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🇫🇷 "Il est remarquable d'avoir réussi à fabriquer un #Rafale entièrement en France, à un prix qui est inférieur à celui d'un #F35 aujourd'hui."

Retour sur l'audition - du 24 mai - d'Eric Trappier (PDG @Dassault_OnAir) devant la commission sénatoriale de la #défense.

THREAD ⬇️ Image
🇺🇸🇺🇦 "J'entends souvent dire que les industriels de l'armement français tirent profit de la guerre en Ukraine. En ce qui me concerne, #Dassault n'en tire aucun profit. Seuls les États-Unis d'Amérique le font." #EricTrappier
🇵🇱🇺🇸 "Je ne crois pas que la #Pologne ait appelé à acheter des avions européens ; même des avions coréens sont évoqués. Ces propos que l'on entend à la radio ou à la télé sont faux. En réalité, ils viennent surtout de certaines organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG)." #Dassault
Read 61 tweets
87% of data science projects fail.

One reason is the lack of production.

Here's an easy solution. 🧵

#datascience #python #R #rstats #career Image
This is called an #API (Application Programming Interface). Image
An API allows the user to make requests using a tool they are comfortable with.

The API runs a program that the data scientist has created on the server.

And the API returns a result.
Read 6 tweets
#Agrivoltaisme #Thread

1/ L’Agrivoltaisme est-il une opportunité ou un risque pour le monde agricole? Une question qui fait actuellement débat plus généralement de la place du monde agricole dans la transition énergétique

#agriculture #energie #climat #transitions
2/ Il faut dire que l’actualité législative est brûlante: la loi d’accélération des énergies renouvelables vient tout juste d’être adoptée

Son but: rattraper le retard de la 🇫🇷 dans ses engagements à réduire ses émissions et atteindre la neutralité C…
3/ 💡Contexte important : la 🇫🇷 s’est engagée lors de l’accord de Paris en 2015 aux côtés de l’Europe et de 194 pays à lutter contre le réchauffement climatique en limitant considérablement ses émissions de GES ……
Read 27 tweets
For any other creators that want to work with actors or celebrities in their videos, here’s a thread on what our production pipeline typically looks like at my studio.
We just got to work with @zacharylevi to promote the new Shazam movie. This was an ambitious project for the timeline. It was 31 shots and 12 production setups. We had 6 hours with Levi (thank you for your time).
We sort of operate like an animation studio in that we like to watch our videos before they are actually made. How do we do this? We make a rough mockup of the video, shot for shot. We iterate through this process several times before going to set.
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1.- #Bowfinger is a #comedy on #Hollywood, #loBudget escapism and the #filmmakingindustry. It's somehow reminiscent of #TimBurton´s #IconicClassic #EdWood but stylistically adapted to suit a wider audience and in that sense is superbly written and delivered by @SteveMartinToGo #Bowfinger French distribut...
2.- Add to that If you want or need some lazy motivation before deciding to watch the Starred cast flawlessly led by #SteveMartin, #EddieMurphy, @terence_stamp, @RobertDowneyJr,@imheathergraham,@ChrisBaranski among many other less known names but not less important acts.
3. Direction is on charge of #British comedy #craftman, #Muppet master legend, #JimHenson´s righthander and solid deliverer @TheFrankOzJam with #MustWatch titles like #DeathAtAFuneral, #TheStepfordWives, #TheScore, 1986 #LittleShopofHorrors, #TheDarkCrystal among others gems.
Read 16 tweets
Mar. 2:
1/ #Russian #Tank #Production

The need of the #Russian army for #Tanks may exceed the #Production rate 10 times.

The pace of #Production of #Tanks for the #Russian army does not allow to make up ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Mar. 2:
2/ #Russian #Tank #Production

..make up for #Losses in #Ukraine, writes @TheEconomist. As a #Western official told the magazine, #Tanks are #Produced in #Russia 10 times slower than the army is #Losing them.

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Mar. 2:
3/ #Russian #Tank #Production

Now only 1 enterprise is engaged in the #Production of #Tanks in #Russia - #Uralvagonzavod. As @TheEconomist notes, #Financial #Chaos & huge #Debts have slowed ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Read 18 tweets
Inside My MAC Image

Post Haste
Shutter Encoder
The Unarchiver
Read 8 tweets
The Circular Economy model is one that requires organisations across the value chain to explore adopting #disruptive #technologies based on improving asset life; adopting mechanisms for reusing, repairing and remanufacturing in the production process.…
The aim of #circularity is to put back into the system everything relating to #production #distribution and #consumption in order to extract as much value as possible from the #resources and #materials we utilise.
The Circular Economy can be considered as an enabler to achieving overall #sustainability in our #economy
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🗳️ Hier soir, j’ai voté #CONTRE le projet de loi dédié aux énergies renouvelables (#ENR).
Ce texte ne répond ni à la #crise #énergétique actuelle, ni aux enjeux futurs, et inverse l’ordre des #priorités ‼️
❌ Il mise à fond sur des #ENR intermittentes aux mains d’#industries étrangères, insuffisantes pour assurer notre #souveraineté énergétique, et, qui vont engendrer une relance des énergies #fossiles et des centrales #thermiques comme on l’a vu en 🇩🇪.
🚨Ce #projet de loi injustifié et inacceptable que la #production d'électricité est basée en 🇫🇷 sur un mix #énergétique dominé par les productions #nucléaire et #hydraulique, qui ont un coût fixe et stable et produisent de l’énergie #décarbonée.
Read 6 tweets
Sur le mois de décembre, j'ai tenu un Calendrier de l'Avent des Ordres de grandeur 🗓🎅🏼

Alors pour bien commencer 2023, voici une compilation de mes 25 visuels (avec liens vers les posts LinkedIn)👇

En espérant que ça vous sera utile, je vous souhaite une très bonne année !
Read 30 tweets
👀 Economic Growth Is All About Falling Prices: "The basis of the nailbiting within the economics profession has to do with their wholly confused belief that consumption powers economic growth." @johntamny #ampFW
"Real economic growth is born of savings, investment (the latter relentlessly pushes down prices).

Economists and pundits have it backwards.

Fed officials literally aim for a 2% annual rise in prices as a way of keeping buyers buying." @johntamny #ampFW
⚠️ "To economists, the economy is a literal engine that needs to be constantly tweaked. Reporters have bought into the falsehood. Apparently 2% is what keeps prices in check, but also keeps buyers in stores." @johntamny #ampFW @Forbes
Read 4 tweets
The #Taiwan Manufacturing #PMI dropped to 42.7 in August, indicative of a sharp deterioration in operating conditions that was the worst recorded since May 2020 (1/5)
Taking a closer look at the Taiwan Manufacturing PMI data for August shows a deepening downturn in #production. Excluding the initial pandemic lockdowns in 2020, the drop in output was the worst seen since the #GFC in 2009 (2/5)
Firms cut output further as global #demand conditions weakened notably, with new #export orders dropping at one of the fastest rates on record (3/5)
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"Argument-Making in the Wild"

Today's SFI Seminar by Simon DeDeo (@LaboratoryMinds), streaming now. Follow our thread for pull quotes and slides:

First, let's divide human history into three eras, or regimes of #knowledge #production and #consumption:

• #premodern/#archaic
• #modern + #postmodern
• the #egregore (online content sharing)

• The premodern era is defined by caloric restriction.
• The modern era is characterized by a small number of sellers of #information vs. a large number of consumers (see also #HerbertSimon's remarks on the "poverty of #attention")

Read 16 tweets
1/26 Since I'm finishing let me praise the team for what we've achieved in @turris_cz over the past 2,5 years.

...and let me remind you that those were years of the Covid pandemic, years of the biggest supply chain disruptions, and semiconductor shortages in the past 4 decades
@turris_cz 2/26 yet we managed to grow and continued to improve

#Sales and #Production

and that deserves applause for everyone involved! 🚀

This is approx how our sales grew over the years, excluding initial #indiegogo campaigns in the early days.

Not bad, right! Image
@turris_cz 3/26 This is how the sales would look with initial IGG campaign numbers included. (yes, we don't provide numbers on purpose, it's for your imagination) Image
Read 26 tweets
Fast #import growth has overshadowed some very good news in #Pakistan. The latest release of disaggregated #trade data by @StateBank_Pak reveals that the first nine months of FY22 showed #record high #exports in real terms, since there's statistics.
Short 🧵👇 w/ more results.
1\ #exports grew by 24.8% in the first 9 months of FY22 w.r.t. same period of FY21, reaching 23.7 bn for goods and 5.2 bn for services.

#Pakistan #trade
2\ All top destinations show fast #export growth. Shipments to the #USA and to #China in particular.
Read 9 tweets
51/bbr #StartUps will drive the growth of modern high quality jobs in #India. Union and State Govts must ensure complete de-bureaucratisation of the business environment (eg Labor & land rules) to ensure that this happens at an accelerated pace!
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The flood of foreign Govt visitors post-Ukraine, suggests, that they are finally trying to understand #India & #GOI #policy from the "horses mouth" (instead of seeing it through the biases of neo-colonialists and their Indian agents).
3/IFP #Japan #Kishida visit
Read 57 tweets
Last Thursday (s. ; or for the full live stream, s. ), @SevimDagdelen from #DieLinke has discussed with @RaniaKhalek & @EugenePuryear esp. the recently decided & billion-dollar rearmament of the German #Bundeswehr... a result of the #RussianFederation's military invasion of #Ukraine, as officially justified by the #GermanFederalGovernment. A recommendable interview! Besides her opposition to such rearmament & the associated fundamental departure...
...from the so-called „#Entspannungspolitik“ established by #WillyBrand & #EgonBahr for #Germany's relationship with the #USSR (& also its territorially largest & politically strongest successor state in the form of the #RussianFederation),...
Read 59 tweets
Le dispositif #ARENH a créé un avantage énorme aux #FournisseursAlternatifs et a entrainé pour @EDFofficiel déboires industriels et difficultés économiques qui ont fait exploser son #endettement

En 2021, 81 concurrents d’@EDFofficiel lui ont acheté 100TWh d’#électricité à un prix de 42€ le MWh.
Si ces fournisseurs vendent en moy. cette électricité à 142€ le MWh sur le marché #SPOT 👉🏼la perte pour EDF est de 10 Mds € (100€ x 100 millions MWh)…
Read 21 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/16/2021…
Horse meat and blowfish chips for sale? Company makes chips with flavors of ‘banned’ foods…

#foods #flavors #production #marketing
Measuring progress in megawatt: Colonialism, development, and the “unseeing” electricity grid in East Africa…

#electrification #EastAfrica #colonialism #EconomicDevelopment #PostIndependence #NationalEconomies
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A thread: What is China’s energy import/export makeup? Have they historically been net importers? Starting in 2000s, as the economy grows, China becomes less energy dependent. 1/5
Coal dominates as the 2/3 source of energy supply in China. 2/5
The most dramatic domestic production/import mix change over time for China crude. 3/5
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(1/21) On November 6, 1965, the U.S. agreed with Cuba to airlift Cubans to the United States.

In the next eight years, around 300,000 Cubans took advantage of this program and left for the country that had played a central role in its domestic politics for a long time. 🧵

(2/21) On that very same day, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson's science advisory committee sent him a report entitled Restoring the Quality of Our Environment. 

Summarized in one line: a warning that burning fossil fuels will change the climate.

#science #climatechange 🧵

(3/21) Although the report correctly warned about the increase of carbon dioxide, it noted that it would take a few more years before climate models could reasonably project future global surface temperature changes.
Read 21 tweets
Everybody's want to join #mining industry for profits.
You know big miners don't like to share the cake.
This is a game where big fishes eat small fishes.
They will wipe you (retail miners) out.
#BTC is just a product whose price has to be decreased to the production cost ( Production cost = Electricity cost + other cost) or even electricity cost to bankrupt retail miners.
FYI ,long term price depends upon production cost and big funds.
In 2015 BTC crashed and gone to $150 almost #production cost
In 2018, BTC touched #electricity cost at $3100
In March,2020 BTC touched #electricity cost at $3700

In this #cycle
Production cost is at 22k , and electricity cost is at 12k.
Read 3 tweets

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