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Ich empfinde das als überfällig, #Hamburg soll nun wohl doch einen Gedenkort für die #Covid19-Verstorbenen bekommen.

Bis zum 14. Juli kann man sich an einer Online-Befragung zur Ausgestaltung beteiligen (Link im Thread).

Link zur Online-Befragung:
Für mich wäre ein Gedenkort auf dem Friedhof Ohlsdorf angebracht. Ich finde, dass der @Senat_Hamburg im speziell die im vergangenen Jahr noch einmal angestiegenen #Covid19-Todesfälle sehr totgeschwiegen hat, daher begrüße ich diese Initiative sehr.

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En la esquina de Madero con Motolinia existe una cabeza de león que es ignoranda por casi todos los transeuntes que caminan por ahí. Es un recordatorio constante de las inundaciones que aquejan a la Ciudad de México, puntualmente la de 1629 en…… ImageImage
De acuerdo a la crónica popular, la cabeza marca el nivel que alcanzó el agua durante la inundación mencionada. Incluso se pensó reubicar a la Ciudad de México para evitar futuras inundaciones. Tal fue el grado de destrucción! Como suele suceder, la mayoría de los que murieron…… Image
Por cierto, te invito a que sigas por #instagram dónde encontrarás fotografías y filmes de la historia de México! Me encuentras como @Cuauhtemoc_1521, GRANDEZA DE MÉXICO.
Espero leerte por allá! Image
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My deleted #Instagram stories from 2020 #COVID19 @Plandemic3Movie Image
4/5/20 Image
@Plandemic3Movie 4/10/20 No one was even close to saying this in public at the time other than @RonPaulInstitut and @RobertKennedyJr Image
Read 90 tweets
Social media platforms like #TikTok and #Instagram Reels have brought light-hearted fun into our lives, but we must acknowledge the darker side. Accounts disguised as legitimate platforms can prey on vulnerable children, raising concerns about their safety. #OnlineExploitation
The illusion of a #falsenarrative is prevalent on these platforms. Influencers project an idealized version of their lives, emphasizing glamorous experiences and seemingly perfect relationships. This content distorts reality, setting unrealistic standards for viewers.
Children, in particular, are tempted to imitate what they see online. They observe couples having fun, driving, holidaying, and engaging in activities they may not fully comprehend. This desire to replicate can lead to a dangerous vulnerability to online predators. #OnlineSafety
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💥🔥 El Poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en internet?, ¿Es fácil recopilar y vincular en diferentes servicios digitales nuestro #RastroDigital?, pues claro que si, y en este 🧵MEGAHILO🧵, te enseño como...

#Ciberinteligencia #Socmint Image
1⃣ Iniciaremos esta ciberinvestigación, desde un mensaje #Spam o #Phishing, esos que a diario se difunden en las diversas aplicaciones de mensajerías como WhatsApp.

💥 El número de remitente empezaba con el código de área "+62", que al parecer era de Indonesia...

⬇️ Image
2⃣ Realizando una búsqueda inversa del teléfono podemos encontrar registros en los sgtes servicios digitales:
💥 WhatsApp
💥 Instagram
💥 Google
Y lo más importante... Una vinculación con una cuenta en:
💥 Telegram
(Esto nos servirá para continuar nuestra investigación)

⬇️ Image
Read 17 tweets
📱 Instagram is reportedly set to launch a rival Twitter competitor app this summer

👉 Read more:… Image
2/6 💥 This announcement has certainly shaken up the social media world.

With the dominance of @Twitter in real-time, short-form content, Instagram stepping into this sphere signifies a major shift.
@Twitter 3/6 👀 The platform, owned by #Facebook parent company @Meta, has been known for its focus on photo and video sharing, and this move represents a significant expansion into a new form of social media interaction.
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4.9 billion people use social media globally. 🤯

Lots of people and businesses are making money too. 🤑 But how much are they charging per post?

Here's the state of our industry with the most recent stats you should know by @Forbes👇 Image
@Forbes Youtube is hot on Facebook's tail, with 2.5M monthly active users compared to Facebook's 2.9M
@Forbes People in the U.S. have an average of 7.1 social media accounts?! 🤯
Read 18 tweets
Oggi #25aprile si festeggia la #Liberazione dal regime fascista e dall’occupazione nazista (inevitabile dopo il “tradimento” italiano dell’8 settembre).
Questa LIBERAZIONE purtroppo coincide con l’OCCUPAZIONE del nostro paese da parte degli #USA, occupazione ancora in essere.
Questo passo storico sfugge ai più, vittime inconsapevoli della propaganda e fruitori delle apparenti regalie dei nuovi padroni d’oltreoceano. Da quel giorno infatti non c’è decisione dei Governi italiani che non debba essere preventivamente avallata da #Washington.
Chiunque abbia osato opporsi a questo status quo è scomparso prematuramente in un incidente aereo, per una improvvisa malattia o per una via giudiziaria. #Olivetti #Mattei #Craxi sono solo alcuni casi eclatanti. La diffusa consapevolezza di queste CASUALITA’ nei primi 78 anni
Read 18 tweets

Wakati mwingine inaweza kuwa hatari kutoa maelezo ya kina kwa watu wasioaminika au wasiojali ambao wanaweza kuitumia habari hiyo vibaya au kushindwa kuelewa kwa usahihi.
#Dream #Vision Image
Inashauriwa kuchagua kwa uangalifu watu ambao unashirikisha ndoto na maono yako. Ni muhimu kuchagua watu wanaoweza kukusaidia kufikia malengo yako kama vile marafiki wa karibu, familia, washauri au wengine wenye uzoefu na mafanikio katika eneo lako la ndoto.
Ni vyema kuelewa kwamba kushirikisha ndoto na maono yako na watu wasioaminika au wasiojali kunaweza kusababisha kukatisha tamaa, kuzorotesha maendeleo yako au kuvunja moyo wako katika kufikia malengo yako.
Read 5 tweets
Some believe #privacy in #Web3 stops at anonymous transactions, which couldn't be further from the truth

@OasisProtocol have built a solution to propel #blockchain adoption to areas that were not previously possible 🌹

Mega thread🧵⬇️

Don't miss this one

❤️/RT/Follow for more… Image
2) @OasisProtocol will be imminently releasing the Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) to all major #EVM chains, allowing any #dApp to integrate customisable, compliant confidentiality to any existing dApp

With OPL and their #privacy paratime Sapphire, a new era is coming to #Web3 Image
3) Now let's get into what this unlocks in #Web3

Undercollateralized or variable rate lending in #DeFi

Borrower reputation can be established via private data such as credit history

Those with a good reputation can get loans using less collateral &/or lower interest rates
Read 23 tweets

💭Kutengeneza malengo ya ndoto ambayo yatafanya zawadi yako iwe hai ni hatua muhimu katika kufikia mafanikio. Hapa kuna hatua kadhaa za kufuata ili kutengeneza malengo ya ndoto:
#Goals #Gifts Image
🔹Tafakari kuhusu ndoto yako:
Fikiria ndoto yako na tafuta kujua ni kitu gani hasa unachotaka. Jiulize maswali kama: Ni nini hasa unachotaka kufanikisha? Ni kwa nini unataka kufanikisha hilo? Ni nini kitakachokusaidia kufikia hilo?
🔹Andika malengo yako:
Andika malengo yako kwenye karatasi. Hakikisha malengo hayo ni ya kina na yanafaa kufikiwa. Kwa mfano, badala ya kuandika "Nataka kuwa tajiri", andika "Nataka kupata dola milioni tano kwa kuanzisha biashara yangu mwenyewe".
#Goalsetting #Goal
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Kutambua vitu vichache katika maisha yako kunaweza kukupeleka mbali sana na kukusaidia kufikia mafanikio makubwa. Hii ni kwa sababu hukusaidia kuzingatia nguvu na rasilimali zako kwenye mambo muhimu na kuyafikia kwa ufanisi. kwa Mfano: Image
🔹Katika kazi: Kuzingatia juu ya mambo machache katika kazi yako kunaweza kukusaidia kuelekeza nguvu zako na rasilimali katika maeneo muhimu zaidi. Hii inaweza kukusaidia kupata ujuzi mkubwa na uzoefu katika maeneo hayo na hivyo kuwa bora zaidi katika kazi yako.
🔹Katika biashara: Kuzingatia biashara yako katika soko maalum au huduma kadhaa inaweza kukupeleka mbali sana. Kwa kuzingatia vitu chache, unaweza kujifunza kuhusu wateja wako vizuri zaidi, kuboresha huduma yako na kufikia malengo yako ya biashara kwa urahisi zaidi.
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Habt Ihr ein Konto bei #WhatsApp #Facebook oder #Instagram? Facebook/Meta umgeht den EU-Datenschutz, indem man Eure intimsten Daten neuerdings als „berechtigtes Interesse“ betrachtet. Das ist dreist und vermutlich illegal. Ihr könnt den Spieß umdrehen: [1/3 Thread gerne Teilen!]
Die NGO @NOYBeu hat ein Tool gebaut, mit dem Ihr mit nur wenigen Klicks aktiv EINSPRUCH bei Facebook/Meta erheben könnt. Facebook muss dann EU-gerichtlich beweisen, dass sein Interesse an Euren Daten höher wiegt, als Euer Grundrecht auf Privatsphäre. [2/3]
Geht auf diese Seite: und loggt Euch über den Button bei Facebook ein. Nach der Verifikation Eures Accounts könnt Ihr mit nur einem Klick einen rechtswirksamen Widerspruch an Facebook/Meta in Irland schicken. 🙏 Danke @maxschrems + @noyb! [3/3 share this!]
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Mise en place du Grand Mensonge 🌐 sur le récit #COVID19
#TwitterFiles (17)
Sur le banc des accusés : gvt 🇺🇸, CDC, université de Stanford, médias sociaux (Twitter, Google/YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, Medium, TikTok et Pinterest - "RS" dans le fil)
Accrochez vous ça va 🔥... Image
Le gouvernement 🇺🇸, le milieu universitaire et un oligopole d'entreprises théoriquement concurrentes se sont rapidement organisés derrière un effort secret et unifié pour contrôler les messages politiques et la censure numérique mondiale...
Cette histoire commence le 5 février 2021
Isabella Garcia-Camargo de l'université de Stanford envoie un mail à l'équipe dirigeante de Twitter
Bienvenue dans le "Virality Project" (projet de viralité)
("VP" dans le fil)
Read 30 tweets
📷 "Is Insta dead?" This is the question on many people's minds after tech mogul Elon Musk recently tweeted this... Image
🤖 "Will AI Replace Artists?" This is another question that's been buzzing around the art world lately. A recent headline claimed that an Instagram photographer with nearly 29,000 followers since October had admitted that his stunning portraits were all AI-generated.
This begs the question - if AI can produce artwork that is indistinguishable from human-generated work, what does the future hold for artists?
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🧶 Super vidéo de @ManonBrilCUAH sur la mode, son histoire, ses mécanismes, ses conséquences : sociales, sanitaires et environnementales.

Mais aussi sur les solutions pour y remédier.

De mon côté, un mini-#fil sur un système en place dans mon foyer 👀👕
J'en ai déjà parlé sur #Instagram, mais en gros on applique la règle du Stock Fixe.

👉 Le nombre de vêtements dans la Maison doit rester globalement stable.

Comment ?
1️⃣ Premièrement, faites le tri. Prenez un moment pour vider tous vos placards, gardez ce que vous portez ou souhaitez porter.

Donnez et vendez ce que vous stockez inutilement. Les vêtements abimés peuvent aussi être réparés.

C'est votre base de départ.
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Here's a Moneycontrol exclusive newsbreak that has echoed across the internet. 🔥

#Meta is mulling a #Twitter competitor codenamed ‘P92’ which will also be interoperable with #Mastodon.

@deepsekharc & @tsuvik bring us details about what this might look like. A thread 🧵 Image
The app will be #Instagram-branded and will allow users to register/login to the app through their Instagram credentials, sources said. 📲

@moneycontrolcom has seen a copy of an internal product brief that elaborates on the functioning and various product features of the app.
This development comes at a time when tech companies are eyeing an opportunity to capitalise on the growing trend of Twitter users looking to migrate to alternative platforms, with the chaos in #Twitter caused under the new owner @elonmusk

#SocialMedia #ElonMusk
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The power to create reality lies in the STORIES we tell.

With major media outlets increasingly controlled or unaccessible to many, it's more important than ever to take control of the narrative.

Here's why storytelling is essential for #SBCWorks:
a twitter thread 🧵
Non-professionals telling their personal stories.

#Digitalstorytelling videos give ordinary citizens the power to shape reality with their narratives.

Their charm is in their authenticity and originality: homemade videos are intentionally subjective.

Smartphones with cameras and social media platforms like #YouTube/ #Instagram have made it easier than ever to share your unique perspective with the world.

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El poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?, ¿cómo saber si he sido víctima de una filtración de datos (#Facebook, #Instagram, #Twitter?, ¿Qué medidas tomar?.

#databreach #dataleak #Ciberinteligencia #Socmint
1⃣ Sabe ud., ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?

💥Es una pregunta que muchos tratan de omitir e ignorar... es por ello decido iniciar este🧵HILO, que por cierto espero que sea de agrado para uds., a fin de tomar conciencia de la peligrosidad digital. 🚨
2⃣ SAMUEL, era un estudiante de una Universidad de PERÚ 🇵🇪, decide contactar a Manuel, debido a que recibía muchos mensajes de correos electrónicos SPAM, así como también llamadas y hasta había sido víctima de suplantación digital en Instagram y Facebook (🚨¡ALARMANTE!)...

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🇺🇦 Like me you've probably seen these pictures of #Marinka in #Ukraine.

What used to be a lively city has now been decimated, turned to dust and requires talking in past tense.

But where do they come from? Who took them? 👇
First hint is the watermark in the bottom right-hand corner: a #Telegram link and the name of a group.

Танкисты ЮВО

This translates to "Tankers of the Southern Military District" (=Южный Военный Округ)
Considering that the images were mostly shared on Twitter by Ukrainian or "Western" journalists, one thing I found odd was that the images were taken by Russians 🇷🇺 because:

1) They use Russian Cyrillic and not the Ukrainian variant
2) The tankers of the ЮВО are Russian
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The classic #trilemma goes: "Fast, cheap or good, pick any two." The #ModeratorsTrilemma goes, "Large, diverse userbase; centralized platforms; don't anger users - pick any two." 1/  A trilemma Venn diagram, showing three ovoids in a triangul
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The Moderator's Trilemma is introduced in "Moderating the Fediverse: Content Moderation on Distributed Social Media," a superb paper from @ARozenshtein of @UofMNLawSchool, forthcoming in the journal @JournalSpeech, available as a prepub on @SSRN:… 3/
Read 73 tweets
Merita attenzione la questione di #Instagram sul palco di #sanremo23. E' stata una innocente deboomerizzazione di Amadeus o una operazione commerciale ben pianificata (e chissà magari anche remunerata?). Vediamo:
Quello che è accaduto è noto a tutti: #ChiaraFerragni lancia l'idea di creare il profilo Instagram ufficiale di Amadeus (che fino a quel momento aveva un account condiviso con la moglie). Perfetto storytelling: la giovane insegna all'anziano ad usare i social.
#ChiaraFerragni dunque crea l'account IG amadeusonoio (quasi immediatamente arriva anche la spunta blu di verifica) che inizia, come è ovvio, a crescere fino agli attuali 1.8 ml di follower.
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📢Donc le coup de cœur ♥️ #BD de la @Fnac c’est… « La décharge mentale » de Bastien Vivès 😳

➡️Un livre qui fait l’objet de 2 plaintes [ @innocencedanger et @Fond_Enfance ] RT d’une enquête ouverte par le parquet de Paris

Pourquoi ❓⤵️ ImageImageImage
Art 227-23 du code pénal

De quoi parle-t-on la @Fnac❓⤵️ l ImageImage
On parle notamment de ce dessin qui représente une jeune de 15 ans qui se fait violer devant sa mère, qui « l’encourage »

Joli coup de cœur ♥️ #BD la @Fnac

Non @EnriqMrtz

Un autre exemple ⤵️ Image
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