Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #África

Most recents (24)

Jun 19th 2023
This week on my Middle-Class Wealth series, I’m sharing insights from @McKinsey_MGI's report.

I highlight the opportunities for the African & diasporan middle class.

#MiddleClassWealth #AfricanMiddleClass #AfricanWealthReport #Africa #Diaspora… Insights from Mckinsey Glob...
McKinsey Global Institute is an authoritative source of economic forecasts. Their report projects a vibrant economic future for Africa in a number of sectors.
Agriculture: Blessed with plentiful natural resources and a climate conducive to farming, Africa has untapped agricultural potential.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
Day 480 of the war. #Russia defending stubbornly with reinforced lines in the areas of #Ukraine they stole.

But I think the real push, with most forces, is yet to come. Here's another daily thread. There's been one every day, but I do need support pls!
Yesterday's thread can be found on the link below, click and scroll if you missed anything.

Loads of nice photos and videos in Saturday's thread and how there seems to have been a #Russia-#Africa plot to deny missile strikes, but Russia's MoD messed up!

Who doesn't like a bit of alliteration? And here are some sweet Sunday sounds to start your day.

Less than 20km north of #Henichesk in #Kherson region there was a big explosion, then many, many more in the village of #Rykove as #Russia's weapon/ammo store there went up in smoke!
Read 53 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
🚀 Day 2 of One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week is on at the #Corum of @montpellier_ !

This morning focuses on #Climate in #Africa with several GIEC (@IPCC_CH) speakers 🎤

Let’s go! ⤵️
@AWARDFellowship @Agrofondation @Cirad Image
🫶🏾 First introductions by Damien Conaré, General Secretary of @UnescoChairFood, Mylène Aycard-Gueydan, General Secretary of @Agrofondation, and Vincent Blanfort, Co-leader of the Strategic Scientific Field « Climate Change » in @Cirad ImageImageImage
Let’s dive in the most recent @IPCC_CH #ClimateReport w/ a focus on the impacts of CC on the African continent

🎤 To start off, Aida Diongue Niang, Meteorologist and Technical Advisor @meteosenegal, set the scene walking us through « Physics and CC » (IPCC/GIEC Group 3 writer)
Read 21 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
“They beat the hell out of me ... The suffering was too much.”

@mokhbersahafi with the story of Christy Gold, ringleader in a criminal network that lures women from #Africa + forces them into prostitution in brothels, backstreets + bars in #Dubai.…
Gold remains a fugitive from justice – part of what anti-trafficking activists + officials say is a thriving underground of suspected #Nigerian sex traffickers who have taken refuge in #UAE. via @Reuters @specialreports
The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said any suggestion the UAE “tolerates human trafficking or that it has little regard to the victims of this heinous crime is utterly false.” Such allegations, the ministry said in response to questions, were “baseless and without foundation.”
Read 4 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
To all haters, this is who you are hating on.
#MeghanMarkle aged 11.
#MeghanMarkle as a young teen travelling in europe.
#MeghanMarkle as a young girl.
Read 23 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
🧵 Questa settimana ho letto il nuovo libro di @Cinzia_Bianco e Matteo Legrenzi, un quadro esaustivo delle evoluzioni nell’area del #Golfo dalle Primavere arabe in poi. Si parla anche di rapporti tra le monarchie e il resto del mondo: tre fattori mi sembrano fondamentali 👇(1/n) Image
@Cinzia_Bianco 2. L’ITALIA E L’UE

Uno dei temi è la miopia italiana (ed europea) nella gestione delle relazioni con il Golfo. Le capitali europee non hanno saputo reagire in modo efficace al crescente disinteresse americano verso la regione, pagando a caro prezzo questa disattenzione. (2/n)
@Cinzia_Bianco L'#Europa non ha visto arrivare le monarchie come attore globale. Il caso più interessante è stato senz’altro quello della #Libia, dove sia #Italia che #Francia si sono trovate impreparate di fronte all’ascesa di EAU e Qatar nello scontro tra le fazioni libiche. (3/n)
Read 9 tweets
May 29th 2023
AFRICA Herbs to the WORLD: This beautiful and detailed #map shows every #herb that grows native in #Africa and gives an idea of the countries and #regions where the herb is most common: Birthplace of Man-(and Woman)-Kind! The second largest continent on #Earth, Over 11 MILLION Image
square miles and over 1.4 BILLION people!

#Africa has such a huge variety of #geography, #flora, #fauna and #people that make it one of the most fascinating mix of #cultures and #traditions stretching back over 150, 000 years of #evolution.

With the culture of folk medicine,
cooking and the incredible array of native #plants Africa is truly a jewel of wealth when it comes to herbs.

#Thyme, a hardy #drought resistant plant, grows in the dry landscapes of #WesternSahara.

The #DemocraticRepublicofCongo with 80 Inches of rain a year, the highest
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May 29th 2023
The GMES and #Africa Incubation and Acceleration initiative, a part of the GMES and Africa Phase 2 programme, focused on supporting research and entrepreneurship in the African NewSpace ecosystem, is organising the Startups Development (SD) #earthquake #MonacoGP… programme on the sidelines of the NewSpace Africa Conference 2023 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from 25th to28th April 2023. The SD programme will feature 15 local, budding startups in various stages of growth in the EO and geospatial… space to showcase their innovations, gain keyindustry stakeholders’ attention, and develop their ideas into minimum viable products.

Organised in conjunction with Space in Africa, the Startups Development programme is part of the GAIA initiative’s
Read 7 tweets
May 28th 2023
1. We have come out with our grand report titled :

"The BRI Status: A Grand Report" on Its Present and Future.

Here is a thread on the same.
#BRI #China


@ShawnG927 @jenny_kjacobs @tiffanymeier_ @NoCCPGenocide @UMM1776 The status of the Belt and ...
2. "The #BRI Status: A Grand Report on Its Present and Future" sheds light on numerous challenges faced by BRI like:
cost overruns,
environmental damage,
funding issues,
repeated delays,
lack of progress,
and poor quality of development.
@Santos4Congress Image
3. According to our investigation, 62.8% of the countries that have joined the #BRI are #developing countries, while around 17% are #developed countries.

This suggests that the BRI is primarily focused on developing countries.
@GundamNorthrop @Byron_Wan Image
Read 24 tweets
May 28th 2023
🇸🇳#Senegal: only peaceful transfers of power since independence!

Rich & rare tradition of #democracy in W. #Africa.

Sadly, past 2 presidents toyed with 3rd terms.

Wade tried in 2012 & triggered violence.

Now Pres. Macky Sall @Macky_Sall flirts with same destructive idea. ImageImageImageImage
I was working from #Senegal in 2012 & saw how far then-President Wade had gone astray from initial high hopes.

Like bringing in North Koreans to erect a pricey monument, then demanding a 35% cut of ticket prices because he felt the idea was his intellectual property. Image
When Pres. Wade tried to extend his term in 2012, #Senegal's people backed him down.

One opposition figure seen in the streets?

Now-president @Macky_Sall

11 years later, he's considering the same play.

You'd think he would remember the forces his predecessor unleashed. Image
Read 5 tweets
May 23rd 2023


🧵 Image
El volcán #Nyamulagira, en la República Democrática del #Congo, entró en erupción el 14 de mayo, aunque se reportaron flujos de lava y emisiones de dióxido de azufre desde el 7 del mismo mes. Es el volcán más activo de #África y se encuentra cerca de la frontera con Rwanda.

🇨🇩 Image
El 21 de mayo el volcán #Etna en #Sicilia entró en erupción, generando nubes de cenizas, temblores y lluvia de piedras incandescentes.

El Aeropuerto de #Catania suspendió todas las actividades.

Una de las últimas erupciones, en 2021, duró varias semanas.

🇮🇹 Image
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May 22nd 2023
#China overseas police/law enforcement remains under-researched, yet expanding. Here are my thoughts below. @ChinaGSProject @SCMPNews @AndrewSErickson @BLKChinaCaucus @RWGreen2 @USCC_GOV @ACCORD_online @CedricdeConing @JDevermont… @_AfricanUnion
#China police engagements occur with greater frequency/intensity than #China military ones. @AndrewSErickson @CAAC_Network @thechinaproj @witschinaafrica…
Over 2000 #Africa-n police/law enforcement /paramilitaries have trained in China since 2018. A growing area of #Chinese security cooperation. @newvisionwire @SophieHRW @hrw…
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2023
Hello, Connections! Welcome back to my weekly column #ATHCOriginal #AskATHC. Today, I want to discuss a rather controversial topic—#Women.

#UnitedShowbiz #Gender #eqyality #Education #womenempowerment #TedTalk #Inspiration #Movies
Last week, I discussed #ContentWriting, but today's topic is different. Before going further, I want to declare outright that I am not a feminist or atheist. I am just a pragmatic, who sees a glass & water as two distinct things rather than seeing it half-empty or half full.
World has moved forward. Girls have gone to space! But culture, religion, ethics, & social evils continue to haunt girls worldwide. I don't want to talk about India, you've plenty of cases where women face atrocities almost every single day here. #RuralIndia #WomenLifeFreedom
Read 13 tweets
May 20th 2023
What is really going on with Africa?

The official story is:
"Africa begins with the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, pioneered by the Kingdom of Portugal under Henry the Navigator...bla bla BS"

Map Break:
j569… Stolen HistoryImageImageImage
Take a look at those again.

What do you see missing in these quite detailed maps?
(besides 'Europeans')

Remember this is BEFORE the the #Usurpers crawled out of the swamp.

Are you paying attention to all those great cities for millions? Castles and fortresses?
Officially, the 'Sahara Desert' is now estimated to be 3,000,000 years old

Some estimates are 12,000-30,000 years old

Climate scientist Gavin Schmidt, of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies says, "8,000"…
Read 20 tweets
May 17th 2023
1/4🧵 Introducing the concept of: Dictamocracy

Dictamocracy: any type of government whose leadership, policies, agreements & socioeconomics which serves the dictated-interests of outside democracies or the directed geopolitical aims of expansionist hegemonies. #Democracy #World Image
2/4 Democracy: any type of government whose authority represents the values of the governing country through the social norms, prosperity, welfare, security & economic needs of its own citizens.

Diff Democracies:

Western Democracy

Chinese democracy

Russian democracy

#freedom Image
3/4 Dictatorship: the opposite of Western democracy or typically any single-party government that rules with an iron fist against outside interferences/collaborations.

Capitalism: the worst form of democracy

Undemocratic: depends on which side you support

#economy #capitalism Image
Read 4 tweets
May 13th 2023

'America’s wheat fields have become so plagued by drought that farmers are now poised to abandon crops at the highest rate in more than a century.'

'Years of dry conditions on the US Plains have taken their toll'

1/x #ClimateCrisis #food #USA…

'Europe’s Drought-Riven Future Is Here, Decades Earlier Than Expected'

2/x #ClimateCrisis #Europe #food…

California: 'Our crops are getting decimated. There's been at least 12 atmospheric rivers'

The state is the leading provider in the US for fruits & vegetables & 'These weather conditions are wreaking havoc for farmers'

3/x #ClimateCrisis #food…
Read 7 tweets
May 13th 2023
Il Consolato #USA🇺🇸 a Francoforte #Germania 🇩🇪 è una base copertura di hacker della #CIA che copre l'#Europa, il #MedioOriente e l'#Africa...#Vault7 #SECRET 2017
I Consolati in generale ma anche le Ambasciate sono spesso basi con copertura diplomatica dei servizi segreti
Anche al Consolato di Milano c'è una cellula della CIA, c'è un agente capo-centro in ogni città con il suo gruppo, tipo il capo-decina di Cosa Nostra insomma
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May 4th 2023
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼#USA,#NATO: Combined #RussianArmedForces have formidable power to fight any foe, toe to toe n more!
S400- Air Defense
BMPT- Terminator
Lancet- Guided Attack Drone.
Underwater...A Quiet Surprise!➡️1 of 8,…
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼#USA,#NATO: The Combined Russian Military Armed Forces,Land:
Hypersonic Cruise Missiles
MLRS- Tornado G
TOS1A- Heavy Flamethrower
TOS1A- Thermobaric
Keeping the Underwater...A Quiet Surprise!➡️2 of 8,
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼#USA,#NATO: Combined Russian Military Armed Forces, Land:
Artillery- MLRS
Nuke-Guided Drop
Combo Power- Army
Keeping the Underwater...A Quiet Surprise!➡️3 of 8, #RussiaUkraineWar
Read 8 tweets
May 4th 2023
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼#USA,#NATO: President VVP-Putin mentioned that Russia hasn't even engaged with anything "Serious"as yet! Take that for real as the Russ Bear plays only #MAFO #Russia #Putin #RussianArmedForces
@313_ellia @360CNN… Image
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼Combined Russian Military Aerospace Forces:
Su35-Flanker Cobra
Su57-Felon *Only 5th Gen. Capable of Dog Fights!
Su57-Fire Dragon Fury Sound
Su27- Rook
Keeping Underwater...A Quiet Surprise!➡️2of8,
#Pilots #FighterPilot…
⚡  Big Bear Russ Series ⚡
"Prepared to Checkmate"
🎼Combined Russian Military Aerospace Forces:
Aerospace Insignia
Russ Jets Fastest TakeOffs
Su57- Dazzling Capabilities
Su30-New Export Variation
Keeping Underwater...A Quiet Surprise!➡️3of8, #Syria
#Brazil #China #Africa :… Image
Read 8 tweets
May 2nd 2023
@Europarl_EN #Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve #peace in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev TIME to #prepare for #war - to help #CRUSH #ETHNIC #Russians Dec 28, 2022
@Europarl_EN cc: @ TaranQ
German '#Merkel' (#Hitler's daughter) in an interview with the German newspaper #DieZeit:
- "The 2014 #MinskAgreement was an attempt to give Ukraine #time. They used that time to get stronger, which you can see today.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
🧵According to a recent Gallup poll, the world is turning its back on Russia.

For the first time since Gallup started tracking world leaders’ approval ratings, most of the world disapproves of Russia’s leadership.

Here are some key takeaways:
Gallup's 2022 survey of 137 countries and territories revealed a 57% median disapproval rating for Russian leadership - the highest point since tracking began in 2007.

In just one year, disapproval increased dramatically from 38% to 57%. Image
Majorities in 81 out of 137 countries surveyed in 2022 disapproved of the Russian leadership.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
Oggi #25aprile si festeggia la #Liberazione dal regime fascista e dall’occupazione nazista (inevitabile dopo il “tradimento” italiano dell’8 settembre).
Questa LIBERAZIONE purtroppo coincide con l’OCCUPAZIONE del nostro paese da parte degli #USA, occupazione ancora in essere.
Questo passo storico sfugge ai più, vittime inconsapevoli della propaganda e fruitori delle apparenti regalie dei nuovi padroni d’oltreoceano. Da quel giorno infatti non c’è decisione dei Governi italiani che non debba essere preventivamente avallata da #Washington.
Chiunque abbia osato opporsi a questo status quo è scomparso prematuramente in un incidente aereo, per una improvvisa malattia o per una via giudiziaria. #Olivetti #Mattei #Craxi sono solo alcuni casi eclatanti. La diffusa consapevolezza di queste CASUALITA’ nei primi 78 anni
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Apr 21st 2023
Looking at the networks that support #Hemedti in #Sudan, an interesting carousel emerges with the #UAE in the middle

Network-centric statecraft at its best, involving #Libya, #Wagner and the War in #Yemen Image
2) starting with the #UAE's direct networks to #Sudan & the #RSF, Abu Dhabi has set up a well-oiled network of companies and financial institutions to support #Hemedti to bring gold to market and manage personal finances…
3) The #UAE have provided arms to #Hemedti's #RSF in #Sudan since 2019 - recent evidence suggest as late as 2021…
Read 13 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
#Israel is mediating between the 2 Sudanese generals to reach a ceasefire, like asking the mouse to protect a piece of cheese. Where are #Africa leaders to intervene and prevent any non-African mediation?

Both generals will stop once one defeats the other = destroying #Sudan.
Hemedti met with Mossad several times, and Al-Burhan met with Netanyahu in Uganda. It is not in #Israel's interest to see #Sudan stable.
No ceasefire is expected to hold for long. The battle in Khartoum is over the airport, the presidential palace and the general HQ. People r caught and want to leave the city (5-6 million inhabitants) to safer areas. The medical system is collapsing, and bodies are in the street.
Read 5 tweets

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