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Most recents (24)

#Oil poised for weekly dip as #recession fears, rates cloud outlook | Apr 28
- #US economic growth slowed more than expected in the first quarter, although jobless claims fell in the week ending April 22, data showed.…
#Stock market today: #Asia shares gain, tracking Wall St #rally | Apr 28
- Shares advanced in Asia on Friday after Wall Street rallied to its best day since January.… Image
#BOJ keeps #rate ultra-#low as it still cools #inflation | Oct 28
- The Bank of Japan stood by its ultra-low interest rates, pushing back against market speculation it would adjust policy as it continues to predict inflation will fall below 2% next year.… Image
Read 4 tweets
1/14 #Men and #women experience disease differently. This is reminiscent of #SyndromeX and other chronic disease like #MECFS, #slow #virus manifestations, and even #LongCovid and post-acute sequelae of #SARSCoV2.

A thread summary article 🧵….
2/14 "#Women are up to 75 per cent more likely to experience #adverse #reactions to #prescription #drugs than #men because of a range of differences in #traits between the #sexes, according to a new study from The #Australian #National #University (#ANU)."
3/14 "The researchers believe more should be done to take this into account when treating #diseases."
Read 16 tweets
"In 2023 #MAbusinesses can find our #BEST Lunova Insurance "Massachusetts commercial auto insurance and Massachusetts commercial property insurance" companies & quotes.
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195 #LunovaInsurance" "In 2023 MA businesses (located in Massachusetts) can f
Learn more about finding lower rates #foryourneworexisting Massachusetts commercial car insurance, (with #our MA business auto insurance rates) at "Lunova Insurance":… #MA #small #business #auto #insurance #companies #quotes #rates #prices #LunovaInsurance
Learn more #about finding #lowerrates for #yournew or existing Mass commercial building insurance, with #MAbusinessproperty insurance rates at "Lunova Insurance":… #MA #small #business #property #insurance #companies #quotes #rates #prices #LunovaInsurance
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"𝓓𝓲𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 Lunova Insurance can help you with Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, Indiana & Florida "General Liability Insurance"?

More #online with our "Lunova Digital Small Insurance Agency", online, at #LunovaInsurance:…" "𝓓𝓲𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 Lunova Insu
Learn more about #LunovaInsurance cheap general liability insurance for business.

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Lunova Insurance
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Read 18 tweets
Juristische Standardwerke bekommen endlich neue Namen. Schön wäre jetzt übrigens noch die Enteignung und Entmachtung von Hitlers Helfern, der Faschismus-/Nazi-Macher-Familien, der Hohenzollern, Quandts, Reemtsmas, Oetkers...
Warum sind die Vermögen der Nazifamilien unangreifbar?
Warum schweigen die, die jeden Kritiker und Gegner der Herrschaft der herrschenden Klasse der riesigen Vermögen als Nazi diffamieren, von deren Rolle als Hitlers Helfer, als Nazi- und Faschismus-Macher?
Warum schweigt die woke systemfinanzierte Antifa (ohne Antikapitalismus)?
Niemals vergessen
Die US-Kapital-Regierung hat als Faschismus-Macher und als Hitlers Helfer diesen und die deutschen Nazi-Faschisten nachweislich mit an die Macht gebracht, um Deutschland gegen die Sowjetunion in Stellung zu bringen. Teil 1/2.…
Read 77 tweets
"Find, shop, and compare coverage options for your home policy coverage online with our Lunova Marlborough MA 01752 #area independent Lunova home insurance agency's "Marlborough homeowner insurance", online & near you at…
#Marlborough #homeowner #insurance"
Visit our "Lunova Insurance" website for local Marlborough Insurance. Find for your Marlborough auto, home, and business owners' insurance policy & coverage at &… #LunovaInsurance #Marlborough #Insurance #Rate
Call us today at 508-258-7195 (or find a #LunovaInsurancelocal independent agent in Marlboro/Hudson/Northboro/Sudbury/Southboro Massachusetts) to see how you can save on commercial auto insurance
Read 4 tweets
Good data, Bad data
global market #analysis 9/18
Reminder #1, we're still in #yield #inversion on the #US10Y and #US02Y bonds, which won't be changing any time soon.
I still am guessing a 1% #rate #hike (100bps) but it could be 0.75% again, who knows. Probably that or larger because I bet the fed will want more breathing room. At some point I'll write on inflation and how people get it wrong, but now's not the time.
Don't forget you still have the bad form of influencers out there trying to just get follows all day, tells you we haven't hit bottom or anywhere near - because he's not telling people how to sell.
Read 8 tweets
Today is an hot day, not only for temperatures, but also for economic data.

Follow me meanwhile I unroll all the new prints we had today

Super important thread on #inflation and the #housing #market

Lot of metrics to cover, get comfortable and get ready

🤓🧵 Image
#CPI prints:



#Canada YoY

#Canada MoM

Let's unpack it briefly
With a 9.4% UK finds itself on the firsts European (continent) Countries that are approaching double digits #inflation, and with the lack of haste in interventions on the #monetary #policies side, the #peak #inflation seems still far away. Let alone the MoM momentum, still high
Read 20 tweets
Bypass Rate Limits in Web Applications and API's.

— What is Rate Limit

Rate limiting is a process to limiting the number of request an user can make to a web server in an span of time.

#web #api #rate #limit #bypass #bugbounty #bugbountytips #infosec #cybersecurity
This can be achieved by implementing IP based, Session Based rate limits on web server.

—Where to Look for Rate Limit Bugs

Place like :
— Login/Signup pages
— Register Pages
— 2FA codes
— Confirmation Codes
...and any other request which if bruteforce will allow attacker to achieve anything malicious should be check for "No Rate Limit" issue.

[Bypass 1] - Using Null Chars

%00, %0d%0a, %09, %0C, %20, %0
Read 11 tweets
Verdrängte Fakten im 'Omicron ist mild'-Narrativ : #Impflücke bei #Ü65.
Wenn jetzt sich Welle wie in den Hotspots (Bremen, Berlin, SH) zur #OmikronWand wird und auf
>1% der EW pro Tag mit Sars-CoV-2 angesteckt, wenn beim Peak 1 von 10 SARS-CoV-2 Infektion hat, wird sich

#Impflücke Ü60 #schließen. Das sind zb in Berlin ~#100k Ü60, also wenn Durchschnittsalter dieser 100k ~70 ansetzt, wir eine #IFR für diese Gruppe etwas höher als #Wildtyp, wenn man also 30% Hospitalisierungsquote 3% tödlichen Verläufen ausgeht, einer #Attack #Rate der

Welle von ~2/3 der Bevölkerung, davon der #Hauptteil (#50Prozent*) der #Bevölkerung sich innerhalb der nächsten #2_Monaten* ansteckt, sind das 50kx0.3= 15.000 Hospitalisierungen
und 1500 Tote allein


*Prognose #WHO Euro Region, Reg-Dir Hans Kluge ⤵…
Read 6 tweets
1/ Παμε με θρεντάκι express μετά την σημερινή αντιπαραθεση του #μητσοτακη_παραιτησου με την #ολλανδη η #Ολλανδεζα δημοσιογράφο...που χάλασε το σενάριο με τις "non-direct" ερωτήσεις που έχει συνηθίσει να λαμβάνει ο πρωθυπουργός μας οπως εκείνος υπονόησε..
2/ disclaimer 1: Οπως πάντα, Τα παρακάτω δεν αποτελούν επιστημονική/τεκμηριωμένη γνώμη παρα μόνο προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης της γλώσσας σώματος και της λεκτικής επικοινωνίας του συνεντευξιαζόμενου.
3/ disclaimer 2: Η αναλυση παραθέτει ορισμένες παρατηρήσεις και τις αξιολογει σε μία stress and deception scale. Οι αντιδράσεις κάθε ανθρώπου,ειδικά όταν μιλάμε για καταστάσεις υψηλου στρες,μπορεί να είναι μοναδικές και να παρεκλίννουν από τις αναμενόμενες...
Read 29 tweets
At yesterday’s #FOMC meeting, the Committee revealed more expected tightening and further steps toward #tapering #asset purchases than they had previously. We see these as steps in the right direction.
Yesterday’s @federalreserve statement and press conference suggest that the Committee believes progress has been made toward its goals, but that there’s still some room to go to hit the recently re-defined objective of maximum #employment.
Still, it’s now time to set up for the end of this long-running #EmergencyPolicy-focused movie.
Read 10 tweets
Le procès de treize femmes et hommes poursuivis pour "harcèlement" et/ou "menaces de mort" sur Twitter envers #Mila s'ouvre cet après-midi devant la 10e chambre du tribunal correctionnel de Paris.
#Mila est arrivée vers 13h au palais de justice, sous protection policière. La jeune femme de 18 ans a reçu plus de 100.000 messages d'insultes et menaces depuis la publication d'une vidéo, en novembre, dans laquelle elle évoque l'islam en termes crus.
Le procès devrait toutefois être renvoyé, après que seront abordés des points de procédure : un après-midi pour juger 13 personnes a soudain semblé un peu trop juste au président... #Mila
Read 67 tweets
When we talk of IR #Interest #Rate #Risks we must understand the markets in which this product operates, and the fundamental pricing, trading, and hedging dynamics of this financial #derivative asset class.
Banks normally use IR Derivatives and Structured Products for on and/or off-balance-sheet ALM Asset Liability Management and Immunization, Bond Risk Hedging, NII Risk Hedging, Arbitrage Opportunity Exploration using the treasury based fixed income desks, Rate Speculation, etc.
Of course, we have other financial market participants such as Pension Funds, Hedge Funds, Insurance Companies, and several other specialized asset management firms, that have strategies and asset allocation models, which use IR derivative for both Macro and Micro-hedging.
Read 26 tweets
7.595 neue Meldungen.
Vermutlich überschreiten wir dann heute die 50.
Aber wirklich sauer macht mich: es werden immernoch Fälle aus Juli, August und September nachgemeldet.
"Unsere" Entscheidungen treffen wir aber aufgrund der -beim RKI eingegangen - Meldungen der letzten 7d. 1/n Image
2/ Wie kann es sein, dass inmitten einer wieder an Gefahr zunehmender Pandemie, immernoch nicht von überall jeden (!) Tag alle Fälle gemeldet werden?? Aber gleichzeitig dürfen Kinder aus Risikogruppen-Familien erst dann ins Distanzlernen wechseln, wenn das GA schon eine Maß- ⬇️
3/ Maßnahme verfügt haben (NDS). Wie viele Tage ist das zu spät?
Gleichzeitig können viele GA nicht mehr herausfinden, wo der Ursprung der Infektion ist. Von >40.000 Infektionen in Wo42 können nur (!) 4k einem Ausbruch zugeordnet werden. Hinzu kommt ⬇️ Image
Read 58 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/16/2020…
DNA damage caused by migrating light energy…

#energy #damage #dna #light
Machine Learning Widens the Gap Between Knowledge and Understanding | by David Weinberger | OneZero…

#understanding #MachineLearning #knowledge
Read 8 tweets
The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
Read 56 tweets
The @federalreserve’s #JacksonHole Policy Symposium has typically been thought of as an event of #academic contemplation, rather than of active #policy innovation, but 2020’s event proved to be the exception to the rule.
That’s because #Fed #ChairPowell surprised many by introducing the #FOMC’s Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy, which was not expected until later in the year.
In many respects, the Strategy statement represents a mirror image to the #Fed’s stance more than a generation ago, in August 1979, when Chair Paul #Volcker took over leadership of the central bank…
Read 7 tweets
With my colleague Jacob Caplain, our latest @blackrock blog post contends that uncertainties still exist for the #economy and #markets, yet with #market dislocations witnessed in recent months, #investors don’t need to resort to lower-quality assets:
In fact, we think the opportunity in fixed #income today resides more in medium-quality spread sectors, than in the riskiest #assets, or in the #rate-heavy universe.
When we look at what’s happened in the past when spread makes up the majority of #yield in these regions of the #bond market, the forward 1-year spread change in IG corporate #bonds is near 70 bps tighter when spread/yield is above the 90th percentile. Image
Read 3 tweets
While #Fed Chair Powell’s testimony before #Congress didn’t produce any significant policy “news” that wasn’t already known, he was quite upbeat in his assessment of the U.S. #economy, even after being pressed on the possible impact of #coronavirus.
The Chair noted the recent strength of labor #markets and described the rate of #inflation as “low and stable,” acknowledging that it continued to run below the #FOMC’s symmetric objective of 2%.
We’ll be closely watching the #Fed’s language regarding “#financialconditions,” as this factor has become significantly easier in recent months and at some point, the Fed will likely engage with the possibility of reining in some of that #liquidity.
Read 5 tweets
Today’s headline #payroll gain of 266,000 was impressive, even when accounting for the #jobs added back after the end of GM’s strike, and overall #wages continue to look decent, although not concerning for inflation. Image
On #wages, average hourly #earnings increased by 0.25% month-over-month and 3.14% year-over-year, which keep wages in a broadly rising trend, and we think that this has drawn many into the #labor force in recent months. Image
Finally, we think the overall data picture keeps the @federalreserve on hold from any #policy #rate changes for an extended period of time, and perhaps even for all of 2020.
Read 3 tweets

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