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Jun 20th 2023
Les nouveaux pieds de nez de l’ #Algérie à la #France Image
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Jun 16th 2023
La menace de la #France de bloquer l'approbation des objectifs de l'#UE en matière d'énergies renouvelables a contraint la Commission européenne à présenter une déclaration supplémentaire reconnaissant le rôle de l'énergie #nucléaire. (FT)…
"Après des mois de pression française pour défendre le nucléaire, les ambassadeurs auprès de l'UE ont approuvé vendredi une déclaration qui place les «autres sources d'énergie non fossiles» sur un pied d'égalité avec les énergies renouvelables dans les efforts de décarbonisation"
"L'Allemagne, l'Autriche et le Luxembourg faisaient partie des États membres qui s'étaient opposés à la reconnaissance des sources d'énergie «à faible émission de carbone» telles que le nucléaire dans les règles de l'UE sur les énergies 'renouvelables'... éolienne et solaire."
Read 6 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
#Earthquake (#séisme) possibly felt 24 sec ago in #France. Felt it? Tell us via:
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon! Image
👉#Niort (heure locale 18:39:15). Avez-vous ressenti le séisme? Partager votre expérience via:

Vos observations sont essentielles pour comprendre les effets d'un séisme.🙏
⚠Preliminary info: #earthquake (#séisme) about 30 km E of La Rochelle (#France) 2 min ago (local time 18:38:29)❗MAGNITUDE NOT AVAILABLE YET❗Updates at:
🖥 Image
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Jun 14th 2023
Ukraine is Finally Using its French and German Tanks in Battle: New Video Shows Their Destruction in Donetsk…
Ukraine has been promised a wide range of Western tanks including British Challenger 2s, American M1A2 Abrams and German Leopard 1 and Leopard 2s,
2/4-with #France pledging its AMX-10 armoured fighting vehicles which,due to their armour and gun calibres, have at times been referred to as‘wheeled tanks.’With Western tanks having reportedly been reserved for long awaited major offensives against Russian positions, which began
3/4-earlier in June, some of the first footage of these tanks in combat in #Ukraine was published by the Russian Defence Ministry on June 6.
Germany was initially reluctant to provide European states with permission to supply Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine,
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Jun 12th 2023
Le mot de Nesmiyan el-Murid¹ sur la mort du “Cavaliere“ :
« Bien sûr, c'est la prérogative des Italiens de parler de #+Berlusconi, et ils le feront.
#Russie #Italia #France #UE
¹ Mili-blogueur russe, une bio ->…
Pour ce qui concerne la #Russie, la seule remarque que l'on puisse faire à propos de #Berlusconi est que lui et nombre d'autres politiques européens ont apparemment fait naître au Kremlin la croyance que tout le monde peut être acheté.
La seule question étant celle du prix.
Et en ce sens, toutes ces personnes, et #Berlusconi parmi elles, portent leur part de responsabilité dans l'établissement d'un État mafieux en #Russie. Ce n'est certainement pas décisif, mais en matière de promotion de la politique étrangère de l'État mafieux du #Kremlin,...
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Jun 8th 2023
Juste quand ça parlait un peu trop de la présidente YaelBRAUNPIVET qui voulait empêcher le vote de propositions de loi LIOT sur la réforme des retraites, le lendemain on a une horrible attaque au couteau. Quel timing. 🙄#Annecy ImageImage
#France Ce n'est pas comme si on avait eu aussi une attaque au couteau fort médiatisée à l'annonce de la réforme des #retraites déjà le 11 janvier 2023... Oh wait #Hasard #Annecy…
La question n'est pas combien il y a d'attaques au couteau par semaine, mais combien font les gros titres après une annonce impopulaire du gouvernement. Par exemple:
28 oct 20: Macron annonce le reconfinement
29 oct 20: Attaque au couteau à Nice.#France… ImageImage
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May 31st 2023
#France and #Macron deserve a thread in the context of #Ukraine, #Russia and beyond.

- First, some historical context: France, just like #Britain, is a declining power. This process started with the loss of colonies after the World War 2.

🧵 ...

- A clear geopolitical shift happen with the Suez Crisis in 1956, which marked the emergence of #USA and #USSR as the world powers.

- #France also experienced a humiliating military defeat by #Germany during the World War 2. That shaped rather pretentious politics of ...

.. Charles de Gaulle, who tried to restore the French power with dissenting views vis-a-vis #Americans and #British (or the "collective Anglo-Saxons"). In 1966, #France withdrawn from the #NATO's military command.

Read 19 tweets
May 29th 2023
#France Une crise majeure de l'#immobilier... pourtant les ministres du #logement en France étaient tous des grands champions de l'économie, non ? Cécile Duflot, Sylvia Pinel, Emmanuelle Cosse, Emmanuelle Wargon ? 🤔
Pourquoi ce ministère est devenu un ministère idéologique militant (droit au logement et cie...) et pas un ministère du pragmatisme économique et de défense d'une filière économique vitale ?
- Hausse de 83% des faillites d'agences
en 4 mois (252 faillites)
- 40 faillites de promoteurs immobiliers, +53,8%
- 280 faillites de constructeurs de maisons, +55,6%
- 142 faillites de courtiers, +77%
- les français ont perdu entre 20 et 25% de pouvoir d'achat immobilier en 1 an Image
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May 25th 2023
Despite all the hot air about #MakeinIndia, when India needs something important, #Modi has no faith in Indians, even when they have proved themselves.

Our own government organization, #CDAC has made world class supercomputers. They are the #PARAM class of clusters.

(1/) Image
The article in today's Hindu newspaper says that India wanted to get an 18 #petaflop (PF) computer. Well, the fastest computer in India is the #PARAM #Siddhi, located in #IISC Bangalore, with a peak speed of 5.3 PF. Now you want 18 PF.

In 2002, PARAM unveiled its first #teraflop (TF) computer. One PF is 1000 times faster than a TF. By 2020, they had come up with a PF computer. 1000x in 18 years. How long do you think it will take them to go 3x from their existing level?

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May 24th 2023
Le nez de Cléopâtre :
S'il eût été plus court, toute la face du monde aurait changé.

Eh bien sachez que si la Suisse avait été plus plate, elle aurait eu l'arme nucléaire.

(si-si ! 👇)
On est dans les années 60... La #France 🇫🇷 se veut affiliée à l'OTAN mais non subordonnée, dans le contexte des 2 blocs de la guerre froide...

Dans ce cadre, plusieurs accords [prenant appui sur le nucléaire] sont cherchés :
On connait le cas 🇮🇱 ;
Moins connu est le cas 🇨🇭...
Un accord prévoyait l'acquisition par le #Suisse de #MirageIII en échange d'une aide de la France pour acquérir le savoir-faire en matière de fabrication de bombes nucléaires...
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May 23rd 2023
#Thread: 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗜𝗦𝗜𝗦 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺?
13,157 Europeans were among the approximately 30,000 foreign terrorist fighters from over 86 countries that joined the genocidal terrorist organisation #ISIS 2014-2016. Image
Most of them (almost 4000) come from just five countries: #France, the #UK, #Germany, #Belgium, and the #Netherlands. Image
in 2014 ISIS had controlled 1-3 of Iraqi and Syrian territory, including #Mosul the second largest city in #Iraq. Between 2014/2019, ISIS killed tens of thousands of Iraqis and Syrians. Millions have become #refugees.
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May 23rd 2023
I wrote this to a #BJP supporter who wanted to know my political position. I am expanding and sharing it here.

1. BJP is as corrupt and inefficient as #Congress, but it gets a free pass because it is successfully advancing the cause of #Hindu #majoritarianism.

2. Examples are #Rammandir, #kashivishvanathtemple, #Article370, #TripleTalaq, #UCC, #CAANRC, #Cowslaughter bans, random #lynchings of Muslims, ban on #Azan in public, etc. A majority of Hindus in India support these, as they believe these will "put Muslims in their place."

3. In fact, #Corruption under the BJP is likely to be far worse than under Congress rule, because the media (which is now entirely under the control of Modi's corporate cronies like A&A) simply refuses to investigate any BJP corruption scams. Examples: #Vyapam, #Rafale...

Read 21 tweets
May 22nd 2023
#Finland #CIA #Coup aka sc. #ParlamentaryElections2019. #Eduskuntavaalit2019 by #Scytl-#Dominion.
'#ElectionsNight for 7,666 Dummies.'
- Valid votes total: 3,081,916 = 99.42%.  
- From where the figure 7,666 '#InTheNameOfAllah' comes?
(video) 666 NOT #Greek (#codexvaticanus) BUT #Arabic
1. "Listen, in the name of"
2. "Allah"
3. two swords (symbol of Islam)
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May 18th 2023
🧵Latest at #FEINDEF: Airbus Spain is ready to start work on the high-endurance drone SiRTAP for the Spanish and Colombian air forces, saying the first units could be delivered to #Spain by 2026 if the government approves a contract soon.…
2. Officials have confirmed that #Spain is considering procuring a total of 27 SiRTAPs [each of which consists of three aircraft, a ground control station and data reception equipment]. The drone is currently still in a pre-design phase.
3. Both countries signed an MoU for cooperation on the drone in 2019, followed by a formal proposal submitted by Airbus to the Spanish Ministry of Industry in Jan 2021. More recently, the Spanish MoD obtained approval to invest roughly €500 million into the drone project.
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May 17th 2023
New study on energy #communities in #France :…

The study analyzes the ownership structure and institutional logics of 164 #energy communities. Here are some highlights of our results ⬇️(1/5)

CC @EnergiePartagee @REScoopEU @ademe @Enercoop_SCIC Image
We identify the following four energy citizenship configurations:

✔ Full #citizen ownership
✔ Shared citizen ownership
✔ Citizen #crowdfunding
✔ Civic participation

(2/5) Image
💡 In 76% of energy communities, citizens hold the majority of capital shares.

💡 This indicates that models characterized by strong #citizen #engagement in ownership and a strong #community logic dominate the French energy community landscape.

(3/5) Image
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May 15th 2023
Volodymyr Zelensky's evening address:

"Three long days - and our soldiers, our state are getting stronger. Much stronger.

#Italy 🇮🇹, #Germany 🇩🇪, #France 🇫🇷, #UK 🇬🇧... Returning home with new defense packages."
"More new and powerful weapons for the front, more protection for our people, more political support.

Our peace formula was discussed at all meetings, and now there is more willingness of partners to follow the Ukrainian formula." - Zelensky
There is more support for our accession to the #EU 🇪🇺, more understanding that Ukraine's accession to #NATO is inevitable. So, the main results for these days: new weapons for #Ukraine 🇺🇦, respect for Ukrainians, and we managed to make our victory closer. And we will add support!
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May 15th 2023
Hello everybody - let's get the show on the road for another week!

It's the original, the one & only daily🧵with all you need to know about what's happening in #Ukraine's defence against #Russia, which has reached day 446.

Catch up on Sunday's news here:
More very damaging losses for #Russia yesterday.

#Ukraine's figures show almost 7% of all destroyed artillery systems happened in the last 24 hours.

Vehicles, fuel tanks and special equipment also above the mean as well as killed soldiers.
#RussiansGoHome Image
The British update today questions #Russia's air defence.

It's always been a problem for Moscow after sending most of its domestic protection to #Ukraine, only to have to bring some back as #Kyiv shows more ability to hit long range targets.

#StandWithUkraine Image
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May 14th 2023
One of the biggest challenges for #solar and #wind is integrating more renewable energy into the power system. How can we do this effectively? #renewableenergy #cleanenergy
To encourage the buildout of renewables, we need strong financial incentives. Finding the right mechanisms is crucial for a successful energy transition. #renewableenergy #financialincentives
Impressive! #Denmark consistently meets 85% of its weekly energy needs from #renewables. They are leading the way in sustainable energy production. #cleanpower Image
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May 13th 2023
I liked #Italy. Ok? Kill me.
#finland is being appropriately weird. Thanks! #Eurovision2023
So far two singers of #Moroccan descent on the #Eurovision2023 La Zarra representing #France and #Loreen representing #Sweden.
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May 13th 2023
As the @BMWK considers continuing the subsidization of #energy prices; back in the real world power prices in #Germany will be zero for a large part of the weekend, as they are every second weekend. Image
Meanwhile in the #netherlands today you can be paid EUR100/MWh to take power… Image
#spain will also have zero power prices as it did yesterday Image
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May 12th 2023
#Ukraine: Today's new updates from #UkraineWar: 1. At #Bakhmut UA East Command claims they have liberated 17.3 sq km N & S of the city. UA commanders say better weather & arrival of US IFV & weapons have made significant difference. #tweet100 THREAD
#Ukraine: 2. RU forces NW of #Bakhmut have been pushed away from 00506 supply road back towards the #Berkhivske reservoir. In yet another rant, #Prigozhin says UA now threaten the "surrounding of RU in Bakhmut". #tweet100 Image
#Ukraine: 3. UA commanders, contrary to what #Prigozhin said, say it was Wagner troops that fled, NOT RU regulars. RU MOD claimed that its troops were relocating to more "advantageous defensive positions". Reportedly a video of RU troops fleeing: #tweet100 ImageImageImage
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May 12th 2023
Français, imaginez... Il ne s'agit pas de prendre position, mais juste d'imaginer, dans quelques années, une France devenue majoritairement musulmane du fait de sa démographie. Décennie après décennie, le christianisme est peu à peu devenu ultra-minoritaire. ⬇️Déroulez⬇️
Imaginez qu'à mesure que passent les années et les siècles, l'Histoire de France tombe peu à peu dans l'oubli, réinventée par les nouveaux occupants, réecrite avec d'autres héros, et sans christianisme. Imaginez que la France soit renommée, prenant par exemple un nom musulman ⬇️ Image
Imaginez ses villes renommées.. Les monuments, qui faisaient sa grandeur, détruits... il n'en resterait que des ruines, un mur ici ou là. Imaginez que les lieux saints soient tous convertis et que ce qui fût Notre-Dame soit en partie rasé et devienne une immense Mosquée... ⬇️ ImageImage
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May 7th 2023
#Eurovision2023 Mesdames et Messieurs, attention, attention. Etant donné que le concours se déroule la semaine qui vient, je vais me lancer durant les deux prochaines heures dans l'écoute des 37 chansons en compétition et dans un thread donnant mes pronostics.
#Eurovision2023 On commence avec #Ukraine avec TVORCHI - Heart of Steel. Production assez canonique de la fin 2010s-début 2020s. A savoir si c'est assez earworm pour marquer pour les esprits, je ne suis pas certaine, malgré la qualité intrinsèque de l'interprétation studio.
#Eurovision2023 #Estonie avec Alika - Bridges. Une interprétation très Adèle-style. J'attends l'interprétation en live parce que si la chanteuse est dans son bon jour, ça peut faire mouche dans le concours. C'est assez accrocheur pour que ça atteigne le top 10.
Read 46 tweets

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