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$pepe 2005
$wojak 2009
$chad 2010
$wsb 2012
$cope 2019
#meme #crypto #brc20 Pepe
Pepe是一隻由美國漫畫家Matt Furie於2005年創作的青蛙角色,最初出現在名為《Boys Club》的漫畫中。Pepe迅速成為網絡迷因,廣泛流傳於各大社交媒體平台,經常被用來表達各種情緒。然而,Pepe的形象在2016年美國大選期間被濫用,成為一些極端政治團體的象徵,但此後已逐漸恢復其原本的迷因地位。
#PEPE Pepe
Wojak源於2009年一位波蘭網友在德國Krautchan論壇發布的一張素描。這個角色最初被稱為"Feels Guy",後來被命名為Wojak,用來表達一種內心痛苦或哀傷的情感。Wojak在網絡社群如4chan和Reddit上被廣泛使用,並且隨著時間演變出許多不同版本和變形。
#wojak WojakImageImage
Read 7 tweets
#Sudan Update - 2nd May 2023
With no signs of conflict resolution, Sudan might head into another civil war which is not at all required right now.
#Sudan #USA #Russia #Egypt #Chad #Ethopia…
1. on 22nd April Kober prison, where former Sudanese president al-Bashir is detained, was attacked by RSF. As per the reports former Sudanese President Al-Bashir has escaped from the prison. Now that is big news and it might be a big problem in the forthcoming months for SAF……
2. AS a public secret, western governments and media have accused Wagner PMCs of plundering the gold reserves of Sudan triggering the armed conflict between Sudanese factions.
As usual, a typical media subversion to deflect attention from the US Biolab crisis.

Read 18 tweets
Hoy tenemos hilo de #VayaGeología 🥳🎉🪅🍾🎉🥳🍾🪅

Conoceremos un curioso modelado de origen eólico. Viajamos a escenarios desérticos y con bastante viento: los YARDANGS 🏜️🏜️ #geología

¿Te apetece acompañarme? Pues puente gafas para que no se te meta la arena en los ojos ⤵️⤵️
Cuando la partículas se levantan de la superficie por la acción del viento e impactan en las rocas a velocidades importantes se produce un modelado
por erosión eólica. Es común en zonas áridas y con poca vegetación ⤵️
El viento erosiona por deflación: movilización y transporte de material suelto superficial. La abrasión es el desgaste mecánico, el impacto de los granos que produce fracturación en la roca ⤵️
Read 27 tweets
How ISLAMIZATION occurs when
there are sufficient MUSLIMS in a country.... #Thread

When culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable'
Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under
the table. Here's how it works...👇🏻👇🏻 Image
📍 As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will
be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.

(#UnitedStates --1.0%; #Australia --1.5%; #Canada --1.9%; #China --1%-2%; #Italy --1.5%;
#Norway --1.8%)
📍 At 2% and 3% Muslims begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

(#Denmark --2%;
#Germany --3.7%; #UnitedKingdom --2.7%; #Spain --4%; #Thailand --4.6%)
Read 13 tweets
1. 🌍|👉 Comenzamos la lista de los #EstadosFallidos de 2022 🇸🇩🇸🇸🇸🇴🇨🇩🇾🇪🇨🇫🇹🇩🇸🇾🇦🇫🇿🇼

🏦🌐👉 El 65% de los países del mundo están en #Riesgo o tienen un #AltoÍndice de ser considerado un #EstadoFallido #Geopolítica

#Hilo 🇪🇸🌐⬇️⬇️ Image
2. 🌍|👉 Para describir un Estado soberano, como #EstadoFallido, se considera, que ha fallado en garantizar el acceso a #ServiciosBásicos 🚿🍞 y #Seguridad 🏦🦺 principalmente a su población #Geopolítica #EstadosFallidos2022

#Hilo 🇪🇸🌐⬆️⬇️ Image
3. 🌍🇾🇪|👉 #Yemen es un país subdesarrollado,​ y es el país más pobre de #OrientePróximo. En Septiembre de 2014, los #Huthíes se apoderaron de la capital #Saná,​ iniciando una nueva #GuerraCivil 🔥⚔️

#Geopolítica #EstadosFallidos2022

#Hilo 🇪🇸🌐⬆️⬇️ Image
Read 12 tweets
To all the many fans of Bleach,
I have loved being a part of the Bleach universe and voicing Chad. It was a difficult decision to say no to coming back for TYBW. But I no longer audition for roles of people of color.

Representation matters.
Access matters.
I have had access to a very wide variety of roles in my career. Actors use their imaginations and their experience to breathe life into the characters we portray. We get to walk in someone else's skin for a time. We practice empathy. We feel. And we learn.
Access to opportunity in Anime has not been equal. But that has changed. By stepping aside now I open the door of Access and give opportunity to an actor who can represent Yasutora Sado with the same love and pride and imagination but with more life experience than I have.
Read 4 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 16th October 2022

Current: 852,789 signatures
Previous: 616,389 signatures.
Difference: 236,400 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #GTTO
1) #UnitedKingdom 842,029 (+232,982)
2) #France 2,298 (+660)
3) #Spain 1,285 (+361)
4) #UnitedStates 840 (+283)
5) #Germany 798 (+279)
6) #Australia 773 (+262)
7) #Netherlands 423 (+133)
8) #Canada 402 (+138)
9) #Ireland 387 (+130)
10) #Switzerland 320 (+110)
11) #NewZealand 306 (+113)
12) #Italy 233 (+79)
13) #Belgium 209 (+64)
14) #Portugal 206 (+71)
15) #Sweden 192 (+70)
16) #Denmark 131 (+47)
17) #Japan 113 (+34)
18) #Greece 106 (+33)
19) #Norway 104 (+33)
20) #IsleofMan 97 (+33)
Read 16 tweets
'U.S. winter wheat farmers plant into dust as Plains drought persists'

"It's sort of a grim situation"

#ClimateCrisis #food #inflation #VanGogh #USA…
The climate crisis is a food crisis.

And It is just ramping up.

#USA #Australia #Chad #Somalia #News #ActNow #ClimateEmergency #inflation
'Smoke from forest & grassland fires is darkening summer skies with increasing regularity.Potato growers say yields are down by 10 to 15%'

'What makes smoke particularly worrisome is that it can affect large geographic areas, filling entire valleys'
Read 6 tweets
On #FreshlyPressed981 with @SopeMartins and @monsieurceee this morning, we'll be asking how the NNPC came to the conclusion that petrol will sell for ₦462/litre without the subsidy.

@Smooth981FM in 15 minutes...
The NNPC is just involved in unnecessary fear-mongering.

Our neighbours, who are poorer, pay a lot more than we do for petrol. What I see in all this is people committed to maintaining their cushy subsidy scam going on.
Consider the attached chart, published in February.

As of February, based on the exchange rate, we were paying 40 cents per litre of petrol. In #Benin it was 95 cents, in #Niger it was 97 cents, in #Chad it was 89 cents, and in #Cameroun, it was $1.09. Image
Read 9 tweets
This feels like more theatrics from the AU, which from the start when Hemedti convinced Faki to demand a seat at the mediation table, has been subtly and not so subtly using its seat to rebalance talks to give added support to military-Islamist forces. This has imperiled the
credibility of the entire process. The fact that only the military and its supporters are truly lamenting the AU's withdrawal demonstrates this point.
No doubt there should be AU representation at the table, but what role exactly? Perhaps as part of a
"technical" track that seems to be emerging, but ultimately another influential political role would likely be looked at suspiciously by pro-democracy forces. Many continue to allege a quid pro quo between Hemedti and Faki, who need each other to advance their personal objectives
Read 4 tweets
Opening session of the 4th OIC Conference on Mediation "Experiences and Prospects" hosted by the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the OIC in Jeddah on 5-6 June 2022…
Secretary-General, Mr. #Hissein_Brahim_Taha: #Mediation is of great importance to #OIC, as the 4th session of the #Mediation Conference is being held at a critical juncture, and at a time when the world is in dire need of mediation, dialogue & negotiations to resolve conflicts. Image
Secretary-General: 60% of the conflicts in the world occur in the #OIC Zone, so OIC Member States have a strong commitment to resolving the outstanding conflicts in a peaceful and lasting manner. ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
The number of 👥 in need in Burkina Faso, Northern Cameroon,Chad,Mali,Niger, and North-Eastern Nigeria 📈 from 24M in 2018 to over 30M in 2022 due to the combined effect of:
🚨 increasingly violent conflicts
🚨 deep poverty
🚨 climate change
🚨 unprecedented food insecurity Image
@OMSNiger @WHONigeria @OMS_Burkina @whocmr @omsmali @OMS_Afrique @unis_sahel @UN_UNOWAS Only less than half of the 2021 humanitarian appeal for the Sahel was funded.

Despite this, WHO and partners continued to work in the Sahel region to prevent the humanitarian situation from getting worse.

#SahelNow Image
In 2021 despite security and funding challenges WHO helped over 300,000 people in #BurkinaFaso🇧🇫 with

✅ emergency supplies to treat cholera
#COVID19 trauma, and severe acute malnutrition treatment
✅ medicines to manage chronic conditions

#WHOImpact Image
Read 10 tweets
#Pneumonia is the #1 infectious killer of kids – killing > 40,000 in #Somalia, #Guinea, #SouthSudan & #Chad in 2019

Introducing #PCV 💉would dramatically save lives - 92,000 by 2030!

What must be done:

#EveryBreathCounts #VaccinesWork #AUSummit
🧵 1/
More than half of child #pneumonia deaths are in countries with < 60% #PCV coverage. These kids are paying with their lives!

These govts👇must introduce & protect >90% children with #PCV by 2025

More 👉

#EveryBreathCounts #VaccinesWork #AUSummit
Introducing the #PCV 💉in #Somalia could avert 32,600 child deaths from #pneumonia, #meningitis & #sepsis

Prevention is key where just 23% of kids with pneumonia symptoms are taken for care.

#EveryBreathCounts #VaccinesWork #AUSummit @MoH_Somalia
Read 6 tweets
The coup attempt in #GuineaBissau yesterday came weeks after the military takeover in Burkina Faso and follows last year’s coups in Chad, Guinea, Sudan and Mali.

What drives these more frequent power grabs? The answer is:

it is complicated 🧵…
As most of these countries are situated in West Africa, it would be easy to think the drivers of these coups are the same across the board, but the reality is more complex:
The January 2022 coup in #BurkinaFaso followed a growing insecurity in the country, a rise in #jihadist militancy and an increasingly frustrated army, especially after a deadly attack on 14 November 2021 left 53 soldiers dead, the highest death toll ever in one single attack.
Read 14 tweets
It's World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day!
Chagas disease
River blindness
Sleeping sickness
& other neglected tropical diseases affect 1 BILLION people 🌍!
Neglected tropical diseases are:
1️⃣Responsible for thousands of preventable deaths
2️⃣Found in🌍's poorest regions
3️⃣Caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi & toxins
4️⃣Associated with stigma & social exclusion
5️⃣43 countries eliminated at least 1 of these diseases

It's World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day! DYK:

🔺River blindness
🔺Intestinal worm infections

are treatable & preventable when detected early! Delay in seeking treatment & care can result in life-long disability & death. Let's #BeatNTDs!
Read 21 tweets
1/3 The demand was one for those who demonstrated against the passage of the #French military convoy in #BurkinaFaso, #Niger and #Chad, but don't hear those demands in the media!!




3/3 Theseslogans show the total rejection of #French imperialism, which controls their States in the name of the "war on #terrorism", The truth is its presence to protect and preserve its political, #military and economic interests.
Read 3 tweets
@RadioDabanga report:
Translation of the report below:
Thousands of Sudanese refugees who fled to eastern #Chad from Jebel Moon in West #Darfur state as a result of armed attacks on their villages, are calling for urgent humanitarian intervention to save their lives.
One of the refugees told Radio Dabanga that they lost all their property after armed men burned their villages, looted their properties and destroyed their farms.
He explained that they are now without shelter, food or even cover, especially with the severe cold waves these days.
Read 13 tweets
The research titled ‘The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Teachers’ was conducted by Turkish #Maarif Foundation in 25 countries across the #world to understand how the teachers and school administrators have been affected by the #pandemic. Image
After analysing the responses, 5 main #themes emerged by how the teachers and school administrators react to the #Covid19 Pandemic, which changed the all #education. Here is the thread with the findings from the research, and more will be discussed at the #IstanbulEducationSummit
The coping strategy is the most dominant main theme used by the participants to manage the challenges faced during the #pandemic. There are also subthemes under the coping strategy such as turning into an opportunity, crisis management, #adaptation, #occupation, #solidarity, etc. Image
Read 11 tweets
One of #Haftar’s tanks he left across Northern Chad. The turrets couldn’t move fast enough to track the Toyota’s with anti Tank missiles. They call Haftar “Son of a Bitch” here cuz the asshole left thousands of landmines everywhere. Still clearing today. Image
Haftar’s old base at Wadi Doum in Chad still has plenty of Soviet era junk. The sand blast work was n this burnt out Libya Air Force Transport looks like fine art. All pics c RYP all rights reserved Image
Here’s a quiz for aviation buffs. What the hell is a Trinidad and Tobago registered plane doing in the ass end of nowhere #Chad? The engines are clean @Gerjon_ The locals don’t have a clue. Looks like gear failure on the incredible steel plate runway a slick as ice. Image
Read 4 tweets
NEW: Just released @UN report warns of "heightened threats emerging" from #ISIS #alQaida affiliated groups worldwide

"This is especially true in parts of West and East #Africa" per the report, based on member state intelligence
In West/East #Africa, affiliates of #ISIS #alQaida "can boast gains in supporters and territory under threat, as well as growing capabilities in fundraising & weapons, for example, in the use of drones" per the @UN report
#ISIS in #Syria "has evolved into an entrenched insurgency, exploiting weaknesses in local security to find safe havens & targeting forces engaged in counter-ISIL operations" per the @UN report
Read 55 tweets
1. Last night, #IS published a new statement from its spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurashi in which, among other things, he lauded the recent exploits of #ISWAP#IS’s West Africa Province—in #Nigeria, alluding to Abubakar #Shekau's group, #JAS, as "khawarij."
2. #Qurashi said #IS was “pleased to hear the news of the bay’a” of former #Shekau followers.

This wasn't rhetoric. In the last two weeks, #ISWAP has been claiming attacks in parts of Borno in which it was previously inactive, places in which #JAS had previously been dominant.
3. After its victory over #JAS in May, many #JAS fighters joined #ISWAP, which consolidated these gains and began launching attacks in former #JAS areas quicker than many had anticipated it would.

The first such attack took place on 13 June southeast of #Maiduguri, near #Bama.
Read 7 tweets
Here at 12:13 pm is @UN_Spokesperson Spox Haq in the UN Press Briefing Room from which Inner City Press is banned by UNSG @AntonioGuterres. It has emailed him Qs on Tigray, #Uganda, #Nigeria, SG scam "election, #Chad #Belarus #Cameroon, #Honduras, thread below
Inner City Press asked Haq, "On Uganda, on which you have refused to answer Press' Qs about the digital ID system which excludes people from vaccination, what are UN's comments and actions if any on that Uganda has recorded its highest number of coronavirus cases
Inner City Press asked, "On Ethiopia and Tigray what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres on that Ethiopia's electoral board has postponed until September elections in Somali and Harari. The voting will also not take place in Tigray
Read 5 tweets
A woman was killed by demonstrators in the Chadian capital Tuesday as crowds protested the newly-installed junta, despite the military's call to ban the gatherings
#BREAKING Chad's new junta leader Mahamat Deby Itno vows 'inclusive national dialogue', to 'fight terrorism'
#UPDATE Chad's new junta leader pledged national dialogue on Tuesday as at least two people died during banned protests against his government, which took power after the shock battlefield death of his father and veteran ruler Idriss #Deby Itno #Chad
Read 5 tweets
US reaction to reported death of #Chad President Idriss Deby

"We would like to express our condolences to the people of Chad for their loss" per @USAfricaCommand spox Col. Chris Karns "The United States is closely monitoring the rebel incursion in Chad..."
"#Chad plays a vital role in efforts to counter regional transnational threats" per @USAfricaCommand's Col Karns "Chad's ability to contribute to regional security initiatives helps reduce instability in the region"
"We continue to remain encouraged by #Chad|ian participation in regional counter violent extremist
organization efforts such as the Multinational Joint Task Force, G5 #Sahel Joint Force & the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in #Mali" per Col Karns
Read 9 tweets

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