...make it unsustainable for #PublicOfficials & #MandatedReporters harming me #criminally* to use their #state & #federal status #maliciously still & be rewarded for it by #beneficiaries of the #reciprocal #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture the #MandatedReporters use to...
...#Inflict & #CoverUp #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw without #CivilRights & mandated #ChecksAndBalances foiling & ending the #tyrannical harm this thread explains is being used to injure me still ~ but if I am #killed, it will not be without others knowing who did it & why.
I'm sharing details of my #kidnapping,#extortion & #battery #UnderColorOfLaw by criminals* @JeffreyRawnsley,#AmanMahajan, et al; who profit by doing so by using their #DayJob as state employed hospital #MandatedReporters illegally.
Because they do so...
...criminally, the #OrganizedCrimes can ONLY succeed w/help from other #beneficiaries of the #premeditated #HumanRights crimes who act as #accomplices by their strategic role in reciprocal #OrganizedCrimes too, as they're needed for #PREEMPTIVE #CoverUp to #TamperWithEvidence..
...& thereby #ObstructJustice about:
1. #Kidnappings/#battery for #Extortion
2. #Scope/#Hierarchy of #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture used to #CoverUp:
A. #Kidnapping
B. the #CoverUp
C. #Beneficiaries & #accomplices' #RECIPROCAL #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw
When I couldn’t be extorted by torture, instead of letting me go the #Perps retaliated by inflicting catastrophically disabling mortal wounds so #grotesquely that my injuries alone make their violations of my #unalienable/#unenumerated rights obvious, & as initial #CoverUp too.
The initial #CoverUp to cause & camouflage my #murder is because I couldn’t be extorted & said I'd tell the police, but that #conspiracy #backfired when I didn’t die as they intended by combining #premeditated battery & reciprocal #BLACKLISTING to prevent recovery preemptively.
The #CoverUp is needed because my body’s evidence #BeforeAndAfter the initial crimes injured me prove I'm a #victim of VIOLENT #premeditated #HumanRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw using #kidnapping,#torture & #battery for #extortion; which I TRIED TO #ESCAPE, but was overpowered.
Due to my unexpected survival, my body alone is that #inculpatory.
Thus, #CoverUp crimes expanded, altering existing inculpatory #PHI & use #preemptive crimes like #BLACKLISTING to obstruct accurate new PHI & care that try to jointly destroy my body’s evidence too (#kill me).
Like the criminal implications of my body’s #BeforeAndAfter evidence exposing the #kidnapping/#extortion,the #PatternAndPractice of #CruelAndUnusual #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw adequately prove #reciprocal #PublicCorruption & systemic #RegulatoryCapture ALL BY THEMSELVES.
The thread below details the #MandatedReporter assailants #kidnapping me by force, then #torture, #EXTORTION & #battery, which inflicted #TBI & other catastrophic injuries seen in my tweets' pics; leaving me defenseless & horribly disabled since then.👇
This thread describes the #CruelAndUnusual #CoverUp crimes’ #MedicalControlFrauds that depend on #RegulatoryCapture to systemically corrupt & repeatedly violate #ChecksAndBalances, without which the initial crimes & #CoverUp conspiracy couldn’t happen.
That inescapable ONGOING #ConspiracyAgainstRights & #PatternAndPractice of #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw are such egregious #HumanRights crimes that I’d qualify for humanitarian extraction & asylum in the USA if the crimes’ torture & intent to kill me to #ObstructJustice...
...about #PublicCorruption were inflicted, condoned, suborned & abetted by & on behalf of corrupt employees & business associates of a foreign government, not US politicians.
For example, US judge: “Holding a man hostage & torturing him for leverage... washingtonpost.com/local/legal-is…
...is #outrageous, deserving of #punishment & surely in need of deterrence.”
Proof that it’s state & fed. gov. employees & the #MandatedReporters they regulate & license are who's harming me #reciprocally is why expecting my safety & #CivilRights being restored is reasonable.
The ONGOING inescapable #CoverUp is so perpetuating that it proves BY ITSELF the longevity, #scope,#hierarchy & cruelty of the State-Corporate corruption by #RegulatoryCapture without having to prove any criminal acts from the kidnapping/extortion for which the #CoverUp began.
E.g.,Criminally fraudulent #ProtectedHealthInformation (PHI) transacted as part of a #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw during MedicalControlFrauds by @uchealth @JeffreyRawnsley,#RobertLufkin, #MichaelDugan,#MichaelBrousseauet,#GaryBellack, #PhatOng,#MarkWohlgemuth,...
...#TzeIp, #WonterSchievink,#RobertNaruse, #PedroPastigo,#SusanHall, #PhatOng, #JosephRoco, #JerryChang,#SaraMaze #BryanSpann, #BozenaWrobel, #PeterQuiros et al about my body, plus my body’s evidence #BeforeAndAfter the #torture,#extortion & #battery, are sufficient to show...
...that those #Perps,#accomplices & other beneficiaries’ #OrganizedCrime are so obvious too that the #SystemicCorruption to begin & expand the #blacklisting/#CoverUp is just as obvious & can’t disguise either ~ NOT even able to camouflage the crimes to look like #MedicalError.
Thus, the #BadFaith resuscitation, like huge #transfusions w/the wrong #BloodType just to remove my unconscious body #ASAP from the #SceneOfTheCrime under false pretense, was #strategic.
E.g., my body shows #CriminalIntent to try to cause my death by & after those #EMTALA,...
...#ADA & #RICO crimes.
E.g.,a #ConspiracyAgainstRights by @uchealth & the #PPO #HealthInsurer’s similarly #reciprocal network of #corruption had ALREADY begun #PREEMPTIVE #intrahospital & #interhospital #blacklisting to ensure the #MedicalControlFrauds’ #LifeThreatening &...
...#torturing use of OBVIOUSLY malicious #ContraindicatedCare #camouflaged by OBVIOUSLY #fraudulent #PHI aren’t interrupted & always #condoned, #suborned, #AidedAndAbetted by #LawEnforcement & #OversightAgencies’ reciprocally #systemic #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw.
*Fraudlant #PHI & my body’s evidence #BeforeAndAfter the #torture,#extortion & #battery adequately show I'm a #kidnapping victim, NOT a willing patient of a botched procedure ~ so it's NOT #malpractice
*Thus, #CoverUp of the #CoverUp by #ConspiracyAgainstRights is because...
...even the continuum of #PREEMPTIVE & #RETALIATORY #intrahospital & #interhospital #MedicalControlFrauds using #BLACKLISTING + #forged & fraudulent #PHI to try to #camouflage the #kidnapping, #torture #extortion & #battery #UnderColorOfLaw as #HealthCare can’t hide the truth.
TRUTH: #PatternAndPractice of systemic healthcare, insurance & financial #MedicalControlFraud camouflaged by hierarchical #QuidProQuo is qualitatively distinct from professional negligence
TRUTH: A systemic #PatternAndPractice of strategically inescapable & torturing #HumanRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw still corrupt my receipt of #GoodFaith #CivilRights to #TamperWithEvidence AND stop my recovery to try to kill me (for evidence elimination) to #ObstructJustice.
*The truth of my inescapable victimization by #LifeThreatening #CivilRights crimes of #MandatedReporters employed reciprocally in #healthcare & #oversight is that systemic corruption of #MedicalCare+#LawEnforcement = #OrganizedCrime & #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw.
#MandatedReporters’ #PatternAndPractice of #CruelAndUnusual #PREEMPTIVE & #RETALIATORY #Intrahospital,#interhospital, #HealthInsurer & #DisabalityInsurer’s #MedicalControlFrauds are so obvious that the #conspiracy’s ORGANIZED #CoverUp CRIMES’ #motives are obvious, while the...
...motives for my kidnapping/extortion mentioned later in this thread are unnecessary to EITHER demonstrate the continuum of my #targeted victimization OR expose the #scope,#hierarchy & cruelty of #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture by which the #premediated kidnapping &...
...ongoing #CoverUp crimes like #BLACKLISTING & systemic #FALSIFICATION of my #PHI (which were all initiated at the same time) can occur & succeed without any #ChecksAndBalances mandated to prevent it all, stop it all & NEVER PROTECT ME; but harm me more intentionally instead.
I’ve needed it since the #kidnaping,#extortion & #battery; but due to the systemic #MedicalControlFrauds, my injuries & complications are worse maliciously because I can’t escape or overcome the #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw that...
...has EXCLUSIVE criminal means & opportunity to use reciprocal #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw like #Blacklisting & #ContraindicatedCare to #TamperWithEvidence, CAMOUFLAGED BY ANOTHER LAYER of #CoverUp crime using #systemic frauds of PHI, #TransactionCodes & #OutcomeMetrics.
#Perps & #accomplices violate so many laws on which their & their employers’ licensing are based that the #PatternAndPractice of #reciprocal #MedicalControlFrauds are impossible without #malicious intent, #corrupt means & #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw by superiors.
#Inculpatory evidence of #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw used to inflict #HumanRights crimes (that the perpetrating #CoveredEntities are mandated to report to #LawEnforcement & regulatory agencies instead) reflect systemic #PublicCorruption due to #RegulatoryCapture.
If #MandatedReporter employers & their reciprocal #oversight/#LawEnforcement agencies had acted in good faith, then each should have ensure my physical safety immediately.
That’s because the #MedicalControlFrauds’ continuum of #PredicateActs of #OrganizedCrimes IS NOT SUBTLE.
That inescapable #CruelAndUnusual criminal #PatternAndPractice can only begin by #reciprocal initiation and be perpetrated reciprocally by the privileges of each of the conspiring #MandatedReporters’ authority as licensees granted them by their reciprocal #MandatedReporter...
...#LawEnforcement accomplices.
Thus, the #QuidProQuo & #RegulatoryCapture needed to inflict the reciprocal federal #CivilRights crimes & #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw LACK SUBTLETY too.
That recurrent & reciprocal #PatternAndPractice is too obvious to be denied.
My catastrophic disabilities & defenselessness are due to systemic health care & insurance crimes #UnderColorOfLaw.
TRUTH: The #Ongoing #CoverUp of my #kidnapping/#torture exposes the #CriminalMotive is NOT about #healthcare, so it’s NOT #malpractice ~ It’s #OrganizedCrime!
My #victimization exposes the functioning of that #CriminalEnterprise by which each #healthcare & #LawEnforcement providers’ #systemic #OrganizedCrimes are #camouflaged by persons engaged in long-term criminal activity operated within & concealed by one or more legitimate...
...enterprises with #fiduciary responsibilities, position of public or private trust or use of a regulated #SpecialSkill is in a manner that facilitates the commission or concealment of violations &/or violations of others and by #exploitation that depends on & anticipates...
...both internal & external oversight employees #condoning, #suborning, #AidingAndAbetting to #perpetuate the crimes instead of preventing & stopping crimes as their employment, licensure, public funding and/or #PublicTrust & responsibilities as a #MandatedReporter requires.
My #ONGOING victimization by that systemic #PattrenAndPractice of #OrganizedCrimes used to initiate & perpetuate #PREEMPTIVE & #RETALIATORY #CoverUp crimes at will, without any reciprocally mandated #ChecksAndBalances preventing those #PredicateActs in advance and never...
...stopping any of the strategically repeated violations of #EMTALA Act, #ADA, #Rehabilitation Act, Identity Theft Deterrence Act, #SocialSecurity Act, #ElderJusticeAct,#HIPAA, #HITECH & #RICO Acts once the harm begins is apparent by the #scope, #hierarchy & #cruelty of the...
...#CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline used #UnderColorOfLaw by #MandatedReports to inflict #Intrahospital,#Interhospital,#HealthInsurer & #DisabilityInsurer coordinated #MedicalControlFrauds.
Thus, the #CruelAndUnusual #OrganizedCrimes’ systemic #CoverUp alone is...
..proof of a #CriminalBusinessModel #UnderColorOfLaw.
That TRUTH is why my pleas for safety & complaints to #PublicOfficials,#LawEnforcement/#Regulatory agencies are used as a #trap to harm me more on behalf of the #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline’s beneficiaries.
I reported the systemic #PatternAndPractice of #ongoing #torture & #LifeThreatening #BadFaith by #MandatedReporters’ #reciprocal crimes #UnderColorOfLaw to the FBI, DOJ, HHS, et. al., yet I’m not protected, not even physically AT LEAST.
The #DOJ’s #BadFaith of not ensuring...
...I’m physical safety AT LEAST is sufficiently harmful, prolonged & indefensible that the #DOJOIG should’ve already investigated that the two similarly obstructive & harmful #PatternAndPractices are for the same criminal #motives & #beneficiaries or their #BusinessAssociates.
Victims' disenfranchisement by reciprocal #CivilRights crimes is so recurrent that systemic disdain for victims’ rights & #CivilRights is obvious, which #DOJ consent decrees fail to stop or never tried to stop in #GoodFaith in many #California counties.
No matter to whom you complain or seek care/protection, you’re naïvely talking to #accomplices to #OrganizedCrime inflicted & camouflaged by #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw.
This next thread is more of my pleas & begging, literally, for protection from #torturing...
...& #LifeThreatening #CivilRights crimes, yet all were & still are ignored on behalf of the #OrganizedCrimes’ beneficiaries.
Similarly, the thread in my next tweet, #52, is a few more examples of that #PublicCorruption that reveal the #PREEMPTIVE...
...& #RETALIATORY #MedicalControlFruads to be dependent on preexisting #RegulatoryCcapture, since that #malice requires a #hierarchy/#scope of #QuidProQuo to reciprocally corrupt #ChecksAndAalances; i.e., #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline.
Despite that obvious truth (because the torturing #MedicalControlFrauds obstructing my recovery to cause my death still are such obvious tyrannically #CruelAndUnusual #PredicateActs of #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw to #ObstructJustice about the #Blacklisting’s #QuidProQuo..
..,not just #CoverUp @JeffreyRawnsley & #AmanMahajan’s initial crimes),I've no way to escape the #CoverUp.
Since the #kidnapping & #extortion, I'm also too maimed,disabled & defenseless to protect myself from the #CoverUp crimes’ #MedicalControlFrauds obstructing my recovery.
HELP me!
THE MALICIOUS TRAUMA HASN’T ENDED since my #kidnapping, #torture, #extortion & #battery #UnderColorOfLaw by @JeffreyRawnsley,#AmanMahajan, et al.
I’m being made to #suffer horrifically & cruelty in #retaliation for being a #victim of their violent #premeditated...
...organized #HumanRights crimes & for my rights to complain about that & wanting to recover & survive those horrible #ONGOING traumas.
I NEED PROTECTION IMMEDIATELY, but those mandated to protect me are the #Perps & #accomplishes from whom I need to be protected immediately.
I NEED MEDICAL CARE IMMEDIATELY, but I can’t escape the #MedicalControlFrauds' systemic #blacklisting sabotaging my recovery/safety because good-faith care exposes the #scope/#hierarchy of preexisting #QuidProQuo #UnderColorOfLaw to #CoverUp crimes the #CoverUp made disappear.
That’s because the initial premeditated #HumanRights crimes ENSURED I COULDN’T ESCAPE & ongoing retaliatory #CoverUp CRIMES ARE INESCAPABLE TOO on behalf of #beneficiaries who’ve corrupted US #healthcare,#LawEnforcement & #regulatory/#oversight of healthcare & law enforcement.
1. @JeffreyRawnsley & #AmanMahaja’s crimes.
2. #Blacklisting/#CoverUp crimes maliciously obstructing my recovery to #ObstructJustice & #investigations still.
3. #PublicCorruption
That is why I still...
...leak cerebrospinal fluid from the violent penetrating injuries through my skull & my head still hemorrhages from wounds inflicted by @JeffreyRawnsley, #AmanMahaja & their accomplices that fractured my skull & neck, then penetrated my #brain when I resisted their #extortion.
That #ongoing #CruelAndUnusual ILLEGAL CONTROL OF MY BODY ~ even illegal control of #representations of my body ~ by the combination of organized #CoverUp crimes using (1) #MedicalControlFrauds to inflict maliciously #ContraindicatedCare #camouflaged by repeatedly creating...
...& transacting #fraudulent #PHI & (2)systemic criminal #subrogation of my privacy/security rights needed to #survive those #HumanRights crimes is inescapable still because my victimization is #suborned still corruptly by #oversight/#LawEnforcement agencies & #PublicOfficials
Thus, the recurrent #reciprocal violation of my #ConstitutionalRights by #MandatedReporters due to their loyalty to a #PatternAndPractice of #OrganizedCrime is proof that protective efforts by victims are futile unjustly, especially exhaustive efforts like mine that expose...
...#Beneficiaries of #Perps & #Accomplices’ #QuidProQuo & confirm systemic #HumanRights crimes’ #cruelty, #scope & #hierarchy is a #CriminalBusinessModel reliant on systemic #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture needed to do so #UnderColorOfLaw to treat Americans as #chattel.
Because #PHI, #TransactionCodes & #OutcomeMetrics are systemically #fraudulent due to corruption of doctors by other #MandatedReporters in #healthcare & in its #oversight/#regulation, “EvidenceBasedMedicine is so #corrupt as to be #useless & #harmful.”
The #truth exposed by my #inescapable victimization is that the systemic #PatternAndPractice of #MedicalControlFraud using #MandatedReporters in reciprocal #healthcare & #oversight roles to inflict #LifeThreatening #CivilRights crimes is on behalf of a #CriminalBusinessModel.
My #inescapable victimization shows that #SociopathicBusinessModel of reciprocal #CoverUp by internal & external #Perps uses training, #NegligentRetention, enriching Perps & #accomplices who have #SociopathicTraits & retaliating against #Victims, #witnesses & #whistleblowers.
#Perps who inflict violent #OrganizedCrimes that prevent #victims from escaping, then to #ObstructJustice prevent victims’ recovery from the crimes’ #catastrophic injuries are whom #LawEnforceemnt, #Healthcare & #regulatory providers should #arrest/#report, NOT HIRE & PROMOTE.
Because the systemic #CoverUp crimes’ #MedicalControlFrauds are to deceive people about the reciprocal criminality of the individuals using their status as a #MandatedReporter to profit from inflicting harm, I believe showing the criminals’ names & faces is as important to...
...telling how their #CruelAndUnusual #WhiteCollar #StateCorporate #OrganizedCrimes cause suffering intentionally as explaining their crimes ~ such as my catastrophic & #LifeThreatening injuries from being #kidnapped, #tortured & #extorted, then tortured more & maliciously...
...made to decompensate by accomplices’ #preemptive & #retaliatory #BLACKLINSTING that my complaints 👇 prove are used reciprocally to inescapably #ObstructJustice & #TamperWithEvidence #UnderColorOfLaw to continue to #CoverUp systemic #PublicCorruption & #RegulastoryCapture.
Many of the #MandatedReporters in the #ConspiracyAgainstRights & #Blacklisting harming me are #MedicalExpertWitness
Thus, obstructing my safety/recovery still to #CoverUp the #CoverUp crimes may be so those abusers’ other lies #UnderOath aren’t also investigated for #PERJURY!
The #SociopathicBusinessModel exposed by my #inescapable victimization by systemic #MedicalControlFraud #UndreColorOfLaw is worse than simple #ControlFrauds regarded as #TooBigToJail. That’s because #MedicalControlFraud succeeds by corrupting victim’s means of escape/survival.
#MedicalControlFraud is #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw because #ChecksAndBalance to prevent/stop the #CivilRights abuses & protect victims are reciprocally corrupted & used criminally by those responsible for performing & enforcing the #ChecksAndBalance ~ #MandatedReporters.
#MedicalControlFraud is when the functioning of #CoveredEntities, #LawEnforcement & their #Oversight Agencies’ operation in their legitimate stage are the MEANS & OPPORTUNITY USED ILLEGALLY in reciprocal ways by #perpetrators & #accomplices employed at the #CoveredEntities,...
...their #BusinessAssociates & #oversight agencies to organize & #CoverUp crimes strategically.
Those #ongoing reciprocally organized #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw #torture me & is #AttemptedMurder to #CoverUp past & #ONGOING crime,plus the...
...enterprise of relationships’ #QuidProQuo needed to do so.
By repeatedly violating my constitutionally guaranteed #CivilRights that should be enforced quickly, especially for gravely #disabled & #dependent victims of #inhumane crimes like me, that...
...#PatternAndPractice of #MedicalControlFraud is exposed.
#MedicalControlFraud is #WhiteCollar #StateCorporate #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw to prevent anticipating & escaping the corruption camouflaged as healthcare, law enforcement & oversight...
... of both; then #ObstructJustice to prevent victims’ #recovery from the crimes’ injuries.
#MandatedReporters (MDs, DOs, RNs, etc.) are trained in #DutyToReport to recognize harm & abuse, so the #scope/#hierarchy of #intrahospital, #interhospital,...
...#HealthInsurer & #Physician #OrganizedCrime reflects training to ensure #SuppressionOfEvidence to #CoverUp for each other AND #CriminalActs to injure #Whistleblowers.
🤔Have you never wondered why, despite #hospital services being the 3rd leading...
..cause of #death in the #USA for decades UNNECESSARY, that criminal #PatternAndPractice only gets worse every year, not diminished?
If the #SoapOpera @GeneralHospital was accurate, its story-line would seem like a @wescraven or @ArgentoRomero plot.😱
The thread below explains the systemic use of #MedicalControlFraud by which #MandatedReporters kill so many #Americans every year & it isn’t documented or tracked #intentionally to ensure the #CriminalBusinessModel is protected instead of #CivilRights.
Added proof of that is the exclusive criminal #means, #motive & #opportunity to #kidnap & #torture me for #extortion, #CoverUp doing so, plus use #systemic #OrganizedCrime to #CoverUp the #CoverUp via preexisting #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture.
Hiring, training & supervision of #MandatedReporters working in #healthcare & reciprocally in #HealthcareOversight is HOW the deadly & maiming #OrganizedCrime’s #MedicalControlFrauds & #CoverUp are inflicted #UnderColoOfLaw ~ NOT prevented.
For example, #JCAHO vetted my case studies of the #MedicalControlFrauds & verified that the #intrahospital,#interhospital,physician & #HealthInsurer’s #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLlaw uses a #PatternAndPractice of concealing/destroying parts of my #PHI to make the...
...#kidnapping/#extortion less obvious, such as the multiple #resuscitations,#LifeSupport/#transfusion details, #BloodTests, etc; & replacing them with #forged #PHI & PHI of others because the other people’s PHI helps the #CoverUp crimes' #blacklisting & #fraudulent narrative.
Because #MandatedReporters in #oversight are #doctors & #attorneys, a #ConflictOfInterest is created by ‘Tribal Grouping’ due to their ‘revolving’ occupational associations as both a licensee & a regulator (#SCOTUS decision: No. Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC)
An example of that #QuidProQuo between #reciprocal #MandatedReporters employed in #healthcare & in its #regulation used to #ObstructJustice via #PREEMPTIVE & #RETALIATORY #CoverUp crimes is #PublicOfficials' written threats that I'm not allowed to even seek an attorney's help.
Due to that #systemic corruption of #ChecksAndBalances & #NegligentRetention, it's rare for mortally injured #victims/#whistleblower like me to be protected by either #LawEnforcement, #Attorneys or #Hospitals/doctors; despite overlapping state & Fed...
...#MandatedReporter responsibilities.
My #victimization shows that #LawEnforcement, #Attorneys & #Hospitals/#doctors have negative & positive motives (which aren't ethical or legal) to enable #PublicCorruption & #AidAndAbett #OrganizedCrime for personal gain.
For example,..
...this #PHI by MDs reflects their #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw to keep harming me to #CoverUp systemic #OrganizedCrimes by their discovery/sharing details of my efforts to protect myself from #MedicalControlFrauds injuring me to ObstructJustice about the #CoverUp
#Victims/#whistleblowers of significant #CivilRights crimes like me also aren’t likely to be protected by #Attorneys & #PressFreedom. They’ve preexisting negative & positive motives, i.e #intimidation, so they avoid the crimes’ systemic causes #BeforeAndAfter each new victims.
If you think fake #PHI & #Blacklisting can’t happen to you, here are a few of the ‘prestigious’ So. Calif. hospitals where the #MedicalControlFrauds' #CoverUp crimes began quickly & are #ongoing:
#Intrahospital & #interhospital #MedicalControlFrauds perpetrated by the #MandatedReporter employers in this video are so obvious that a #Motive for the #premediated #OrganizedCrimes’ #PatternAndPractice of fraudulent #PHI transacted by their #Perp employees is self-evident.
E.g., fake #PHI can’t hide visually obvious #TBI & other injuries. That’s why the #CoverUp’s #CruelAandUnusual crimes obstruct making/disclosing good-faith radiology of my body for yrs, then use fraudulent radiology reports to keep criminally #blacklisting me still TO THIS DAY
The PREEMPTIVE #CoverUp’s #scope shows that the #intrahosptial,#interhosptial,#HealthInsurer & physicians’ #OrganizedCrimes are malicious, strategic & depend on training, supervision & #QuidProQuo.
I thought proving my injuries & the fake PHI, despite the systemic #CoverUp...
...crimes intent to obstruct accurate #PHI being produced/disclosed, would restore my safety AT LEAST by ensuring my receipt of urgently needed medical care & stop the #MedicalControlFrauds’ #blacklisting, wouldn’t you?
Look at the crimes’ obviousness compared to the truth 👇
More #RETALIATION is the only result of proving the #MedicalControlFrauds’ are inescapable by exposing #reciprocal corruption of #MandatedReporters in #healthcare, #LawEnforcement & #regulatory/#oversight that’s obvious by the #PatternAndPractice of #PREEMPTIVE #CoverUp crime.
A fast way to understand the #motives, means & strategy of the #intrahospital, #interhospital, health insurer & physician organized #MedicalControlFrauds is comparing my obvious #TBI inflicted by the #Perps to #accomplices’ fraudulent #PHI that #ObstructJustice & my recovery.
Likewise, the #scope & #hierarchy of other #MandatedReporters (whose strategic role in the #OrganizedCrimes is as #accomplice) are also obvious by their ensuring the #BLACKLISTING #CoverUp & #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw is NOT interrupted.
Reciprocally, this e.g. is a cruel ER doc
As my head bled, he harmed me more by maliciously saying I don’t deserve emergently needed care because I don’t have accurate PHI, which he knew is because his employer criminally falsifies & obstructs my PHI.
Thus, #Doctors who are #accomplices are also #blacklisting #Perps by withholding care maliciously. When mandated to act in good faith, they act illegally instead due to fear of stopping other #MandatedaReporters' #MedicalControlFrauds intent to kill me
@USDeptLabor admits a #PatternAndPractice of #retaliation & other #PredicateActs of #OrganizedCrime (illegal debt threats/collection, healthcare fraud, etc.) by the insurer/employer coordinating the #CoverUp crimes' #Blacklisting since the #kidnapping (for whose benefit my...
...#extortion may have occurred), yet the #Blacklisting continues after my #SOX & #DOL complaints. That #RegulatoryCapture by the #Perp Insurer/employer is reflected in the 2nd voice message conveying apathy about the @USDeptLabor’s authority & orders.
That #malice requires a #hierarchy, #scope & #cruelty (enterprise/#QuidProQuo) using training, supervision, #NegligentRetention & rewards to #CriminallyObstruct & #SystemicallyCorrupt #ChecksAndAalances, i.e., #RegulatoryCapture & #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline.
I didn't deserve to be #kidnapped, #extorted & #maimed for my #whistleblowing, then #tortured more by #healthcare & #CivilRights #MandatedReporters for seeking emergently needed care & exposing that #PublicOfficials retaliate against #whistleblowers due to #RegulatoryCapture.
Due to #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture, #Perps & #Accomplices’ only fear is #retaliation against them by peers, employers & the #HealthInsurer if they don’t #condone, #suborn #AidAndAbet the #CruelAndUnusual #OrganizedCrimes’ #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw.
That’s why the #intrahospital & #interhospital #QuidProQuo #UnderColorOfLaw could begin simultaneous to my #kidnapping with #PREEMPTIVE #OrganizedCrimes that escalated to #CruelAndUnusual #RETALIATION to #CoverUp the #CoverUp, which is verified as torture & #AttemptedMurder.
Thus, crimes against #whistleblowers are inflicted by #NegligentRetention & promoting dangerous #MandatedReporters who conspire in #MedicalControlFrauds’ #PredicateActs of #OrganizedCrime, plus hiring based on criminal reputation, intent & abilities.
That #PatternAndPractice of #QuidProQuo between reciprocal #MandatedReporters in healthcare & its regulation who #CoverUp the #PREEMPTIVE & #RETALIATORY #CoverUp crimes obstructing my safety still to #ObstructJustice is reviewed in the thread below.👇
The verification of a #HealthInsurer,#intrahospital & #interhospital #ConspiracyAgainstRights to #kill me after my #kidnapping is by expert medical witnesses: A forensic/clinical #pathologist, trauma surgeon, et al, yet #OversightAgencies & #LawEnforcement don't protect me...
...& ignore my #ConstitutionalRights to recover/survive.
Instead, due to #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture, they retaliate to #CoverUp the crimes whenever I:
1. Expect #CivilRight protection from #MandatedReporters
2. Complain to #LawEnforcement & #RegulatoryAgencies
E.g., the #MedicalControlFrauds’ sequentially strategic #PredicateActs of intrahospital, interhospital, health insurers & physician organized #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorofLaw reveal a preexisting enterprise of ample scope/hierarchy, experience, training, profit & #QuidProQuo.
My victimization exposes a pattern of fake #PHI/outcome metrics requires a #hierarchy/#scope of #PublicCorruption, #QuidProQuo, training & supervision to #systemically corrupt & obstruct #ChecksAndAalances, ie #RegulatoryCapture & #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline.
Training & supervision of doctors working in #healthcare & reciprocally in #HealthcareOversight /#regulation is HOW deadly & maiming #OrganizedCrime & #MedicalControlFrauds, plus their #CoverUp #UnderColoOfLaw are inflicted, NOT prevented.
That #PatternAndPractice, which exists by #QuidProQuo & #RegulatoryCapture, reflects better criminal plans, training, supervision & priority given to profitable #MedicalControlFrauds using #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline than to #QualityAssurance for #HumanRights
Because systemic #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture reciprocally ensure the organized #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw by #MandatedReporters are perpetual, so their crimes’ physical, emotional & financial harm NEVER ENDS once begun, unless ended by #LawEnforcement,...
..., the #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw #backfired by my unexpected survival.
My unlikely survival of ONGOING #OrganizedCrimes’ intent to #kill me exposes the #scope, #hierarchy & #beneficiaries of preexisting #PublicCorruption’s routine use of #LawEnforcement...
...& #RegulatoryAgencies in criminal ways to reciprocally perpetuate #MedicalControlFrauds’ #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw instead of protecting me
Thus, it’s obvious that the #PublicCoruption & #RegulatoryCapture includes high ranking elected & appointed #PublicOfficials.
@JeffreyRawnsley & #AmanMahajan’s ONGOING #HumanRights crimes harming me in retaliation for being their victim shows that the #UCRegents' role in #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw is to #CoverUp & #ObstructJustice about their #PatternAndPractice of #condoning/#suborning the...
…#NegligentRetention, training & guiding of #MandatedReporters to conspire & inflict #CruelAndUnusual #CivilRights crimes’ intent to harm, even kill, victims targeted by superiors for elimination with foreknowledge that #RegulatoryCapture prevents victims escaping that harm.
Examples of that #inescapable #torture & its #LifeThreatening harm to me makes the #RegulatoryCapture undeniable, as the lack of subtlety to the #PatternAndPractice of #MandatedReporters' reciprocal bad faith (#QuidProQuo) exposes their animus towards me for surviving the...
...#preemptive #CoverUP, my right to recover & for being a #Whistleblower.
Lack of subtlety to the criminal behavior makes it impossible to attribute the systemic #PatternAndPractice of #MedicalControlFrauds to negligence, like #DunningKruger effect.
Lack of subtlety by employers' #PredicateActs of #intrahospital & #interhospital organized #CoverUp crime #UnderColorOfLaw in #ConspiracyAgainstRights with the #HealthInsurer is why the #PublicCoruption & #RegulatoryCapture of elected & appointed #PublicOfficials is obvious.
For example, my body’s physical evidence #BeforeAndAfter the #kidnapping, #extortion & #torture by @JeffreyRawnsley & #AmanMahajan AND #BeforeAndAfter the #CoverUp crimes by Rawnsley, #RobertLufkin et al reveal that they’re guilty of #RICO Act crimes.
That #paradox of being safer (not safe) avoiding urgently needed #Healthcare & #LawEnforcement due to the #scope & #hierarchy of preexisting #QuidProQuo amongst #MandatedReporters employed in #LawEnforcement, #Healthcare & the #regulation of both makes my fear understandable.
The #Perps, #accomplices & their #employers' goal to #CoverUp #Systemic #PublicCorruption is obvious by the ONGOING #intrahospital, #interhospital, health insurer & physician #OrganizedCeimes' #BLACKLISTING to #TamperWithEvidence to #ObstructJustice.
For e.g.,#Systemic use of #OrganizedCrime in a #CriminalBusinessModel by
@uchealth being dependent on #QuidProQuo by its #UCregents & Calif. #RegulatoryAgencies is also easy to understand from this linked proof from an expertly qualified eye-witness👇
Showing so many examples of the #PatternAndPractice of #Premeditated & #Retaliatory #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw made DEADLY & INESCAPABLE by #MandatedReporters inflicting injuries & #CoverUp crimes they're required to prevent & stop instead is necessary.
That is...
...because the #scope,#hierarchy & cruelty of #SystemicCorruption used to inflict the #CruelAndUnusual crimes that meet the UN's criteria for torture are hard to believe if you didn't see it for yourself.
We're deceived to believe we're safer than the truth reveals about...
...harm to us by #reciprocal #MandatedReporters employed in (1) healthcare (2) law enforcement & (3) regulatory oversight.
As the origin & continuum of malicious harm to me shows, it's because they use their special skills, license, oath of office, etc. criminally instead...
...AND know the #reciprocal #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw
will be condoned/suborned by municipal,state & federal #PublicOfficials & elected representatives.
That #SystemicCorruption camouflages a #Catch22 to trap victims, witnesses & #whistleblowers preemptively.
There is so much evidence of #CivilRights & #HumanRights crimes by #ConspiracyAgainstRights that #MandatedReporters in #healthcare, #insurance & at #RegulatoryAgencies appear to be professional criminal 1st, & healthcare is 2nd as only camouflage for a #CriminalBusinessModel.
Further proof of the #systemic #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture used for #preemptive & #retaliatory #OrganizedCrimes on behalf of the #beneficiaries of the #CriminalBusinessModel exposed by my victimization requiring a #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw is the...
...aggressiveness of retaliation for my #WHISTLEBLOWING about the implication of the #CoverUp
That's because the #OrganizedCrimes’ systemic #CoverUp alone is proof of the #CriminalBusinessModel's greed via #CriminallyFraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline.
That is why complaints to California’s municipal & state #PublicOfficials, #LawEnforcement & #Regulatory agencies are used criminally as a #preemptive #trap to harm (not to protect) #victims & #whistleblowers #BeforeAndAfter the crimes' traumas occur.
By #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw, #MandatedReporters #weaponize mandated #CivilRights resources.
E.g., the easy to see #MedicalControlFrauds used in #PREEMPTIVE ways are part of a systemic #blacklisting trap.
That #trap obstructs victims’ #escape & #SURVIVING...
...the #OrganizedCrimes' #blacklisting #CoverUp #UnderColorOfLaw.
That's due to #RegulatoryCapture of #PublicOfficials & #LawEnforcement, whose #PublicCorruption ensures the #camouflaged #torture & #ContractKilling escalate if I complain or seek help. threadreaderapp.com/thread/1067018…
#MandatedReporters' reciprocal #BadFaith to maliciously traps victim & #whistleblowers succeeds preemptively by #tyrannical control #UnderColorOfLaw of resources & rights needed to escape & #SURVIVE the organized Civil Rights crimes on behalf of beneficiaries' criminal goals.
#MandatedReporters (MDs, DOs, RNs etc.)are trained to recognize harm/abuse & in #DutyToReport, so hospitals' 85% rate of undocumented #PatientHarm reflects a #QuidProQuo trap & training/retaliation for #SuppressionOfEvidence to #CoverUp for each other.
Unfairly, that criminal #PatternAndPractice requiring #FraudulentPrivateMarketDiscipline & #RegulatoryCapture took me yrs to identify due to the reciprocal #SystemicCorruption of mandated #ChecksAndBalances #UnderColorOfLaw, as inculpatory clues show.
The ONGOING #corruption is why I'm harmed more the more I try to protect myself.
The inescapably of #CivilRights, #HumanRights & #UnenumeratedRights violations SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE, so a #PatternAndPractice isn't accidental ~ IT’S AN INCULPATORY CLUE.
IF that weren't true, THEN I not be hemorrhaging & leaking CSF still from TBI the kidnappers inflicted when the #extortion failed
IF that weren’t true, THEN I’d not have #TBI due to oxygen deprivation from the initial violent #CoverUp crimes slicing arteries in my head/neck.
Despite the obvious LETHALITY of systemic #Blacklisting & obviousness of #Perps & beneficiaries’ criminal motives for the systemic #CoverUp, that #ConspiracyAgainstRights #UnderColorOfLaw is inescapable still.
Evidence is the continuum of #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw...
...that the #Perps & #Accomplices begun inflicting #reciprocally during & ever since the #kidnapping.
The #scope/#hierarchy of criminal beneficiaries include the kidnappers’ employer (@uchealth California’s largest employer), then state #LawEnforcement #MandatedReporters...
...(California’s 2nd largest employer), plus health insurer #UnitedHealthCare.
Because #NeglegentRetention & #Supervision of the #Perps & #Accomplices is used by the #beneficiaries of the #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture to inflict the #OrganizedCrimes reciprocally,...
..., the continuum of #preemptive & #retaliatory #MedicalControlFrauds are exposed as intentionally #LifeThreatening #OrganizedCrimes just by comparing my body’s #evidence to the reciprocal #CoverUp crime’s continuous #PredicateActs #UnderColorOflaw.
Though not needed to expose the #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture, other crimes behind a likely motive for kidnapping/torturing me to make me sign legal documents (& thus a need for a #CoverUp) also incriminates the #Perps, as thread below shows.
The #systemic #OrganizedCrimes’ #Perps, #Accomplices & #Beneficiaries are CA’s 1st & 2nd largest employers (& #BusinessAssociates) in the 5th largest economy in the world ~ i.e. California.
Like the colonial/slave origin of the USA’s global economic dominance, such profit...
...is only by an #inhumane business model:
Systemic #CivilRights crimes that subjugate citizens to #chattel, like #cattle, are #inescapable due to #Perps & #Accomplices' corruption of #ChecksAndBalances to make them #TooBigToJail & in control of #LawEnforcemnt reciprocally.
E.g.,#Algorithms are tech. body chains for #systemic #HealthcarelSlavery, a modern way to criminally collateralize & monetize #Constitutional #freedoms & turn #unenumerated #CivilRights into #DEBT.
As before, it relies on #PublicCorruption, #RegulatoryCapture & #QuidOroQuo.
Eg, research shows state & fed. #CivilRights oversight is so corrupt that Healthcare switched from a profit-from-service exchange to a #slaughterhouse.
Deliberate #MassAtrocities for max. profit, treating humans as livestock, maiming/causing 10%+ of deaths a yr. FOR DECADES.
E.g., In ‘73, #PresidentNixon did his friend/campaign financier #EdgarKaiser(@aboutKP) a '#favor' by signing the #HealthMaintenanceOrganizationAct, so medical insurance agencies, hospitals, doctors can be #ForProfit businesses & get gov. subsidies too.
From very recent presidential #BadActs, you know that is:
A #Favor expected in return for something.
Persuade others to act in one's #favor, like giving campaign or other inducement to accomplish 👉#RegulatoryCapture.👈
Research proves illegal profit from #MassAtrocities by state regulated MDs & hospitals’ #BadFaith, so a #PatternAndPractice of federal #LawEnforcement also violating my #CivilRights contrary to their reciprocal role in #ChecksAndBalance is a #CoverUp.
Due to the verified #MassAtrocities, that verified #CriminalBusinessModel is why the #reciprocal #WhiteCollar-#StateCorporate #OrganizedCrime proven by my injuries & #blacklisting #CoverUp crimes can’t be anticipated & are maliciously inescapable too.
Thus, the #CoverUp isn't even healthcare, so its not malpractice ~ it's #OrganizedCrime!
My victimization exposes a #CriminalBusinessModel corrupting #CivilRights & #LawEnforcement #camouflaged as healthcare & oversight by those #mandated to prevent it & protect all victims.
Thus, the more I try to protect myself to suffer less from the horrific injuries & recover, the more I’m harmed by #MandatedReporters who are required to anticipate, prevent & stop the #WhiteCollar #StateCorporate #OrganizedCrime proven by my injuries.
Unless you're a surviving #victim of #kidnapping by hospital employees like me (or know victims), you'll likely not want to believe it happens & so often that the frequency means other #MandatedReporters in each hospital & reciprocally at Government...
...oversight agencies, who are mandated to report it to prevent/stop it, are either trained/supervised to aid the #CoverUp or too #intimidated to perform as they’re required as a #MandatedReporter employed in #healthcare,#LawEnforcement, #PublicOffice or #RegulatoryAuthority.
You can read it from the beginning by using the link below.