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May 31st 2023
1/Il y a 30 ans, l’école suédoise était louée pour ses performances sociales et scolaires. A 98% publique, elle était organisée de manière centralisée, réduisant au maximum les "choix des familles" au profit de l'efficacité commune.…
2/ Mais voilà, en 1989, "les finances publiques sont en #déficit". C'est vrai dans tous les Etats européens, mais cela permet de justifier une destruction progressive du système scolaire suédois.
3/ Le système est décentralisé. Les communes reçoivent une enveloppe pour organiser l'enseignement primaire et secondaire. La cohérence et les garanties de l'éducation nationale sont reléguées derrière la réduction des coûts.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
@Albankp1 @Renaud_Sand @Reconquete_off Ce que vous dîtes ne repose sur rien à part votre envie de le penser.
Les électeurs #RN sont avant tout motivés par le rejet de l'immigration. Voter RN pour plus de "social", c'est drôlement se compliquer la vie quand on sait le peu de chances de MLP d'arriver au pouvoir.
@Albankp1 @Renaud_Sand @Reconquete_off Si on a comme objectif prioritaire le "social", c'est-à-dire de nouveaux déluges de dépenses publiques (et de dette à terme), autant voter #NUPES .
Le seul dénominateur sur lequel former une majorité alternative est l'immigration, que cela vous plaise ou non.
@Albankp1 @Renaud_Sand @Reconquete_off Une alliance #RN - #Reconquete permettrait d'attirer des #LR et d'autres électeurs qui partagent nos convictions sur l'immigration mais qui verront enfin une perspective de victoire que le RN seul n'a pas. Et encore moins avec un programme RN démagogique...
Read 8 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
"Make Canada Work for People Who've Done the Work" @PierrePoilievre who voted against #CERB shares a press release amending the budget that reflects zero compassion for low income earners and the #disabled
A re-elected Liberal government will:
Continue to ensure that secondary earners—mostly women—can exclude up to $14,000 of their working income when income-testing the #CanadaWorkersBenefit, so that families can receive up to $2,400.…
1/2 You can read abut the Liberal Party Policies for disabled people at… #CanadaDisabilityBenefitAct was unanimously adopted Febeuary 2, 2023 as a federal income supplement for working-age persons with disabilities.
Read 43 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
1/2 A growing number of folks realize that California is where they get their produce from & it's been slammed by forest fires, floods, etc. so they are going to grow their own veggies this year and escape the high prices in the grocery chain stores.
2/2 An estimated two-thirds of all produce consumed in Canada is imported from the U.S. accounting for approximately 37% of Canada's fresh fruit imports in 2021. California exported $4.8 Billion to Canada, including: $1.7B in fruits and nuts & $203M in vegetables and roots.
I live on a Gulf Island where the best weather conditions found in Canada are found so I purchase FRESH produce from organic farmers at farm gates and at Farmer's Markets twice weekly. Hubby also grows some of our veggies.
Are you now or will you be growing your own produce?
Read 24 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
@valtioneuvosto @MarinSanna Dmitry #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
- #Finland's pm, satanist Sanna Marin.
@valtioneuvosto @MarinSanna The cabinet of #SannaMarin, former grocery cashier, was formed #unconstitutionally on 10th Dec 2019, following blatantly rigged #ParlamentaryElections.
Her party #demarit won the #Scytl/#Dominion '#elections' by 7666 votes. (666=#InTheNameOfAllah)
@valtioneuvosto @MarinSanna Qanon julkisti #Eduskuntavaalit2019 täsmälleen oikeat äänimäärät 3 vkoa ENNEN 'vaalien #tulosilta'a', desimaalin tarkkuudella.
- Kansan nielaisemat vaalitulokset olivat vasta ensimäinen akordi Cabal: n ohjaamassa #ilveily -spektaakkelissa, opus 666.… Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
Dmitry #Kotsyubaylo eliminated | Mar 7, 2023
- when the #Americans visited the positions in #Avdiivka, he said that he was feeding the tamed #wolf "the #bones of #Russian-speaking #children.
-#Finland's pm, satanist Sanna Marin
The cabinet of @MarinSanna, former grocery cashier, was formed #unconstitutionally on 10th Dec 2019, following blatantly rigged #ParlamentaryElections. Her party #demarit won the #Scytl/#Dominion '#elections' by 7666 votes.(666=InTheNameOfAllah)
@MarinSanna #Cabal 666 secured a quick run-down of #Finland's economy into the arms of the #IMF, replacing an inexperienced #cashier girl as #primeminister.
- “#SannaMarin’s status is not an achievement of pure-blooded parliamentarism and the #RuleOfLaw | 26.12.2019
Read 8 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
Dopo il freddo di fine febbraio, come sta andando il deficit di risorse idriche nivali in #Italia? Le nevicate non hanno cambiato molto, infatti stimiamo ancora un deficit del -63% 👇 Ad oggi abbiamo circa 1/3 della neve degli ultimi anni. @DPCgov
Un thread🧵👇
👆 L'avete notato? A fine gennaio eravamo in una situazione molto migliore.
Cosa è successo da allora?
A febbraio abbiamo avuto un periodo di caldo significativo, che ha esaurito circa 1/3 delle risorse idriche nivali.
Lo abbiamo imparato: temperature calde = meno neve...
Non solo per le #Alpi italiane il deficit è significativo. La maggior parte degli #Appennini è tornata in deficit dopo un gennaio nevoso. Anche qui, temperature così elevate non possono che portare ad una fusione della neve più rapida del solito e a un accumulo più breve.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
After some cold weather at the end of February, how is the deficit in #snow water resources doing across #Italy? Snowfalls did not change much, as we still estimate a total deficit of -63% 👇 This means we have about 1/3 of recent-year snow for this date. @DPCgov
A thread 🧵👇
👆 Did you notice that?
We were in a much better spot at the end of January.
What has happened since then?
Well, we experienced a significant warm spell in February, which depleted about 1/3 of snow water resources.
We learned this: warm temperatures = less snow…
It is not only the Italian #Alps that are experiencing a significant, profound deficit. Most of the #Apennines are back to the deficit zone after a snowy January. Again, such high temperatures can only lead to faster than usual snowmelt and very short accumulation.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Mar. 1:
1/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

#Putin's #Money for the #War may run out in the summer - @Forbes. A few important figures:

🔸#Russia is approaching a #Fiscal #Collapse

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine .@ZelenskyyUa .@DmytroKuleba…
Mar. 1:
2/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

Report by #Telegram @CrimeanWind
See for yourself:

- In 2022, #Russia's #Monthly check for the #War averaged $9.5 billion, @Forbes.

- In 2023, #Putin increased ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Budget…
Mar. 1:
3/ #Russia Near #Fiscal #Collapse

.. increased the #Defense #Budget to about $12 billion a #Month.

The #Cost of the #War in tandem with a record drop in #Oil & #Gas #Revenues will empty the ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Money #War…
Read 16 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
If you are a Canadian and you vote conservative, you could have a memory loss: Harper, Serial Abuser of Power: The Evidence Compiled
The Tyee’s full, updated list of 70 Harper government assaults on democracy and the law.…
If you are a Canadian and you vote conservative thinking trickle-down economics can save Canada you could have memory loss:
6 charts show Stephen Harper has the worst economic record of any Prime Minister since World War II…
If you are a Canadian and you vote conservative maybe you have a memory loss about the staffer for the Conservative party charged and convicted in the Harper era #PierrePoutine #robocallscandal deliberately designed to create #votersuppression.…
Read 26 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
#AgeOfDeception: “#Washington is filled with politicians and organizations that hyperventilate about government #debt and the burden it imposes on our children, but they ignore the burdens imposed by #patent and #copyright monopolies granted by the government.” Image
“Suppose that we were spending another $50 billion a year on medical #research in order to replace #patent supported research, and all the findings were placed in the #public domain so that all #drugs were sold as #generics. ...
... The annual #deficit would be $50 billion higher due to the additional spending on research, but we would save $380 billion a year on drugs due to generic pricing.”
Read 5 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Fred Ryan (Republican) publisher of the @washingtonpost pays editors who reinforce Republican-friendly narratives. Let’s walk through todays A1 piece abt the impending preventable catastrophe of #DebtCeiling

PS subscribe to local journalism instead
@Sulliview @MarkJacob16 Image
☝️ @TonyRomm +editor construct a frame that the Republican hostage-taking of the US economy is a responsible and legitimate strategy.
“Urgency for a deal” when Republicans are not acting in good faith or consistency.
Next Tony emphasizes the frame that the deficit is “bothsides” Image
Tony parrots GOP disinformation “two years of Dem control”. Is this true @TonyRomm ? If yes let us know you think so. If not why be a stenographer?

Oh and it’s most legitimate economists warning - not only the Biden administration.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Siamo a metà febbraio e sono passate altre due settimane di maratona per la stagione 2023 della #neve in Italia. ❄️
Aria fredda ma condizioni complessivamente asciutte, soprattutto sulle Alpi... Come sta andando il #deficit italiano di risorse idriche nivali?
Leggi il thread👇🧵
Non abbiamo visto molte nuove nevicate dopo la fine di gen. Al momento, quindi, stimiamo che le risorse idriche nivali su scala nazionale siano la metà rispetto al 2011-21 (deficit -45%).
A livello nazionale, le condizioni rimangono simili al 2022, un anno di #siccità rilevante👇
Un riepilogo su questo grafico 👆
L'asse X è il tempo, dall'autunno all'estate.
L'asse Y è lo Snow Water Equivalent, cioè quanta acqua abbiamo nella neve (più è alta, meglio è).
Linea nera: mediana per il periodo 2011-2021.
Linea rossa: 2023.
Linea tratteggiata: 2022.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
🇺🇸⚡️The US budget deficit has increased in the first four months of fiscal year 2023, rising to $460 billion from $259 billion in the same period in fiscal 2022.
#usa #budget #deficit
Expenditures increased by 9%, with the main contribution being made by financial transactions rather than support for businesses and individuals.
Interest expenses on debt have grown by 42%, and social security and defense spending are the only significant categories that have seen an increase.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Banca d’Italia - Nei dodici mesi terminanti in novembre 2022 il saldo di conto corrente è risultato in #deficit per 15,6 miliardi di €uro (-0,8 per cento del PIL), da un surplus di 62,9 miliardi nello stesso periodo dell'anno precedente.⚡️👀


2/ In Italia, nel corso del 2022, il valore delle importazioni ha superato ampiamente quello delle esportazioni.

Quanto accaduto alle merci ha penalizzato l’equilibrio dei conti con l’estero.

PDF -…
3/ Il saldo di parte corrente è divenuto negativo, risentendo anche dell’evoluzione della componente dei servizi e di quella dei redditi.
Il sensibile aumento delle importazioni italiane non è solo un problema di prezzi, ma nasconde anche una criticità legata alle quantità.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
1/n La gran parte della domanda di gas è per il nostro riscaldamento.
Se la #Russia taglia tutto definitivamente, abbiamo deficit per 28bcm. La IEA ci dice che per ogni grado in meno del nostro #termostato in inverno risparmiamo 10 bcm di #gas. Image
2/n Ridurre i nostri termostati di 3 gradi (fino a 19 gradi, se parliamo dell'Europa in toto) colmerebbe questo deficit senza ulteriori rotture di scatole.
No prezzi alle stelle, no sussidi alle bollette, no ulteriore #deficit
3/n Siamo disposti? Uno studio del '82 certifica che, nel '78, in UK la temperatura media di un abitazione in inverno fosse 16 gradi. 19 gradi mi sembra un buon compromesso, considerata la situazione attuale
Read 4 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
🧵While it’s popular these days for Republicans to bash the #Manchin-Schumer proposal, look closer and there are things that pro-energy conservatives should like in the deal. Specifically:
1. #Drilling: significant increases in onshore and offshore drilling.

2. #Renewables: wind and solar subsidies/tax credits are contingent upon the granting of drilling permits (protecting against a Biden Admin "bait & switch").

3. #Nuclear: funding for nuclear investments.
4. #Carbon: funding & rules for carbon capture—allowing firms to keep current power plants open longer—giving the US a longer runway to reach its "energy transition" goals.

5. #Batteries: requires high levels of local material in production—curbing incentives to build in China.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
The Inflation Reduction Act includes a 15 percent corporate minimum tax, drug price controls, IRS tax enforcement, and a tax hike on carried interest to pay for increased spending on energy and health insurance subsidies as well as deficit reduction.

The on-again-off-again negotiations over the proposed #BuildBackBetter tax increases on corporations and high-income earners appears to be… on again.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is now expressing support for something called the #InflationReductionAct. (2/9)
Next week, the Senate is scheduled to begin voting on a reconciliation bill that may put all of the #BuildBackBetter tax and spending increases on the table. (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
Pakistan’s Budget Isn’t Enough to Unlock IMF Loan, Citi Says - @business
#Pakistan’s plan to trim its #deficit by slashing spending may not be enough to convince the International Monetary Fund to resume its loan program, according to economists at Citigroup Inc.

The tax-to-GDP ratio is budgeted to rise to 9.2% of gross domestic product in the year starting July 1 from 8.6%, which seems low versus Pakistan’s emerging market peers and its own history. Interest payments are estimated to consume about 44% of revenue.

#Pakistan #KSE100
Read 3 tweets
May 30th 2022
Thread: in 10mins il mio pensiero su #Cina, #Inflazione, #Biden, #Taiwan,#SupplyChain #Lockdown #Comunismo #Ucraina #Russia...insomma tutto con @marina_valerio di @classcnbc

Che ne pensate?

1) #Cina: Impatto sistemico su economia è limitato perché #ZeroCovid è a rotazione
2) #Inflazione viene da due fattori recenti, #Lockdown in #Cina con ritardi nella #SupplyChain, e prezzi #energia che salgono per la guerra e per le #Sanzioni

Ma il terzo e più fondamentale è l'ovvio risultato di un decennio a tassi zero con monete stampate e mal investite
3) La tensione #Cina #USA è molto più intensa con #Biden di quanto lo fosse con #Trump perché si è aggiunto un fattore filosofico di sfida tra due modelli e di stadi di sviluppo disallineati

#Trump sarebbe stato invece ben soddisfatto di una risoluzione del #deficit commerciale
Read 9 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
I.Petit #Thread sur ce que nous apprend la politique de la Banque Centrale de Russie depuis le 22 février.
La BCR a été sous pression du fait des sanctions et du blocage d’une partie de ses réserves. (280 mlrd de USD sur 646). L’objectif était de provoquer une crise du change
II.Elle a réagi (a) en montant les taux d’intérêts pour « tuer » la spéculation et (b) en instaurant un contrôle des changes avec des restrictions importantes sur les achats de devises des particuliers et des entreprises. Elle centralise les recettes en devises (compte « K »)
III.Le résultat est que, après une forte dépréciation du rouble, ce dernier s’est redressé : il se déprécie de 58% du 22/2 au 11/03 et s’apprécie de 61% du 11/03 au 9/04. En 51 jours la crise est « digérée » alors que les occidentaux s’attendaient à une chute catastrophique.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
DoubleLine founder and CEO Jeffrey Gundlach presents:

Just Markets 2022 - I Feel Young Again

Today at 1:15pm PT, register here:…

#macro #markets #stocks #FX #bonds #commodities #rates #inflation #Fed #QE #bitcoin

Live recap thread⬇️
Jeffrey Gundlach: 2021 might end up running 7% year on the CPI

#inflation #QE #Powell #fed #hikes #rates
Jeffrey Gundlach: Low interest rates coupled with inflation generating negative interest rate.

#JustMarkets2022 #CPI #QE #Fed
Read 48 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
He @Booker4KY, want any ammo to go after @RandPaul for stuff that's useless? Because this can help.
I mean from a Self-declared "#Libertarian", who seriously isn't he's #SocialConservative at best, it's not hard to dig up dirt on @RandPaul of his Voting Records. Like the 2016 Tax Bill that gave more money to the #Rich, Supports Banning #Abortion (which isn't Libertarian),...
Opposes #LGBTQIA Rights like Same Sex Marriage & wanted it to be banned, Rand is inconsistent on #MilitarySpending of sometimes leaning to not for it or for it in offensive wars (which many Libertarians call that out & believe in Defense of a Direct Threat of an Attack)...
Read 21 tweets
May 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/24/2021…
Arctic warming three times faster than the planet, report warns…

#ArcticWarming #ClimateChange #consequences
Wild Bornean orangutans experience muscle catabolism during episodes of fruit scarcity…

#orangutans #borneo #FoodScarcity #catabolism #muscles
Read 10 tweets

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