Is Hinduism the Answer for Universal Peace? @RajivMessage @Aabhas24 @madhukishwar @MakrandParanspe @sanjeevsanyal myind.net/Home/viewArtic…
The attack on Hinduism has uncanny resemblance to Christian annihilation of Paganism – A review of ‘The Darkening Age’. @noconversion opindia.com/2019/08/the-da…
His courtroom orations are often lectures in Hindu scriptures.
The never ending saga of Hindu Dhimmitude throws up absurdities that get weirder by the day.

The misery of the tribes started with the colonial invasion. @IchBinGorg hindupost.in/the-unseen-ind…
I bow to you, Goddess Sharada,
the One who Resides in the Kashmira country||
ASI's Assault on Shankaracharya Hill. bit.ly/2OXdnno

@sevakeralam Karyakarta sacrificed his life while doing rescue operations.
Neither communist CM of Kerala nor #RahulGandhi
Whose visit to the state was overly hyped by Media did not utter even a single word about Him or sevabharathi

Blood Buddhas: How Indian Heritage Fuels the Terror Machinery. fairobserver.com/region/central…
It is ironic that Two biggest National celebrations — Independence and Republic Day — are both centralised and celebrated within the confines of Lutyens’ Dilli. dailyo.in/politics/pm-mo…

Building temporary Toilets, wading through dirty water......., Who will do Mr #PinarayiVijayan?

Hindu hating gang including Bishop Ezra Sargunam, singer TM Krishna, speaker Suki Sivam and even few businesses are having a free run in TN. organiser.org/Encyc/2019/8/1…
When a lawyer with no knowledge about India decided her fate opindia.com/2019/08/radcli…
It is up to the three services to ensure that they get their act together as early as possible. @atahasnain53
#Vajpayee #atalji #AtalBihariVajpayeeJi
Will they make him permanent Party President.


#India and World would have been so peaceful.

Maharaja Hari Singh proposed accession on Oct 20, not 26th. How India mishandled it. pgurus.com/jk-maharaja-ha…
Sindh Before being a part of Pakistan and being invaded by Mohammad bin Qasim, had its own Historical significance.
“Great nations are not built on borrowed technology.” – Vijay Bhatkar, the Father of Indian Supercomputers. #Rajiv75 #RajivGandhi75 thebetterindia.com/82076/india-fi…
SC Orders to finish the trial in Editor Tejpal rape case in six months. Trial to start on Sept 23. pgurus.com/sc-orders-to-f…
A group of people turned violent and started using abusive language and snatching the national flags. pgurus.com/what-happened-…
Highly dangerous and Dedicated work of @sevabharathitvm and @RSSorg finds not even a mention.
Is this Journalism???

Fortunately NRI Hindus and retaliate very strongly. #PMAvoidManorama

Fake News on Trump Comments pgurus.com/fake-news-on-t…

A large number of the deaths of Scientists have been categorized as “Unexplained.” Why???
DNA analysis of Rakhigarhi remains vehemently challenges Aryan invasion theory. hinduexistence.org/2019/09/07/new…

‘First Of All, I Am An Indian’: ISRO Chief K Sivan Responds To Sun TV Interviewer’s Question Over ‘Tamil Identity’ swarajyamag.com/insta/first-of…
Communists had mocked Oachira as "Temple of Beggars".

Why blame others when we ourselves are responsible for our Cultural and Religious destruction.

Which is auspicious for two reasons, "Dussehra and Air Force day". swarajyamag.com/insta/defence-…
As always Dharma wins and Karma catches up the Perpetrator.

One of the co-conspirators, Gen Mehmud Ahmad, boasted: “Come October, we shall walk into Siachen – to mop up the dead bodies of hundreds of Indians left hungry, out in the cold.” indiafacts.org/combat-at-1600…

Christian Conversion Policy under saffron garb.
From defending Leh in 1948 with a handful of men, to delivering First victory in Kargil conflict, the history of Ladakh Scouts is replete with tales of extraordinary courage. @MPLadakh

Where are the so called Human rights champions who badmouth Hindus 24/7/365??? opindia.com/2018/11/i-begg…
But when it comes to Hakala all are dumbfounded.

the check of 5 lakh rupees announced by Matha @Amritanandamayi Math to Families of our Jawans(Martryed in Pulwama Terror attack).


Rape, torture and human experiments. Sayragul Sauytbay offers firsthand testimony from a Xinjiang 'reeducation' camp.
it will be funelled into terrorism.

CPM workers acquitted in #walayarcase where two girls committed suicide for being Sexually exploited over a year.
When it comes to Islam and Christianity why Media and Human, child, women rights champions go dumbfounded? @noconversion

Up from 142 in 2014 to 63 in 2019, this demonstrates the strong potential for improving our ranks through a focussed approach.
The humiliation meted out to these ‘eminent’ historians, first at the High Court and later at the Supreme Court, is richly deserved. swarajyamag.com/politics/ram-m…


Neither Christian Churches nor Muslim Mosques pay Single Rupee.

Volume II
Volume 1
A Preliminary Survey
Who coined "Saffron Terror" and defended Ajmal Kasab. #MaharashtraCrisis #MaharashtraPoliticalDrama #MahaThriller

Why this Hindu defamation in films still in BJP controlled CBFC??? hinduexistence.org/2019/11/26/dab…

Hindu Revivalist Views of
Animism, Buddhism, Sikhism
and Other Offshoots of Hinduism.

However, the party has quite easily forgotten its roots and decided to abandon even the legacy of Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj which it claimed to be a custodian of. @TajinderBagga tfipost.com/2019/11/sharad…

But why so much Anger and Aggression?


on different occasions. pgurus.com/why-not-cab/

Pop Mythologist Busted

Hindutva for the Changing Times by @kumarnandaj
Where did they Vanish???

While the Hindi media was responsible, objective and calm.
More than 4,000 Hindus lost their lives and 100,000 were left homeless in Calcutta within 72 hours. hindugenocide.com/islamic-jihad/…

While Muslims planning to Massacre Hindus in the garb of Hartal tomorrow

But not an iota of violence witnessed.
While Religion of Peace protests, it's Violence and Plunder all-around, why???

Chief Justice SA Bobde said the SC would not accept public properties being destroyed in the name of such protests that were held in Jamia Millia Islamia or AMU.
As Marxist led government stands a mute spectator.

Elst looks at the assassin as a meagre pawn in a greater and intricately designed politico-ideological battle. hindupost.in/while-gandhian…
How Sakhaloon criticised liberals for asking her to refrain chanting slogans like “Allahu Akbar". swarajyamag.com/news-brief/lea…

How ‘Gandhara’ Became ‘Kandahar’???