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I never would have thought that one would be left at home, seriously ill, without help.
I would never have thought that children have to suffer in the dark at home, that relatives would be mocked at the same time, instead of doctors providing help.
1/x Image
I never would have thought that #MEcfs sufferers had to fight so much and actually become a political issue.
I never would have thought that the so-called health care system could let people down in such an ignorant way.
I never would have thought that in addition to #MEcfs, devastating illnesses such as #SmallFiber #POTS #MCAS, CranioCervical Instability #CCI #Lyme #PostVac and poisoning by #fluoroquinolones #FQAD would also be swept under the carpet in the so-called healthcare sector.
Read 7 tweets
#CDC Director Rochelle #Walensky is #leaving, White House says | May 5
- Last summer, Walensky launched a reorganization of the CDC, acknowledging that its “performance did not reliably meet expectations” during the '#pandemic'.
#WHO downgrades #coronavirus '#pandemic', no longer a global #emergency | May 5
- marking a symbolic end to the devastating coronavirus pandemic that triggered once-unthinkable #lockdowns, upended economies and killed at least 7 million people worldwide.…
Steve #Kirsch | Jan 22
#Walensky should be put in #jail for the number of #deaths CDC #responsible for
- Over 700 safety signals (incl #DEATH) have triggered in #VAERS and the #CDC was #SILENT about all of them until they were discovered by a #FOIA request… Image
Read 11 tweets
Good morning from the Keck Center @theNASEM where I am so pleased to be part of their workshop this morning to support and sustain the workforce to care for people with serious illness! #hapc #pedpc #wellness #wellbeing #suffering Image
The first panel shared experiences from the front lines so vulnerably and beautifully. @MaguirePeggy @PhilRodgersMD @RachelMayAdams ImageImage
Now @CAPCpalliative CEO @BrynnBHealth discussing the current and future workforce we need in #hapc Image
Read 12 tweets
@IntlCrimCourt Broke?! Hobbyist level #Zaporizhzhia #FalseFlag. The cameraman was waiting for explosions that came from #inside the apartments to the #outside. He dared to go and take close-up pictures because he knew that no more #explosives had been #planted.
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimAAKhanKC This is just the appetizer from 'Thread 62'⬇️ mentioned:
#Ukrainian #fascists hold a party at #Kyiv's "BarHot" organized by #cartoonist Anton #Chadsky, eat a cake depicting a #Russian #baby
@IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC
FROM: @amanpour “What is #Russia afraid of? #Democracy expanding,” says #Estonia’s Prime Minister @kajakallas | Mar 14
TO: #NATO #Stoltenberg On Air, Let's Count The [A]s | Mar 14, 2023.
Read 50 tweets
This is a threaded version of Chapter 13:

“The Eleventh Descent—Sedentary Life...Drudgery & Labor:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*
by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #psychology #devolution

PH 13/1
Chapter 13 is subtitled,

“In Nature We Played & Had Ease;

“No One’s at Fault for Our Falls But We Are Now Responsible...

“The Fearful Planetmate”

THREAD… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work #civilization #labor #play

PH 13/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life: thorns also & thistles shall it bring forth to thee;”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #devolution #anthro #sedentary #evolution #work

PH 13/3
Read 121 tweets
This is a threaded version of Chapter 12:

“The Eleventh Descent—Sedentary Life...

"Sickness & Suffering:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CHAPTER THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK>… #psychology

PH 12/1
Chapter 12 is subtitled,

“Eden Scorned—

“With Sedentary Living & Its Restricted Options for Sustenance, We Forego Perfect Assistance for Health of Body & Mind,

"Which Has Horrible Consequences”

THREAD #psychology #devo #health #civilization

PH 12/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Human Instinct, Comfort Feeding, & the Suffering Ape:

"Why would we “eat the apple”...

"that is, go it on our own with agriculture?

"Why would we defy Divine Providence in making our lots more painful or difficult?”…

PH 12/3
Read 167 tweets
- "Ostin raketteja Ukrainalle..."
Video: #EthnicCleansing #Genocide.
'Lapset jotka #Ukraina'n joukot tappoivat #Donbas'ssa ennen sodan, #DeNazification, alkamista.'
#OSCE #France:
The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by Ukraine a week before. #BulletinNo27.
- de #mercenaires de la #CIA conduits ou « conseillés » par des Américains et composés de #combattants #ukrainiens ou #européens
Read 21 tweets
Buddhist formal psychology (found in the Abdhidharma 3rd BCE) considers the "mind" as an organizing process which makes coherent to a person the stream of their perceptual input. Disruption of brain function then disrupts "mind" function leading to "scrambled brain"./1 Image
Psychedelics, hallucinogens, excessive stress, grief, hypoglycemia, ischemia, stroke, encephalitis, exhaustion etc. can all disrupt capacity of mind to provide a coherent perceptual experience./2
The process making your #experience coherent is not 'you'.

Walking is not 'you' - it is a process, coupled to motivation, intent, decisions, and functional capacity. The "mind" is not 'you'. It supports body-directed goal oriented behavior. Hunger - not philosophy./3
Read 19 tweets
1/🧵 Update on Long COVID Prevention‼️

Do meds & vaccines ⬇️ #LongCOVID risk?

1st meet @pamelarbishop, a scientist in forced early retirement due to LC:

“I oscillate between fierce determination to get better & abject horror at the daily destruction of my body."

read on…
2/ A case-control study of 9k unhospitalized COVID pts treated w Paxlovid btwn March & June 2022 versus 47k patients w no antiviral or antibody treatment.

All >= 1 risk factor for hospitalization.

The results are surprising if you think about it.

3/ It’s NOT a randomized trial, so we don’t know why people did or didn’t get Paxlovid.

In practice, we givemeds more aggressively (or want them ourselves) if we’re sicker.

So you might think those who didn’t take Pax would be less sick & do better. That’s not what was found…
Read 19 tweets
Nepalis generally struggle--or have difficulties--with a lot of things.

Here is a list of things that, as far as I am concerned, a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging.

1. imagining others DOING things that they can't imagine themselves doing


List of things a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging:

2. imagining others #WANTING things that they can't imagine themselves wanting

3. imagining others #THINKING about & in ways that they can't imagine themselves thinking

List of things a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging:

4. imagining others #BELIEVING things that they can't imagine themselves believing

5. imagining others #REPRESENTING things that they can't imagine themselves representing

Read 9 tweets
Pfeffel #THREAD:

1988: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is sacked by the Times for #fabricating a quote.

1995: a recording emerges in which Pfeffel agrees to provide Darius Guppy with the address of a journalist who was investigating him so that he could have him beaten up. Image
2004: Pfeffel sacked by Michael Howard for #lying about an affair.

2012: Pfeffel apologises for #accusing Liverpudlians of wallowing in "victim status" in a 2004 article.

2016: Pfeffel fails to apologise equates the EU’s efforts to unify Europe with those undertaken by Hitler. Image
2017 Pfeffel #accused of worsening the plight of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe after wrongly claiming she was in the country teaching journalism.

2017: Pfeffel forced to apologise to Parliament for #failing to declare outside earnings totalling more than £50,000 on nine occasions. Image
Read 10 tweets
The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear,
others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all kinds are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. It must be so. If there ever is a time of plenty,
this very fact will automatically lead to an increase in the population until the natural state of starvation and misery is restored. In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt,
Read 5 tweets
'Will @Number10cat be out of a job'? - @MrSteerpike

Thanks for article in @spectator today in response to @CommonsEFRA evidence and @Politics_co_uk article on #SentienceBill
2. Article asks if the #SentienceBill would put @Number10cat out of business. Cites my reference to Animal Sentience Committee role in assessing impact government policy on 'Indiscriminate poisoning of rats using inhumane methods' in @CommonsEFRA evidence.
Read 37 tweets
1/🧵🎥 This story has a GOOD ENDING!

Look how my patient’s right leg flails around. This is INVOLUNTARY. He’s trying to stop but his brain is doing this against his will. It is “hemiballismus” & was caused by a fungus deep inside his brain. Read🧵
2/ He was having these movements day & night. Unable to sleep. We admitted him to our ICU and realized the fungus Cryptococcus was causing a brain infection called meningitis. He had  no underlying immune diseases or other health problems.

Another 🎥, all shown w his permission
3/ His MRI showed 2 pockets of infection on both sides of his brain in a place called the basal ganglia, which controls movement. This area had to heal for him to rest and be at peace again.

Read 7 tweets
#Buddha discovered the way:
Whenever you experience any #Sensation
Due to any reason, you simply #Observe it
Every Sensation Arises & Passes away.
Nothing is eternal
When you practise #Vipassana
you start experiencing this
☀️By #SNGoenka Image
#Sensation Arises & Passes away
This is how your received #Wisdom &
#IntellectualUnderstanding turn into
personally #ExperiencedWisdom
This #Experience of #Anicca « #Impermanence »
will change the habit pattern of the mind
By #SNGoenka
He dwells #Observing the phenomenon
of Arising in the body.
He dwells Observing the phenomenon
of Passing away in the body.
He dwells Observing the phenomenon
of Simultaneous Arising & Passing away in the body.
☀️By #SNGoenka
Read 18 tweets
1/ 🧵🎥 Chronic Pain

#Pain comes in all shapes & sizes. Let’s explore how we process pain. Watch & Listen to what Anderson Cooper tells Stephen Colbert about #grief and #suffering: “You can’t have happiness without having loss and suffering.”
2/ My lucid & kind patient (pic w written perm) uses scalding water as a coping mechanism for abdominal pain from pancreatitis. He wants to share his rationale.

#MedTwitter #ChronicPain #nurse
3/ Before I share what he told me, I first want to make my mindset as his #physician clear: My first job is to believe in him. Then to understand him. Then to devise a plan to help him.
Read 13 tweets
1/🧵The Nightmare of #COVID19 & #LongCOVID
Im a doctor who is now spending more & more time daily caring for #LongHaulers (pts w LongCOVID). I just got a TINY dose of what it must feel like to be unheard and unseen…AND I want to apologize to you.
#MedTwitter #NurseTwitter
2/ I just keep hearing you say, “Doc, why doesn’t anyone believe me? My friends look at me and think I’m fine, even as I feel further and further adrift. I’m not myself and I can’t tell if I ever will be again. #COVID has ruined my life.”
3/ Yesterday as my plan landed, my phone vibrated. It was the wife of a former ICU #COVID pt, now trached & living on a vent in an LTAC, asking how she can get his new docs to understand & carefully manage her husband’s ongoing #LongCOVID & Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (#PICS).
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@Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler I'm not religious so I haven't studied the #Bible but it seems to me that this quote applies well to you. I'm tired of those who profess to be #Christians but are just plain #Hypocrites. My illiterate peasant g-mother couldn't read the Bible but she could.....
@Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler 2. teach you & your #SelfProclaimedChristians buddies a thing or 2 about being #Good #Kind #Decent #HumanBeings. Before we left Portugal, I spent a lot of time w/my GM. I remember sitting at her kitchen table sharing a meal w/a beggar on more than 1 occasion. Our family was...
@Rac1ngSnak3 @Marmel @JoJoFromJerz @SenatorLoeffler 3. very #poor but there were others much poorer than us. The #beggars knew that when they knocked at my GM's door they'd be welcomed & that they'd always have at least a bowl of soup to eat! My GM & her equally #Illiterate daughter, my mother, both taught me to help those less...
Read 6 tweets
1-#Gayatri destroys the three kinds of #Taapa or pain.

Gayatri bestows on one the four kinds of #Purushartha, viz. #Dharma
(#righteousness), #Artha (wealth), #Kama (desired objects) and
#Moksha (#Liberation or freedom) (1/13)

2-It destroys the three Granthis or knots of ignorance, #Avidya, #Kama and #Karma.

Gayatri purifies the mind.

Gayatri bestows on the Upasaka Ashta-#Siddhis

Gayatri makes a man powerful and highly intelligent. (2/13)

3-Gayatri eventually gives Liberation or emancipation from the wheel of birth and death. (3/13)

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1-#Savita is the presiding Deity of the #GayatriMantra,

#Fire (#Agni) is the mouth,

#Vishvamitra is the #Rishi and #Gayatri is the metre.

Gayatri Mantra is recited during the investiture of sacred thread, practice of #Pranayama and #Japa, etc. (1/15)

2-What Gayatri is, the same is #Sandhya, and what Sandhya is, the same is Gayatri.

Sandhya and Gayatri are identical.

He who meditates on Gayatri,

..meditates on Lord #Vishnu, the Supreme Lord of the #Universe. (2/15)

3-A man can repeat the Gayatri Mantra mentally, in all states, even while lying, sitting, walking, etc.

There is no sin of commission or omission of any sort in its repetition.


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1-ॐ सूर्य सुन्दरलोकनाथममृतं वेदान्तसारं शिवं

ज्ञानं ब्रह्ममयं सुरेशममलं लोकैकचित्तं स्वयम् ।

इन्द्रादित्यनराधिपं सुरगुरुं त्रैलोक्यचूडामणि

ब्रह्माविष्णुशिवस्वरूपहृदयं वन्दे सदा भास्करम् ।। (1/18)

2-Om Suryam sundaralokanathamamritam vedantasaram sivam,

Jnanam brahmamayam suresamamalam lokaikaphittam svayam;

Indradityanaradhipam suragurum trailokyachudamanim,

Brahmavishnusiva svarupa hridayam vande sada bhaskaram (2/18)
3-I always adore #Surya, the #Sun,

the beautiful Lord of the world,

the immortal,

the quintessence of the #Vedanta,

the auspicious,

the absolute knowledge,

Lord of the gods,


the one true #consciousness of the world himself, (3/18)

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1-Multiple commentaries have come and gone about the great #GayatriMantra.

I have personally found the exposition by Swami #Sivananda and Swami Chinmayananda worthwhile. (1/20)

2-For the next few days, we shall talk about the #GayatriMantra – the pinnacle of #Japa #Sadhana

Here is laying out my little understanding. (2/20)

3-ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ।

भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥ (3/20)

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1-What could be a man’s point-of-opening into the #Vedic Corpus?

For me it is #Ayurveda, #VedicAstrology and #Vastu. (1/16)

2-Vedic #Astrology that ways is well & truly a #Vedanga…for it virtually has answers to every question one might have

If one has a subtle enough perception! (2/16)

3-Consider this from the works of #Parashara.

This is used as a tool for #BirthTimeRectification and #PrashnaAstrology by #Jyotishis

..especially in the #Tamil School of #VedicAstrology. (3/16)

Read 16 tweets
Our country needs serious attention and help, we need an overhaul, a system reboot, we need a change, real change I mean.

You'll agree with me that our leaders are caught up in a vicious cycle of bad governance, corruption, incompetence and they don't know how to come out of it.
For the Nigerian citizenry, it is even more precarious. The Nigerian masses are entangled in a Bad Romance with ethnic and religious lords; that they don't think as patriots or rational beings.

Nigeria is not measuring up to expectations.
In deed, we have fitted perfectly into the narrative of the sleeping giant. I'll add, dying Giant of Africa. We do badly and poorly from security, to economy, healthcare, education, religion and so on.

What is more annoying is how delusional, wicked and unsympathetic the
Read 18 tweets

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