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Mar 1:
1/ #RussianVolunteerCorps actions in #Bryansk

“We are #Russians, and we are not #Russians”: what is known about the “#RussianVolunteerCorps

@CrimeanWind, of #Telegram, background report on #Russian ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Partisans…
Mar 1:
3/ #RussianVolunteerCorps in #Bryansk

..representatives adhere to right-wing views & #Claim to have traveled the entire #FrontLine.

#Russian #Volunteer #Corps founder, #DenisKapustin (#Nikitin)..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine…
Read 37 tweets
1) When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth,
2) the separate and equal station to which the Laws of #Nature and of Nature's #God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
3) We hold these #truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are #Life, #Liberty and the pursuit of #Happiness.
Read 7 tweets
According to @RayDalio #principles video, war is coming, after "printing money and credit". This is a gold video. however in the previous orders there were no cryptocurrencies, which could alter the overall vision of the cycle. 1/4
@RayDalio In fact, even if the government produces more #money the people who invest in this asset ensure that there is less #FIAT money circulating. This means that even if there should be a #war, to avoid an excessive devaluation of the #dollar, 2/4
@RayDalio there could be an immense capital entering the #crypto world. All this would open the doors to a new elite of people, the "new rich". And this has been noticed by several #millionaires and #billionaires, investing a small portion of their #portfolio in this new #asset 3/4
Read 5 tweets
The definition of what is pure/SiShTa differed from language to language. It is fairly black and white for a language that is largely only literary. For a spoken language, it is lot more challenging to define or agree on this- also it changes with time dynamically

Tampering with grammatical structure is a no-no for any language- spoken or written. For instance, you cannot use another language’s vibhakti pratyaya wily-nily. Same with application of grammar rules from another language. That will be “impure” even if done just once.

One may create a “maNipravALa” or “bhANDIra” style specifically for writing & that may in time be accepted for that purpose, but this will not become accepted in common spoken language. In common speech, it will still be “impure”. Again, this will have its own specific rules
Read 21 tweets
Waiting for a daily close above the resistance by 3% margin is a trading tactic Edwards & Magee discussed in their book Technical Analysis of Stock Trends.

For some of you this might be a too late entry. Remember that trading tactics can be different for each trader/investor.
As there is no perfect stop-loss placement, there is also no perfect entry condition. Sometimes you can miss the breakouts due to gap openings. I'm sure many of you managed to position well into this H&S continuation breakout. Image
There are several ways to trade a chart pattern. From anticipatory positions before the breakout to buying during re-test after a breakout...

However, there is only one way to identify a text-book classical chart pattern. This one was a H&S continuation.
Read 6 tweets

B/c Glem is so dug in on his 'Dems are pure partisans w/ no principles, unlike the GOP' narrative, somehow Glem frames a wide majority (almost 2:1) of Dems putting principles ahead of partisanship & calling for Cuomo to resign as a negative.
If only there was a way to compare which party had more principles in the face of one of their own being accused of sexual impropriety. Oh wait, there is, because the president of the united states was accused by 20+ women of sexual misconduct. Let's see how they compare:
NY Dems who think Cuomo should resign: "Only 57%"

Republicans who thought Trump should resign after 20+ women accused him of misconduct (Dec. 2017):
A whopping 7% (with 92% against).
Read 7 tweets
1/3 If we're testing #ivermectin for #COVID19, it exposes the scandal that #ivermectin is not licensed for routine use for #scabies outbreaks in the #UK. We know it works for #scabies (unlikely in #COVID19). It's on the @WHO #EssentialDrugs list! @UniofOxford @CMO_England
2/3 .. our #scabies research explores why this local and global #NeglectedTropicalDisease gets missed in #UK #carehomes. Take a look here at our research. Why aren't we using #ivermectin routinely? @UniofOxford @NIHRresearch
3/3 so #ivermectin is being trialled in #COVID19 while remaining unlicensed and hard to obtain for #scabies? Hope those @OxfordMedSci scientists will join us #scabies folk to get this changed #Principles
Read 5 tweets
Here's a fun #NINO - the UK's National Insurance Number - [Thread] to start the weekend 👇

Maybe I should do an #NHSnumber one sometime? It's a fascinating story, which (ironically) starts with these...
[With thanks to @guy_herbert, @TomSamaki, @PrivacyMatters & others for encouragement!]

Before I start a geeky 'deep dive' on the #NHSnumber, to provide some (personal/professional) context that will hopefully become apparent, I'll just drop these two images here:
So, to begin.

After the Second World War, in a time when we started to think (again) what a #civilised society would be, and when our leaders tried to agree #principles like #UDHR that might prevent the recurrence of genocide, and support #dignity and #HumanRights for all...
Read 32 tweets
Home Again has been #acknowledged by @WHO as one of the 25 best practices of Community Mental Health Services from around the world.
#HomeAgain #GoodPractice #Values #Principles
The compilation provides in-depth information on the elements that contribute towards the development of good practice services that meet international human rights standards and that promote a person-centred, recovery approach.
Home Again as an innovation integrally operates without coercion, is responsive to people’s needs, supports recovery, promotes autonomy and inclusion, and involves people with lived experience in the development, delivery and monitoring of services.
Read 4 tweets
Chess Grandmaster Anna Muzychuk, on refusing to play in Saudi Arabia.
'In a few days, I'll lose two world titles, one after another. Because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia. I refuse to play by special rules, wear abaya, be accompanied by a man,
—-> Image
so I can get out of the hotel, so I don't feel like a second-class person.

'I will follow my principles and not compete in the fast chess and blitz world championship where in just 5 days I could have made more money than with dozens of other combined tournaments. —->
This is all very unpleasant, but the sad part is that no one seems to care. Bitter feelings, but I can't go back.'

Anna Muzychuk
#genderequality #principles #values #humanrights #saudiarabia #women #men #chess #individual #empowerment
Read 3 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/15/2021…
Non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Low-risk of serious long-term effects, but more visits to doctor…

#COVID19 #LongHaulers #risk
Read 10 tweets
N.Ireland is once again the rope in the UK/EU tug of war.

(we've been here before, several times 🙄😩)

Both claim to be acting on the grounds of the Good Friday/Belfast 1998 Agreement.

Both have a point…

But it’s complicated.

A twitter thread.
#Brexit #GFA
The Belfast/Good Friday #Agreement has 3 strands.

These strands represent the lines of division that gave rise to the #conflict:
* unionist/nationalist within NI,
* north/south across the border, &
* British/Irish.

The B/GFA formalised cooperation across these lines.
Crucially, all are #interdependent.

Underpinning it all is the British-Irish relationship

That relationship was improved & became closer as a result of being ‘partners in the EU’ 🇪🇺

The EU was also a go-to model for some of that cross-border & multilevel cooperation.
Read 13 tweets

The seven so-called 'ethical principles' are here:…

Many of which vendors are already #legally required to follow, and noting the completed mess they get themselves into over "ownership" in number two... 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ ImageImage
I wonder how many of the vendors following these 'principles' *wouldn't* sell their #biometric wares to @metpoliceuk? (And not just because they failed to win a contract...)

The thing is, if your 'principles' don't meaningfully alter / inhibit behaviour, then they aren't really #principles at all.

Much less #ethical ones...
Read 3 tweets
Good piece by @bryanglick on the #IDkerfuffle:…

This bit 👇 being the closest to the truth that I've seen.

Of course, the 'DCS pilot' (…) is only @HM_Passport, not @DVLAgovuk - and (2) suggests ignorance of existing legislation... Image
...(3) is commercial ass-covering & wishful thinking for a *Government* ID; you want 'em to be #accountable?! 🤣

(4) would have been sensible at any point, but even given #PornID it took *20 YEARS* to get round to even consulting on it...
...(5) where do you think #DCS came from? Rebranding's easy. Ditto code. Operationalisable, citizen-protecting #principles far less so:…

And (6)? Good to see people agree with @NO2ID, but it's not just the #DatabaseState they're concerned about any more...
Read 3 tweets
Simon touches on a key point in his first item.

As with #falsifiability in #science, in #practice '#ethics' only work in the context of a #profession or #community *from which one can be #excluded*.

Those wishing to be #trusted as #ethical must stop issuing '#principles' and...
..setting up #EthicsBoards like @Google's or private courts like @Facebook's @OversightBoard (both demonstrating how poorly #BigTech grasps basic concepts like #justice, let alone #ethics, and how both - as #sovereign powers - have utterly misconceived #community) and start to...
...genuinely #professionalise.

Not in the shitty, self-serving, #cartel-like fashion of many companies & industry bodies in tech, advertising - and yes, DP & privacy - but in broader, deeper, more #connected ways that *could* deliver the #trustworthy #institutions of the future.
Read 5 tweets

Below you will see the truth as it pertains to the individual known as "Mufti Menk",

A Mini-thread will also be found in the end for another self-termed "Mufti" which ill repost later,

Enter this thread as a seeker of truth and rid yourself of emotions:
Read 39 tweets
1] The #unrelenting #hypocrites who said #Chamisa was afraid of a #Congress & was taking power through boardrooms accuse(d) him of not using #political #tokenism to protect #Mwonzora from #Hwende

They equally wanted #Mudzuri & #Komichi to be rewarded outside Congress #elections.
2] The #unrelenting #hypocrites who accused the #MDC-A of lacking party discipline want to christian #Chamisa a dictator for taking measures to realign party communication channels with the constitution.

They prefer seeing #MDC-A officials excitedly behave like a #Vikings army. ImageImage
3] The #unrelenting #hypocrites pretend like there's no difference between #discipline & #democracy.

They enjoy seeing #MDC-A officials quenching their thirst for rumours & discord by needlessly rushing to the #media to share #personal #opinions even against #party #positions.
Read 8 tweets
I'm so grateful to have the endorsement of Jasmine Barrientos, @MoawadJasmine! Her trust in this campaign shows our message is resonating. Thank you for your support. ImageImage
"As a Bolivian American ,a former Senate Candidate, and a Vice presidential Candidate for Bolivia ,I am pleased to announce our endorsement from The New American Political Committee, for your run at the Congressional Elections this year 2020,

"I met you personally and I know that your principles and values will not be altered by any party or group but by our God principles ,and when someone goes in the seek of the truth and righteousness nothing can go wrong.

Read 6 tweets
#100daysofCPD is where @UoB_HEFi will be beaming a spotlight onto #teaching and supporting #learning in #HigherEducation #CPD opportunities especially for #Beacon #HEAfellowship applicants & @uob_pgche participants during #COVID19 times & beyond Image
#100daysofCPD: #Day1 is the @UoB_HEFi #Learning and #Teaching Gateway. Full of self-paced online courses on a range of #technology and teaching topics. #BestPractice #CPD Go to… Image
#100daysofCPD #Day2: @matt_tel_brum shares this Resource - How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event containing all you need to know about Zoom’s #settings when using for #teaching, #meetings or #socializing during #COVID19 & beyond…
Read 106 tweets
1/ Heads up!

I'm preparing a guide to fixing organisational problems in scaling software development teams.

I'd love to talk to you if you're a founder or leader dealing with this! Things I'll cover (feedback welcomed):
2/ A decade plus programming/team building and leadership experience across start ups, global mega banks and sizes inbetween.
3/ A shit ton of research on complexity, psycology, climatic changes in our industry and how the best teams in the world operate. Many of the best resources here have come from people not so much in the public eye, or misunderstood now. Boyd, Musashi, Goldratt and more.
Read 10 tweets
Italian #DPA lock down the risky #surveillance law that aim to have (biometric_identification+cctv+smart_image_analisys) to check public employees punch-in and punch-out.
This time DPA analyze implementing decree.
In october 2018 the DPA did the same on the draft of the main law Image
The law is already in force (D.Lgs 56/2019) but it lacks of application rules.

The DPA is highlighting and pointing out all the issues related to the law itself ant to the application rules, that are conflicting with the #GDPR main #principles.
Main issues are:

1) terms and #definitions don't match with GDPR definitions. they have to be lined up
2) principles of #Necessity & #Proportionality are completely unattended
3) the new biometric gates can't be #mandatory
4) #alternative gates should be available if needed
Read 8 tweets

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