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Per descrivere il rapporto tra Joe #Biden e lo speaker repubblicano della Camera #USA, Kevin #McCarthy, nessuna frase viene in aiuto più di quella pronunciata qualche giorno fa dal senatore Gop dello Stato del Mississippi, Roger Wicker: "Beh, aiuterebbe se McCarthy e Biden Image
fossero compagni di golf, ma non lo sono. E non lo saranno mai".
In un'epoca segnata da una contrapposizione portata all'estremo fra Democratici e Repubblicani, il presidente americano ha più volte insistito sull'importanza di dialogare con i propri avversari. Ma cosa succede
se, a pochi giorni da quella che il segretario del Tesoro Janet Yellen (non esattamente l'ultima arrivata) si spinge a definire "tempesta economica e finanziaria senza precedenti", sei costretto a trattare con qualcuno da cui non potresti essere più distante a livello Image
Read 32 tweets
Is it legal for Congress to #default on the US #NationalDebt? It depends on who you ask. There are a ton of good legal arguments for and against, so perhaps it comes down to what the (degraded, corrupt, illegitimate, partisan) #SupremeCourt says?…

1/ A kitchen sink. The Supreme...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

In those terms, it seems like the game is over. #Biden should just surrender, hand the most extreme wing of the (degraded, corrupt, illegitimate, authoritarian) #GOP everything, even if doing so will push Biden's approval rating lower, dangerously close to the next election.

Read 33 tweets
💡 Vue Tip: Effortless Handle Asynchronous Components With Suspense


🧵 👇🏻 Image
@vuejs In the world of modern web development, delivering seamless user experiences is of utmost importance. Asynchronous components, which load data or resources dynamically, play a crucial role in achieving this goal.
@vuejs Vue 3 introduces an interesting feature called Suspense to effortlessly handle asynchronous components. You can use it to show a loading state while all async dependencies in the nested component tree are being resolved.
Read 14 tweets
🇺🇸⚡️US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that a default in the US could lead to devastating consequences and a complete catastrophe in the economy.
#debt #usa #ukrainewar #inflation #debtceiling #default #economy #finance #dollar #ustreasury #janetyellen #bonds #fed
She said that government spending would need to be cut to match tax revenues and that the spending of the population would also be reduced, leading to psychological consequences and further control of spending.
Yellen also stressed that it is the responsibility of US President Joe Biden and the leadership of Congress to find a way out of the situation and raise the national debt ceiling.
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🚨 BREAKING 🚨: "When I took oath, I wasn't aware of the gravity of Pakistan's economic problems," admits Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. The country was at risk of defaulting on its debt, and the International Monetary Fund program was "stained." 1/5
Despite these challenges, Sharif is confident that the country will "sail through" the difficulties. 2/5
In a speech a short while back given on a visit to Dera Ismail Khan, he also discussed infrastructure projects underway in the region, including the construction of a new airport and industrial estate. 3/5
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How the EU provides lifebelts for autocratic regimes
My latest piece published by @IPGJournal on the saga of #EU financial penalties for #Hungary and why the story will end with a weak compromise.
Key arguments in THREAD below 1/19
@gmfus @GoodLobbyProfs…
Over the past two years the European Commission significantly improved its toolkit designed to enhance #RuleOfLaw & impose sanctions over Member States disregarding fundamental EU values.
The suspension of #ERRF/#RecoveryFund & the triggering of the #ConditionalityRegulation against Hungary’s government left the impression that the Commission drew its lessons from its decade long failure.
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Naturalmente, la possibile insolvenza di un debitore della dimensione degli Stati Uniti pone problemi anche ai suoi creditori.

- thread 🧵
2/. Il grafico riporta i dati alla fine del 2021 (in miliardi di dollari) dei principali undici debitori (istogrammi in rosso) e undici creditori mondiali (istogrammi in blu).

È immediato rilevare il precipizio debitorio che caratterizza gli Stati Uniti: Image
3/. il Paese nordamericano totalizza oltre diciotto mila miliardi di dollari di debiti verso il resto del mondo!

Si tratta di un importo pari al 78,7% del PIL USA.

In questo valore si legge bene l’accumularsi, a partire del 1976, di costanti saldi commerciali negativi.
Read 13 tweets
🔴 Editorial de #ElRégimenTuitero 🔴

Parece que finalmente aceptaron que no tenían cómo pagar el bono al vencerse en enero de 2023.

Emitir bonos nuevos pagando la tasa de referencia del bono de diez años gringo más un EMBI de alrededor del 24% es insostenible.
La puerta con el FMI estaba cerrada ante la negativa de Bukele de cumplir el requimiento del Fondo de derogar la ley #Bitcoin, y las fuentes alternas como el BCIE y el CAF tienen un límite. Para evitar un #default fuerte (un evento de impago desordenado) se han ido por un...
... Default Técnico (un default light) que es copy book de lo que hizo el gobierno peronista de Alberto Fernández hace año y pico.

El gobierno de Alberto Fernández se halló con una deuda enorme heredada de sus antecesores: emisiones de bonos que...
Read 24 tweets
1/ #Lending and #Borrowing (LB) are the most primitive financial services. We will discuss how #DeFi LB solves and enables financial inclusivity with transparency but still maintain #privacy.

#Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #visualguide
2/ In traditional #finance, the intermediaries are appointed banks or financial institutions that act as the bridge between the lender and borrower. All of these services are strictly regulated and monitored by the central #banks.
3/ Despite already existing for a long time, LB in traditional #finance has a long-standing problem: non-inclusive, stringent procedures, arduous verification process, low rate and approvals, and non-transparency.
Read 14 tweets
"Russia defaulted on its foreign debt for the first time since 1918, pushed into delinquency not for lack of money but because of punishing Western sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine."…
1/ "Russia missed payments on two foreign-currency #bonds as of late Sunday, according to holders of the bonds. The day marks the expiration of a 30-day grace period since the country was due to pay the equivalent of $100 million in dollars and euros to #bondholders."
2/ "Russia last failed to pay its foreign borrowing during the #BolshevikRevolution when #VladimirLenin, the newly installed communist leader, repudiated the debt of the Russian Empire."
Read 6 tweets
#Manes dice que celebra que muchos dirigentes hayan pensado en el país y NO ES SU PROYECTO PERSONAL o partidario.

Luego insiste que un hemisferio de su cerebro 🧠 cierre la grieta con el otro.

Luego @santiagofioritti “mete púa K”en #JxC

Qué dice @ManesF? Nosotros la #UCR…😁
¿Cómo algunos periodistas del @GrupoClarin pueden estar de acuerdo con el #default?

Ufff… Hum.. exhalaba @MaruDuffard justificando al Pdte. designado, cuando @MiguelPichetto procedió con su clase magistral sobre las implicancias.

Qué #LaCámpora apoyó el proyecto, che #Fioriti?
Read 4 tweets
El falso plebiscito binário instalado en el congreso: "aprobar este acuerdo o ir al default". Una trampa genial a días de un vencimiento imparable con el FMI.

Después de escuchar toda la exposición en comisión del día de ayer lunes y gran parte de la de hoy, reflexiones: (cont)
El ministro/profesor @Martin_M_Guzman se tomó dos ciclos lectivos anuales para negociar con el FMI y mientras pago los vencimientos por 4.5 mil mill dólares. La negociación en palabras de @MaximoKirchner_ fue llevada a cabo por el equipo económico y el presidente dejando (cont)
Afuera de la misma no solo a una parte relevante de la coalición gobernante sino sobretodo a la sociedad y sus fuerzas sociales y económicas. Los sindicatos, movimientos sociales y pymes deberían haber formado parte de un debate que apuntará no solo a saber como pagar (cont)
Read 13 tweets
@ACGeoEcon #Sanctions Dashboard is out. Surprise, it's all about #RussiaUkraine. We use #dataviz to compare sanctions across countries, how #Oligarchs are connected to each other and why freezing #reserves is driving #Russia towards default.🧵w gifs below.…
First, let's look at who has sanctioned what in #Russia since the #InvasionOfUkraine. The US and EU led the way. This is just entities and individuals. Keep going 👇
Next we turn to the big whopper, the freezing of 60% of #Russia's central bank reserves over night. #ruble is now at 120/USD. Analysts see credit #default trajectory. US couldn't do this alone with only 8.5%. This is international unity at play. Not done though!👇
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#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Il #deepstate cinese è stato l'attore principale dell'operazione covid, sia a livello di laboratorio di emissione che di manipolazione mediatica per lanciare la "pandemia", Ma non è ancora questo il virus desiderato dalla cricca globalista.
Alla prossima caduta del Governo #Draghi (il suo ruolo per creare danni necessari a #default è terminato) il veneto preferito da Londra e Pechino è pronto ai blocchi di partenza.
Read 11 tweets
1. Is financial market pricing in some heightened Taiwan Strait war risk this week? Yes, a little. No perfect measure. With China on holiday last wk, can attribute some pop of 5-yr CDS price as caused by heighted attention, which happens around Oct with back to back national days
2. To put in context, China 5 Yr CDS value is 48.87, reveals a 0.81% implied probability of default, on a 40% recovery rate supposed. US 5 Yr CDS is 17.4, reveals a 0.29% implied probability of default. Recent increase in US mostly by the debt ceiling fight. #MintTheCoin hahaha
3. @PredictIt betting market doesn't have a Taiwan specific market, but has 3 China related contracts. Betting on who would be confirmed for next US Ambassador to China, and Pres. Xi's chance of staying as party General Secretary for next 10 years.
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Did the #Irish Central Bank provide sovereign guarantees to buyers of Irish Bank Bonds and other contractual debt liabilities classified as fixed income securities, before the #GFC struck?
I asked this question after watching Professor Kelly on YouTube.
He was describing how the #Irish Central Bank allowed banks to import capital in large sums, and later lend it out to housing finance borrowers.
That created a severe #ALM Mismatch, as homes are not liquid assets.
Only after the #GFC, did the Irish and other banks realize that a run on the #deposits could lead to financial #insolvency.
#Ruin #Risk by definition is the gap between Unexpected #Loss and Expected Loss.
As the gap increases, the chances of financial ruin and #default rises too!
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#Conte sale al Quirinale per il #ConteTer, ma in parlamento non ottiene i voti. È l’ora del #GovernoDraghi.

L’ex presidente #Bce riceve l'incarico dal Presidente della repubblica, fa il suo discorso programmatico parlando di #generazioni future, di #produttività, #sostenibilità.
Umiltà e pragmatismo. Di #ZombieEconomics e #DebitoCattivo.

In Camera e Senato si spellano le mani, i giornali riportano commenti estasiati e prolisse biografie che iniziano dal collegio dei gesuiti per passare dal Britannia.

Il Paese è in #LunaDiMiele.
Honey moon con sondaggi pro Draghi che fanno invidia a Xi Jinping nel politburo.

Ottiene la fiducia con percentuali bulgare: lo ha votato tre quarti del parlamento. Uniche mosche bianche, guardate con spregio dai giornalisti in Transatlantico, sono solo un paio di partiti
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Nuova definizione di #default
Dal 1° gennaio 2021 entra in vigore la nuova definizione di default prevista dal Regolamento europeo relativo ai requisiti prudenziali per gli enti creditizi e le imprese di investimento.
La nuova definizione non modifica nella sostanza le segnalazioni alla Centrale dei Rischi, utilizzate dagli intermediari nel processo di valutazione del “merito di credito” della clientela.
Riguarda esclusivamente il modo con cui le banche e gli intermediari finanziari devono classificare i clienti a fini prudenziali, ossia ai fini del calcolo dei requisiti patrimoniali minimi obbligatori per le banche e gli intermediari finanziari.
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The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
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S&P Global Ratings provides an odyssey length bullet point journey through the global credit landscape here:… #CorporateCredit #Macro #Risks A few takeaways...1/4
2/4 Economic/Financial conditions & #credit outlooks...#US outlook, #Europe outlook...#Macro #Risks ImageImageImageImage
3/4 #EMs outlook...#Auto industry outlook...#Germany corporates outlook...2020 global corporate #defaults jump above total 2019 levels in 5 months led by the #US...#Macro #Risks ImageImageImageImage
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Extraordinary times when a taxable #corporate issuer ($AMZN) can fund for three years at 40 basis points! Still, we don’t think there’s much of a chance of #default in three years and the short-term spread to comparable @USTreasury notes is reasonable, given present conditions. Image
But is this the right price to be funding companies longer-term, versus their long-term #earnings, and cash flow #yields available in #equity markets? Absolutely not! So, that suggests that the forward curves for many of the rates #markets are priced incorrectly, in our view.
We think all of this implies that balance in #portfolios is a harder and harder ideal to achieve, but over the intermediate- to long-term, is still one that’s well rewarded.
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I'm fascinated by how we can leverage evidence to inform behavior change. A thread based on literature & our #design of spaces & processes in high-stakes environments @AdvPerformHD @HumanFact0rz @ASPphysician @jyangstar 1/
2/ After the wkd, its clear some in Ontario are experiencing quarantine fatigue ( Below are thoughts combining work from change management (, behavior psych (, risk perception (Kahneman) & #harmreduction
3/ Current state = #publichealth experts tell us that we cannot return to our previous way of life despite many who wish to do so. RESULT = need for substantial behaviour change. CHALLENGE = people don't like to change. #default & familiar behaviour is preferred
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Il fuoco di sbarramento in Italia contro il #Mes conferma i peggiori sospetti: che molti governanti non vogliono affatto fermare la corsa all’indebitamento: fino ad arrivare al default, a spese dei partner nell’#Euro. Risultato: lo #spread in rialzo, la zappa sui piedi.
Debiti mica per investire in istruzione, ricerca, infrastrutture, ma per carita’! Tutto in prepensionamento e Rdc che fa trovare 1000 posti di lavoro per 700mila beneficiati. Tanto secondo i Bagnai &Co la ricchezza si genera distribuendo helicopter money: Venezuela dixit.
Avanti verso il burrone.
Read 9 tweets

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