic resource and to initiate an open and critical dialog about SARS-CoV-2 biology for an independent and public call to action.…
Structural basis of ribosomal #frameshifting during translation of the #SARSCoV2 #RNA #genome
A unique feature of the SARS-CoV-2 genome controls protein synthesis and presents an "Achilles heel" of the virus. Image
Brainstem neuropathology in two cases of #COVID19: #SARSCoV2 trafficking between #brain and #lung
Neuropathologic evidence strongly suggests that the pathophysiology of COVID-19 related respiratory failure includes a neurogenic component. Image
Read 213 tweets
This tweet thread is about the #Covid_19: Updates from Singapore webinar on 26 Feb 2021

I've been busy so this is ~ a month after

It will be followed by a tweet thread documenting a more recent episode that was last week
#Covid_19 : Updates from Singapore is a webinar organised by @WHOGOARN and @NUSMedicine

And moderated by @profdalefisher, Prof. David Allen, and Dr. Louisa Sun
We are joined tonight by Dr. Peter Karim Ben Embarek
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Reducing #COVID19 #Airborne #Transmission Risks on #PublicTransportation Buses
Wearing of #facemasks reduced the overall particle count released into the bus by an average of 50%, the dispersion distance by several feet and #aerosol particles by 84.36%. Image
🔝#SARSCoV2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis
#COVID19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction. Details of how #coronavirus infects #heart: models of tissue damage may help develop potential therapies. Image
High-content screening of coronavirus genes for innate immune suppression reveals enhanced potency of SARS-CoV-2 proteins
196 protein products of seven coronaviruses: the genes encoded by #SARSCoV2 are generally more potent immune suppressors than others Image
Read 236 tweets
⚠️#Ocular #MRI Findings in Patients with Severe #COVID19: A Retrospective Multicenter Observational Study
All patients had nodules in the macular region, 8/9 (89%) had bilateral nodules, 2/9 (22%) had nodules outside the macular region. Screening needed. Image
⚠️🔝New-Onset #IgG #Autoantibodies in Hospitalized Patients with #COVID19
An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. Image
⚠️🔝Patterns of myocardial injury in recovered troponin-positive COVID-19 patients assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Damage to the heart found in more than half of #COVID19 patients discharged from hospital who show raised levels of troponin. Image
Read 235 tweets
1/ This excellent study by @aaronmring/@VirusesImmunity and team found that COVID-19 patients exhibit dramatic increases in the production of antibodies against thousands of human extracellular and secreted proteins (the exoproteome) compared to controls 👇
2/ The million dollar question is: what molecular mechanisms underly this antibody/#autoantibody production? It is worth interpreting the findings via the lens of human #microbiome/#virome activity + the activity of persistent pathogens (such as EBV) harbored by study subjects.
3/ Every study subject harbored extensive microbiome/virome communities comprised of trillions of organisms during #COVID-19 infection…with such ecosystems now understood to persist beyond just the gut but also in other body sites (#lung, liver etc).
Read 15 tweets

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