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📙 Le compte-rendu de l'audition de @LaurenceMarion_, directrice des affaires juridiques du @Armees_Gouv, sur le projet de #LPM 2024-2030 est en ligne :
🧶 Ci-dessous les 🔟 points saillants de l'audition. ⤵️
#Défense #DirectAN Image
1⃣ « Le volet de la partie normative relatif à l’économie de guerre est très structurant. Nous avons conduit cet exercice à l’aune du conflit en #Ukraine. »
#Défense #LPM #DirectAN
2⃣ « L’enjeu est d’anticiper les conséquences d’un engagement majeur et de répondre à des difficultés d’approvisionnement en matériaux et composants sensibles qui pourraient se poser dans un futur plus ou moins proche. »
#Défense #LPM #DirectAN
Read 11 tweets
Important THREAD on UK’s Black woman MP @HackneyAbbott’s letter to @theobserver/@guardian and White Britain unleashing opportunistic attacks on the MP.
Buckle up🧵
#DianeAbbott #Racism #Antisemitism #WhiteSupremacy #WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter #HierarchyOfRacism #CRT British Black MP Diane Abbo...
White British establishment has been way too racist and harsh towards #DianeAbbott (“DA”) among #BlackWomen—not denying many of their points—compared to others. Issues of DA erasing #GTR or #Holocaust memories or not—not denying the importance of it—is a separate issue than… 2/ Tweet from Siobhan Miller (...
…the main topic pointed out in the subject of the letter: White #HierarchyOfRacism that exists to date. Having worked as a London-based banker who was involved with diversity, I’ve seen Black was 9x more, Muslims up to 8x more discriminated at institutional & security levels…3/
Read 16 tweets

/ Réveil du peuple, situation en France - Fil du 28 mars 2023 /

⏩Les barricades dents de dragons mises au point par les émeutiers hong-kongais en 2019 font leur apparition dans l’Ouest Image
« On ira encore plus loin, on demande le retrait de Parcoursup et du nouveau bac », affirme Manès Nadel, responsable fédéral de la Voix Lycéenne
⏩Situation tendue à Saint-Etienne - Des manifestants attaquent la permanence du député Renaissance
Read 72 tweets
I have A sUrPRISE for You this evening—Stay Tuned … 🎸 🥁 🎤 🎶
Paranoia Is IN BLOOM.

You “Love” what all of you have earned throughout your lives but you will LOVE what is coming even more.
Your blood, sweat & tears put into everything you’ve earned will not be for not— Image
-You will be given back what is rightfully YOURS;
-You will be given back what has been stolen from you;
-You will be given back your soul;
-You will be given back FREE WILL;
-You will be given back your lives;
-You will be given back your FREEDOMs;
-You will LIVE again … ImageImage
GREED has poisoned the Soul of Man, that greed has caused humanity to live with stone hearts—Stone hearts to flesh is what saves the world.
You love what you have earned because you earned it being A slave to A corrupt system that was purposely making it hard for many to truly Image
Read 30 tweets
Renaissance, le parti de #MacronDegage vient justement d'envoyer un projet ampoulé de ses "valeurs" qui se contredit tout le temps.
On mélange tout et n'importe quoi, par exemple la République et la non discrimination alors que la #DDH1789 la proscrivait déjà avant la République
Le projet des valeurs de Renaissance, le parti de la #Macronie, place d'abord l'Europe et l'associe à des valeurs d'avenir et aux "PEUPLES"

Par contre, la #Nation est reléguée à la fin, après le #féminisme, et est associée au passé et pas au peuple…
Les adhérents en Marche doivent se prononcer les 16 et 17 septembre sur l'adhésion à ses valeurs de Renaissance ainsi qu'à de nouveaux statuts par vote électronique.
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#14juillet sous 3 aspects
1⃣ Mémoire
Le 25 décembre chaque année, le monde célèbre la naissance de Jésus (même beaucoup de chrétiens non croyants ou non pratiquants), et le 14 juillet ? Marianne guidant le peuple
Le 14/07, on commémore la prise de la #Bastille du 14 juillet 1789 par le peuple parisien, premier moment fort de la #révolution Française qui prend le pas sur la monarchie et se constitue en #assembléenationale, c’est le début de la #démocratie en France. Serment du jeu de paume
2⃣ Démonstration de force
On peut ne pas vouloir utiliser la force pour exister, mais on doit en avoir un minimum, pour ne pas avoir à l’utiliser, en défense de pays plus belliqueux …
Aujourd’hui, on sent le souffle russe, mais demain ?
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Defence Minister #RajnathSingh and the three service chiefs hold a press conference, in Delhi
Delhi | The Cabinet Committee on Security has taken a historic decision today to approve the transformative scheme of '#Agnipath'. Under this, Indian youth would be granted an opportunity to get inducted into the Armed services: Defence Minister #RajnathSingh

#RajnathSingh unveils radical military recruitment scheme '#Agnipath'

Live updates:…

#IndianArmy #Recruitement #Army
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Time for a 🧵 on two charts (at the end) that seem to tell an interesting #Bitcoin story.

For several yrs @CaitlinLong_ has openly discussed the potential negative impact of #rehypothecation of #bitcoin by banks, wall street, hedge funds & the broader #tradfi community.
@saylor has discussed and shown the need for sound money and the value that having a savings mechanism brings to the system.

@JeffBooth has shed light on the fact that #deflation isn’t such a bad thing when #technology is actually making our lives better and costs cheaper.
@saifedean taught the 🌏 the importance of time, effort, and energy & the value that living by the #Bitcoin Standard can bring to individuals and countries across the globe.

@FossGregfoss has done a phenomenal job helping to #educate on the benefits of owning #volatile #assets.
Read 24 tweets
Suivez via ce live-tweet mon discours aux deux chambres du Parlement
Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés,
Mesdames et Messieurs les Sénateurs,
Conformément à la Constitution #Gabon'aise qui donne, en son article 24, le droit au Président de la République de s’exprimer devant la Représentation nationale, je voudrais m’adresser à vous.
Issus du suffrage universel direct et indirect, vous êtes l’expression et l’incarnation de la volonté nationale. La voix légitime, reconnue et acceptée de l’ensemble des Gabonaises et des Gabonais, qui vous ont élus.
Read 56 tweets
Generally speaking #infrastructure is defined as the basic #physical systems of any #business, #region, or that of any #nation... including #transportation systems, #communication #networks, #sewage, #water supply & #electrical #grid systems. #BuildBackBetter #logistics #stimulus
Various types of #infrastructure #construction based projects typically drive the bulk of conversations amongst those of us vested in the arduous process of "progress" moving forward.
#Highway improvement, #street & #road maintenance & #bridge building commonly take center stage.
Mass #transit, #airport & #airways, #municipal #WaterSupply, #waste management along with waste #Water #management,
#power generation & #transmission, #HazardousWaste removal & #storage ALL must be considered while addressing basic underlying societal frameworks. #sustainability
Read 7 tweets
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity in the age of #globalization, #information & #connectivity has now become an all-encompassing notion. Surely it is not solely a function of the #ArmedForces anymore.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity also includes providing a conducive environment in which aspirations of human #security, national #progress & #development could be realized.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity has now become an all-encompassing notion, wherein besides various elements of national power, #global & #regional environments also play a profound role.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
Read 56 tweets
After Modi's #Trichy youth conference, the next morning when police were clearing up their mini-control room, they found 5 strange boys who were roaming there with bags. When police enquired - "sir, we are frm Subramaniapuram in Trichy. Whatever political meeting or conference
is held in this ground, we come here on the same night or morning hours to collect the #Liquor bottles to sell in the scrap shop for 50 paisa to Re.1 per bottle & we used to earn Rs 200 to Rs 400 on each such event. Even in the last #DMK meeting the next day we collected around
1500 bottles. But for Modi's #BJP meeting, we could not find even a single bottle in the whole ground. We are coming round & around & not a single bottle in any corner of the ground in Trichy, we are much disappointed, sir!". #Police seem were stunned & pleasantly surprised
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Aujourd’hui, j’ai un peu de #temps (je blague), et je tente un #thread #scpo sur la #démocratie, parce que c’est un tout petit peu d‘actualité. Et oui, je vais mettre des #mèmes Internet parce que, en vrai autocrate, je trouve cela très très drôle. Prêts ?
2) D’abord, la #démocratie, ce n’est pas la #République (la chose publique). La République, c’est moi...euh, c’est quand le #pouvoir est exercé par tout ou partie du peuple (exit la monarchie) et que les élus représentent plus que le peuple (la #Nation dixit #Sieyes).
3) Les #députés représentent l’intérêt #général plus que le peuple. Utile pour voter une loi impopulaire, comme l’interdiction de la peine de mort (#Badinter), ou la taxe carbone sur l’essence. Encore faut-il bien prouver l’intérêt général (n’est ce pas les gilets jaunes ?).
Read 34 tweets

A thread tentang rumitnya hubungan #Turki & #Rusia.

@Soviet_Foxtrot @sarifidris @johny2b @VeritasArdentur @EvanLaksmana @kontekstualcom
#Turkey #Russia #Erdogan #Putin #Syria #War #Azerbaijan #Armenia
Turki dan Rusia telah menjalin hubungan diplomatik selama 500 tahun. Namun, sejarah panjang keduanya ternyata didominasi oleh cerita - cerita seperti intrik, saling curiga, konflik, hingga perang.
Ketegangan di antara keduanya, telah dimulai sejak era antara Kekaisaran Ottoman dan Tsar Rusia. Hal itu bisa dilihat dari catatan sejarah yang menorehkan peperangan antar keduanya pada abad 17 hingga 19.
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What does an average #Sindh #youth look like and what does an average Sindh youth #aspires for?
Find more about the #Hopes, #aspirations and #attitudes of Sindh youth through public opinion polling conducted by Gallup Pakistan.
Full Report:
According to past and latest consensus by PBS, #Sindh is a #youthful #province with #young people under the age of 19 make up 50% of the #population
Accounting for only 23% of #Pakistan's total population, #Sindh makes up 33% of #national #GDP, 70% of country's #incometax, 62% of country's #sales #taxes, and half of country's #seafood #export.
Read 9 tweets
The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
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Gegenüber von Angela #Merkel wohnt Satan im Pergamonaltar

n-tv meinte 2006 in der Offenbarung werde der Satan als Drache oder Schlange dargestellt, während das römische #Reich und der Kaiser als Biest beschrieben werde. Wikipedia meint, dass in der Offenbarung des
Johannes von einem "Thron des #Satan" die Rede sei, der in Pergamon stehe. Vor über 100 Jahren wurde der Altar von Pergamon von seinem ursprünglichen Standort im heutigen Bergama in der #Türkei nach Berlin geholt.
Der Pergamonaltar ist ein Altar, der den griechischen Gottheiten
geweiht war. Er stammt aus der Stadt Pergamon von der es in Offenbarung 2, 12-13 heißt, dass dort „der Satan wohnt“. Heute steht er im Pergamonmuseum auf der Museumsinsel in #Berlin.
Im Jahr 1909 wurde in #Deutschland die sogenannte „Berliner Erklärung“ verfasst.
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In this thread 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼students of #Literacies unit @MQLinguistics @Macquarie_Uni share what they've learned so far (1st quarter of semester)

Favorite facts about #literacy

#Literacy is dynamic, continually developing and unfolds in new and unexpected ways. Learning the inception of #writing and its trajectory to the forms we use now has me excited to observe how literacy continues to develop in the future…
I particularly was surprised by the fact that early prints were made to be similar to handwriting, I thought that was quite genius idea! Also, I liked the fact that printed #books were given to the people whose main job was to decorate them! Image
Read 25 tweets
My essay "Civilizationist Invectivity. The Sophistication and Hybridization of Right-Wing #Populism in Times of Post-Democracy, Post-Photography, and #SocialMedia" was published in this reader, edited by @LKInvectivity & Thorsten König: @mlewandowsky
Key aspects:
1. The hybridization of right-wing populism correlates with the hybridization of #photography and is reinforced by social media.
2. Precursors to hybrid right-wing populism can be found in the hybrid aesthetics of #Fascism when avant-garde art dynamized politics.
Like today’s alt-right, the early 20th century Italian Fascists despised traditional conservatism and stressed that their #ideology was all about movement. It is salient to underline that avant-garde art is not left-wing by origin, as it is often assumed. That's wishful thinking.
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PDP-Mehbooba Mufti. A #Thread

The latest remarks by PDP claiming to fight #abrogation of #Article370 comes to no surprise. The party helmed by Ms Mehbooba #Mufti has a long history of peddling controversies in #Kashmir to gain political traction
(1/19) Image
#PDP was founded in 1998 Late #Mufti Mohammed Sayeed. Interestingly he was the state's Home Minister when the fateful abduction of Rubaiya Sayeed(his daughter)took place in 1989. Many believes this was the turning point in #Kashmir's history which propelled it into chaos
(2/19) Image
PDP Government’s blunders in #BhuranWani incident in 2016 saw a massive breakdown of governance in the history #Kashmir second only to 1989’s unrest.
It marked the revival of #Separatism & #terrorism, which had remarkably waned in the whole of Kashmir, between..
(3/19) Image
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BJP’s Bandipora leader, his brother, father shot dead
#Kashmir #Bandipora
@dograjournalist @TheSkandar @nee_el @hussain_imtiyaz @JmuKmrPolice @ANI ImageImageImage
At around 9 pm today militants opened fire on Wasim Ahmad Bari, BJP district president along with his brother Umar and father Bashir Ahmad, outside his shop near police station Bandipora.
#Kashmir #Bandipora
@dograjournalist @TheSkandar @nee_el @hussain_imtiyaz @JmuKmrPolice ImageImage
#Pakistan and its stooges are against #Peace in #Kashmir... #Failed youth under effect of #drug #abuse is lured into #terrorism by proxies of #Pakistan sitting in plush living rooms while #youth bears the brunt.. let's get back home.. We are very talented.
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The Modi Govt seems to have lost its #Plot.

Their #Vision & #Direction, both,have gone #astray.

They look hell-bound to push #India & its #Economy in the #Darkness.

#People of India continue to #suffer because of #Brainless #Aimless #DecisionMaking by the #Govt.

They do not know what they r doing, but they think whatever they r doing is Correct.

They r hallucinated.

They r suffering from a #SelfRighteous #Syndrome.

That's sounds too #Dangerous for the #Country & its #People !

The Country cannot be left on the Whims of a #Psychopath !
@BJP4India & @INCIndia have become only a #Liability on the #Nation.

#Leaders like @RahulGandhi @narendramodi & @AmitShah r #Misleading the #Nation & taking #India & its #people in the #Wrong #Direction.

India & its People r much more than #BJP #Congress & some #Media Groups.
Read 5 tweets
I hear Birds. And it’s 7:18 am on [ 🦊 ] I’m not Q << no Comms > outside LOL 😂 yaw BUTT HURT over [ AS ] << so What. #IAMQ TOO. WE FAM STILL. NO DIVISION JUST BIENG HONEST. ARE WE NOT ALL A LITTLE Q.uestionable ! Lol. #WhenDoBirdsSing
Does 7:18 am = Qdrop 781. Going through the military q op. program. I was like am I under something or can I justbfake news. I mean you do see all the crumbs holding into 🍞 being dished out back 2the mass 2bconsumed the way it is. We know some1 was singing like a canary
When I was watching the news and I heard the birds chirp I looked at the clock and I was like my eyes are wide open. 🦅 song >>?? Who knows. But the dominoes are falling in the map is lining up. 🚢 🚢 🚢 Titanic events are occurring
Read 93 tweets
1) Experiencing better physical function with the addition of prescription pain medication is NOT a moral failing. For the intractable pain person, this can be life altering in the best way.
Now, it has become stigmatized and corrupted into polarizing political and societal -
Judgment, gaslighting and scapegoating. Plus, new positions of power, for those willing to forgo human morality for the sake of instant professional accolades.
Being anti opioid will soon go out of style. And trust me- not forgotten who conducted that train.
The ones who stood by and let it happen, or did nothing. The ones who were warned but continued to be complicit. All will be part of this historic human tragedy. @Oregon should be acting, should be fixing.
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