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Live from #GartnerDW | What Employees Really Want: Top Takeaways From the 2023 Gartner Digital Worker Survey with Tori Paulman, Gartner Sr. Director Analyst: Image
About this session: Tori explores research, data and insight into worker needs that will amplify digital workplace strategies for leaders: #GartnerDW #DigitalWorkplace
Let’s start off with a look at 2022 Digital Worker Experience Survey key questions. #GartnerDW #DigitalWorkplace Image
Read 19 tweets
1/12 Thread🧶 riguardo le news sulla partecipazione della #Russia ai Giochi Olimpici 2024 serve, innanzitutto, sgombrare il campo da titoli tendenziosi. Il CIO non afferma che la Russia potrà prenderne parte. Asserisce invece che potranno farlo gli atleti aventi passaporti russo.
2/12 Lo stesso vale per la #Bielorussia. Detto ciò, ci sono alcuni passaggi nello statement del CIO che, a mio avviso, sono fallaci e poco ponderati e mi portano a dare ragione a Zelensky. Li elenco qui e cercherò di fornirne un’analisi. Partiamo dal primo, il seguente passaggio
3/12 Vi invito a leggere lo statement, che riporta le rigorose condizioni per la partecipazione di questi atleti. Le intenzioni sono le migliori, ma il #CIO non considera due aspetti: 1°) il messaggio di apertura che passa, proprio quando i russi inaspriscono gli attacchi in 🇺🇦.
Read 15 tweets
My 2022 Year in Review and look ahead to 2023…

An unusual year of ups + downs that took my research agenda to unexpected places.

Yet the result was invaluable + ended up taking my work to useful new places.

A longish 🧵 on #cio #cloud #digitaltransformation #FutureOfWork. 1/x
First up is my detailed analysis titled “The #Cloud Reaches an Inflection Point for the #CIO in 2022.” It remains very pertinent reading.

Written as the cloud industry reached an early maturity point, it highlighted a top hot issue: Complexity…

Then I took a deep dive into #decentralization, perhaps one of the most significant generational revolutions of our era:

What is #Web3 and Why It Matters…

Regardless of what happens to #crypto, the underlying tech esp. #blockchain, is an inflection.

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🔴 #RussianUkrainianWar

Le message discret de #Biden à #Poutine

Une bombe de presse a été délibérément ratée pour envoyer un signal de bonne volonté des #USA à la #Russie.

Le New York Times 🗞️ a récemment publié un vaste documentaire sur la guerre en #Ukraine. 🔽
Étrangement, très bien cachée dans cet épais matériau se trouve une bombe de presse qui aurait mérité un bien meilleur sort et une couverture médiatique exceptionnelle, à la hauteur du contenu.

Plusieurs responsables américains cités par le NYT affirment que les forces 🔽
armées et les services de renseignement de #Kiev ont tenté d'assassiner le général Valery Gherasimov, chef d'état-major général et officier militaire le plus haut gradé de #Russie.

Un aspect intéressant révélé par l'article est que la partie américaine aurait tenté en vain 🔽
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🔴 #CIO Le président du Comité international olympique défie #Zelensky. Lors d'une conversation téléphonique avec le chef du CIO, #Zelenski (grand démocrate, homme épris de justice, équité et vérité 🙄) lui a dit que la #Russie devait subir un "isolement total" sur la scène 🔽
mondiale, y compris lors des événements sportifs internationaux.

Une purge totale et permanente des athlètes russes des compétitions olympiques est nécessaire, (🤮) a déclaré le dirigeant de #Kiev lors de l'appel avec le président du CIO, Thomas Bach.

En conséquence, les 🔽
athlètes russes devraient être interdits de participation aux Jeux olympiques, même sous le drapeau du CIO, a déclaré #Zelensky

C'est #Zelenski qui a appelé Bach après que celui-ci a laissé entendre qu'il était prêt à autoriser les athlètes de #Russie et de #Biélorussie à 🔽
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Live from #GartnerIO | Leadership Vision for 2023: Infrastructure and Operations with Arun Chandrasekaran, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst. Follow along for key ⬇️ #GartnerInsights
Why is this topic crucial for I&O leaders? "#CIO and tech leaders must support the CxO response to macroeconomic disrupters." #GartnerIO
What are the top challenges facing the infrastructure and operations leader?

"Funding continues to be a challenge." #IO #GartnerIO
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Live from #GartnerSYM | CEO Concerns 2022-23 - Implications and Actions for CIOs with Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst, Partha Iyengar | Follow along for highlights 🧵 ⬇️ #CIO #CEO Image
In 2022, the CEOs world is inverting and disorienting. #GartnerSYM #CIO #CEO
“Growth is still the no.1 priority but it matters a lot less” #GartnerSYM #CIO #CEO
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#TBMC22’s keynote session starts with Rhonda Gass, #CIO of Stanley Black & Decker
Gass points out that the technology business management journey is just beginning even after 10 years #tbmc22
Gass introduces Apptio CEO Sunny Gupta, who establishes that every company is digital & tech is core to business #tbmc22
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Live from #GartnerSEC | The Multigenerational Workforce in Security with Lisa Pierce, Gartner VP, Advisory.

About this session: The #security workforce encompasses many generations - baby boomers, Gen Xers, millennials and Gen Zers. #GartnerSEC
This is a must for #security leadership, so that they can create an IT and security culture that leverages strengths and confronts weaknesses to uncover opportunities and overcome threats into our collaborative future. Change starts with people. #GartnerSEC Image
Generational issues are among CIOs top-of-mind-concerns. #GartnerSEC #CIO #workforce Image
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"Only 2 000 registered to vote, says ZEC"; @NewsDayZimbabwe

Sobering blow. Hashtags, retweets & likes are not a voter mobilization strategy. When people urge you to "retweet for awareness"; they're just pushing their profile, not a national strategy!… ImageImageImageImage
Digital communication can be very useful in highlighting or explaining praxis, i.e what's going on, but it is not as useful in starting praxis. It's useless to have a tweet for retweets or likes; that's not targeting anyone who is actually doing something real in the real word!
Electoral authorities in Zim wanted a monopoly to do voter education for voter registration etc; but they lost the argument as civic society & political parties resisted it since they knew the monopoly would undermine democracy. Key: VOTER REGISTRATION IS MOBILIZED ON THE GROUND!
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Here are our key takeaways from @McKinsey's latest report:

1. More than 80 percent of them face critical gaps in the skills.

2. Only 42% of employees are participating in their employers' #reskilling and #upskilling programs.


@rneelmani #tech #GirlsWhoCode #100DaysOfCode
- An emphasis on learning via #apprenticeship can also contribute to providing a sense of meaning and purpose

- Apprenticeship can efficiently unlock the rapid capability building that today’s knowledge-based workforce requires

@rneelmani #GirlsWhoCode #100DaysOfCode #cio

Introducing #apprenticeship into orgs.

- Create a clear organizational expectation for both learning and teaching.
- Build apprenticeship skills in every employee.
- Identify the skills that individuals need to build.
- Be broad and inclusive about who can apprentice.
Read 4 tweets
1/24 ON 7 SEPT 2021, I reported that three key branches of the #CIO have joined hands with ZanuPF to launch a deadly #Twitterbots campaign👇🏿.

There's more to say about the CIO/ZanuPF campaign; first let me explain this👇🏿proposition!
2/24 THE IDEA that many grown up kids of ZanuPF parents are more ZanuPF than their parents is a social reality evidenced everywhere you find Zimbabweans, including in these streets. It's not that the grown up kids are more ZanuPF as members or supporters, than their parents; no!
3/24 BEING ZANUPF is not about membership or supportership; rather it's about one's mindset, interpersonal or interactive disposition and level of consciousness. Put differently, it's about one's pervasive mentality or general orientation and style of engagement on public issues!
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Dear Everyone,
1/24 WHAT'S GOING ON? This is the question I have been asked over the last few days, and especially since las Friday, through DMs, chats, calls & even in these streets.

It all started with this👇🏿tweet by @glenmpani!

2/24 The point by @glenmpani was that Zimbabweans seeking change:

*Want out/can't join ZanuPF.
*Find MDC Chamisa disorganized, intolerant, immature & unstrategic.
*Think it's suicidal to be independent or to form a party.

I agreed with him as per this👇🏿!
3/24 ALAS, @glenmpani's tweet & my rejoinder torched a storm, with a torrent of abuse from some MDC-A rank and file. The worst for me was an MDC-A leader who angrily told a mutual colleague that I should have shared my rejoinder with him before tweeting it. No academic does that!
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The Psychology of Human Misjudgement - Charlie Munger Full Speech via @YouTube
well, if one can get around the accounting and auditing systems, you can commit fraud on a massive scale.
That is what rogue traders do!
But, financial institutions have invested big time in hiring quants who can write codes and Greek symbols which board members don't comprehend
It's brilliant if your standard fraud risk assessor aka auditor and the quantitative risk manager can use the #Benford #Law to identify, proactively measure and control fraud risk-related predicate financial crimes.
But, first, do the basic work, before leapfrogging.
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#WilmaRudolph, nata nel 1940 nel Tennessee, nel 1960 conquista tre ori alle Olimpiadi di Roma: 100, 200 e 400 m staffetta

Gazzella nera, perla nera, saetta del Tennessee scrivono i giornali, la adorano! La sua storia fa il giro del mondo; da piccolina si ammala di #thread👇
poliomielite, è costretta a pesanti cure, l'ospedale riservato ai neri, distante 80km dalla sua cittadina, plasma la sua resistenza; #WilmaRudolph diceva che la sua forza d'animo si fosse formata lì, a 12 anni, quando le cure, i tutori per le gambe, doveva conquistarseli 👇👇
Ma #WilmaRudolph è stata coraggiosa anche per un'altra scelta che ha compiuto, prima del suo trionfo olimpico. Da poco diventata madre, fu costretta a separarsi dalla figlia per inseguire il suo "vento". Donna nera, non sposata e con figlia 👇👇
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1/17 It's outrageous & unfortunate that some quarters are alleging, with no proof, that @zimlive got the Mohadi audios from a #ZanuPF faction linked to the #CIO or #MID. The allegation is aimed at discrediting @zimlive. It's a bizarre case of shooting the messenger!
2/17 The bizarre claim is that, so as not to be duped by a ZanuPF faction as happened in the 2017 coup, the opposition shouldn't be excited about @zimlive's historic exposé of Mohadi's salacious phone-chats with women, one married, which led to his resignation as Vice President!
3/17 The claim is bizarre not only because its peddlers purport to know @zimlive's sources of the Mohadi audios, but also because they seek to appropriate and own @zimlive; as part of their political agenda, whatever that agenda is, in Zim's current toxic & treacherous politics!
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🇮🇹Focus sul programma di aggiornamento del #CIO sull'#Ariete AMV per l'EI. Come detto, il programma si trova ben avviato, con le aree di lavoro ben schematizzate ed impostate, con la consegna dei prototipi prevista nel corso del 2021. Allo stato attuale si hanno diverse info (1) ImageImage
per quanto riguarda soprattutto il motopropulsore, che per ovvi motivi (di tempistiche e migliaia H di test al banco), non è di nuova concezione, ma è una completa reingegnerizzazione dell'attuale V12 MTCA (Modular Turbocharger Aftercooler), infatti (2)
in sede di ristrutturazione, #IVECO sta attuando sostanziali modifiche all'originario basamento del motore in architettura V12; fra i tanti lavori in corso ci sono: - la sostituzione della pompa d'alimentazione meccanica con una a controllo elettronico di tipo Commonrail (3)
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1/6 @TeeMuchehiwa, nephew of @zimlive editor, @Mathuthu, was abducted on 30 July 2020 by Mnangagwa's Ferret Force, which tortured him for three days. The Ferret Force was/is looking for @Mathuthu to get him to name the source who fingered Auxillia Mnangagwa in the Drax drug scam!
2/6 This is part of the FERRET FORCE that abducted @TeeMuchehiwa. The team has been separated & redeployed around the country, to hide them. For example Frank Muzembe is now in Mash West; Innocent Chigona in Mash Central; Joshua Zingwe in Masvingo; Ronald Musarurwa still in Byo!
3/6 Another ferret in @TeeMuchehiwa's abduction who deleted his pictures when others were outed is Loveridge "Chief Svosve" Chinyanga, Officer in Charge of #CIO's Matapi station. He is said to be notoriously ruthless & muscles his way to be part of abduction & torture operations!
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1/9 Under international law the primary responsibility of a govt is to protect its citizens. Where a govt fails to protect citizens the international community has a duty to step in. Mnangagwa's rogue govt has created an illegal Ferret Force to abduct & torture targeted citizens!
2/9 Mnangagwa's abduction & torture force consists of ferret teams with operatives mainly from the CIO & MID, that sometimes include CID officers from ZRP's Law & Order section. While ferret teams are now in every district, they are most active in Bulawayo & especially in Harare!
3/9 The main & in fact only purpose of the ferrets, a self-given name after the 2017 coup, is to abduct & torture citizens accused of threatening or undermining Mnangagwa's authority & identified either by Isaac Moyo & Owen Mudha Ncube at the CIO or by General Thomas Moyo at MID!
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#FraudWatch day 416

#BABYcharts is resurrecting a #DumDum classic, so I’m bringing back a classic of my own. 🥂

🥴🤡 🤡🥴 ImageImageImage
#FraudWatch day 417

#BABYcharts doing his best to suck up to Larry the Fossi guy today. What happened to “Q1 will be 150k minimum” #DumDums? 😢

🥴🤡 🤡🥴 ImageImageImage
#FraudWatch day 418

#BABYcharts with another “It’s all Elon’s fault” #DumDum classic.

Watching the #DumDums spike the ball hard on the interaction with LAX Airport and Elon was epic when they replied they found the shipment. 😂

🥴🤡 🤡🥴 ImageImageImageImage
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You'll soon hear a lot about Microsoft's Power Platform ... is it going to be used or not will depend heavily upon top leadership buy-in, as always.

This #lowcode platform is quite interesting. Rough right now, but it'll become useful in a year or two. #CIO needs to work w/ CXOs
Microsoft Power Apps, Power BI & Power Automate are not just a trifecta, they're a triumvirate.

I expect a Cambrian explosion of citizen apps in enterprises around mid 2020s, if Microsoft does its usual sales & product development tango.

But they need CXOs buy-in, not CIO alone
I had my hunch post the announcements recently at their Ignite 2019 event. But seeing @pgreenbe & @ekolsky going gung-ho about the leader behind it, I'm sure there's a lot cooking from this stable.
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Welcome to the Member of Congress Tracking Report for the week ending November 10, 2019. With Congress on recess this week, we are going to do things a bit differently this week. We are going to take a dive into #McConnellsGraveyard.
#MoCTrack 1/33
#GOP keeps trotting out their tired talking point about the “do-nothing-Dems” and all we can concentrate on is #Impeachment.


What you’ll find below are 30 bills of the 300+ that #McConnell has stalled in the Senate.

#MoCTrack #DemCast 2/33…
HR 1 - #ForThePeople

A bill that would improve voting rights, fix campaign finance regulations, and mandate ethics and accountability reforms.
💯 over 100 co-sponsors (236)

#MoCTrack #McConnellsGraveyard 3/33…
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The HR Recruiters fix UX interview with Technical Architect, Technical Managers, Engineering Directors, Delivery Manager, CTO etc. These guys only understand tangible UI Design and look for it overwhelmingly. They don't understand the Functional & Strategic aspect, that is UX.
UX is Functional and ideally be interviewed by Product VP, Functional Product Manager, Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Business Strategist and Chief Design Officer.
UX consultation can be done on Services, Processes, Business and Products.

#UXjobs #UXhiring
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Delivery Managers (accounting) & Technical Managers under selling UX Services like Visual Design Services weaken the Returns & value based Business Model in India. This is the reason we need Chief UX Officers to sell UX Services. #uxjobs #hr #agency #design #manager #services #UX
@jmspool Insights from Indian Software Service Company Market.
Read 3 tweets

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