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Distract and divert: How Tony Blair screens his role in Iraq War

20 years on, #Blair lashes out at #Putin to divert public attention from the atrocities he was behind in #Iraq, not to mention his role in the #Afghanistan war.
This month, twenty years ago, the #UnitedStates initiated a large military invasion of #Iraq alongside its ally, the #UK, without a @UN mandate and in defiance of some of the biggest demonstrations ever seen in Britain.
It was the start of an eight-year occupation that resulted in the deaths of more than one million Iraqi.
Read 8 tweets
Le #WEF : L'entreprise la plus malfaisante du monde

Voila pourquoi vous devriez suivre cet évènement dès aujourd'hui 🧵👇
Le forum économique mondial : C'est quoi ?

Le WEF a été fondé en 1971 par Klaus #Schwab , dans le but d'encourager la coopération mondiale sur les questions politiques, sociales et économiques.

Bon, en fait, c'est plutôt un lobby qui défend les intérêts de ses membres. Image
Et ses membres, parlons-en... Un club de sociétés internationales, de banques et de milliardaires.

Le WEF est soutenu par des entreprises qui paient jusqu'à 600.000 CHF de frais de "partenariat" chacune.

Tout ça pour promouvoir leur "vision" sur comment améliroer le monde... Image
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@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri
Huomiota herätti, että kaikki kiittelivät #Sähkö-Pekkaa @Haavisto ja #Nuorisosäätiö -sankaria @anttikaikkonen, jotka äärimäisen härskisti #valehtelivat #NATO'n muka 'suuresta kansan suosiosta.'
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta
Pj oli #Lautakasa-Matti.
kiersi #persut -kysymyksen #Ydinasekielto -sopimuksesta, jota Suomi ei ole hyväksynyt ja ratifioinut, lukemalla paperista 'liirum-laarum' ja liukeni paikalta.
- Koko tilaisuus oli #NATO'n maksama, arvoton #ilveily Image
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna #Mediapooli-#Yle.
Suomalaisia veronmaksajia ja äänestäjiä yritetään kohdella kuin sinisilmäisiä idiootteja.
- Hehkutettiin 'historiallista #NATO -päätöstä', mutta vain kourallinen #korruptoituja paikalla.

#Eduskunta Täysistunto 13.12.2022 klo 12.… Image
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Non sarà #Borisback, con sommo dispiacere dei cronisti politici, alla disperata ricerca di personaggi - caratteri - da raccontare. Precipitarsi a Londra dai Caraibi non è bastato. Rovinare la vacanza alla moglie Carrie - chissà come l'avrà presa, i vicini di casa ricordano
nitidamente le sue urla, qualche anno fa, nell'atto di dare al povero #BoJo del viziato per un po' di vino versato sul divano (e che sarà mai!), e subito dopo il "crash" del suo portatile scaraventato chissà dove (non solo gossip, c'è dell'epica).
Boris si fa da parte
dalla corsa per la leadership dei Conservatori (e dunque del governo del Regno Unito).
Per ora, per l'unità del partito, per il bene del Paese. Sì, ma chi lo conosce assicura che il motivo è un altro: "Johnson si ritira da una corsa solo se è certo di non poterla vincere",
Read 15 tweets


Governors & non-exec directors have included:

Lord Boateng
Margaret Hodge
Lady Bottomley
Evelyn de Rothschild & his deputy Mark Weinberg
Danny Finkelstein
Lord Puttnam
Peter Parker
Loyd Grossman
Rhodes Boyson
Cherie Blair
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1989. cade il #murodiberlino, e di lì a poco, come dice la treccani “tutte le dittature sotto le quali erano vissuti, come prigionieri, i popoli dell’Europa orientale”
Prigionieri, dice proprio così 1/11
Rimane da capire perchè oltre il 50% degli ex cittadini della #DDR ancora oggi dichiari che il #socialismo aveva più aspetti positivi che negativi 2/11
E com'è che il 75% dei Russi continui a sostenere che si vivesse meglio durante l'epoca sovietica 3/11
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Die Daten der #PandoraPapers zeigen, wie Politiker und Superreiche Offshore-Strukturen nutzen, wohl auch um ihren Besitz vor der Öffentlichkeit zu verstecken. Wessen Geschäfte tauchen in den #PandoraPapers auf? Ein Thread.
Im Datensatz der #PandoraPapers lassen sich die Spuren zu den amtierenden Präsidenten der Ukraine, von Gabun und Ecuador verfolgen. Auch die ehemaligen Präsidenten von El Salvador, Panama, Paraguay und Honduras sind in den Daten zu finden.
Auch der ehemalige britische Premierminister Tony Blair und seine Frau sind in den #PandoraPapers zu finden. Demnach erwarben die Blairs im Jahr 2017 über den Kauf einer Briefkastenfirma eine Immobilie in London im Wert von 7,5 Millionen Euro. #Blair
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@thezambologist It's #climateChange, not global warming (see floods & extreme temperatures both summer & winter with dumps of thousands tons/day #CO2 and other toxins by #UK .gov & #NATO over #Britain and #Europe)

#COP26 is a con trick @beisgovuk

@LanceForman random ➡️…
@thezambologist @beisgovuk @LanceForman I've literally watched it happening

I'm a plane spotter, not a climate change activist

But this year of literally solid #CO2 dumping coming from .gov and #NATO has to be the biggest con-trick ever played on the public

#LIAR #CORRUPT #EMBEZZLING bank/corporate controlled #SCUM
@thezambologist @beisgovuk @LanceForman @LanceForman - these planes cost hundreds of millions of £ / € a day to run) typically go nowhere. They're in the air from the early hours until well after dark

Those planes could have helped to get the "assets" out of #Afghanistan in a timely manner (3 months into 3 weeks)
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“What really alarms me about the 'War on Terrorism' is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? How is 'Terrorism' going to surrender? It's well known, in philological circles, that it's very hard for abstract nouns to surrender”#TerryJones
#911Anniversary #911attack
“What is meant by: ‘We mustn't give in to the terrorists’? We gave in to them the moment the first bombs fell on #Afghanistan

After the #911attack Terry Jones spoke out against the ‘War on Terror’

In the 2005 elections, he nearly ran against Tony #Blair…
I believe Terry could’ve won

The strategy was to run on a single issue &, if victorious, stand down & call an immediate by-election making the vote a referendum on Blair’s war

Tories & LibDems would likely have stood down

Sadly our candidate, Reg Keys, reneged on this strategy
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Per la rubrica

ecco un noto politicante omaggiare, senza se e senza ma, uno dei massimi criminali di inizio millennio: l'assassino #Blair.

Tony Blair è famoso per aver mentitito scientemente e spudoratamente al "suo" popolo,
al suo partito e a mezzo mondo, sostenendo la nota bufala delle armi di distruzione di massa in mano a #SaddamHussein.

La realtà è che, come tutti i guerrafondai, non vedeva l'ora di far scannare migliaia di civili (uomini, donne, bambini, non è importante) ai criminali
militari, sentendosi un gran servitore dell'impero.

Motivazione non secondaria fu la possibilità di derubare gli iracheni del loro petrolio (ma lì non aveva fatto i conti con gli americani, per cui era più importante "ridurre" la produzione irachena,
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Warum in #Deutschland ein überfordert und fehlinformiert wirkender Armin #Laschet - dem zudem immer wieder seine #Lügen aufgezeigt werden - zum #Bundeskanzler werden kann?
Mit nur noch 17% Zutrauen durch die Wahlberechtigten?
Ein Thread (mit Hilfe von @GeorgeMonbiot) Image
Kurz nach der Wahl in #Grossbritannien 2020, die Labour verloren hat und die den "Politclown" Boris #Johnson an die Macht spülte, analysierte der Journalist @GeorgeMonbiot in knappen 10min. Video die Gründe. Brilliant und wichtig, vor allem für die #Btw21
Weil er schmerzhaft die Ursachen auf den #Punkt bringt, versuche ich im #Thread, seine Aussagen über Grossbritannien sinngemäss für #Deutschland zu übersetzen und die Beispiele zu adaptieren. Hat mich erstaunt, wie einfach das oft ist.
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Here's a fun #NINO - the UK's National Insurance Number - [Thread] to start the weekend 👇

Maybe I should do an #NHSnumber one sometime? It's a fascinating story, which (ironically) starts with these...
[With thanks to @guy_herbert, @TomSamaki, @PrivacyMatters & others for encouragement!]

Before I start a geeky 'deep dive' on the #NHSnumber, to provide some (personal/professional) context that will hopefully become apparent, I'll just drop these two images here:
So, to begin.

After the Second World War, in a time when we started to think (again) what a #civilised society would be, and when our leaders tried to agree #principles like #UDHR that might prevent the recurrence of genocide, and support #dignity and #HumanRights for all...
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The Aristocracy - Survival of the Fittest via @YouTube
Actually, this documentary has set my mind into commotion and took me back into those years when the New #Labour and #Blair came into power in the late 1990s in the #UK.
We eagerly watched what reforms under the #collectivists would imply, as the UK had a manifest #class system.
The worse thing which #Blair could do, at that time, was to remove the #hereditary #peers from the House of #Lords.
This particular political decision had far-reaching consequences for the #British Society,as a vernacular mindset that rejected #evolution & tradition jointly arose
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Alcuni nomi su agendina di #JeffreyEpstein: Édouard de #Rothschild, Peter #Soros, Tony #Blair, Mike #Bloomberg, Duca e Duchessa di #York... ImageImage
#Trump family Image
#Kennedy Family e Gov NY Andrew #Cuomo Image
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[Thread] I’ve done a quick bit of research on #Starmer’s funders using the .@SocialistVoice link to the Parliamentary Register of Members’ Interests. The total amount donated was £470,900. The largest donors were: Waheed Alli (Baron Alli of Norbury) £100,000; Martin Taylor (Hedge
Fund Manager) £95,000; Trevor Chinn (Businessman, Philanthropist, political activist) £50,000; Clive Hollick (Baron Hollick of Notting Hill) £25,000; Peter Coates (Fmr Chair of Stoke City FC & Director of Bet 365) £25,000. I’ve dug out some info on each of the above as follows:
Trevor Chinn sits on the on Executive Committee of British Israel Communications & Research Centre (#BICOM). Chinn has donated to the office or campaigns of a number of #Labour Party politicians, including MPs Tony #Blair, Ruth #Smeeth, Liz #Kendall, Tom #Watson and Dan #Jarvis
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1/5 #FakeViews

#labour I'm worried
I need you to find your way to electability.
That doesn't start with reality denial.

1. Total seats lost due to LD/SNP competition - 60
Biggest issue, not even discussed.
2. Socialism/corbynism marketing problem bigger than #Brexit⏬ ignored.
2/5 #FakeViews

3. Our policies wern't good. An incoherent mess that none of us understood or could communicate

4. Everything #Blair did was wrong. So we actively refuse to do stuff that's right, just because he did it

5. We have no strategy or forward dream. FTMNTF is vacuous.
3/5 #FakeViews
#Brexit was a disaster. But not at #GE19, because we didn't build a position on #brexit for three years. #labour creates strategy.
It can't dodge it.

7. We have a core hydra of people centrally who are staying the same...major problem.

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OUH LA LA...l'ambassadeur de #Trump auprès de L'UE, son ex-donateur #Sondland vient de MODIFIER son témoignage sur l'#Ukraine au Congrès et reconnaît le donnant-donnant (Quid pro quo). Retournement.
2) C'est 1 #breaking tout ce que vous voulez...#Sondland, coincé par les témoignages des diplomates et militaires de carrière comme Taylor ou Vindman, reconnaît avoir lié pour #Trump aide militaire à l'#Ukraine aux enquêtes sur #Biden...
3) #Verbatim Le compte-rendu du témoignage de #Sondland est ici et allez à la fin (page 376) pour avoir son correctif qui enfonce la 1ère ligne de défense de #Trump du "no Quid pro quo". #àlire…
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How Britain changed inexorably for the worse under the Premiership of the Marxist open borders #Blair - the worst PM of mine & many a lifetime & how his spin doctors spun & continue to spin their webs of deceit. Thread 1/12
When #Blair was elected PM - it was under the auspices of wanting to be rub the Right's noses in 'diversity' the new synonym for everything subsequently wrong with British society because he has always hated the UK and all it stands for. 2/12
It was no surprise to me the problems with mass uncontrolled immigration would cause - a complete lack of social & cultural cohesion but still Blair continued to destroy the UK. Endless cover-ups of industrial scale grooming gangs followed. 3/12
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Sorry @jessphillips you are wrong - come meet the public sector workers, retired policemen, business men + women, farmers, teachers, mums, students + so many more who we have in #Northumberland @Conservatives
I will take them over #Momentum 2015 +
#GordonBrown ➡️#PM in 2007?
Did #Labour members get a vote in 2007 when #GordonBrown deposed #Blair and was made #PM? No!
Hilariously #Labour in 2007 didn’t even give Labour MPs a vote?
#Peopleinglasshouses ....
And remind me of yr views of #Corbyn + the #Momentum wing of #Labour party - which have now taken over + attack you as much as me? We both know they are both anti #NATO, our allies + #business but are #Marxist, #antiSemitic + a genuine threat to the future of this great country
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Have you heard of #Hotelling’s Law? In a two party system, it says that you get most votes by minimising the political distance between the parties. It’s worked well in the past, but it’s about to bring an end to both #Labour and the #Tory party. 1/n…
Hotelling’s law worked really well for Tony #Blair. #Thatcher had moved the Tory party to the right, so #NewLabour had an opportunity to increase its vote share by also moving rightwards. 2/n
Politics had shifted. Both parties held broadly similar policies. Blair’s political stance, although to the left of Thatcher’s, was much further right than any Labour leader previously (or since). Labour was able to capture ground that the Tories had left unguarded. 3/n
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Please to hear the indefatigable late Robin Cook's resignation speech was chosen to start speech week on @BBCPM today.
Well worth listening to if you missed it.
#bbcpm #iraq #robincook #blair #UKlabour #UKpolitics
The speech is still remarkably prescient on so many levels:
Of the need for unilateralism and how Britain can't go it alone.
Of how this wasn't an objection to any and all military intervention.
Of how the problems although bit fully crystallised could be foreseen in advance.
Of how those who disagreed should not be seen as traitors.
Of the need to listen to the reports from experts.
The idea that an enemy can simultaneously be seen as well and on the verge of collapse, but still seem as a clear and present danger.
The list goes on.
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So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
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