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@DiscountMabs @JadedNurse63 @rizpossnett Ignoring fact that 50% of studies can't be replicated

And "Sociology" & related "Medical" type "studies" are the worst culprits

The ones that say otherwise are highly biased cherry-picked "studies" of self-selected participants by activist "researchers"…
@DiscountMabs @JadedNurse63 @rizpossnett As I said

Depriving #TransKids of proper counselling😯

And railroading them down the so-called "#AffimativeCare" pathway😮

Is what is killing them😲

And that's what YOU support!!!😱🤦‍♂️

It's worse than the Liverpool "Care" Pathway!!!…
@DiscountMabs @JadedNurse63 @rizpossnett #TransActivists have no self-awareness!

And no shame!!!

Depriving #TransKids of proper counselling😯

And railroading them down the so-called "#AffimativeCare" pathway😮

IS WHAT IS #KillingTransKids😲

And that's what THEY support!!!😱🤦‍♂️…
Read 33 tweets
#WHO has not said that "#bacteriological #weapons" are produced in #UkraineImage
‘Reuters also, quoting #UN officials, writes that #WHO, in its work with #Ukraine, "is not aware of any activity in the country that would violate international treaties 'including #chemical or #biological #weapons'".
Therefore, there is no evidence that the health #laboratories referred to by #WHO in its note to the #Ukrainian government are used to produce #biological #weapons, as erroneously claimed in the post under analysis.
Read 9 tweets
Legacy Property Management and Johnson Creek Village

On 4/20/2023 Phillip Western and I were thrown out of our home in 72 hours because we refused to commit fraud for Legacy Property Management and the owners of Johnson Creek Village. A gray apartment building w...
We received no notice, Phill had never received a written warning for work, they refused to tell us why we were thrown aside. We asked if we could continue living in our home if we paid rent, and they refused with a laugh. It was a retaliatory firing and eviction. A door post from Legacy Pro...
We moved into a quaint old building called "The Albert" in November of 2021. Vintage and cute we had a lot of hope for the future, our move in costs paid by DV grants. Despite being advertised as having heat, the day we went to sign the move in papers,
Read 42 tweets
#Mediapooli @JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en
#mRNA-#YLE valehtelee veronmaksajille jälleen pimeän tullen, kahdessa peräkkäisessä lähetyksessä 19.3.2023, kuin varas
-"#Venäjä pommitti sivilien suojana toimineen #Mariupol'in teatteria, satoja ihmisisä kuoli."…
@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en #Humanitarian mission near #Sartana, we met a large number of people who had just fled #Mariupol.
- Among these #civilians was #Nikolay, who agreed to tell us on camera what happened with the #MaternityHospital and the #theatre in #Mariupol
@JoukoJokinen @merjaya @RSF_en cc: @ KimDotcom
The #IntlCrimCourt that we don’t recognize has issued an arrest warrant against #Putin for #evacuating #children from a #Warzone that is getting #shelled with OUR #weapons -we #killed over 20 #million people in 37 victim nations since #WW2.
Read 9 tweets
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #Putin visits #Crimea on anniversary of its annexation from Ukraine |-3h
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US threatens to #arrest #ICC #judges if they pursue Americans for #Afghan #WarCrimes | 10/09/2018
- #WhiteHouse Nat Sec Advisor J. #Bolton called the #Hague-based rights body "unaccountable" and "outright #dangerous" to the #US, #Israel and other #allies… Image
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US #bars entry to #ICC investigators, says '#attacking #America's #RuleOfLaw' | 15/03/2019
- “The ICC is attacking America’s '#RuleOfLaw',” #Pompeo told reporters. “It’s not too late for the court to change course and we urge that it do so immediately.”… Image
Read 15 tweets
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista '#Preventing' #Grooming in the #HappiestCountry
The #Oulu #rapecrisis.
"Stop, don't touch me there." | 2y
Oulun kaupunki laittoi 2,5 miljoonaa euroa Turvallinen Oulu -hankkeeseen, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä uskonsoturien tuomaa seksuaalirikollisuutta.
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista #Islam'in perusteet
- #muslimi on määrätty taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #vääräuskoisia vastaan. Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa sotilaal­linen toi­minta #islam'issa on.
Read 18 tweets
I'm skeptical of the rationale given for banning the journalists who posted Elon's private jet info or whatever, but if it's true that they're only banned for 7 days, the upside at least is that "permabans" aren't going to presumptively be the norm anymore
"Doxxing" has become a nonsense term that just means whatever somebody wants it to mean in any given circumstance. Are we supposed to believe that Musk was being dangerously "doxxed" by the Federal Aviation Administration every single day prior to this random week in December
You can go right now to Hollywood and take a guided tour of celebrity mansions, addresses included. Those celebrities aren't being "doxxed" if a tour participant tweets about it. There's really no coherent definition of the term anymore, if there ever was. Just lots of whining
Read 8 tweets
While the chaos of '#AcceleratedCitizensAccess' to #GPrecords continues to unfold:

...we've come across some perturbing items on the agenda for @NHSDigital's Board meeting this afternoon 👇 which I'll pick up on in this [Thread].…
First, beginning on page 158, are some Directions that @NHSEngland must know will be HIGHLY controversial - given they are telling @NHSDigital to use @PalantirTech's #Foundry to collect *patient level identifiable data* from hospitals... 1 Executive Summary  NHS England are directing NHS Digital t
I'll tweet as I do a read-through, but even these first two paragraphs are incoherent, e.g. " a way that will enable." Enable what?

And if @NHSEngland Directs NHSD to use #Palantir, NHSE is *determining the purposes and means of processing* - i.e. it is a #DataController... Whether you are a controller or processor depends on a numbe
Read 25 tweets
Therapist Thread on #Narcissistic Injury & Narcissistic Rage 🧵: the reactions are disproportionate the the perceived 'slight', which is the injury. They are 'over the top'. For e.g. they want you to lose your entire career because you disagree with them on something.
Narcissistic injury is caused by: 1.challenged confidence. When there excessive needs for admiration your attention, time, energy are not met, they will #rage to protect their ego. 2. Injury to the narcissists #selfesteem often occurs because they don't have a stable sense of
Self. When this happens & the smallest failure is pointed out, they will #RAGE This may look like swearing, snorting, spitting, violence, screaming & melting down or covert and is always directed back at the person or projected back on the 'perceived' accuser.
Read 23 tweets
This documentary on ITV about Spire private hospitals & private surgeon mutilating women & men for money is damning. We have to reinstate the NHS. Spire have had £millions of public money while NHS has been shrunk/rationed, replaced by US ICS denying us care #RenationaliseNHS
Over 4,000 cases been recalled by Spire private health company after this "surgeon" operated unnecessarily on & mutilated potentially thousands of patients and no safeguarding, no scrutiny, no checks & balances, going back 22 years!! Yet govt gave £millions to Spire in pandemic
He was a consultant who "rented a room" at Spire private hosp, there have been no changes to the law so this type of criminal behaviour could happen again. What will happen when there is no NHS left to pick up the pieces when private sector negligence causes harm? #ICS_Is_Not_NHS
Read 8 tweets
Sigue el ciclo temático #DiscosConArte para #TwitterCultural, con portadas de discos de #música creadas por grandes artistas.

¿Os suena esta portada? Seguro que sí: es "Dangerous", uno de los discos más famosos de Michael #Jackson. Hablemos de su arte y otros discos...

Empezaban los 90s y Michael #Jackson, que sabía de música, entendió que el #pop de "Thriller" y "Bad" se estaba pasando de moda, así que quería (necesitaba) renovarse: despidió al legendario Quincy #Jones y contrató a Teddy #Riley.

Y en el 91 salió "#Dangerous".

Sigue ⬇️
"Dangerous" fue un bombazo ecléctico, una evolución de Jackson y una obra maestra revolucionaria. Hay de todo en ese disco: rap, soul, funk, R&B, swing... y todo muy moderno.
Y respecto del arte, también quería algo nuevo, diferente, y contrató al artista Mark #Ryden.

Read 20 tweets
Do you see it yet? This is a permanent program ushering in digital passports, #surveillance, & a new #data economy, global in scale. #Vaccines are about emerging markets - not health. The bedrock of #4IR #biotechnology going forward.

"#Mask of the Future - World Economic Forum"
"BreathTech-S³ #smart-material sensor & #Bluetooth-connected app. allows users to monitor breathing #data in real-time... #IoT

#CO2 build-up - if air quality [] is reduced, the user will be alerted to find a safe place to take a breath of fresh air,..."
Chatham House Futurescape, 3-D digital model of London, 2021-2035. A jumbotron on left reminds (faceless) citizens to #test. 'VR holidays' which appear in 2060, "are already being rolled out today as a reaction to the restrictions on travel." [April 14, 2021] #4IR #GreatReset
Read 7 tweets
The @Conservatives know that their cynical & inflammatory culture war is not just divisive, but extremely dangerous.

The head of Historic England says employees have received many threats.

The unhinged Tories & their media backers are going full Trump.
Last year, Britain’s top lawyers wrote to Priti Patel to express their concern after a man with a large knife entered a London law firm & launched a “violent, racist attack” was said to be directly motivated by Patel's irresponsible comments.…
Since 2018, Europol, the FBI & MI5 have all said that FAR RIGHT TERROR PLOTS ARE MULTIPLYING FASTER THAN ISLAMIST ONES, yet a #PREVENT review is to be led by grotesque hard-right crank William Shawcross, who describes gay rights & climate change as "PC".…
Read 14 tweets
This is your daily pension announcement! Not feeling the love today edition. I want to just remind we still have no reliable answer as to how many billions went down the toilet🚽 with KXL. #AbLeg #handsoffmypension
Our pension topic of the day is about MLAs wrongly telling AB that the GOA is responsible for any deficiency in public sector pension plans. Some plans are like that, not the major AB public sector plans though. #handsoffmypension
Joint (or risk shared) plans like ATRF split the liabilities between the GOA and the teachers. Which is only fair that it mirrors contributions. And these liabilities are paid off in a 15 year time period max. #AbLeg #handsoffmypension
Read 7 tweets
2020 (Hindi) films on digital platforms.

A thread..

#GhostStories - Netflix
#BhangraPaaLe - Netflix
#ShimlaMirchi - Netflix
#SabKushalMangal - Eros Now
#Tanhaji - Hotstar
#Chhapaak - Hotstar
#JaiMummyDi - Netflix
#Bunker - ShemarooMe
#WildKarnataka - Discovery Plus
#StreetDancer - Amazon
#Panga - Hotstar
#JawaaniJaaneman - Amazon
#Ekram - Hungama
#ItsAboutChoices - Cinemapreneur
#Malang - Netflix
#Shikara - Amazon
#Hacked - Zee5
#Kaanchli -
#YahanSabhiGyaniHain - Shemaroo Me
#Baggage -
#LoveAajKal - Netflix / Jio Cinema
#Shukranu - Zee5
#ShubhMangalZyadaSaavdhan - Amazon
#Bhoot : #TheHauntedShip - Amazon
#YehBallet - Netflix
#Thappad - Amazon
#DoorKeDarshan - Netflix / Amazon #KehtaHaiYehDil - Shemaroo Me
#DheetPatangey - Hotstar
#Baaghi3 - Hotstar
Read 13 tweets
PR firms prepare 60-80% of global news while 6 media corps control lion's share of global news. [Giants: the Global Power Elite by P Phillips].

Contemplating the sound question "what are they trying to sell me?" is always a legitimate/wise exercise.

If the "ideological protectors of concentrated global capital" wanted you to remain calm - the media, in lockstep, would mirror & amplify this desire. Instead we witness a psychological terror campaign waged against populace - w/ a growing acceptance/demand of fascist measures.
Many of the observations from the 2016 article, "Why We’re Living in the Age of Fear" can be explored in relation to what we bear witness to, at present moment. Our #fear is very easy to #manipulate. "We're #wired to respond to it above everything else"…
Read 20 tweets
Some funny goings on in #Liverpool under the stewardship of #JoeAnderson 👀

My current viewpoint might be influenced by some of the TV shows I watched during lockdown #Subura #Gomorrah #GangsOfLondon #LineOfDuty

But, it has a whiff of a Mafia fiefdom🤯…
- Merseyside Police investigating City Council
- Lancashire Police - #OperationSheridan
- Serious Fraud Office, North West Serious Crimes Unit & GMP investigating property scams
- Council finances not being signed off by an auditor for the last 5 years

Something smells fishy🐟👀
Now, I realise it sounds bonkers to link TV shows about the Italian Mafia and how they infiltrate local councils and municipalities - I mean, that wouldn't happen in Lancashire or Merseyside... would it!?

Well, ye. It would...

Have a look 👀…
Read 35 tweets
So this #Stupidity hits close to home. So a #discussion on #arsenicum album 30.
📌30 means 30 times diluted, standard for #Homeopathy
📌What is #diluted? ➡️ #Arsenic trioxide
📌#homeopath says only 0.443mg of compound per pellet
📌Thats #safety levels right? ➡️ NO.
Read on
#Arsenic whatever form, concentration, level, is #dangerous #harmful to #humans.
📌Even LOW DOSE intermediate to #long use can lead to #Cancer
📌Actually, many types of #Cancers - #skin, #liver, #bladder, #kidney, #lung
📌Those with #diabetes #heartdisease its #deathwish
📌NOT one proper #study on this #drug in #Medical #history
📌Read artilce @AltNewsScience debunking fake evidence:
📌#traditional use was in #diarrhea
📌#pseudoscience at its best
👇 Arsenic is As and not ARS
🔥Even though arsenicum album is #crap
Read 5 tweets
#BlackLivesMatter #WhitePrivilege #SystemicRacism #FactCheck (1/4): On #violent #crime (except murder) by #race using DoJ’s NCVS data for 2018 (latest year available):
1. A black was only 0.81 times as likely as a white to be a violent crime victim. Image
#BlackLivesMatter #WhitePrivilege #SystemicRacism #FactCheck (2/4):
2. A black was 2.3 times more likely than a white to commit a #violent #crime.
3. A black was 47.4 times more #dangerous to a white than a white was to a black. Image
Read 4 tweets
Forced evictions & demolitions during #Covid_19 in Pakistan.
As “Eviction” contradicts the “stay at home” policy, the United Nations has called on member states & governments at all levels to stop all migrations & evictions at this time of pendamic covid-19.
The recent effects of the #COVIDー19 are causing a lot of problems around the world, especially for people who have suffered significant loss of #income. In such a difficult and critical time, ‘#home’ has become a ‘#defense’ against the #coronavirusPandemic.
States around the world are ordering people to stay “at home” to prevent the spread of Covid-19. But at the same time, many states are at risk of being evicted, while at least 150 million people worldwide are homeless and living on temporary shelters or sidewalks.
Read 22 tweets
The Modi Govt seems to have lost its #Plot.

Their #Vision & #Direction, both,have gone #astray.

They look hell-bound to push #India & its #Economy in the #Darkness.

#People of India continue to #suffer because of #Brainless #Aimless #DecisionMaking by the #Govt.

They do not know what they r doing, but they think whatever they r doing is Correct.

They r hallucinated.

They r suffering from a #SelfRighteous #Syndrome.

That's sounds too #Dangerous for the #Country & its #People !

The Country cannot be left on the Whims of a #Psychopath !
@BJP4India & @INCIndia have become only a #Liability on the #Nation.

#Leaders like @RahulGandhi @narendramodi & @AmitShah r #Misleading the #Nation & taking #India & its #people in the #Wrong #Direction.

India & its People r much more than #BJP #Congress & some #Media Groups.
Read 5 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
PR firms prepare 60-80% of global news while 6 media corps control lion's share of global news. [Giants: the Global Power Elite by P Phillips].

Contemplating the sound question "what are they trying to sell me?" is always a legitimate/wise exercise.

If the "ideological protectors of concentrated global capital" wanted you to remain calm - the media, in lockstep, would mirror & amplify this desire. Instead we witness a psychological terror campaign waged against populace - w/ a growing acceptance/demand of fascist measures.
Many of the observations from the 2016 article, "Why We’re Living in the Age of Fear" can be explored in relation to what we bear witness to, at present moment. Our #fear is very easy to #manipulate. "We're #wired to respond to it above everything else."…
Read 21 tweets

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