Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #RISKS

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1/10 Have you read our recently published #whitepaper?

The Art of #Stock Picking #Returns

Highlights below ⬇
2/10 “We’ve had 40+ years where all the money went into broadband, or internet, or #Netflix or the cloud and no money went into basic productive capacity…”

–Robert Friedland, CEO, Ivanhoe group of companies
3/10 What follows is KCR’s attempt to create a simple walk-through of the #risks and #opportunities offered today. We believe both the structure and implications of this paper are easy to grasp.
Read 10 tweets
(1/8) A #bearrun occurs when supply exceeds demand & market performance falls short of recent highs.
This thread helps you delve deep into the realms of #cryptocurrency and determine the essentials required to spot a Bear Run.🧵

Read more:…
(2/8) A crypto bear run could be hard to foresee before it happens. It does, however, usually go along with extremely optimistic moments.
Although it has many of the same drawbacks as a bull run, a #bear run is more unpredictable having higher price #volatility.👀
(3/8) Investors need to have a keen eye for spotting a bear run in order to properly manage their #investment choices. These trends might seem very obvious, but identifying them beforehand is essential to cut down on investment. #risks. 🕵🏼‍♂️
Read 8 tweets
#ShortSelling is not natural investing and is beset with #risks that are also not usual. One needs to go beyond the usual fundamentals that we look in #investing.

So a short seller is usually very careful and has to time it right for it to be successful!


You start with looking for vulnerable businesses.

Vulnerability can come from - Excessive valuations, leverage, systemic liquidity, specific liquidity, regulatory change, political regime change, governance issues, loan against shares or margin and the list is long.

While many of the factors are known, some are very time dependent

Considering that most factors that @hindenburgres cited in its long report is known, one factor that matters is “liquidity”.

So choosing the timing of their reveal is critical and is not a coincidence.

Read 11 tweets
இது ‘COMFORT ZONE’ எனப்படும் பிரபலமான பொறி பற்றிய கதை.

ஓர் ஊரில் ராமு மற்றும் சோமு இரண்டு எலிகள் வாழ்ந்துவந்தது.

இருவருக்குமே தானியம் நிரப்பப்பட்ட ஜாடி கொடுக்கப்பட்டது. ராமு அதைச் சுற்றி இவ்வளவு உணவைக் கண்டதில் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியடைந்தது.

#technologies #risks #ComFortzon
சில நாட்களில், அது ஜாடியின் அடிப்பகுதியை அடைந்தது. இப்போது அது சிக்கிக்கொண்டது.

சோமுவும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருந்தது ஆனால் அது தன்னைச் சுற்றி உணவை வேட்டையாடுவதில் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறது (ரிஸ்க் எடுப்பது ). அதனால் பாதியிலேயே சாப்பிட்டு விட்டுச் செல்கிறது.
நமது வாழ்க்கையிலும் இதேதான் நடக்கிறது.

சிலர் நிறுவனங்களில் வேலை கிடைத்ததும், சவால் இல்லாத வேலை, மிகவும் சொகுசாக உணர்கின்றனர் ஆனால் தனிப்பட்ட வளர்ச்சி இல்லை. காலாவதியான தொழில்நுட்பங்கள் / கருவிகளில் சிக்கித் தவிக்கின்றனர்.
Read 7 tweets
#PolicyBrief | When will a 2-metre rise in #SeaLevel occur, and how might we #adapt?

Read this joint policy-brief published by @CoCliCoServices @SCORE_EUproject and @ProtectSlr

Key messages in this thread 🧵
A 2-metre rise in #SeaLevel is almost inevitable. The uncertainty is on the timing, somewhere between one century and the next two thousand years. Exceeding 2 meters of sea-level rise will fundamentally change #European #coastal zones.
Europe and National States can recognize that coastal #adaptation is an ongoing process that involves short-term actions, long-term planning and strategic thinking.
Read 7 tweets
A Deep-Dive Thread on #RateGain 🧵🧵. Let's go!

Have you heard about the movie - The Bucket List?  Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman portray the amazing story of two travelers in their final years, The main plot follows two terminally ill men on their road trip
with a wish list of things to do before they finally say goodbye to the world. No, this thread isn't about that movie, but decoding a company that's enabling the world's incessant desire to TRAVEL, especially that's in Turbo mode after the world being locked up for 2 years...
Hotels are striving hard to optimize costs, improve RoI and reduce the CAC (customer acquisition cost) by generating direct revenue through metasearch platforms, RateGain finds itself in a sweet spot - with its Tech stack offering.
Read 14 tweets
"More brands are starting to get that internet culture is important and meme culture is important. Meme literacy is important for their social media presence. It’s becoming less and less optional, depending on their level of engagement online." @DonCald…
The Internet Encyclopedia of Memes - Cybernaut - Every…
#MemeLiteracy, #InternetCulture, #MarketingStrategy
Floating solar power could help fight climate change — let's get it right…
#SolarPower, #ClimateChange, #FloatingSolarPanels
Read 13 tweets
While there is still considerable uncertainty over the forecast for #inflation, we think both Core #CPI and #PCE inflation peaked in March and February, respectively, and should move appreciably lower by the end of 2022. Image
Throughout the pandemic, strong disposable #income and limited services spending fueled consumer #spending on goods and high goods volumes created #bottlenecks and extreme #inflation. Image
Eventually, excessively easy #MonetaryPolicy caused this robust #inflation to broaden into less disrupted categories.
Read 6 tweets
People who played a lot in land based casinos know that they can be quite the #safety hazard. As much as the casino owners try to make it a secure place everyone knows that big gatherings of people in small spaces equal a certain amount of #risks .… While many might think that online gambling is far more risky there are actually many things that cease to be an issue once you move your gambling to the Internet.

Your pocket is out of reach… In the land based casino a pocket thief could have a really good time if not caught immediately. Unfortunately there is no mind reading device that can be utilized at the door to check if the guest is there to play or make trouble.
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1/ I just read #KuCoin's 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Forecast on the Crypto Industry.

Here are my key takeaways, a thread. 🧵

Lets go! 👇👇👇

#DeFI / #NFT / #DAO / #Stablescoins / #Memecoins / #Risks Image
2/ #BTC and #ETH remain the undisputed market leaders.

🔸BTC was the best performing major asset in 2021
🔹ETH has also been gaining traction as a store of value

ETH becoming deflationary is a big change (pictured).

More on ETH next 👇 Image
3/ #ETH Gas Fees

ETH network occupancy rate was over 98% in 2021 (pictured)!

This is close to its resource critical point leading to high gas fees / the scaling problem.

#DeFI ecosystem is limited by the performance of ETH.

ETH2.0 is expected in 2022. Next, #shitcoins 👇 Image
Read 18 tweets
1/ With #Vaccines approved for 👧🏽👦🏾 5-11 yo parents have a decision to make. #Omicron reminds us we aren’t through this yet.

As a #Pediatrician I have spent my career helping parents make health care decisions about their kids. This🧵is about #risk and the decision to #Vaccinate
2/ The decision to #Vaccinate means you believe the benefit outweighs the risk - so let’s break it down starting with- what #risk does #Covid19 pose to our #kids?
3/ Acute risk in 5-11 yo from 🇨🇦 data:

Hospitalizations 🏥 in 0.2%
Death in 0.002%
#LongCovid in 2-5% (still learning)
#MIS-C 1/3500 cases (most common in 5-11 age group)

Let’s remember kids rarely die so this is on par with other diseases we prevent with #vaccination
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/28/2021…
Smallpox vials found at Montgomery County lab, but ‘there is no basis for being worried’…

#smallpox #laboratories #InfectionRisk
Satellites offer new ways to study ecosystems—and maybe even save them…

#RemoteSensing #SatelliteTechnology #EcosystemsHealth #CorrectiveAction
Read 13 tweets
💰Life is much easier when you have good #Financial skills. The right allocation of your hard-earned #money is as important as earning it.

🧵In this #Thread, I have shared 5 #simple ways to
manage your money better.
📅Take out a money #Date each week

Fix a day each week, no matter how busy you are, it is absolutely necessary to take out an hour to check on your #finances. Just #investing is not enough. Keeping #Track is important. You need to make a list and note your spendings & #savings.
📚Personal Learning

To raise your financial #awareness, to identify popular avenues to #invest, to be aware of the #Risks associated and to explore new #Asset classes you must expand your #knowledge. Each week dedicate 20-30 minutes to increase your financial consciousness.
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Population of #Australia: 25 million [25, 844, 504]

Deaths WITH #COVID19 as of Aug 22, 2021:

Age 0-9: 0

Age 10-19: 1

Age 20-29: 2

Age 30-39: 4

Age 40-49: 5

Age 50-59: 17

Age 60-69: 45

Age 70+: 900.

Of the 900, over 75% of these deaths occurred in #LTC homes (691).
Age 30-39: 4

Age 40-49: 5
Age 50-59: 17

Age 60-69: 45
Read 10 tweets
What's wrong with Biostatistics is analogously related to the question that was put by the Queen to the Economists at the LSE after the GFC.
The Queen wondered why didn't the economists see it coming?
of course, health pandemics are different, but, the statistical models are not
Scholars working in the biomedical sciences, epidemiology, and #biostatistics spheres, rely on mathematical and applied statistical computing based on modelling assumptions that rely on historical data set observations.
The past cannot and will predict the future with certitude.
Even with Quantum Computing, Data Sciences, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, or any other form of computer-aided Predictive Analytics, scholars across the domains of natural and social sciences will never be able to capture the emergence of rare #Black #Swan #Risks!
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Net thread Inshallah ->
What is the difference between the value at risk (VaR) and the conditional value at risk (CVaR)?
Value - at - Risk is the purported worst-case loss under normal circumstances/market conditions developed using a computational technique and further specific modelling assumptions tailored as per the risk reporting requirements of a Trading / Investment Desk.
But I tend to disagree with the term WCL - (the Worst Case Loss), as mostly used by some authors in the field of FRM - Financial Risk Management.
Read 36 tweets
Money mistakes that stop you from becoming 'Wealthy' 💰

A Thread 👇👇
1/ Cutting expenses rather than increasing income -
You cannot become rich just by cutting your expenses. Cut your wasteful expenses but focus more on increasing your income. Passive income is one of the way.
Passive income ideas👇
2/ Not valuing time - 🕜
People keep wasting their valuable time on things that will not make them rich. Invest your time in gaining specialized knowledge, so that you can increase your income. Convert your time into money.
#money #investing #finance
Read 13 tweets
When we talk of IR #Interest #Rate #Risks we must understand the markets in which this product operates, and the fundamental pricing, trading, and hedging dynamics of this financial #derivative asset class.
Banks normally use IR Derivatives and Structured Products for on and/or off-balance-sheet ALM Asset Liability Management and Immunization, Bond Risk Hedging, NII Risk Hedging, Arbitrage Opportunity Exploration using the treasury based fixed income desks, Rate Speculation, etc.
Of course, we have other financial market participants such as Pension Funds, Hedge Funds, Insurance Companies, and several other specialized asset management firms, that have strategies and asset allocation models, which use IR derivative for both Macro and Micro-hedging.
Read 26 tweets
Critical thread on "Self-Spreading #Vaccines"

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for #Health Security: Technologies to Address - Global Catastrophic Biological Risks, Oct 9, 2018

#biosurveillance "biological disruption" "bioterrorism events #bioengineering
"As a subset of infectious #disease emergencies, global catastrophic biological risk (#GCBR) is a special category of risk involving #biological #agents—whether naturally emerging or reemerging, deliberately created & released, or #laboratory engineered & escaped—..."

This "could lead to sudden, extraordinary, widespread disaster beyond the collective capability of national & int. orgs & the #privatesector to control."

"Global catastrophic biological risk", "transformational surveillance technologies"

#Foundations #CorporateConsolidation
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There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/31/2021…
Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails: Real World Preasymptotics, Epistemology, and Applications…

#MathematicalStatistics #FatTails #ProbabilityTheory
WHO Buries Dismissal Of Lab Leak Theory In Last Pages Of 123-Page Origins Report, Draft Copy Shows…

#wuhan #LabLeak #who #report #accuracy
Read 8 tweets
Which are some interesting stylized facts about Risk Management and IAD Failures across global corporations?
@PRMIA @GARP_Risk @BIS_org
Quantitative Risk Management when turned into a profession, does not work in reality in most cases, as witnessed now outside the Insurance Sector!
Insurance is different because the profession is led by well-trained quantitative professionals such as Actuaries!
The multiple reasons for the failure of Risk Management and Auditing Departments at firms could be the following =>
Read 19 tweets

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