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If you're interested in abortion numbers post-Dobbs, this thread is for you 🧵
(I'm going to reference some sources, which I'll hyperlink at the bottom of the thread, FYI)
In February I compiled a bunch of data from sources including Texas Health & Human Services, Texas Policy Evaluation Project, the Journal of the American Medical Association, & the US Census Bureau in order to figure out what abortions in Texas looked like post-Dobbs.
Since virtually all the abortion clinics in TX shut down, the obvious question for many would be, "What abortions? It's illegal now. Right?"


I was looking specifically for data on out-of-state abortions and mail-order abortions, and what the data suggested was tragic.
Read 23 tweets
"Traditional American Values and Principles of Justice".
The "Power of the People" is The Rule of Law and due process.
That is the ONLY power of the people.
#god #values #law #justice #America #education #commonlaw
American Justice Foundation® is a non-profit trust providing Justice Education for EVERYONE ... absolutely EVERYONE!
Common Law that protects the Common Man.
#god #values #law #justice #America #education #commonlaw
Rules that shield the innocent in court.
Knowledge we make easy to learn and use.
Knowledge you and your children have a God-given right to know!

"Tell Everyone to Tell Everyone"
Read 4 tweets

Post any rah-rah #Ukraine shit on my timeline or "#Russia is killing innocents". I have more intel on the intervention than 100 of you paid shills put together.

I may not be a #Putin fan but:

His army has rescued to date 35K children in @ZelenskyyUa's...RT
sex trafficking MEAT GRINDER. It's a full stop for me right there; I was in the face of the pedo cabal for years until funding ran out. You indecent assholes who defend #map or #pedophiles have never seen a toddler hung by their heals being sexually abused...RT
with a 14 yr old girl tormenter's bra being used as a gag to muffle the screams. And this is just the least of the horrors used in "pedo arenas".

@ZelenskyyUa bombed the #NordStream pipeline and the #NovaKakhovka dam FLOODING THE VILLAGES OF HIS OWN CITIZENS...RT @judyannaggie
Read 5 tweets
This week in #history (1809): Thomas Paine passes away. He is best known as the author of Common Sense, a pamphlet that advocated for independence from Great Britain. Its blunt assessment of the situation rocked Revolutionary War America.

/1 of X #America #story Thread. 🧵👇 Image
The pamphlet was an instant hit.

“Common Sense was the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire Revolutionary era,” historian Gordon Wood explains,

/2 of X #America #history #freedom…
“it went through twenty-five editions in 1776 alone. . . . Unlike more genteel writers, Paine did not decorate his pamphlet with Latin quotations and learned references to the literature of Western culture...."

/3 of X #America #History #freedom
Read 18 tweets
Caro Presidente Volodymyr #Zelenskyy,

Devi renderti conto che l'invio dei tuoi militari nella regione russa di Belgorod fingendosi "rivoluzionari russi" non allevierà il dolore della sconfitta dei tuoi militari a #Bakhmut, ora #Artemovsk. Image
Questi attacchi terroristici contro i civili russi stanno solo rafforzando la determinazione russa.

I tuoi sponsor occidentali
stanno finendo i soldi,
la pazienza e
le scuse. Image
Read 16 tweets

Read 48 tweets
Why #JoeBiden Will Get the #NobelPeacePrize - a thread 🧵

The #UkraineWar might be a blessing for the world in disguise by bringing about lasting world peace.

And, for this, we will have to thank the @POTUS

How? Because, no matter what the cost, Western countries are determined to supply more and more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine to fight #Russia.

#Biden has said that #American support for #Ukraine will continue "as long as it takes."

#Russia has been steadily destroying all this ammunition and these weapons, so much so that it is already summer (beginning of June) and the "spring #counteroffensive" of #Ukraine hasn't yet started, because they have no weapons to start any offensive.

Read 8 tweets
ایلا ہارپر (امریکہ)_____Camel Girl
1870 to 1921
ایلا ہارپر (Ella Harper) کی چونکادینے والی یہ تصویر 1885 سے 1886 کےلگ بھگ لی گئی تھی۔ اگر اس سےبہت پہلے 1826میں کیمرےاور لینز کاکامیاب تجربہ فرانسیسی Joseph Nicéphore Niépce کرچکاتھا۔
درحقیقت ہارپر ایک انتہائی Image
غیر معمولی بیماری میں مبتلا تھی جسے"Genital Genu Recurvetum" کہتے ہیں اس بیماری میں گھٹنے مخالف سمتوں میں جھک جاتےہیں۔ نتیجتا مریض کو4ٹانگوں(مانند چوپایہ)چلنا پڑتاھے۔
ہارپر کا کہناھے کہ اسے چاروں چوکوں پر چلنے میں زیادہ آرام دہ محسوس ھوا۔
اپنی اس بیماری کو ہارپر نے کیش کروایا اور Image
1886 میں ہارپر نےبطور اداکار سرکس میں شمولیت اختیار کی۔ اس نے فی ہفتہ 200 ڈالر کمائےجو آج کی کرنسی میں 6500 کے برابر ھے۔
اس کی ایک سرکس میں شائقین کیلئےجو صرف ہارپر کو دیکھنے آتے تھے، یہ بائیو کارڈ تقسیم کیا گیا جس پہ درج ذیل معلومات درج تھیں؛
"مجھے "Camel Girl" کہاجاتا ھے کیونکہ Image
Read 5 tweets
You can be that way if you'd like, Daniel. No one's upset that you're a #Kremlin employee. Everyone has to make a living, right? 🤷‍♂️

Just understand that we shall continue to obstruct #Russia's plainly obvious #war of conquest—apparently your definition of "#warmongering."
1/ Image
I'd probably miss the old #Soviet days too if I was you. We can understand your desire to rebuild the old empire.

Although, for the sake of your mental health, I hope you're not too overly nostalgic. Now that we know what you're up to, we'll certainly thwart your ambitions.
2/ Image
We'd had high hopes that you'd choose a more enlightened means of restoring your respectability. 🌍

Unfortunately, like the fellow in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade film who foolishly drank from the necrotizing holy grail instead of the real one, "you've chosen poorly."
Read 9 tweets
Just watched the #CNNTownhall with 2024 Presidential candidate and former President @realDonaldTrump , as well as the post-townhall panel discussion.

One thing is clear: #America is a broken country. It's split right down the middle.

Racial divisions and #massshootings are peaking, the economy is cratering, #poverty and #homelessness are rising.

And meanwhile, the US government is involved in, or threatening to get involved in, wars from #Ukraine to #Taiwan to #Syria to #Iran to #NorthKorea.

When they should be working on healing the divisions in their own nation. White vs non-White, Rural vs Urban, Rich vs Poor, drug addiction, broken homes - all these are tearing America apart.

Read 18 tweets
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService #mRNA-#Leyen-#Pfizer.
cc: @ Rabyna46
#WEF: At least 4 billion #UselessEaters must be #eliminated.
- #Schwab mentioned the #Chinese and #Japanese people as they have been regimented for centuries who accept and #obey #orders without question
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService 1. Insider Jacques #Atalli Revealed "#Vaccine" #Genocide Plan in -81 | Dec 7, 2021
2. This missive from Jacob #Rothschild (Lifts the #Veil) was written in reply to this article which appeared at thetruthseeker | Jan 8
- "#Covid is a necessary #hoax"
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService #Darpa-#WarpSpeed-#mRNA.
Revealing Symbols - Top of the Pyramid
- #Rothschild coat of arms
- The coat of arms where the knight has two blue feathers on the edges and one white in the middle belongs to the #Leyen fam
Read 15 tweets
Our #Guns are sold legally to people who take them to #Mexico (200K per year) that are then used by gangs & drug lords.

They then cause crime & terror that causes many to flee illegally to #America

Our #BorderCrisis is supported by the #NRA fight against #GunControl (comment)
I 100000000000000% support mexico's effort to stop the gun merchants who should take better care not to sell to people who take guns to drug lords Image
Read 3 tweets
Cinco De Mayo in #America should be about how we stop the shippment of 200K gun a year into #Mexico that gets into the hands of the type of people #Trump talked about. Lets celebrate one day that MS13 stops getting our #guns.

let's be a better neighbor Image
good name for the group for this mission

This song should be about America stop selling guns to the war on the streets of Mexico that comes to America from time to time.
Read 4 tweets
1. "Started by JFK because the deep state/CIA was actually running the country. He was assassinated for trying to expose them. Interestingly, JFK's memorial site is in the shape of a “Q”."
2. "The operation strategically went underground where they devised “The Plan” to regain control of America. It was further accelerated by “JFK Jr’s tragic plane crash” in 1999. #Trump and #JFKJr. were lifelong best friends and secretly working together to execute the plan."
3. "Trump was eventually recruited by select military generals to run for President against Killary and save the country from the NWO endgame of globalist/foreign interest infiltration, total economic collapse, and communist takeover of America. America is the birthplace and..."
Read 11 tweets
The #Chinese are getting ready, America is threatening you! #China

#Americans, get ready, the last money will be taken away from you soon! #America

Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy said that "we must continue to sell weapons to Taiwan"
Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Kevin McCarthy, following a meeting with the head of the Taiwanese administration Tsai Ing-wen in California, declared the US commitment to developing ties with Taiwan.
#USA #China 👀 #Russia #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Libya
The US does not want the situation around Taiwan to turn into an armed conflict — Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress McCarthy.
Read 6 tweets
#Ukraine: Ukrainian fighters posted on Instagram a very notable photo of the use of the #Israeli🇮🇱 120mm M971 Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM) cargo mortar bomb, which contains 24 M85/M87 dual purpose AT/AP submunitions. #UkraineWar #Russia #USA #Ukrainian 👇👇 Image
#Ukraine: Is this the Israeli made 120mm M971 DPCIM in the photo.The answer is most likely "NO".-The M971 DPICM was originally developed and manufactured in Israel, but other countries also have a license for production.Let me explain in the next post.👇👇#USA #Russia #America ImageImageImage
#Ukraine: In June 2000, the US company Alliant Techsystems (ATK) entered into negotiations with IMI🇮🇱 for the licensed production of the M971 DPICM in the #US🇺🇸.2004 IMI concluded a license agreement with ATK for the production of DPICMs in the US. #America #Russia #Ukraina #Kiev
Read 5 tweets
🇨🇳 #RosemontSenecaBohai= #CCP CO-MINGLED
🚩 #FollowTheMoney expose how COMPROMISED
+FBI verified
#Bobulinski's claims of CEFC+China ties
#Burisma $83,333.33 pmts
in co-mingled
Bank Statement⬇️…

WHY Benefit #CCP 🇨🇳not 🇺🇸 ?
#HunterBiden sold US owned #COBALT Mine in Congo to #CCPChina

¬BIDEN puts 20 YEAR BAN on
Mining of US RenewableEnergy MINERALS

¬US passed #ChipsAct #Infrastructure rely ON MINED Materials…… ImageImageImageImage
🚩UnConstitional #ESJ #ESG
Uses SocialJustice

#SocialScore DigitalID:
+LIMITS EV #GeoFence
+BANS Bank loan
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax
Read 22 tweets
Recent events suggest changing geopolitical environment.

America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests. — Kissinger

This kissiger statement is not applicable to america only which can be seen in recent events.

#USA #America
1) 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia enters trade alliance with China, Russia, Pakistan, and four Central Asian nations to step further away from reliance on the US dollar.
2) Association of Southeast Asian Nations considers dropping the US dollar, euro, yen, and British pound for local #Dollar
3) 🇨🇳 China and France complete first LNG gas trade using Chinese Yuan.

4) 🇨🇳 China and Brazil to settle trades in their own currencies.

5) (BRICS) looking for new currency.

6) 🇰🇪 Kenya signs deal with Saudi Arabia and UAE to buy oil with own currency.
#Dollar #Fed
Read 20 tweets
Tornado in #Mississippi #USA #America @threadreaderapp #KindlyUnroll @POTUS #RollingFork…
Unique footage of the formation of a powerful tornado near Little Rock, Arkansas and the aftermath
#LittleRock #Arkansas #USA #America

#Washington #Virginia #Nevada #Alaska #Alabama #California #Nebraska #Texas #Ohio #Florida #Georgia #Massachusetts #Pennsylvania #Arizona…
Read 5 tweets
Talked to a neighbor tonight who IS a concerned American-she is 83-I am 72. Neither of us recognize #ThisAmerica-to the refusal of Congress unwilling to #Act on multiple threats to the country-from a lack of #WIll on #GunControl to rampant racism-attacks on #Freedoms of WtP Smh
We were/are the generation who #DemandsChange WE were active in the #CivilRighstMovement - #TheEndOfTheVietNamWar #TheSexualRevolution #WomensRights Don’t discount our power to #MobilizeAmericaForChange #JoinUs Been there - Done That
Who wants to incorporate a non-profit org >>> #BabyBoomersForChange? There are many waiting in the wings to help. #MobilizeUs who have been here and done this before?
Read 4 tweets
Refueling pump.
Efimov Boris Efimovich (1900-2008)

State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO"1968

#USA #Vietnam #LatinAmerica #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Libya #Ukraine #Taiwan .....


#America 💥 💣 #TheEndofAmerica Image
Reflection of old theories.
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO" #Russia

#Europe #USA #Ukraine Image
The birth of fascism
An American woman writes a letter to her beloved at the front, thanking him for a gift – the skull of a murdered Japanese.

The photo was published in LIFE magazine on May 22, 1944, USA.
#USA #America #Japan #japanese @threadreaderapp #KindlyUnroll ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
#BREAKING | Sensitive Content 🚨

Security footage released showing #transgender #Nashville shooter #AudreyHale driving & shooting her way into the school building.

Live on #FoxNews, an angry mom at the #Nashville School #Shooting #PressConference, steps in front of the mic and gives an incredible speech.

Meanwhile Fox News is caught off guard and panics, trying to not show her on air. I'm sure the gun lobby and NRA aren't too happy.…
The mass shooting in Nashville yesterday is the 129th mass shooting in the US so far this year. 6 people including 3 children killed the shooter captured here on CCTV. That’s a rate of 1.4 mass shootings per day in the US in 2023.

Read 13 tweets

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