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This is why I do not think much of #SubhasChandraBose

Read this thread about the brutal treatment of #Malaya #Tamils by the Japanese in building the #DeathRailway

Bose wanted to take help from the Japanese in "liberating" #India.

Why would the Japanese ever care about "liberating" India from #British rule?

The #Japanese were imperialists. They wanted to conquer all of Asia and the Pacific.

They had already annexed #Manchuria in 1931, and everyone knew about their brutal treatment of the #Chinese.

The Japanese followed this up with the #RapeOfNanjing in 1937. This was followed by the establishment of #Unit731 in the city of #Harbin in Northeast #China, scene of one of the most egregious #CrimesAgainstHumanity in history, carried out by the #ImperialJapaneseArmy

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Judging from various reports, the #ukrainecounteroffensive seems to be a complete disaster, even though this is officially denied by the Western side.

But this analysis by Col. Richard Kemp of the #British military shows no expectations of success.

Col. Kemp uses cautious language, but it is easy to read between the lines. Being a retired Western Colonel, you don't expect him to come out and say openly that #Ukraine️ is going to lose. But that is exactly what he is saying.

Let me explain why the conclusion is clear.

His main points:

1. Surprise is essential for success.

But of course, there is no surprise here. The whole world has been expecting this operation for months. There are no unexpected lines of attack like #Incheon in the #KoreanWar in 1950.

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@Thinker_View Les British s'amusent et tout le monde accuse tour à tour l'Ukraine, puis la Russie...
Pendant ce temps là, la guerre s'amplifie, les British augmente ainsi leur rapport de force 'politique' en Ukraine, les Européens s'appauvrissent en donnant pognon, armes et munitions...
@Thinker_View Le RU 'tout puissant pourra ainsi diriger l'UE, après avoir profité du 'brexit' pour renforcer son empire colonial #Commonwealth... Jouant avec les Russes en Afrique, juste pour y flinguer l'influence de la France...
@Thinker_View Le 'Royaume-uni' pour le #Chaos #British joue un jeu dangereux encore (discrètement, depuis qu'ils ont dégagé cet abruti de Johnson qui lui, se vantait de vouloir restaurer l'Empire...), comme la vieille des 2 grandes guerres mondiales, et tout le monde laisse encore faire...
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- #Servent "#Barrage, Sûr! C'est les Russes même si c'est irrationnel!"
- #Servent #Lasserre (ridicule!) "#NordStream, on peut pas se fier au #WashingtonPost! Ce serait irrationnel que ce soit les Ukrainiens!"
#Hugheux est le seul sérieux!

#24hPujadas #Ukraine #Russie
Oui #24hPujadas!
"A qui profite le crime ?"
C'est clair, non ?!
Une puissance a tout intérêt à semer le chaos & le trouble dans cette guerre à tous les niveaux, à court, moyen et long terme, surtout si les médias feignent de ne rien voir & n'en parlent pas!

#Ukraine #Russie
Puissance d'ailleurs qui comme à son habitude ne rate jamais une occasion pour critiquer son voisin français "n'est-ce pas?"
Et qui n'aurait pas tardée à en faire un scandale si la France devait occuper ce type de rôle/mission "d'escalades"…

#Ukraine #Russie
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THREAD 1) At least 10,000 people died in #TiananmenSquareMassacre - Secret #British cable from the time says

Secret document say death toll was much higher than later reported, while claiming wounded students were bayoneted as they begged for their lives.…
2) First waves of troops went in unarmed to disperse the protesters. Then “The 27 Army APCs opened fire on the crowd before running over them. APCs ran over troops & civilians at 65kmh.” “Students were given one hour to leave square, but after five minutes APCs attacked. ImageImageImageImage
3) “Students linked arms but were mown down. APCs then ran over the bodies time and time again to make, quote ‘pie’ unquote, and remains collected by bulldozer. “Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains.” Image
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#France and #Macron deserve a thread in the context of #Ukraine, #Russia and beyond.

- First, some historical context: France, just like #Britain, is a declining power. This process started with the loss of colonies after the World War 2.

🧵 ...

- A clear geopolitical shift happen with the Suez Crisis in 1956, which marked the emergence of #USA and #USSR as the world powers.

- #France also experienced a humiliating military defeat by #Germany during the World War 2. That shaped rather pretentious politics of ...

.. Charles de Gaulle, who tried to restore the French power with dissenting views vis-a-vis #Americans and #British (or the "collective Anglo-Saxons"). In 1966, #France withdrawn from the #NATO's military command.

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The Anglo-Vai war began this month in May 1883, 140 years ago.

The Vai people of the Gallinas in modern day #SierraLeone 🇸🇱and #Liberia 🇱🇷 fought the #British Empire 🇬🇧.
Manja Gbili led a Guerrilla war against the odds resisting the British imperial army.

A #history thread🧵… ImageImage
The British excuse for attacking the Vai and take their territory was to wipe out the slave trade in the area.
The issue is the Vai hadn’t participated in the Slave trade for decades.

The British just wanted to take control of the local trade in palm oil and salt and steal land. Image
The Gallinas region was also a valuable crossroads historically between the Vai and neighboring Ethnic groups Liberia and the Freetown Colony.
This land sat at the end of the Mano river with excellent access to the sea.
Manja Gbili’s town Kpanaki sat in the middle of this region. ImageImage
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#Nuked Themsleves: “They will blame #Russia as always”: a sociologist on the growth of the background #radiation in #Khmelnytsky (160 nS) | May 15
-the Russian army #destroyed the #ammunition depot -shells with #DepletedUranium were stored at the facility.…
#Finland's background #radiation normally varies between 0.05 and 0.30 #microsieverts per hour (µSv/h)
Tuomas Peltonen / Inspector general
tel. +358 975 988 508…
- #Loviisa NOW: 0.210 #microSieverts ImageImage
cc: @ ArthurM40330824
#Gamma radiation in #Khmelnytsky could actually indicate that a #DirtyBomb was stored in the warehouses.
Gamma radiation is characteristic of #enriched #uranium. Is it possible that were making "dirty bombs" at the Khmelnitsky #NPP
Read 35 tweets
Independent India has always been a vibrant democracy, except for the #Emergency years of #IndiraGandhi from 1975-77. That it has taken a decisive turn to religious majoritarianism under the #BJP and under #Modi since 2014 doesn't change that fact. (1/)
Democracy is not necessarily congruent with liberal values or even human rights. #Slavery was legal both in the democracy of Great Britain as well as the USA for almost a hundred years since the US' formation. Even a White woman was not considered equal to a man in America. (2/)
#Blacks in the #US did not have equal rights even after the abolition of slavery for another 100 years under #Lincoln, but we still think of the US in #1960 as a democracy.

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@Europarl_EN #Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve #peace in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev TIME to #prepare for #war - to help #CRUSH #ETHNIC #Russians Dec 28, 2022
@Europarl_EN cc: @ TaranQ
German '#Merkel' (#Hitler's daughter) in an interview with the German newspaper #DieZeit:
- "The 2014 #MinskAgreement was an attempt to give Ukraine #time. They used that time to get stronger, which you can see today.
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British Economic Downfall

The UK’s economy post-Brexit has been hit severely. The current consumer price inflation rate is at 10.1% with the bank rates heightened at 4.25%. Image
Purchasing power of the masses is declining due to rising #inflation thereby increasing #poverty and #inequality among the masses.
#Brexit has largely been accounted for with the economic burden of the #UK. The #British exports have suffered a brunt as they faced trade barriers affecting their competitiveness.
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In many old #Shanghai photos, you can see this statue standing in the bund. It is not there anymore. Who is she, and what happened to her? A 🧵 👇 (1) Image
Long story short, it's a #WWI memorial erected in 1924. The puppet government took it down during the Japanese occupation in #WWII . Rumor says it was melted for Japanese war purposes. It was not. (2) Image
Prof. Robert Bickers wrote a great article on it if you want to know more in detail.… I want to add a little backstory, not in that article - about how the Angel was found. (3)
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This is a opposite #whatwerethedesignersthinking thread. The #Russians built a 5,000 tonne frigate that has more missiles than several larger contemporaries. It has 16 AShMs VLS (2 3S14 8 cell UKSK modules) and 32 Redut SAM VLS for 9M96E 40 km and 9M96E2 120 km missiles. #εpsilon Image
My very scientific metric 115 tonne per missile (I know it is not scientific, just a fun metric). For eg. #Indian #Kolkataclass is 154 tonne per missile, #British #Daringclass is 168 tonne per missile. But, those are destroyers and have larger stores for longer deployments Image
It is funny that these frigates have the same peer armament as #IndianNavy MF-STAR destroyers with equally potent AD & AShMs at 2/3rds the displacement which limits endurance for this #Russian ship. The Gorkys are based on elongated Krivak/#Talwarclass/Admiral Grigorovich hulls.. Image
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Does Sending “Peacekeepers” to #Ukraine Guarantee World War III?
#Orbán warns of secret #EU plan: peacekeepers for the front in Ukraine?…
#Peacekeepers, peacekeepers from the EU nations, are to be sent to the front lines. If that happens, World War III will draw closer,” warns Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in a recent interview.
2- According to Viktor Orbán (59), the plan for sending tens of thousands of peacekeepers to the east of #Ukraine, which has already been discussed among the heads of state of the #EU nations, sounds sensible on the surface:
Read 13 tweets
Dear friends, #Congress (#INC) likes to claim that it "fought" for #India's independence & refers to its political opponents as #fascists. How many of you know that only did #INC *not* EXCLUSIVELY "fight" for #Independence (AND #Gandhi was "happy" to settle for #DominionStatus)+
But also the party known as #INC by #IndiraGandhi was *not* even the same party that was formed in #1885 ? A thread about the #Congress follows: +
In 1883, retired civil servant (AO #Hume), a #Scottish ornithologist. Hume first expressed the idea that "educated" #Indians should fight for greater freedom and representation for themselves in the #British government of #India, claiming it as both the Indians' right and duty +
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Elon's mother was #Canadian.
Did she, like #Justin's mother, get herself impregnated by a #Communist leader???
Official history makes out that #MaoZedong was some random peasant, but #British and #Jesuit schemers had been sowing wild oats in #China for generations previously. ImageImage
Of course, the #KGB may also have been sending Red Sparrows to #China in order to collect the #Genes of #MaoZedong, knowing that anyone created by #British or #Jesuit schemers would have been top level #Genius. No surprise that Mao has offspring in #Soviet lands.
And it could be even DEEPER.
Remember how Skull and Bones stole the bones of #Geronimo, the #Apache leader? Apache people spoke a language related to Navajo and Dene, thus were part of the 2nd wave to move from #Siberia into the Americas. And in the land of Astana (Satana)...
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On 14th March, in #Kigali, #Rwanda, @MosengoOmba, the General Secretary of @CAF_Online, called me a “mercenaire” (mercenary) because of my journalism, which criticises, FACTUALLY, what is going wrong in CAF. I am going to ask him who the real mercenary in African football is.
For the first time in the history of @CAF_Online, we have a General Secretary that is NOT the LEGAL national of any African country. Yes, he is of #DRC descent. But he has no legal citizenship of any country in #Africa. I will explain…
Under the laws of the Democratic Republic of Congo, dual nationality is strictly forbidden by law. Once you take up the nationality of another country, you CANNOT be a national of DRC. @MosengoOmba is a citizen of #Switzerland, and lost his DRC nationality, as a result.
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#British tanks gifted to #Ukraine will come equipped with controversial depleted uranium rounds, it has emerged.…
Russia's #Putin blasts #UK move to send ammo with depleted uranium to #Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned British plans to send tank ammunition that contains depleted uranium to Ukraine, saying Moscow would be forced to respond accordingly…
Speaking in London on Monday, Minister of State for Defence Annabel Goldie said some of the ammunition for the Challenger 2 battle tanks that Britain is sending to Ukraine includes armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium.…
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🚨🚨 HELP Syria 🚨🚨
Russian Intelligence Service: #US uses #terrorist groups to undermine situation in #Syria
Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has announced that the #US continues to use #terrorist groups in #Syria to undermine positions of the Syrian government.
“The Central Command of the #US forces is planning to form battalions of terrorists to carry out hostile acts against the legitimate #Syrian government”
-Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin-
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Distract and divert: How Tony Blair screens his role in Iraq War

20 years on, #Blair lashes out at #Putin to divert public attention from the atrocities he was behind in #Iraq, not to mention his role in the #Afghanistan war.
This month, twenty years ago, the #UnitedStates initiated a large military invasion of #Iraq alongside its ally, the #UK, without a @UN mandate and in defiance of some of the biggest demonstrations ever seen in Britain.
It was the start of an eight-year occupation that resulted in the deaths of more than one million Iraqi.
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🔴Interesting case: A woman who was actually an #American spy seconded to #British Intelligence, stabbed by a guy.
🟡Initially considered an attempt to murder case, was within hours raised to #terrorist act.

3 diff media houses give 3 diff opinion. Daily mail confirms her link…… Image
How often does that happen— an intel officer of a country is seconded to intel agency of an ally country?
This happened yesterday! The woman was with the man in the car when he stabbed her. She managed to escape and get help. She’s safe now. She was in the car with the terrorist, arguing over something apparently.
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Three army personnel injured in #Israeli aggression on some sites in countryside of Tartous and Hama provinces, #Syria Image
“At about 7:15 a.m. on Sunday, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial act of aggression with bursts of missiles from the direction of N Lebanon,targeting some sites in the countryside of Tartous & Hama provinces,& our air defenses intercepted the missiles & downed some of them.” Image
The source added “The aggression caused the injury of three army personnel, in addition to some material damages.”
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Looks like my #IndianNavy missile test thread blew up so, a follow on thread on its sister force #IndianAirForce . The collective west, coming out of the Cold War expected the #IAF to be a more Soviet aligned force. #Su30MKI #F35B #TROPEX #εpsilon #MiG21 #MiG21Bison #Mirage2000 Image
The #IAF however has the unique perspective of operating the top western and the top #Russian of alternate &/or every generation egs Hawker Hunter (credits on pic), #MiG21, #MiG29, #Su30MKI, #Mirage2000 #Harrier ImageImage
Each fighter brings in with it, performance numbers but also tactics and maintenance regimen and India can tap into #Russian or #British ideas and pick and choose what works the best. Image
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On Today’s Day in #Sikh #History
on 9th of March 1846

#Treaty was Signed Between
The #BritishGovernment and
The State of Lahore(#SikhEmpire) 1846
The ending of the first #AngloSikhWar resulted in the Treaty of #Lahore
(9th March 1846), #Sikhs were made to surrender the valuable region (the Jullundur Doab) between the Beas River and Sutlej River.
The #LahoreDurbar was also required to pay an indemnity of 15 million rupees. Because it could not readily raise this sum, it ceded Kashmir,Hazarah & all the forts,territories,rights & interests in the hill countries situated btwn the Rivers Beas &Indus to the
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