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🚨 JUST OUT ➡️ The 2023 STAATUS Index

Now in its third year, the STAATUS Index (Social Tracking of #AsianAmericans in the US) is the leading nationally representative survey of Americans' attitudes towards #AsianAmericans

🧵of some findings @taaforg #AAPIHeritageMonth #AAPIHM Image
1 in 4 Americans believe that #AsianAmericans are MORE LOYAL to their country of origin than to the United States

1 in 5 Americans still believe that Asian Americans are partly responsible for #COVID19 Image
31% of Americans believe that #AsianAmericans should be subject to MORE SCRUTINY when working in areas considered critical to US global strategic competitiveness Image
Read 19 tweets
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Children of #Donbass - THE #WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE #NAZIS | 5 months ago…
#SaveOurChildren deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt cc: @ DaniMayakovski
#Ukraine. Images from the #Azov Battalion children's camp, where children from the age of 8 are #brainwashed into #Nazism and prepared militarily by indoctrinating them into a #hatred of #killing Russians. (2015)
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Ukrainian children drugged and indoctrinated by the #Nazis into shouting the #Hitler salute of "#SiegHeil" while being laughed at. (2016)
This video was captured from the flash drive of a press reporter from the #AzovBattalion at the #Mariupol base.
Read 45 tweets
#SayakaChatani (who deleted her tweets and locked herself away) is back for the first time in a while.



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🪡 1/7: #COP27 Live from the #BlueZone : Gender Day Closing Session

#COP27Gender #Women
2/7: #COP27Gender Day closes with a ceremony hosted by Dr. Maya Morsi and HE Dr. Yasmine Fouad. The #women invited a #student, Nevine Ghazi, on stage to share her perspectives on #climatechange and #youth in #Africa.
3/7: Ms. Ghazi advocates for #climateeducation saying, “I learned about the #SDGs & The #ParisAgreement in university. I instantly became aware of #climatechange and our needs. More importantly, I was able to apply my knowledge and continue to learn.
Read 7 tweets
Writing ab #young people in #Ukraine based on focus group discussions before #RussiaUkraineWar has been an agonising travel in time. But w/ @FESonline we thought it is important to convey the hopes and frustrations expressed in Dnipro and Lviv.…
Protecting the distinct Ukrainian national identity is seen as a priority in both cities. Participants underline the departure from Soviet values, the importance of the Ukrainian language & culture as well as opposition to Russia.
Ukraine belongs to #Europe for the young as part of the nation’s emancipation. Nevertheless, many articulate that there remains a profound gap between Europe and Ukraine, referring to social attitudes but also economic conditions.
Read 6 tweets
Anyone still interested to know what #young #Russia|ns think ab their country? Focus groups conducted in St. Petersburg & Samara w/ @FESonline illustrate the internal migration by the alleged “generation Putin” already before #RussiaUkraineWar.…
Seen from the eyes of young Russians, Europe represents a horizon that symbolises a better life in many ways. But this horizon has retreated ever further over the last decade. Many also state that they feel excluded from Europe.
Political disillusion dominates, leading to a general withdrawal from the public sphere. While criticism is expressed in focus groups, young people see hardly a way how these might be addressed in the dysfunctional political system surrounding them.
Read 5 tweets
As funders hold critical conversations on how to best support #Ukraine, here's a 🧵for #philanthropy on where to start from👇🏽

p.s. updated list of #Feminist #Young #LBTQI #Disability justice orgs is here
Whats needed -- Sensitivity and understanding of rapidly changing local contexts and how grassroots level organizing works (at the moment but also before the war) in order to provide an adequate response to the emergency in #Ukraine
Also, active listening to the needs of feminist, queer, disability rights organizers to deeply understand what kind of funding and the quality of support is essential to consistently address the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
Read 10 tweets
#Digital technologies, which have become one of the important parts of our lives, have numerous benefits in many areas such as #education, #health, #economy, etc. But, and there is a big but?
What are the costs of #digitalization for #children and #young people? How should families treat children on the internet or social media using? What do the figures tell us? Here is the threat on Children & Young People’s Mental Health in the Digital Age by the OECD in 2018. Image
Almost half of the world is connected to the #internet, and in countries that are members of the OECD almost everyone is #online. For children and young people today, being online and using social media have become an integral part of their lives.
Read 24 tweets
The number of children infected with #Covid-19 is less among all other age group in the global population. How about the #psychological, #social impact in on #children? Researches suggests social and psychological impact in this group were mostly severe.
To find some answer and have idea let's take a closer look at the researches and figures provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), which shows the magnitude of the pandemic’s #impact on #children. Image
As families lose their sources of #income and home environments are turned upside down due to the socioeconomic impacts of Covid-19, #children find themselves more vulnerable to #poverty and likely to be deprived of their basic needs. Image
Read 26 tweets
Welcome to the #ProtectedAndInformed #TwitterChat!! We are pleased to have you here on this #InternationalYouthDay. @UNAIDS_AU_ECA @UNAIDS @hikemboi and @AUYouthProgram are on standby to engage with you!!! Let's chat!
We have 5 (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5) questions for you and would like to engage with your responses. Share your thoughts by simply:
1. Picking a question you’d like to answer
2. Typing your response and label it A1, A2, A3, A4 or A5 in line with the respective question
3. Engaging with others participating in the chat by replying, liking and/or retweeting

NB: Add #ProtectedAndInformed and #twitterchat so the community can engage with you this #InternationalYouthDay
Read 12 tweets
#LongCovid bei Kindern
Eine Zusammenfassung von Studien und Meldungen:
Klinische Merkmale, Aktivitätsniveaus und psychische Gesundheitsprobleme bei #Kindern mit LongCovid
Die bislang umfangreichste Studie über #LongCovid von 510 betroffenen #Kindern: Clinical Characteristics, Activity Levels and Mental Health Problems in #Children with Long COVID: A Survey of 510 Children
#LongCovid in England: Bericht über #Kinder die nach milden COVID-Verläufen unter #Atemnot, #Gelenkschmerzen und #Schwindel leiden. Das chronische Erschöpfungssyndrom ist bei einigen so stark, dass sie auf einen #Rollstuhl angewiesen sind #twlz #kmk…
Read 140 tweets
#InterJuventus | L'#Inter affronta il #DerbyDItalia con la formazione ormai tipo, 352 in cui Vidal gioca mezzala sx e sulla fascia mancina è scelto #Young.
Pirlo deve invece fare i conti con una difesa forzata e opta per l'abituale 442 ibrido con Chiesa e Ramsey "esterni diversi"
L'approccio alla gara segnerà l'andamento di tutto il match: un'Inter molto ordinata e organizzata, ma soprattutto mentalmente dentro la partita, cui fa da contraltare una Juve che pare smarrita, incapace di trovare le giuste misure in campo e reggere i ritmi dei nerazzurri.
La lettura delle posizioni medie dell'#Inter dimostra questo approccio quasi perfetto in entrambe le fasi:
occupazione ottimale degli spazi in possesso sfruttando le difficoltà bianconere a coprire il campo;
squadra sempre compatta e corta in non possesso.…
Read 14 tweets
Ok. Let's recap of the mandates and orders Governor Herbert issued tonight:

1. No hosting social gatherings with friends in your homes. However, you are still free to meet up with them and catch the virus at bars, restaurants, and gyms. 1/7 #utpol #utah
2. A state-wide #maskmandate has been ordered. I tried to convince the governor that the mandate specifically mention wearing the mask up and over the nose, but that was a (nose) bridge too far. 2/7 #utpol #COVID19 #utah
3. Certain individuals, and we won't mention anyone by name, can no longer organize dance parties. We're really, really serious this time. Don't be... young and dumb. 3/7 #utpol #BYU #uvu #young #dumb
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Our analysis of sex differences in the #YOUNG-MI registry is now published in #EHJ @ESC_Journals. See tweetorial below. A culmination of hard work with an incredible team of mentors @RonBlankstein @DLBHATTMD @DrMarthaGulati @SanjayDivakaran @drmalissawood
Of 2097 with first MI at young age, 19% were 🚺

🚺 were more likely to have diabetes, rheumatologic conditions and depression
🚺 had lower median incomes and higher rate of public insurance

Chest pain was the most common symptom in 🚺 and 🚹 with more atypical symptoms in 🚺
🚺 were less likely to receive coronary angiography

Among those w/angiography, 🚺had ⬆️ SCAD, were more likely to have single vessel disease with lower aggregate plaque burden and ⬇️ revascularization

🚺 less likely to be discharged on ASA, beta blockers, ACE/ARB, and statins
Read 5 tweets
What does an average #Sindh #youth look like and what does an average Sindh youth #aspires for?
Find more about the #Hopes, #aspirations and #attitudes of Sindh youth through public opinion polling conducted by Gallup Pakistan.
Full Report:
According to past and latest consensus by PBS, #Sindh is a #youthful #province with #young people under the age of 19 make up 50% of the #population
Accounting for only 23% of #Pakistan's total population, #Sindh makes up 33% of #national #GDP, 70% of country's #incometax, 62% of country's #sales #taxes, and half of country's #seafood #export.
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2017: #young #male after a #trip to Hills with '#Naturalists'. Fever and abnormal liver tests. #jaundice in a week. Long evaluations multiple places. Following up as fever of unknown origin. Father a pastor. Son denies everything, studious. #Liver #biopsy done.
#livertwitter Image
Classical #liverpath
Top:Lobular #inflammation, #Portal triaditis; Bottom: central venulitis, perivenular #cholestasis
Asks young man alone, 1hr #interrogation
#Cocaine induced #Hepatitis
Its pays to invest in good #clinical #history
Read 3 tweets
A new investigation by The Post Millennial reveals that the distribution of child pornography is happening in plain sight. While many believe the distribution of these illicit materials is relegated to the seedy underbelly of the internet, this belief is far from true.
On Twitter, pedophiles seeking to exchange child pornography and other child sex exploitation images are utilizing secret hashtags to signal their presence and interest to each other.
Read 24 tweets
#crazy Useless #patient

Middle-aged man, loves his #family, #farming, drives a cab, #happy. Son & wife at #home. Father-son relationship strong as rock. One #morning, son finds father mumbling to self. Mother says he hardly slept
Mumbling becomes angry ramblings. #Clinical LAENNEC WAS TAUGHT THE IMPO...
Has very little #breakfast. Walks excessively. Goes and lies down, only to get up and walk again. Family interactions little. Sleeps well for 2 hours from 12 to 2PM. Lunchtime. Groggy #father gets on the lunch table and defecates near plates and food. Son and mother aghast.
Father has gone mad. Calls the friendly neighbor, brings his car, rushes to #Medical specialty #clinic nearby. Father disoriented. Son gets the Fword from his own father multiple times, he is shocked! Then comes hurling of abuses after which they restrain him in the car.
Read 15 tweets
"The live SARS-like coronavirus SL-CoV-WIV1 has been isolated for the first time from bat droppings; and such virus has been confirmed to invade the host cells through the ACE2 of human beings..." ImageImageImage
Bat Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Like Coronavirus WIV1
Encodes an Extra Accessory Protein, ORFX, Involved in Modulation of the Host Immune Response. (2016) #ZhengLiShi #PeterDaszak #EcoHealth
Funding: #NIAID 110964 ImageImageImageImage
In this study, we have developed a fast and cost-effective method
for reverse genetics of coronaviruses by combining two approaches developed by others..As the genomes can be divided into multiple short fragments, mutations can be introduced into individual
fragments easily. ImageImageImageImage
Read 68 tweets
Dominican Republic girls have a very high risk of not surviving during the abortion. Doctors will require a consent form for the women to have a decision for the women.#Njcurj #MyBodyMyRight's
Hospitals are not taken good care on their services on having girls who are going to do abortion and girls who are having their baby’s all in the same room #illegal #DominicanRepublic #NeedSolutionNeedRegularisation
Girls do not have power over their body’s choices. The lawmakers in the Dominican Republic have mentioned that every man should decide whether the girl should have an abortion or not.#Njcurj #lawmakers #socialchange
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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#Finland's lawmakers adopted the UN convention on drugs as-is in 1971. Harry Anslingers #racist legacy reached these northern shores one vote past the bar.

Ever since #Cannabis has been the #media evil, where #alcohol kills thousands yearly.

#cannabis #denial #doublestandard
#Finland's local media has been working hard lately.

The local papers in co-operation with associations like #YAD have been generating lot of articles on how #cannabis is somehow responsible for #polydrug-use, or #abuse of drugs among #young people.

#Alcohol never mentioned. 😅
Meanwhile, Statistics #Finland's numbers on kids reveal, that 44% of finnish 14 to 16 year-olds use #alcohol.

This is never mentioned in any of the papers writing #exploitation and #scare stories on #cannabis.

Neither are the other abused #drugs: rx #medication, #amphetamines.
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On Burns Night, my boyfriend and I had a really shit #homophobic incident in #Glasgow's southside. We were holding hands, and a guy walked passed us and called us a "pair of bent bastards". I challenged him, he repeated the phrase, I called 999.
For the next 26 mins, I stayed on th phone w/@policescotland, my boyfriend filmed and th man continued to call us "bent bastards" "bent cunts" "fucking poofs" "pair of poofs", "it's not fucking right two men sleeping together" (limited but effective lexicon: he did not like gays)
He hated me. He told me that. He snarled at me, told me that I was against the law, that I was fucking disgusting, for the best part of 30mins. This man saw me as one thing he despised; not as a brother, or a son, or grandson, or a friend, or whatever.
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#Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among #Young People in #England 2018 [NS]
(Also looks at #vaping.)
Following is a 10 part summary / overview courtesy of .@SwitchFinder…
1) #Smoking rates are down.
2) #Vaping rates are flat.
Read 12 tweets

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